package net.taler.merchantpos.config import android.content.Context import android.content.Context.MODE_PRIVATE import android.util.Base64.NO_WRAP import android.util.Base64.encodeToString import android.util.Log import androidx.annotation.UiThread import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData import import import import import import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import org.json.JSONObject private const val SETTINGS_NAME = "taler-merchant-terminal" private const val SETTINGS_CONFIG_URL = "configUrl" private const val SETTINGS_USERNAME = "username" private const val SETTINGS_PASSWORD = "password" internal const val CONFIG_URL_DEMO = "" internal const val CONFIG_USERNAME_DEMO = "torsten" internal const val CONFIG_PASSWORD_DEMO = "test" private val TAG = interface ConfigurationReceiver { /** * Returns true if the configuration was valid, false otherwise. */ suspend fun onConfigurationReceived(json: JSONObject, currency: String): Boolean } class ConfigManager( context: Context, private val scope: CoroutineScope, private val mapper: ObjectMapper, private val queue: RequestQueue ) { private val prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(SETTINGS_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE) private val configurationReceivers = ArrayList() var config = Config( configUrl = prefs.getString(SETTINGS_CONFIG_URL, "")!!, username = prefs.getString(SETTINGS_USERNAME, "")!!, password = prefs.getString(SETTINGS_PASSWORD, "")!! ) var merchantConfig: MerchantConfig? = null private set private val mConfigUpdateResult = MutableLiveData() val configUpdateResult: LiveData = mConfigUpdateResult fun addConfigurationReceiver(receiver: ConfigurationReceiver) { configurationReceivers.add(receiver) } /** * Returns true if the user needs to provide more configuration * and false if the configuration is sufficient to continue. */ fun needsConfig(): Boolean { return !config.isValid() || (!config.hasPassword() && merchantConfig == null) } @UiThread fun fetchConfig(config: Config, save: Boolean, savePassword: Boolean = false) { mConfigUpdateResult.value = null val configToSave = if (save) { if (savePassword) config else config.copy(password = "") } else null val stringRequest = object : JsonObjectRequest(GET, config.configUrl, null, Listener { onConfigReceived(it, configToSave) }, ErrorListener { onNetworkError(it) } ) { // send basic auth header override fun getHeaders(): MutableMap { val credentials = "${config.username}:${config.password}" val auth = ("Basic ${encodeToString(credentials.toByteArray(), NO_WRAP)}") return mutableMapOf("Authorization" to auth) } } queue.add(stringRequest) } private fun onConfigReceived(json: JSONObject, config: Config?) { val merchantConfig: MerchantConfig = try { mapper.readValue(json.getString("config")) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing merchant config", e) mConfigUpdateResult.value = ConfigUpdateResult(null) return } val params = mapOf("instance" to merchantConfig.instance) val req = MerchantRequest(GET, merchantConfig, "config", params, null, Listener { onMerchantConfigReceived(config, json, merchantConfig, it) }, ErrorListener { onNetworkError(it) } ) queue.add(req) } private fun onMerchantConfigReceived( newConfig: Config?, configJson: JSONObject, merchantConfig: MerchantConfig, json: JSONObject ) = scope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) { val currency = json.getString("currency") var configValid = true configurationReceivers.forEach { val result = try { it.onConfigurationReceived(configJson, currency) } catch (e: Exception) { Log.e(TAG, "Error handling configuration by ${}", e) false } configValid = result && configValid } if (configValid) { newConfig?.let { config = it saveConfig(it) } this@ConfigManager.merchantConfig = merchantConfig.copy(currency = currency) mConfigUpdateResult.value = ConfigUpdateResult(currency) } else { mConfigUpdateResult.value = ConfigUpdateResult(null) } } fun forgetPassword() { config = config.copy(password = "") saveConfig(config) merchantConfig = null } private fun saveConfig(config: Config) { prefs.edit() .putString(SETTINGS_CONFIG_URL, config.configUrl) .putString(SETTINGS_USERNAME, config.username) .putString(SETTINGS_PASSWORD, config.password) .apply() } private fun onNetworkError(it: VolleyError?) { val authError = it?.networkResponse?.statusCode == 401 mConfigUpdateResult.value = ConfigUpdateResult(null, authError) } } class ConfigUpdateResult(val currency: String?, val authError: Boolean = false) { val error: Boolean = currency == null }