package net.taler.merchantpos.payment import android.os.CountDownTimer import android.util.Log import androidx.annotation.UiThread import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import import import import import import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode import net.taler.merchantpos.config.ConfigManager import net.taler.merchantpos.config.MerchantRequest import net.taler.merchantpos.order.Order import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONObject import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MINUTES import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS private val TIMEOUT = MINUTES.toMillis(2) private val CHECK_INTERVAL = SECONDS.toMillis(1) private const val FULFILLMENT_PREFIX = "taler://fulfillment-success/" class PaymentManager( private val configManager: ConfigManager, private val queue: RequestQueue, private val mapper: ObjectMapper ) { private val mPayment = MutableLiveData() val payment: LiveData = mPayment private val checkTimer = object : CountDownTimer(TIMEOUT, CHECK_INTERVAL) { override fun onTick(millisUntilFinished: Long) { val orderId = payment.value?.orderId if (orderId == null) cancel() else checkPayment(orderId) } override fun onFinish() { payment.value?.copy(error = true)?.let { mPayment.value = it } } } @UiThread fun createPayment(order: Order) { val merchantConfig = configManager.merchantConfig!! val currency = merchantConfig.currency!! val amount = "$currency:${order.totalAsString}" val summary = order.summary mPayment.value = Payment(order, summary, currency) val fulfillmentId = "${System.currentTimeMillis()}-${order.hashCode()}" val fulfillmentUrl = "${FULFILLMENT_PREFIX}${URLEncoder.encode(summary, "UTF-8")}#$fulfillmentId" val body = JSONObject().apply { put("order", JSONObject().apply { put("amount", amount) put("summary", summary) // fulfillment_url needs to be unique per order put("fulfillment_url", fulfillmentUrl) put("instance", "default") put("products", order.getProductsJson()) }) } val req = MerchantRequest(POST, merchantConfig, "order", null, body, Listener { onOrderCreated(it) }, ErrorListener { onNetworkError(it) } ) queue.add(req) } private fun Order.getProductsJson(): JSONArray { val json = JSONArray() products.forEach { (product, quantity) -> val node = mapper.valueToTree(product).apply { remove("categories") put("quantity", quantity) } json.put(JSONObject(mapper.writeValueAsString(node))) } return json } private fun onOrderCreated(orderResponse: JSONObject) { val orderId = orderResponse.getString("order_id") mPayment.value = mPayment.value!!.copy(orderId = orderId) checkTimer.start() } private fun checkPayment(orderId: String) { val merchantConfig = configManager.merchantConfig!! val params = mapOf( "order_id" to orderId, "instance" to merchantConfig.instance ) val req = MerchantRequest(GET, merchantConfig, "check-payment", params, null, Listener { onPaymentChecked(it) }, ErrorListener { onNetworkError(it) }) queue.add(req) } /** * Called when the /check-payment response gave a result. */ private fun onPaymentChecked(checkPaymentResponse: JSONObject) { val currentValue = requireNotNull(mPayment.value) if (checkPaymentResponse.getBoolean("paid")) { mPayment.value = currentValue.copy(paid = true) checkTimer.cancel() } else if (currentValue.talerPayUri == null) { val talerPayUri = checkPaymentResponse.getString("taler_pay_uri") mPayment.value = currentValue.copy(talerPayUri = talerPayUri) } } private fun onNetworkError(volleyError: VolleyError) { Log.e(, volleyError.toString()) cancelPayment() } fun cancelPayment() { mPayment.value = mPayment.value!!.copy(error = true) checkTimer.cancel() } }