package import UtilError import io.ktor.http.* import io.ktor.server.request.* import import import import import tech.libeufin.util.* /** * HTTP basic auth. Throws error if password is wrong, * and makes sure that the user exists in the system. * * @return user entity */ fun authenticateRequest(request: ApplicationRequest): NexusUserEntity { return transaction { val (username, password) = getHTTPBasicAuthCredentials(request) val user = NexusUserEntity.find { NexusUsersTable.username eq username }.firstOrNull() if (user == null) { throw UtilError(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Unknown user '$username'", LibeufinErrorCode.LIBEUFIN_EC_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED ) } CryptoUtil.checkPwOrThrow(password, user.passwordHash) user } } fun requireSuperuser(request: ApplicationRequest): NexusUserEntity { return transaction { val user = authenticateRequest(request) if (!user.superuser) { throw NexusError(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "must be superuser") } user } } fun findPermission(p: Permission): NexusPermissionEntity? { return transaction { NexusPermissionEntity.find { ((NexusPermissionsTable.subjectType eq p.subjectType) and (NexusPermissionsTable.subjectId eq p.subjectId) and (NexusPermissionsTable.resourceType eq p.resourceType) and (NexusPermissionsTable.resourceId eq p.resourceId) and (NexusPermissionsTable.permissionName eq p.permissionName.lowercase())) }.firstOrNull() } } /** * Require that the authenticated user has at least one of the listed permissions. * * Throws a NexusError if the authenticated user for the request doesn't have any of * listed the permissions. It returns the username of the authorized user. */ fun ApplicationRequest.requirePermission(vararg perms: PermissionQuery): String { val username = transaction { val user = authenticateRequest(this@requirePermission) if (user.superuser) { return@transaction user.username } var foundPermission = false for (pr in perms) { val p = Permission("user", user.username, pr.resourceType, pr.resourceId, pr.permissionName.lowercase()) val existingPerm = findPermission(p) if (existingPerm != null) { foundPermission = true break } } if (!foundPermission) { val possiblePerms = perms.joinToString(" | ") { "${it.resourceId} ${it.resourceType} ${it.permissionName}" } throw NexusError( HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, "User ${user.username} has insufficient permissions (needs $possiblePerms)." ) } user.username } return username }