## Merchant Admin Frontend Merchant Admin Frontend is a Single Page Application (SPA) that connects with a running Merchant Backend and lets you manage instances, orders, products and tipping. ## System requirements - Node: v12.18.4 - pnpm: 5.17.2 - make - python>=3.8 For the latest version of @gnu-taler npm packages add: ```shell @gnu-taler:registry=https://gitlab.com/api/v4/packages/npm/ ``` into `.npmrc` file in your home folder. ## Compiling from source Check the requirements and run `./bootstrap` and `./configure`: ```shell ./bootstrap ./configure ``` Then run `make` to install all the nodejs dependencies. By default the installation prefix will be `/var/www/html` but it can be overridden by `--prefix` in the configuration process: ```shell ./configure --prefix=/another/directory ``` ## Running develop To run a development server run: ```shell make dev ``` This should start a watch process that will reload the server every time that a file is saved. Override the PORT variable to run the server in another port. ```shell make dev PORT=9090 ``` ## Building for deploy To build and deploy the SPA in your local server run the install script: ```shell make install ``` Additionally `make dist` will create a zip file with the content to upload into a server: ```shell make dist ``` This SPA supports building all into a single HTML file for easy deployment. ```shell make build-single ``` The result will be placed at `packages/frontend/single/index.html`. ## CLI Commands * `make compile`: Install dependencies and compile with typescript. * `make dev`: Run a development, HMR server. The application will automatically refresh every time a file is edited. * `make build`: Production-ready build into the `./build` directory. Print bundle size information and compare it with previous build using the `size-plugin.json` file. * `make serve`: Build and serves the content, useful to test the result. * `make lint`: Pass TypeScript files using ESLint. * `make check`: Run Jest and Enzyme with [`enzyme-adapter-preact-pure`](https://github.com/preactjs/enzyme-adapter-preact-pure) for your tests. * `make dev-views`: Run visual components explorer. Useful for components design and development without the need of setting up the whole system. ## Runtime dependencies * Axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js * preact: Fast 3kB alternative to React with the same modern API * preact-router: URL component router for Preact * SWR: React Hooks library for data fetching (stale-while-revalidate) * Yup: schema builder for value parsing and validation * Date-fns: library for manipulating javascript date * messageformat: ICU MessageFormat for Javascript, with support for .po and .mo files