This project contains code under two different licenses. The merchant's backend (i.e. all the code in src/backend/) is under the GNU GPLv3+ and/or the GNU Affero GPL as it depends on libgnunetutil. Note that the use of the Affero GPL has little impact as the backend is not supposed to be directly accessible to the Internet). The license for this code is in COPYING.GPL and COPYING.AGPL. The merchant's frontend logic (i.e. JavaScript interacting with the wallet, sample code for a shop) is under the GNU LGPL (but we may choose to change this to be in the public domain or BSD-licensed if necessary; the code is so short that there is anyway the question whether it is copyrightable). Under this same license, it comes the merchant library (src/lib/) as it can be linked with more diverse licensed software. The license text for this code is in COPYING.LGPL. In examples/blog/articles/ we included a book by Richard Stallman. It comes with its own permissive license (see COPYING in the directory).