package tech.libeufin.sandbox import io.ktor.http.* import import import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import tech.libeufin.util.* import java.math.BigDecimal import kotlin.system.exitProcess private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("tech.libeufin.sandbox") fun getAccountFromLabel(accountLabel: String): BankAccountEntity { return transaction { val account = BankAccountEntity.find { BankAccountsTable.label eq accountLabel }.firstOrNull() if (account == null) throw SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Account '$accountLabel' not found" ) account } } // Mainly useful inside the CAMT generator. fun balanceForAccount( history: MutableList, baseBalance: BigDecimal ): BigDecimal { var ret = baseBalance history.forEach direction@ { if (it.direction == "CRDT") { val amount = parseDecimal(it.amount) ret += amount return@direction } if (it.direction == "DBIT") { val amount = parseDecimal(it.amount) ret -= amount return@direction } throw SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "A payment direction was found neither CRDT nor DBIT", LibeufinErrorCode.LIBEUFIN_EC_INVALID_STATE ) } return ret } fun balanceForAccount(bankAccount: BankAccountEntity): BigDecimal { var balance = BigDecimal.ZERO transaction { BankAccountTransactionEntity.find { BankAccountTransactionsTable.direction eq "CRDT" and ( BankAccountTransactionsTable.account eq }.forEach { val amount = parseDecimal(it.amount) balance += amount } BankAccountTransactionEntity.find { BankAccountTransactionsTable.direction eq "DBIT" and ( BankAccountTransactionsTable.account eq }.forEach { val amount = parseDecimal(it.amount) balance -= amount } } /** * FIXME: for negative accounts, temporarily return 0, so as to make * the current CAMT generator happy. Negative amounts need to have their * onw sub-tree in the report, see bug: #6962 */ if (balance < BigDecimal.ZERO) return BigDecimal.ZERO return balance } // For now, returns everything. fun historyForAccount(bankAccount: BankAccountEntity): MutableList { val history = mutableListOf() transaction { /** FIXME: add the following condition too: and (, end.millis)) */ /** FIXME: add the following condition too: and (, end.millis)) */ BankAccountTransactionEntity.find { BankAccountTransactionsTable.account eq }.forEach { history.add( RawPayment( subject = it.subject, creditorIban = it.creditorIban, creditorBic = it.creditorBic, creditorName = it.creditorName, debtorIban = it.debtorIban, debtorBic = it.debtorBic, debtorName = it.debtorName, date = importDateFromMillis(, amount = it.amount, currency = it.currency, // The line below produces a value too long (>35 chars), // and it makes the document invalid! // uid = "${it.pmtInfId}-${it.msgId}" uid = it.accountServicerReference, direction = it.direction, pmtInfId = it.pmtInfId ) ) } } return history } fun wireTransfer( debitAccount: String, creditAccount: String, amount: String, subjectArg: String ) { // check accounts exist transaction { val credit = BankAccountEntity.find { BankAccountsTable.label eq creditAccount }.firstOrNull() ?: run { throw SandboxError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Credit account: $creditAccount, not found") } val debit = BankAccountEntity.find { BankAccountsTable.label eq debitAccount }.firstOrNull() ?: run { throw SandboxError(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Debit account: $debitAccount, not found") } if (credit.currency != debit.currency) { throw SandboxError(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Sandbox has inconsistent state: " + "currency of credit (${credit.currency}) and debit (${debit.currency}) account differs." ) } val amountObj = try { parseAmount(amount) } catch (e: Exception) { throw SandboxError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Amount given not valid: $amount") } if (amountObj.currency != credit.currency || amountObj.currency != debit.currency) { throw SandboxError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "currency (${amountObj.currency}) can't be accepted") } val randId = getRandomString(16) { creditorIban = credit.iban creditorBic = credit.bic creditorName = debtorIban = debit.iban debtorBic = debit.bic debtorName = subject = subjectArg this.amount = amountObj.amount.toString() currency = amountObj.currency date = getUTCnow().toInstant().toEpochMilli() accountServicerReference = "sandbox-$randId" account = debit direction = "DBIT" } { creditorIban = credit.iban creditorBic = credit.bic creditorName = debtorIban = debit.iban debtorBic = debit.bic debtorName = subject = subjectArg this.amount = amountObj.amount.toString() currency = amountObj.currency date = getUTCnow().toInstant().toEpochMilli() accountServicerReference = "sandbox-$randId" account = credit direction = "CRDT" } } }