# Description - Presentation 36C3 Presentation for the Taler Snack Machine talk at the 36C3. #### Author Dominik Hofer Marco Boss ### Linux Prerequisites (Debian/Ubuntu) Follow the procedure below to install 3rd party package (Debian/Ubuntu). Install used LaTex packages: ```bash apt-get install texlive-base texlive-extra-utils texlive-generic-recommended texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-extra ``` Install used fonts packages: ```bash apt-get install texlive-fonts-extra texlive-fonts-recommended ``` Install used build environment packages ```bash apt-get install latexmk make git ``` Install used converter packages ```bash apt-get install inkscape libcanberra-gtk-module ``` ### Build Slides Export LECTURE ```bash export LECTURE=presentation_36C3.tex ``` Convert svg ```bash make convert ``` Make slides ```bash make slides ``` ### Did You Know!? #### List Lectures Get an overview of available lectures ```bash make list ``` #### LECTURE Environment Variable Support If you do lots of builds when developing a specific "lecture", export the variable **LECTURE** ```bash export LECTURE=lecture_sample ``` Having the variable "LECTURE" in the bash environment allows shorter build command. ```bash make slide ``` #### Increase Verbosity Level The variable DEBUG controls the verbosity level * [0] As quiet as possible * [1] Get more details to build steps (latexmk still in batch mode) * [2] Build in interactive mode Set a verbosity level other than zero ```bash DEBUG=2 ``` #### Get List of Available Lectures To get an overview about lectures available in the "lectures" folder use the **list** target ```bash make list ``` #### Convert XFIGs and SVGs To convert fig and svg files use the **convert** target. Did you know the location for such files is fig or svg, respectively. ```bash make convert ``` #### Compress Your Work ```bash make archive ``` or ```bash git archive --format zip --prefix --output ../.zip master ```