/* * This file is part of LibEuFin. * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Taler Systems S.A. * * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see * */ import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand import com.github.ajalt.clikt.testing.test import io.ktor.client.* import io.ktor.client.engine.cio.* import io.ktor.client.plugins.* import io.ktor.client.request.* import io.ktor.client.statement.* import io.ktor.http.* import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking import org.junit.Test import tech.libeufin.bank.* import tech.libeufin.common.* import tech.libeufin.common.api.engine import tech.libeufin.common.db.one import tech.libeufin.nexus.* import java.time.Instant import kotlin.io.path.Path import kotlin.io.path.readText import kotlin.test.assertEquals import tech.libeufin.nexus.db.Database as NexusDb fun CliktCommand.run(cmd: String) { val result = test(cmd) if (result.statusCode != 0) throw Exception(result.output) println(result.output) } fun HttpResponse.assertNoContent() { assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.NoContent, this.status) } fun server(lambda: () -> Unit) { // Start the HTTP server in another thread kotlin.concurrent.thread(isDaemon = true) { lambda() } // Wait for the HTTP server to be up runBlocking { HttpClient(CIO) { install(HttpRequestRetry) { maxRetries = 10 constantDelay(200, 100) } }.get("") } } fun setup(conf: String, lambda: suspend (NexusDb) -> Unit) { try { runBlocking { val cfg = loadConfig(Path(conf)) val dbCfg = cfg.dbConfig() val currency = cfg.requireString("nexus-ebics", "currency") NexusDb(dbCfg, currency).use { lambda(it) } } } finally { engine?.stop(0, 0) // Stop http server if started } } inline fun assertException(msg: String, lambda: () -> Unit) { try { lambda() throw Exception("Expected failure: $msg") } catch (e: Exception) { assert(e.message!!.startsWith(msg)) { "${e.message}" } } } class IntegrationTest { val nexusCmd = LibeufinNexusCommand() val bankCmd = LibeufinBankCommand() val client = HttpClient(CIO) @Test fun mini() { val flags = "-c conf/mini.conf -L DEBUG" bankCmd.run("dbinit $flags -r") bankCmd.run("passwd admin password $flags") bankCmd.run("dbinit $flags") // Idempotent server { bankCmd.run("serve $flags") } setup("conf/mini.conf") { _ -> // Check bank is running client.get("").assertNoContent() } bankCmd.run("gc $flags") server { nexusCmd.run("serve $flags") } engine?.stop(0, 0) } @Test fun errors() { val flags = "-c conf/integration.conf -L DEBUG" nexusCmd.run("dbinit $flags -r") bankCmd.run("dbinit $flags -r") bankCmd.run("passwd admin password $flags") suspend fun checkCount(db: NexusDb, nbIncoming: Int, nbBounce: Int, nbTalerable: Int) { db.conn { conn -> val cIncoming = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM incoming_transactions").one { it.getInt(1) } val cBounce = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM bounced_transactions").one { it.getInt(1) } val cTalerable = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM talerable_incoming_transactions").one { it.getInt(1) } assertEquals(Triple(nbIncoming, nbBounce, nbTalerable), Triple(cIncoming, cBounce, cTalerable)) } } setup("conf/integration.conf") { db -> val userPayTo = IbanPayto.rand() val fiatPayTo = IbanPayto.rand() // Load conversion setup manually as the server would refuse to start without an exchange account val sqlProcedures = Path("../database-versioning/libeufin-conversion-setup.sql") db.conn { it.execSQLUpdate(sqlProcedures.readText()) it.execSQLUpdate("SET search_path TO libeufin_nexus;") } val reservePub = EddsaPublicKey.rand() val payment = IncomingPayment( amount = TalerAmount("EUR:10"), debitPaytoUri = userPayTo.toString(), wireTransferSubject = "Error test $reservePub", executionTime = Instant.now(), bankId = "error" ) assertException("ERROR: cashin failed: missing exchange account") { ingestIncomingPayment(db, payment, AccountType.exchange) } // Create exchange account bankCmd.run("create-account $flags -u exchange -p password --name 'Mr Money' --exchange") assertException("ERROR: cashin currency conversion failed: missing conversion rates") { ingestIncomingPayment(db, payment, AccountType.exchange) } // Start server server { bankCmd.run("serve $flags") } // Set conversion rates client.post("") { basicAuth("admin", "password") json { "cashin_ratio" to "0.8" "cashin_fee" to "KUDOS:0.02" "cashin_tiny_amount" to "KUDOS:0.01" "cashin_rounding_mode" to "nearest" "cashin_min_amount" to "EUR:0" "cashout_ratio" to "1.25" "cashout_fee" to "EUR:0.003" "cashout_tiny_amount" to "EUR:0.00000001" "cashout_rounding_mode" to "zero" "cashout_min_amount" to "KUDOS:0.1" } }.assertNoContent() assertException("ERROR: cashin failed: admin balance insufficient") { db.payment.registerTalerableIncoming(payment, reservePub) } // Allow admin debt bankCmd.run("edit-account admin --debit_threshold KUDOS:100 $flags") // Too small amount checkCount(db, 0, 0, 0) ingestIncomingPayment(db, payment.copy( amount = TalerAmount("EUR:0.01"), ), AccountType.exchange) checkCount(db, 1, 1, 0) client.get("") { basicAuth("exchange", "password") }.assertNoContent() // Check success val valid_payment = IncomingPayment( amount = TalerAmount("EUR:10"), debitPaytoUri = userPayTo.toString(), wireTransferSubject = "Success ${Base32Crockford32B.rand().encoded()}", executionTime = Instant.now(), bankId = "success" ) ingestIncomingPayment(db, valid_payment, AccountType.exchange) checkCount(db, 2, 1, 1) client.get("") { basicAuth("exchange", "password") }.assertOkJson() // Check idempotency ingestIncomingPayment(db, valid_payment, AccountType.exchange) checkCount(db, 2, 1, 1) // TODO check double insert cashin with different subject } } @Test fun conversion() { val flags = "-c conf/integration.conf -L DEBUG" nexusCmd.run("dbinit $flags -r") bankCmd.run("dbinit $flags -r") bankCmd.run("passwd admin password $flags") bankCmd.run("edit-account admin --debit_threshold KUDOS:1000 $flags") bankCmd.run("create-account $flags -u exchange -p password --name 'Mr Money' --exchange") nexusCmd.run("dbinit $flags") // Idempotent bankCmd.run("dbinit $flags") // Idempotent server { bankCmd.run("serve $flags") } setup("conf/integration.conf") { db -> val userPayTo = IbanPayto.rand() val fiatPayTo = IbanPayto.rand() // Create user client.post("") { basicAuth("admin", "password") json { "username" to "customer" "password" to "password" "name" to "JohnSmith" "internal_payto_uri" to userPayTo "cashout_payto_uri" to fiatPayTo "debit_threshold" to "KUDOS:100" "contact_data" to obj { "phone" to "+99" } } }.assertOkJson() // Set conversion rates client.post("") { basicAuth("admin", "password") json { "cashin_ratio" to "0.8" "cashin_fee" to "KUDOS:0.02" "cashin_tiny_amount" to "KUDOS:0.01" "cashin_rounding_mode" to "nearest" "cashin_min_amount" to "EUR:0" "cashout_ratio" to "1.25" "cashout_fee" to "EUR:0.003" "cashout_tiny_amount" to "EUR:0.00000001" "cashout_rounding_mode" to "zero" "cashout_min_amount" to "KUDOS:0.1" } }.assertNoContent() // Cashin repeat(3) { i -> val reservePub = EddsaPublicKey.rand() val amount = TalerAmount("EUR:${20+i}") val subject = "cashin test $i: $reservePub" nexusCmd.run("testing fake-incoming $flags --subject \"$subject\" --amount $amount $userPayTo") val converted = client.get("${20 + i}") .assertOkJson().amount_credit client.get("") { basicAuth("exchange", "password") }.assertOkJson { val tx = it.transactions.first() assertEquals(subject, tx.subject) assertEquals(converted, tx.amount) } client.get("") { basicAuth("exchange", "password") }.assertOkJson { val tx = it.incoming_transactions.first() assertEquals(converted, tx.amount) assertEquals(reservePub, tx.reserve_pub) } } // Cashout repeat(3) { i -> val requestUid = ShortHashCode.rand() val amount = TalerAmount("KUDOS:${10+i}") val convert = client.get("$amount") .assertOkJson().amount_credit client.post("") { basicAuth("customer", "password") json { "request_uid" to requestUid "amount_debit" to amount "amount_credit" to convert } }.assertOkJson() } } } }