/* * This file is part of LibEuFin. * Copyright (C) 2019 Stanisci and Dold. * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or * (at your option) any later version. * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see * */ package tech.libeufin.sandbox import io.ktor.application.ApplicationCall import io.ktor.http.ContentType import io.ktor.http.HttpStatusCode import io.ktor.request.receiveText import io.ktor.response.respond import io.ktor.response.respondText import io.ktor.util.AttributeKey import org.apache.xml.security.binding.xmldsig.RSAKeyValueType import org.jetbrains.exposed.exceptions.ExposedSQLException import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.* import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.SqlExpressionBuilder.eq import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.statements.api.ExposedBlob import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.w3c.dom.Document import tech.libeufin.util.* import tech.libeufin.util.XMLUtil.Companion.signEbicsResponse import tech.libeufin.util.ebics_h004.* import tech.libeufin.util.ebics_hev.HEVResponse import tech.libeufin.util.ebics_hev.SystemReturnCodeType import tech.libeufin.util.ebics_s001.SignatureTypes import tech.libeufin.util.ebics_s001.UserSignatureData import java.math.BigDecimal import java.security.interfaces.RSAPrivateCrtKey import java.security.interfaces.RSAPublicKey import java.time.Instant import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.* import java.util.zip.DeflaterInputStream import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream val EbicsHostIdAttribute = AttributeKey("RequestedEbicsHostID") private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("tech.libeufin.sandbox") data class PainParseResult( val creditorIban: String, val creditorName: String, val creditorBic: String?, val debtorIban: String, val debtorName: String, val debtorBic: String?, val subject: String, val amount: Amount, val currency: String, val pmtInfId: String, val msgId: String ) open class EbicsRequestError( val errorText: String, val errorCode: String ) : Exception("EBICS request error: $errorText ($errorCode)") class EbicsInvalidRequestError : EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_INVALID_REQUEST] Invalid request", "060102" ) class EbicsAccountAuthorisationFailed : EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORISATION_FAILED] Subscriber's signature didn't verify", "091302" ) /** * This error is thrown whenever the Subscriber's state is not suitable * for the requested action. For example, the subscriber sends a EbicsRequest * message without having first uploaded their keys (#5973). */ class EbicsSubscriberStateError : EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATE] Subscriber unknown or subscriber state inadmissible", "091002" ) open class EbicsKeyManagementError(val errorText: String, val errorCode: String) : Exception("EBICS key management error: $errorText ($errorCode)") private class EbicsInvalidXmlError : EbicsKeyManagementError( "[EBICS_INVALID_XML]", "091010" ) private class EbicsUnsupportedOrderType : EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_UNSUPPORTED_ORDER_TYPE] Order type not supported", "091005" ) /** * Used here also for "Internal server error". For example, when the * sandbox itself generates a invalid XML response. */ class EbicsProcessingError(detail: String) : EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_PROCESSING_ERROR] $detail", "091116" ) private suspend fun ApplicationCall.respondEbicsKeyManagement( errorText: String, errorCode: String, bankReturnCode: String, dataTransfer: CryptoUtil.EncryptionResult? = null, orderId: String? = null ) { val responseXml = EbicsKeyManagementResponse().apply { version = "H004" header = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.Header().apply { authenticate = true mutable = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.MutableHeaderType().apply { reportText = errorText returnCode = errorCode if (orderId != null) { this.orderID = orderId } } _static = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.EmptyStaticHeader() } body = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.Body().apply { this.returnCode = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.ReturnCode().apply { this.authenticate = true this.value = bankReturnCode } if (dataTransfer != null) { this.dataTransfer = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.DataTransfer().apply { this.dataEncryptionInfo = EbicsTypes.DataEncryptionInfo().apply { this.authenticate = true this.transactionKey = dataTransfer.encryptedTransactionKey this.encryptionPubKeyDigest = EbicsTypes.PubKeyDigest().apply { this.algorithm = "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" this.version = "E002" this.value = dataTransfer.pubKeyDigest } } this.orderData = EbicsKeyManagementResponse.OrderData().apply { this.value = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(dataTransfer.encryptedData) } } } } } val text = XMLUtil.convertJaxbToString(responseXml) logger.info("responding with:\n${text}") if (!XMLUtil.validateFromString(text)) throw SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Outgoint EBICS key management response is invalid" ) respondText(text, ContentType.Application.Xml, HttpStatusCode.OK) } fun expectNonNull(x: T?): T { if (x == null) { throw EbicsProtocolError(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "expected non-null value") } return x; } private fun getRelatedParty(branch: XmlElementBuilder, payment: RawPayment) { val otherParty = object { var ibanPath = "CdtrAcct/Id/IBAN" var namePath = "Cdtr/Nm" var iban = payment.creditorIban var name = payment.creditorName var bicPath = "CdtrAgt/FinInstnId/BIC" var bic = payment.creditorBic } if (payment.direction == "CRDT") { otherParty.iban = payment.debtorIban otherParty.ibanPath = "DbtrAcct/Id/IBAN" otherParty.namePath = "Dbtr/Nm" otherParty.name = payment.debtorName otherParty.bic = payment.debtorBic otherParty.bicPath = "DbtrAgt/FinInstnId/BIC" } branch.element("RltdPties") { element(otherParty.namePath) { text(otherParty.name) } element(otherParty.ibanPath) { text(otherParty.iban) } } val otherPartyBic = otherParty.bic if (otherPartyBic != null) { branch.element("RltdAgts") { element(otherParty.bicPath) { text(otherPartyBic) } } } } fun buildCamtString( type: Int, subscriberIban: String, freshHistory: MutableList, balancePrcd: BigDecimal, // Balance up to freshHistory (excluded). balanceClbd: BigDecimal ): SandboxCamt { /** * ID types required: * * - Message Id * - Statement / Report Id * - Electronic sequence number * - Legal sequence number * - Entry Id by the Servicer * - Payment information Id * - Proprietary code of the bank transaction * - Id of the servicer (Issuer and Code) */ val creationTime = getUTCnow() val dashedDate = creationTime.toDashedDate() val zonedDateTime = creationTime.toZonedString() val creationTimeMillis = creationTime.toInstant().toEpochMilli() val messageId = "sandbox-${creationTimeMillis}" val camtMessage = constructXml(indent = true) { root("Document") { attribute("xmlns", "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.0${type}.001.02") attribute("xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance") attribute( "xsi:schemaLocation", "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.0${type}.001.02 camt.0${type}.001.02.xsd" ) element(if (type == 53) "BkToCstmrStmt" else "BkToCstmrAcctRpt") { element("GrpHdr") { element("MsgId") { text(messageId) } element("CreDtTm") { text(zonedDateTime) } element("MsgPgntn") { element("PgNb") { text("001") } element("LastPgInd") { text("true") } } } element(if (type == 52) "Rpt" else "Stmt") { element("Id") { text("0") } element("ElctrncSeqNb") { text("0") } element("LglSeqNb") { text("0") } element("CreDtTm") { text(zonedDateTime) } element("Acct") { // mandatory account identifier element("Id/IBAN") { text(subscriberIban) } element("Ccy") { text("EUR") } element("Ownr/Nm") { text("Debitor/Owner Name") } element("Svcr/FinInstnId") { element("Nm") { text("Libeufin Bank") } element("Othr") { element("Id") { text("0") } element("Issr") { text("XY") } } } } element("Bal") { element("Tp/CdOrPrtry/Cd") { /* Balance type, in a coded format. PRCD stands for "Previously closed booked" and shows the balance at the time _before_ all the entries reported in this document were posted to the involved bank account. */ text("PRCD") } element("Amt") { attribute("Ccy", "EUR") if (balancePrcd < BigDecimal.ZERO) { text(balancePrcd.abs().toPlainString()) } else { text(balancePrcd.toPlainString()) } } element("CdtDbtInd") { text("CRDT") } element("Dt/Dt") { // date of this balance text(dashedDate) } } element("Bal") { element("Tp/CdOrPrtry/Cd") { /* CLBD stands for "Closing booked balance", and it is calculated by summing the PRCD with all the entries reported in this document */ text("CLBD") } element("Amt") { attribute("Ccy", "EUR") // FIXME: the balance computation still not working properly //text(balanceForAccount(subscriberIban).toString()) if (balanceClbd < BigDecimal.ZERO) { text(balanceClbd.abs().toPlainString()) } else { text(balanceClbd.toPlainString()) } } element("CdtDbtInd") { // a temporary value to get the camt to validate. // Should be fixed along #6269 if (balanceClbd < BigDecimal.ZERO) { text("DBIT") } else { text("CRDT") } } element("Dt/Dt") { text(dashedDate) } } freshHistory.forEach { this.element("Ntry") { element("Amt") { attribute("Ccy", it.currency) text(it.amount) } element("CdtDbtInd") { text( if (subscriberIban.equals(it.creditorIban)) "CRDT" else "DBIT" ) } element("Sts") { /* Status of the entry (see from the ISO20022 reference document.) * From the original text: * "Status of an entry on the books of the account servicer" */ text("BOOK") } element("BookgDt/Dt") { text(dashedDate) } // date of the booking element("ValDt/Dt") { text(dashedDate) } // date of assets' actual (un)availability element("AcctSvcrRef") { text(it.uid) } element("BkTxCd") { /* "Set of elements used to fully identify the type of underlying * transaction resulting in an entry". */ element("Domn") { element("Cd") { text("PMNT") } element("Fmly") { element("Cd") { text("ICDT") } element("SubFmlyCd") { text("ESCT") } } } element("Prtry") { element("Cd") { text("0") } element("Issr") { text("XY") } } } element("NtryDtls/TxDtls") { element("Refs") { element("MsgId") { text(it.msgId ?: "NOTPROVIDED") } element("PmtInfId") { text(it.pmtInfId ?: "NOTPROVIDED") } element("EndToEndId") { text("NOTPROVIDED") } } element("AmtDtls/TxAmt/Amt") { attribute("Ccy", "EUR") text(it.amount) } element("BkTxCd") { element("Domn") { element("Cd") { text("PMNT") } element("Fmly") { element("Cd") { text("ICDT") } element("SubFmlyCd") { text("ESCT") } } } element("Prtry") { element("Cd") { text("0") } element("Issr") { text("XY") } } } getRelatedParty(this, it) element("RmtInf/Ustrd") { text(it.subject) } } } } } } } } return SandboxCamt( camtMessage = camtMessage, messageId = messageId, creationTime = creationTimeMillis ) } fun getHistoryElementFromTransactionRow( dbRow: BankAccountFreshTransactionEntity ): RawPayment { return RawPayment( subject = dbRow.transactionRef.subject, creditorIban = dbRow.transactionRef.creditorIban, creditorBic = dbRow.transactionRef.creditorBic, creditorName = dbRow.transactionRef.creditorName, debtorIban = dbRow.transactionRef.debtorIban, debtorBic = dbRow.transactionRef.debtorBic, debtorName = dbRow.transactionRef.debtorName, date = importDateFromMillis(dbRow.transactionRef.date).toDashedDate(), amount = dbRow.transactionRef.amount, currency = dbRow.transactionRef.currency, // The line below produces a value too long (>35 chars), // and dbRow makes the document invalid! // uid = "${dbRow.pmtInfId}-${it.msgId}" uid = dbRow.transactionRef.accountServicerReference, direction = dbRow.transactionRef.direction, pmtInfId = dbRow.transactionRef.pmtInfId ) } fun getLastBalance(bankAccount: BankAccountEntity): BigDecimal { val lastStatement = BankAccountStatementEntity.find { BankAccountStatementsTable.bankAccount eq bankAccount.id }.firstOrNull() val lastBalance = if (lastStatement == null) { BigDecimal.ZERO } else { BigDecimal(lastStatement.balanceClbd) } return lastBalance } /** * Builds CAMT response. * * @param type 52 or 53. */ private fun constructCamtResponse( type: Int, subscriber: EbicsSubscriberEntity, // fixes #6243 dateRange: Pair?): List { if (type != 53 && type != 52) throw EbicsUnsupportedOrderType() val bankAccount = getBankAccountFromSubscriber(subscriber) if (type == 52) { val history = mutableListOf() /** * This block adds all the fresh transactions to the intermediate * history list and returns the last balance that was reported in a * C53 document. This latter will be the base balance to calculate * the final balance after the fresh transactions. */ val lastBalance = transaction { BankAccountFreshTransactionEntity.all().forEach { if (it.transactionRef.account.label == bankAccount.label) { history.add(getHistoryElementFromTransactionRow(it)) } } getLastBalance(bankAccount) // last reported balance } val freshBalance = balanceForAccount( history = history, baseBalance = lastBalance ) return listOf( buildCamtString( type, bankAccount.iban, history, balancePrcd = lastBalance, balanceClbd = freshBalance ).camtMessage ) } SandboxAssert(type == 53, "Didn't catch unsupported Camt type") logger.debug("Finding C$type records") /** * FIXME: when this function throws an exception, it makes a JSON response being responded. * That is bad, because here we're inside a Ebics handler and only XML should * be returned to the requester. This problem makes the (unhelpful) "bank didn't * return XML" message appear in the Nexus logs. */ val ret = mutableListOf() /** * Retrieve all the records whose creation date lies into the * time range given as a function's parameter. */ if (dateRange != null) { logger.debug("Querying c$type with date range: $dateRange") BankAccountStatementEntity.find { BankAccountStatementsTable.creationTime.between( dateRange.first, dateRange.second) and( BankAccountStatementsTable.bankAccount eq bankAccount.id) }.forEach { ret.add(it.xmlMessage) } } else { /** * No time range was given, hence pick the latest statement. */ logger.debug("No date range was given for c$type, respond with latest document") BankAccountStatementEntity.find { BankAccountStatementsTable.bankAccount eq bankAccount.id }.lastOrNull().apply { if (this != null) { ret.add(this.xmlMessage) } } } if (ret.size == 0) throw EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA_AVAILABLE] as Camt $type", "090005" ) return ret } /** * TSD (test download) message. * * This is a non-standard EBICS order type use by LibEuFin to * test download transactions. * * In the future, additional parameters (size, chunking, inject fault for retry) might * be added to the order parameters. */ private fun handleEbicsTSD(): ByteArray { return "Hello World\n".repeat(1024).toByteArray() } private fun handleEbicsPTK(): ByteArray { return "Hello I am a dummy PTK response.".toByteArray() } private fun parsePain001(paymentRequest: String): PainParseResult { val painDoc = XMLUtil.parseStringIntoDom(paymentRequest) return destructXml(painDoc) { requireRootElement("Document") { requireUniqueChildNamed("CstmrCdtTrfInitn") { val msgId = requireUniqueChildNamed("GrpHdr") { requireUniqueChildNamed("MsgId") { focusElement.textContent } } requireUniqueChildNamed("PmtInf") { val debtorName = requireUniqueChildNamed("Dbtr"){ requireUniqueChildNamed("Nm") { focusElement.textContent } } val debtorIban = requireUniqueChildNamed("DbtrAcct"){ requireUniqueChildNamed("Id") { requireUniqueChildNamed("IBAN") { focusElement.textContent } } } val debtorBic = requireUniqueChildNamed("DbtrAgt"){ requireUniqueChildNamed("FinInstnId") { requireUniqueChildNamed("BIC") { focusElement.textContent } } } val pmtInfId = requireUniqueChildNamed("PmtInfId") { focusElement.textContent } val txDetails = requireUniqueChildNamed("CdtTrfTxInf") { object { val creditorIban = requireUniqueChildNamed("CdtrAcct") { requireUniqueChildNamed("Id") { requireUniqueChildNamed("IBAN") { focusElement.textContent } } } val creditorName = requireUniqueChildNamed("Cdtr") { requireUniqueChildNamed("Nm") { focusElement.textContent } } val creditorBic = maybeUniqueChildNamed("CdtrAgt") { requireUniqueChildNamed("FinInstnId") { requireUniqueChildNamed("BIC") { focusElement.textContent } } } val amt = requireUniqueChildNamed("Amt") { requireOnlyChild { focusElement } } val subject = requireUniqueChildNamed("RmtInf") { requireUniqueChildNamed("Ustrd") { focusElement.textContent } } } } PainParseResult( currency = txDetails.amt.getAttribute("Ccy"), amount = Amount(txDetails.amt.textContent), subject = txDetails.subject, debtorIban = debtorIban, debtorName = debtorName, debtorBic = debtorBic, creditorName = txDetails.creditorName, creditorIban = txDetails.creditorIban, creditorBic = txDetails.creditorBic, pmtInfId = pmtInfId, msgId = msgId ) } } } } } /** * Process a payment request in the pain.001 format. */ private fun handleCct(paymentRequest: String) { logger.debug("Handling CCT") logger.debug("Pain.001: $paymentRequest") val parseResult = parsePain001(paymentRequest) transaction { try { BankAccountTransactionEntity.new { account = getBankAccountFromIban(parseResult.debtorIban) creditorIban = parseResult.creditorIban creditorName = parseResult.creditorName creditorBic = parseResult.creditorBic debtorIban = parseResult.debtorIban debtorName = parseResult.debtorName debtorBic = parseResult.debtorBic subject = parseResult.subject amount = parseResult.amount.toString() currency = parseResult.currency date = getUTCnow().toInstant().toEpochMilli() pmtInfId = parseResult.pmtInfId accountServicerReference = "sandboxref-${getRandomString(16)}" direction = "DBIT" } val maybeLocalCreditor = BankAccountEntity.find( BankAccountsTable.iban eq parseResult.creditorIban ).firstOrNull() if (maybeLocalCreditor != null) { BankAccountTransactionEntity.new { account = maybeLocalCreditor creditorIban = parseResult.creditorIban creditorName = parseResult.creditorName creditorBic = parseResult.creditorBic debtorIban = parseResult.debtorIban debtorName = parseResult.debtorName debtorBic = parseResult.debtorBic subject = parseResult.subject amount = parseResult.amount.toString() currency = parseResult.currency date = getUTCnow().toInstant().toEpochMilli() pmtInfId = parseResult.pmtInfId accountServicerReference = "sandboxref-${getRandomString(16)}" direction = "CRDT" } } } catch (e: ExposedSQLException) { logger.warn("Could not insert new payment into the database: ${e}") throw EbicsRequestError( "[EBICS_PROCESSING_ERROR] ${e.sqlState}", "091116" ) } } } /** * This handler reports all the fresh transactions, belonging * to the querying subscriber. */ private fun handleEbicsC52(requestContext: RequestContext): ByteArray { logger.debug("Handling C52 request") // Ignoring any dateRange parameter. (FIXME: clarify whether that is fine.) val report = constructCamtResponse(52, requestContext.subscriber, dateRange = null) SandboxAssert( report.size == 1, "C52 response does not contain one Camt.052 document" ) if (!XMLUtil.validateFromString(report[0])) throw EbicsProcessingError( "One statement was found invalid." ) return report.map { it.toByteArray() }.zip() } private fun handleEbicsC53(requestContext: RequestContext): ByteArray { logger.debug("Handling C53 request") // Fetch date range. val orderParams = requestContext.requestObject.header.static.orderDetails?.orderParams // as EbicsRequest.StandardOrderParams val dateRange = if (orderParams != null) { val standardOrderParams = orderParams as EbicsRequest.StandardOrderParams val start = standardOrderParams.dateRange?.start?.toGregorianCalendar()?.timeInMillis val end = standardOrderParams.dateRange?.end?.toGregorianCalendar()?.timeInMillis if (start == null || end == null) { // only accepting when both start/end are given. null } else { Pair(start, end) } } else { null } /** * By multiple statements, this function is responsible to return * a list of Strings: one for each statement. */ val camtStatements = constructCamtResponse( 53, requestContext.subscriber, dateRange ) camtStatements.forEach { if (!XMLUtil.validateFromString(it)) throw EbicsProcessingError( "One statement was found invalid." ) } return camtStatements.map { it.toByteArray() }.zip() } private suspend fun ApplicationCall.handleEbicsHia(header: EbicsUnsecuredRequest.Header, orderData: ByteArray) { val plainOrderData = InflaterInputStream(orderData.inputStream()).use { it.readAllBytes() } println("HIA order data: ${plainOrderData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") val keyObject = EbicsOrderUtil.decodeOrderDataXml(orderData) val encPubXml = keyObject.encryptionPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue val authPubXml = keyObject.authenticationPubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue val encPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(encPubXml.modulus, encPubXml.exponent) val authPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(authPubXml.modulus, authPubXml.exponent) val ok = transaction { val ebicsSubscriber = findEbicsSubscriber(header.static.partnerID, header.static.userID, header.static.systemID) if (ebicsSubscriber == null) { logger.warn("ebics subscriber not found") throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() } when (ebicsSubscriber.state) { SubscriberState.NEW -> {} SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_INI -> {} SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_HIA, SubscriberState.INITIALIZED, SubscriberState.READY -> { return@transaction false } } ebicsSubscriber.authenticationKey = EbicsSubscriberPublicKeyEntity.new { this.rsaPublicKey = ExposedBlob(authPub.encoded) state = KeyState.NEW } ebicsSubscriber.encryptionKey = EbicsSubscriberPublicKeyEntity.new { this.rsaPublicKey = ExposedBlob(encPub.encoded) state = KeyState.NEW } ebicsSubscriber.state = when (ebicsSubscriber.state) { SubscriberState.NEW -> SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_HIA SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_INI -> SubscriberState.INITIALIZED else -> throw Exception("internal invariant failed") } return@transaction true } if (ok) { respondEbicsKeyManagement("[EBICS_OK]", "000000", "000000") } else { respondEbicsKeyManagement("[EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATE]", "091002", "000000") } } private suspend fun ApplicationCall.handleEbicsIni(header: EbicsUnsecuredRequest.Header, orderData: ByteArray) { val plainOrderData = InflaterInputStream(orderData.inputStream()).use { it.readAllBytes() } println("INI order data: ${plainOrderData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") val keyObject = EbicsOrderUtil.decodeOrderDataXml(orderData) val sigPubXml = keyObject.signaturePubKeyInfo.pubKeyValue.rsaKeyValue val sigPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKeyFromComponents(sigPubXml.modulus, sigPubXml.exponent) val ok = transaction { val ebicsSubscriber = findEbicsSubscriber(header.static.partnerID, header.static.userID, header.static.systemID) if (ebicsSubscriber == null) { logger.warn("ebics subscriber ('${header.static.partnerID}' / '${header.static.userID}' / '${header.static.systemID}') not found") throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() } when (ebicsSubscriber.state) { SubscriberState.NEW -> {} SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_HIA -> {} SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_INI, SubscriberState.INITIALIZED, SubscriberState.READY -> { return@transaction false } } ebicsSubscriber.signatureKey = EbicsSubscriberPublicKeyEntity.new { this.rsaPublicKey = ExposedBlob(sigPub.encoded) state = KeyState.NEW } ebicsSubscriber.state = when (ebicsSubscriber.state) { SubscriberState.NEW -> SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_INI SubscriberState.PARTIALLY_INITIALIZED_HIA -> SubscriberState.INITIALIZED else -> throw Error("internal invariant failed") } return@transaction true } logger.info("Signature key inserted in database _and_ subscriber state changed accordingly") if (ok) { respondEbicsKeyManagement("[EBICS_OK]", "000000", "000000") } else { respondEbicsKeyManagement("[EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATE]", "091002", "000000") } } private suspend fun ApplicationCall.handleEbicsHpb( ebicsHostInfo: EbicsHostPublicInfo, requestDocument: Document, header: EbicsNpkdRequest.Header ) { val subscriberKeys = transaction { val ebicsSubscriber = findEbicsSubscriber(header.static.partnerID, header.static.userID, header.static.systemID) if (ebicsSubscriber == null) { throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() } if (ebicsSubscriber.state != SubscriberState.INITIALIZED) { throw EbicsSubscriberStateError() } val authPubBlob = ebicsSubscriber.authenticationKey!!.rsaPublicKey val encPubBlob = ebicsSubscriber.encryptionKey!!.rsaPublicKey val sigPubBlob = ebicsSubscriber.signatureKey!!.rsaPublicKey SubscriberKeys( CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(authPubBlob.bytes), CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(encPubBlob.bytes), CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(sigPubBlob.bytes) ) } val validationResult = XMLUtil.verifyEbicsDocument(requestDocument, subscriberKeys.authenticationPublicKey) logger.info("validationResult: $validationResult") if (!validationResult) { throw EbicsKeyManagementError("invalid signature", "90000") } val hpbRespondeData = HPBResponseOrderData().apply { this.authenticationPubKeyInfo = EbicsTypes.AuthenticationPubKeyInfoType().apply { this.authenticationVersion = "X002" this.pubKeyValue = EbicsTypes.PubKeyValueType().apply { this.rsaKeyValue = RSAKeyValueType().apply { this.exponent = ebicsHostInfo.authenticationPublicKey.publicExponent.toByteArray() this.modulus = ebicsHostInfo.authenticationPublicKey.modulus.toByteArray() } } } this.encryptionPubKeyInfo = EbicsTypes.EncryptionPubKeyInfoType().apply { this.encryptionVersion = "E002" this.pubKeyValue = EbicsTypes.PubKeyValueType().apply { this.rsaKeyValue = RSAKeyValueType().apply { this.exponent = ebicsHostInfo.encryptionPublicKey.publicExponent.toByteArray() this.modulus = ebicsHostInfo.encryptionPublicKey.modulus.toByteArray() } } } this.hostID = ebicsHostInfo.hostID } val compressedOrderData = EbicsOrderUtil.encodeOrderDataXml(hpbRespondeData) val encryptionResult = CryptoUtil.encryptEbicsE002(compressedOrderData, subscriberKeys.encryptionPublicKey) respondEbicsKeyManagement("[EBICS_OK]", "000000", "000000", encryptionResult, "OR01") } /** * Find the ebics host corresponding to the one specified in the header. */ private fun ApplicationCall.ensureEbicsHost(requestHostID: String): EbicsHostPublicInfo { return transaction { val ebicsHost = EbicsHostEntity.find { EbicsHostsTable.hostID.upperCase() eq requestHostID.uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) }.firstOrNull() if (ebicsHost == null) { logger.warn("client requested unknown HostID ${requestHostID}") throw EbicsKeyManagementError("[EBICS_INVALID_HOST_ID]", "091011") } val encryptionPrivateKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPrivateKey(ebicsHost.encryptionPrivateKey.bytes) val authenticationPrivateKey = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPrivateKey(ebicsHost.authenticationPrivateKey.bytes) EbicsHostPublicInfo( requestHostID, CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(encryptionPrivateKey), CryptoUtil.getRsaPublicFromPrivate(authenticationPrivateKey) ) } } private suspend fun ApplicationCall.receiveEbicsXml(): Document { val body: String = receiveText() logger.debug("Data received: $body") val requestDocument: Document? = XMLUtil.parseStringIntoDom(body) if (requestDocument == null || (!XMLUtil.validateFromDom(requestDocument))) { println("Problematic document was: $requestDocument") throw EbicsInvalidXmlError() } val requestedHostID = requestDocument.getElementsByTagName("HostID") this.attributes.put( EbicsHostIdAttribute, requestedHostID.item(0).textContent ) return requestDocument } private fun makePartnerInfo(subscriber: EbicsSubscriberEntity): EbicsTypes.PartnerInfo { val bankAccount = getBankAccountFromSubscriber(subscriber) return EbicsTypes.PartnerInfo().apply { this.accountInfoList = listOf( EbicsTypes.AccountInfo().apply { this.id = bankAccount.label this.accountHolder = bankAccount.name this.accountNumberList = listOf( EbicsTypes.GeneralAccountNumber().apply { this.international = true this.value = bankAccount.iban } ) this.currency = "EUR" this.description = "Ordinary Bank Account" this.bankCodeList = listOf( EbicsTypes.GeneralBankCode().apply { this.international = true this.value = bankAccount.bic } ) } ) this.addressInfo = EbicsTypes.AddressInfo().apply { this.name = "Address Info Object" } this.bankInfo = EbicsTypes.BankInfo().apply { this.hostID = subscriber.hostId } this.orderInfoList = listOf( EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "Transactions statement" this.orderType = "C53" this.transferType = "Download" }, EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "Transactions report" this.orderType = "C52" this.transferType = "Download" }, EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "Payment initiation (ZIPped payload)" this.orderType = "CCC" this.transferType = "Upload" }, EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "Payment initiation (plain text payload)" this.orderType = "CCT" this.transferType = "Upload" }, EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "vmk" this.orderType = "VMK" this.transferType = "Download" }, EbicsTypes.AuthOrderInfoType().apply { this.description = "sta" this.orderType = "STA" this.transferType = "Download" } ) } } private fun handleEbicsHtd(requestContext: RequestContext): ByteArray { val htd = HTDResponseOrderData().apply { this.partnerInfo = makePartnerInfo(requestContext.subscriber) this.userInfo = EbicsTypes.UserInfo().apply { this.name = "Some User" this.userID = EbicsTypes.UserIDType().apply { this.status = 5 this.value = requestContext.subscriber.userId } this.permissionList = listOf( EbicsTypes.UserPermission().apply { this.orderTypes = "C53 C52 CCC VMK STA" } ) } } val str = XMLUtil.convertJaxbToString(htd) return str.toByteArray() } private fun handleEbicsHkd(requestContext: RequestContext): ByteArray { val hkd = HKDResponseOrderData().apply { this.partnerInfo = makePartnerInfo(requestContext.subscriber) this.userInfoList = listOf( EbicsTypes.UserInfo().apply { this.name = "Some User" this.userID = EbicsTypes.UserIDType().apply { this.status = 1 this.value = requestContext.subscriber.userId } this.permissionList = listOf( EbicsTypes.UserPermission().apply { this.orderTypes = "C54 C53 C52 CCC" } ) }) } val str = XMLUtil.convertJaxbToString(hkd) return str.toByteArray() } private data class RequestContext( val ebicsHost: EbicsHostEntity, val subscriber: EbicsSubscriberEntity, val clientEncPub: RSAPublicKey, val clientAuthPub: RSAPublicKey, val clientSigPub: RSAPublicKey, val hostEncPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey, val hostAuthPriv: RSAPrivateCrtKey, val requestObject: EbicsRequest, val uploadTransaction: EbicsUploadTransactionEntity?, val downloadTransaction: EbicsDownloadTransactionEntity? ) private fun handleEbicsDownloadTransactionTransfer(requestContext: RequestContext): EbicsResponse { val segmentNumber = requestContext.requestObject.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val transactionID = requestContext.requestObject.header.static.transactionID ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val downloadTransaction = requestContext.downloadTransaction ?: throw AssertionError() return EbicsResponse.createForDownloadTransferPhase( transactionID, downloadTransaction.numSegments, downloadTransaction.segmentSize, downloadTransaction.encodedResponse, segmentNumber.toInt() ) } private fun handleEbicsDownloadTransactionInitialization(requestContext: RequestContext): EbicsResponse { val orderType = requestContext.requestObject.header.static.orderDetails?.orderType ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() logger.debug("handling initialization for order type $orderType") val response = when (orderType) { "HTD" -> handleEbicsHtd(requestContext) "HKD" -> handleEbicsHkd(requestContext) "C53" -> handleEbicsC53(requestContext) "C52" -> handleEbicsC52(requestContext) "TSD" -> handleEbicsTSD() "PTK" -> handleEbicsPTK() else -> throw EbicsInvalidXmlError() } val transactionID = EbicsOrderUtil.generateTransactionId() val compressedResponse = DeflaterInputStream(response.inputStream()).use { it.readAllBytes() } val enc = CryptoUtil.encryptEbicsE002(compressedResponse, requestContext.clientEncPub) val encodedResponse = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(enc.encryptedData) val segmentSize = 4096 val totalSize = encodedResponse.length val numSegments = ((totalSize + segmentSize - 1) / segmentSize) EbicsDownloadTransactionEntity.new(transactionID) { this.subscriber = requestContext.subscriber this.host = requestContext.ebicsHost this.orderType = orderType this.segmentSize = segmentSize this.transactionKeyEnc = ExposedBlob(enc.encryptedTransactionKey) this.encodedResponse = encodedResponse this.numSegments = numSegments this.receiptReceived = false } return EbicsResponse.createForDownloadInitializationPhase( transactionID, numSegments, segmentSize, enc, encodedResponse ) } private fun handleEbicsUploadTransactionInitialization(requestContext: RequestContext): EbicsResponse { val orderType = requestContext.requestObject.header.static.orderDetails?.orderType ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val transactionID = EbicsOrderUtil.generateTransactionId() val oidn = requestContext.subscriber.nextOrderID++ if (EbicsOrderUtil.checkOrderIDOverflow(oidn)) throw NotImplementedError() val orderID = EbicsOrderUtil.computeOrderIDFromNumber(oidn) val numSegments = requestContext.requestObject.header.static.numSegments ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val transactionKeyEnc = requestContext.requestObject.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo?.transactionKey ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val encPubKeyDigest = requestContext.requestObject.body.dataTransfer?.dataEncryptionInfo?.encryptionPubKeyDigest?.value ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val encSigData = requestContext.requestObject.body.dataTransfer?.signatureData?.value ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val decryptedSignatureData = CryptoUtil.decryptEbicsE002( CryptoUtil.EncryptionResult( transactionKeyEnc, encPubKeyDigest, encSigData ), requestContext.hostEncPriv ) val plainSigData = InflaterInputStream(decryptedSignatureData.inputStream()).use { it.readAllBytes() } logger.debug("creating upload transaction for transactionID $transactionID") EbicsUploadTransactionEntity.new(transactionID) { this.host = requestContext.ebicsHost this.subscriber = requestContext.subscriber this.lastSeenSegment = 0 this.orderType = orderType this.orderID = orderID this.numSegments = numSegments.toInt() this.transactionKeyEnc = ExposedBlob(transactionKeyEnc) } logger.debug("after SQL flush") val sigObj = XMLUtil.convertStringToJaxb(plainSigData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)) logger.debug("got UserSignatureData: ${plainSigData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") for (sig in sigObj.value.orderSignatureList ?: listOf()) { logger.debug("inserting order signature for orderID $orderID and orderType $orderType") EbicsOrderSignatureEntity.new { this.orderID = orderID this.orderType = orderType this.partnerID = sig.partnerID this.userID = sig.userID this.signatureAlgorithm = sig.signatureVersion this.signatureValue = ExposedBlob(sig.signatureValue) } } return EbicsResponse.createForUploadInitializationPhase(transactionID, orderID) } private fun handleEbicsUploadTransactionTransmission(requestContext: RequestContext): EbicsResponse { val uploadTransaction = requestContext.uploadTransaction ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val requestObject = requestContext.requestObject val requestSegmentNumber = requestContext.requestObject.header.mutable.segmentNumber?.value?.toInt() ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val requestTransactionID = requestObject.header.static.transactionID ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() if (requestSegmentNumber == 1 && uploadTransaction.numSegments == 1) { val encOrderData = requestObject.body.dataTransfer?.orderData ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val zippedData = CryptoUtil.decryptEbicsE002( uploadTransaction.transactionKeyEnc.bytes, Base64.getDecoder().decode(encOrderData), requestContext.hostEncPriv ) val unzippedData = InflaterInputStream(zippedData.inputStream()).use { it.readAllBytes() } logger.debug("got upload data: ${unzippedData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)}") val sigs = EbicsOrderSignatureEntity.find { (EbicsOrderSignaturesTable.orderID eq uploadTransaction.orderID) and (EbicsOrderSignaturesTable.orderType eq uploadTransaction.orderType) } if (sigs.count() == 0L) { throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() } for (sig in sigs) { if (sig.signatureAlgorithm == "A006") { val signedData = CryptoUtil.digestEbicsOrderA006(unzippedData) val res1 = CryptoUtil.verifyEbicsA006( sig.signatureValue.bytes, signedData, requestContext.clientSigPub ) if (!res1) { throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() } } else { throw NotImplementedError() } } if (getOrderTypeFromTransactionId(requestTransactionID) == "CCT") { logger.debug("Attempting a payment.") handleCct(unzippedData.toString(Charsets.UTF_8)) } return EbicsResponse.createForUploadTransferPhase( requestTransactionID, requestSegmentNumber, true, uploadTransaction.orderID ) } else { throw NotImplementedError() } } // req.header.static.hostID. private fun makeRequestContext(requestObject: EbicsRequest): RequestContext { val staticHeader = requestObject.header.static val requestedHostId = staticHeader.hostID val ebicsHost = EbicsHostEntity.find { EbicsHostsTable.hostID.upperCase() eq requestedHostId.uppercase(Locale.getDefault()) } .firstOrNull() val requestTransactionID = requestObject.header.static.transactionID var downloadTransaction: EbicsDownloadTransactionEntity? = null var uploadTransaction: EbicsUploadTransactionEntity? = null val subscriber = if (requestTransactionID != null) { println("finding subscriber by transactionID $requestTransactionID") downloadTransaction = EbicsDownloadTransactionEntity.findById(requestTransactionID.uppercase(Locale.getDefault())) if (downloadTransaction != null) { downloadTransaction.subscriber } else { uploadTransaction = EbicsUploadTransactionEntity.findById(requestTransactionID) uploadTransaction?.subscriber } } else { val partnerID = staticHeader.partnerID ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val userID = staticHeader.userID ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() findEbicsSubscriber(partnerID, userID, staticHeader.systemID) } if (ebicsHost == null) throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() /** * NOTE: production logic must check against READY state (the * one activated after the subscriber confirms their keys via post) */ if (subscriber == null || subscriber.state != SubscriberState.INITIALIZED) throw EbicsSubscriberStateError() val hostAuthPriv = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPrivateKey( ebicsHost.authenticationPrivateKey.bytes ) val hostEncPriv = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPrivateKey( ebicsHost.encryptionPrivateKey.bytes ) val clientAuthPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(subscriber.authenticationKey!!.rsaPublicKey.bytes) val clientEncPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(subscriber.encryptionKey!!.rsaPublicKey.bytes) val clientSigPub = CryptoUtil.loadRsaPublicKey(subscriber.signatureKey!!.rsaPublicKey.bytes) return RequestContext( hostAuthPriv = hostAuthPriv, hostEncPriv = hostEncPriv, clientAuthPub = clientAuthPub, clientEncPub = clientEncPub, clientSigPub = clientSigPub, ebicsHost = ebicsHost, requestObject = requestObject, subscriber = subscriber, downloadTransaction = downloadTransaction, uploadTransaction = uploadTransaction ) } suspend fun ApplicationCall.ebicsweb() { val requestDocument = receiveEbicsXml() logger.info("Processing ${requestDocument.documentElement.localName}") when (requestDocument.documentElement.localName) { "ebicsUnsecuredRequest" -> { val requestObject = requestDocument.toObject() logger.info("Serving a ${requestObject.header.static.orderDetails.orderType} request") val orderData = requestObject.body.dataTransfer.orderData.value val header = requestObject.header when (header.static.orderDetails.orderType) { "INI" -> handleEbicsIni(header, orderData) "HIA" -> handleEbicsHia(header, orderData) else -> throw EbicsInvalidXmlError() } } "ebicsHEVRequest" -> { val hevResponse = HEVResponse().apply { this.systemReturnCode = SystemReturnCodeType().apply { this.reportText = "[EBICS_OK]" this.returnCode = "000000" } this.versionNumber = listOf(HEVResponse.VersionNumber.create("H004", "02.50")) } val strResp = XMLUtil.convertJaxbToString(hevResponse) logger.debug("HEV response: $strResp") if (!XMLUtil.validateFromString(strResp)) throw SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Outgoing HEV response is invalid" ) respondText(strResp, ContentType.Application.Xml, HttpStatusCode.OK) } "ebicsNoPubKeyDigestsRequest" -> { val requestObject = requestDocument.toObject() val hostInfo = ensureEbicsHost(requestObject.header.static.hostID) when (requestObject.header.static.orderDetails.orderType) { "HPB" -> handleEbicsHpb(hostInfo, requestDocument, requestObject.header) else -> throw EbicsInvalidXmlError() } } "ebicsRequest" -> { logger.debug("ebicsRequest ${XMLUtil.convertDomToString(requestDocument)}") val requestObject = requestDocument.toObject() val responseXmlStr = transaction { // Step 1 of 3: Get information about the host and subscriber val requestContext = makeRequestContext(requestObject) // Step 2 of 3: Validate the signature val verifyResult = XMLUtil.verifyEbicsDocument(requestDocument, requestContext.clientAuthPub) if (!verifyResult) { throw EbicsAccountAuthorisationFailed() } // Step 3 of 3: Generate response val ebicsResponse: EbicsResponse = when (requestObject.header.mutable.transactionPhase) { EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.INITIALISATION -> { if (requestObject.header.static.numSegments == null) { handleEbicsDownloadTransactionInitialization(requestContext) } else { handleEbicsUploadTransactionInitialization(requestContext) } } EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.TRANSFER -> { if (requestContext.uploadTransaction != null) { handleEbicsUploadTransactionTransmission(requestContext) } else if (requestContext.downloadTransaction != null) { handleEbicsDownloadTransactionTransfer(requestContext) } else { throw AssertionError() } } EbicsTypes.TransactionPhaseType.RECEIPT -> { val requestTransactionID = requestObject.header.static.transactionID ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() if (requestContext.downloadTransaction == null) throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() val receiptCode = requestObject.body.transferReceipt?.receiptCode ?: throw EbicsInvalidRequestError() EbicsResponse.createForDownloadReceiptPhase(requestTransactionID, receiptCode == 0) } } signEbicsResponse(ebicsResponse, requestContext.hostAuthPriv) } if (!XMLUtil.validateFromString(responseXmlStr)) throw SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Outgoing EBICS XML is invalid" ) respondText(responseXmlStr, ContentType.Application.Xml, HttpStatusCode.OK) } else -> { /* Log to console and return "unknown type" */ logger.info("Unknown message, just logging it!") respond( HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented, SandboxError( HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented, "Not Implemented" ) ) } } }