$nonce, 'amount' => array('value' => 0, 'fraction' => 10000000, 'currency' => $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']), 'max_fee' => array('value' => 0, 'fraction' => 5000000, 'currency' => $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']), 'products' => array(array('description' => "Donation to charity program", 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => array ('value' => 0, 'fraction' => 10000000, 'currency' => $GLOBALS['CURRENCY']), 'product_id' => 0, 'taxes' => array(), 'delivery_date' => "/Date(" . $now->getTimestamp() . ")/", 'delivery_location' => 'LNAME1' ) ), 'summary' => "Personal donation to charity program", 'order_id' => $order_id, 'timestamp' => "/Date(" . $now->getTimestamp() . ")/", 'fulfillment_url' => url_rel("/fulfillment.php?order_id=$order_id"), 'pay_url' => url_rel("/pay.php"), 'refund_deadline' => "/Date(" . $now->getTimestamp() . ")/", 'pay_deadline' => "/Date(" . $now->add(new DateInterval('P2W'))->getTimestamp() . ")/", 'merchant' => array('address' => 'LNAME2', 'instance' => "tutorial", 'name' => "Charity donation shop", 'jurisdiction' => 'LNAME2'), 'locations' => array ('LNAME1' => array ('country' => 'Test Country 1', 'city' => 'Test City 1', 'state' => 'Test State 1', 'region' => 'Test Region 1', 'province' => 'Test Province 1', 'ZIP code' => 49081, 'street' => 'test street 1', 'street number' => 201), 'LNAME2' => array ('country' => 'Test Country 2', 'city' => 'Test City 2', 'state' => 'Test State 2', 'region' => 'Test Region 2', 'province' => 'Test Province 2', 'ZIP code' => 49082, 'street' => 'test street 2', 'street number' => 202) )); return array ('order' => $order); } ?>