\documentclass[c]{beamer} %\usepackage{helvet} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % set your input encoding differently, if you want \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{eurosym} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{pgfgantt} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usetikzlibrary{shapes,arrows} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} %\setbeameroption{show notes} \setlist[itemize]{label=$\bullet$} \def\checkmark{\tikz\fill[scale=0.4](0,.35) -- (.25,0) -- (1,.7) -- (.25,.15) -- cycle;} \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %\setbeamercovered{transparent=10} \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{\url{taler.net}} %\setbeamertemplate{section in toc}[sections numbered] % Adapt title information % ======================= \title{GNU Taler \\ Payments for the Common Good} \institute{The GNU Project} %\author{Christian Grothoff \& Sva} %\date{5.7.2017} % Some common packages % ==================== \usepackage{units} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{epsf} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{fixmath} \usepackage{wrapfig} \usetikzlibrary{snakes} \begin{document} \begin{frame} \begin{center} GNU Taler: Payments for the Common Good % \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{logo-2017-fr.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{taler-logo-2017.pdf} \end{center} \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(.5cm,7.5cm) % {block width} (coords) {\Large {\bf \url{taler.net}} \\ % IRC{\bf \#taler} \\ % {\small (on freenode)} \\ twitter@taler \\ mail@taler.net } \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(10cm,7.5cm) % {block width} (coords) \includegraphics[width=2cm]{ashoka.png} \end{textblock*} \end{frame} \section{The Problem} \begin{frame}{The Problem} 3D secure (``verified by visa'') is a nightmare: \begin{minipage}{5cm} \begin{itemize} \item Complicated process \item Shifts liability to consumer \item Significant latency \item Can refuse valid requests \item Legal vendors excluded \item No privacy for buyers \end{itemize} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}{5cm} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{illustrations/cc3ds.pdf} \end{minipage} \vfill Online credit card payments will be replaced, but with what? \end{frame} \begin{frame}{The Problem} \vfill \begin{textblock*}{12cm}(0.5cm,1cm) % {block width} (coords) \begin{itemize} \item Global tech companies push oligopolies \item Privacy and federated finance are at risk % \item 30\% fees are conceivable \item Economic sovereingity is in danger \end{itemize} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{4cm}(3.5cm,5.2cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/amazon.png}} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{2cm}(7cm,3cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/alipay.jpeg}} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{2cm}(3cm,3.5cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/paypal.jpeg}} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{2cm}(9cm,5cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/applepay.jpeg}} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{2cm}(7.5cm,5.9cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/samsungpay.jpeg}} \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{1cm}(9.5cm,6.3cm) % {block width} (coords) {\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{competitor-logos/android_pay.png}} \end{textblock*} \vfill \end{frame} \section{What is GNU Taler?} \begin{frame}{What is GNU Taler?} \vfill \begin{center} GNU Taler is an electronic instant payment system. \end{center} \begin{itemize} \item Uses electronic coins stored in {\bf wallets} on customer's device \item Think electronic {\bf cash}, with a few twists \item Pay in {\bf existing currencies} (i.e. EUR, USD, BTC) % or use it to create new regional currencies \end{itemize} \vfill \begin{center} Taler is {\bf not} a cryptocurrency. \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{GNU Taler Overview} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzstyle{def} = [node distance= 5em and 6.5em, inner sep=1em, outer sep=.3em]; \node (origin) at (0,0) {}; \node (exchange) [def,above=of origin,draw]{Exchange}; \node (customer) [def, draw, below left=of origin] {Customer}; \node (merchant) [def, draw, below right=of origin] {Merchant}; \node (auditor) [def, draw, above right=of origin]{Auditor}; \tikzstyle{C} = [color=black, line width=1pt] \draw [<-, C] (customer) -- (exchange) node [midway, above, sloped] (TextNode) {withdraw coins}; \draw [<-, C] (exchange) -- (merchant) node [midway, above, sloped] (TextNode) {deposit coins}; \draw [<-, C] (merchant) -- (customer) node [midway, above, sloped] (TextNode) {spend coins}; \draw [<-, C] (exchange) -- (auditor) node [midway, above, sloped] (TextNode) {verify}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{frame} % Demo here \begin{frame}{Social Impact of Taler} \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=0.8\textheight]{social-impact.pdf} \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Possible outcomes (optimistic)} \begin{itemize} \item{Replace Mastercard/Visa/Paypal online} \item[$\Rightarrow$]{Cheaper transactions $\equiv$ 3\% reduction in VAT} \item{Replace cash and credit cards} \item[$\Rightarrow$]{Faster business transactions in stores} \item{Income via Taler is easily tracked by the government} \item[$\Rightarrow$]{Less corruption, less tax evasion} \item{Banks \& Spy Agencies can no longer track how you spend your money} \item[$\Rightarrow$]{Privacy for citizens! Industrial espionage defense for business!} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{frame}{} \vfill \begin{center} {Why should {\em governments} be interested?} \end{center} \vfill \begin{center} \includegraphics[height=3cm]{illustrations/usmint.jpeg} \end{center} \vfill \begin{center} {Why not do {\em online} what they do {\em offline}?\footnote{Just better: you can anonymously receive cash, but not Taler coins.}} \end{center} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{center} % \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{logo-2017-fr.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{taler-logo-2017.pdf} \end{center} \vfill \hfill A GNU package \end{frame} \section{Comparison} \begin{frame}{Comparison} \begin{center} \small \begin{tabular}{l||c|c|c|c|c} & Cash & Bitcoin & ZCash & Creditcard & GNU Taler \\ \hline \hline Online &$-$$-$$-$ & ++ & ++ & + & +++ \\ \hline Offline & +++ & $-$$-$ & $-$$-$ & + & $-$$-$ \\ \hline Trans. cost & + & $-$$-$$-$ & $-$$-$$-$ & $-$ & ++ \\ \hline Speed & + & $-$$-$$-$ & $-$$-$$-$ & o & ++ \\ \hline Taxation & $-$ & $-$$-$ & $-$$-$$-$ & +++ & +++ \\ \hline Payer-anon & ++ & o & ++ & $-$$-$$-$ & +++ \\ \hline Payee-anon & ++ & o & ++ & $-$$-$$-$ & $-$$-$$-$ {\bf (*)} \\ \hline Security & $-$ & o & o & $-$$-$ & ++ \\ \hline Conversion & +++ & $-$$-$$-$ & $-$$-$$-$ & +++ & +++ \\ \hline Libre & $-$ & +++ & +++ & $-$ $-$ $-$ & +++ \\ \end{tabular} \end{center} {{\bf (*)} Not having payee-anonymity is a good thing as otherwise money laundering becomes a real problem.} \end{frame} \end{document}