# Helpers for the integration tests. from subprocess import check_call, Popen, PIPE, DEVNULL import socket from requests import post, get, auth from time import sleep from deepdiff import DeepDiff import atexit from pathlib import Path import sys import os class EbicsDetails: def get_as_dict(self, with_url): ret = dict( hostID=self.host, partnerID=self.partner, userID=self.user ) if with_url: ret.update(ebicsURL=self.service_url) return ret def __init__(self, service_url): self.service_url = service_url self.host = "HOST01" self.partner = "PARTNER1" self.user = "USER1" self.version = "H004" class BankingDetails: def __init__( self, bank_base_url, iban="GB33BUKB20201555555555", bic="BUKBGB22", label="savings", name="Oliver Smith" ): self.iban = iban self.bic = bic self.label = label self.bank_base_url = bank_base_url self.name = name class NexusDetails: def __init__(self, base_url): self.base_url = base_url self.username = "admin" self.password = "x" self.bank_connection = "my-ebics" self.bank_label = "local-savings" self.auth = auth.HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password) self.taler_facade_name = "taler-wire-gateway" class LibeufinPersona: def __init__(self, banking_details, nexus_details, ebics_details): self.banking = banking_details self.nexus = nexus_details self.ebics = ebics_details class CheckJsonField: def __init__(self, name, nested=None, optional=False): self.name = name self.nested = nested self.optional = optional def check(self, json): if self.name not in json and not self.optional: print(f"'{self.name}' not found in the JSON: {json}.") sys.exit(1) if self.nested: self.nested.check(json.get(self.name)) class CheckJsonTop: def __init__(self, *args): self.checks = args def check(self, json): for check in self.checks: check.check(json) return json def assertJsonEqual(json1, json2): diff = DeepDiff(json1, json2, ignore_order=True, report_repetition=True) assert len(diff.keys()) == 0 def checkPort(port): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) try: s.bind(("", port)) s.close() except: print(f"Port {port} is not available") print(sys.exc_info()[0]) exit(77) def kill(name, s): s.terminate() s.wait() def makeNexusSuperuser(): check_call([ "../gradlew", "-q", "--console=plain", "-p", "..", "nexus:run", f"--args=superuser admin --password x", ]) def dropSandboxTables(): check_call([ "../gradlew", "-q", "--console=plain", "-p", "..", "sandbox:run", f"--args=reset-tables" ]) def dropNexusTables(): check_call([ "../gradlew", "-q", "--console=plain", "-p", "..", "nexus:run", f"--args=reset-tables" ]) def startSandbox(): check_call(["../gradlew", "-q", "--console=plain", "-p", "..", "sandbox:assemble"]) checkPort(5000) sandbox = Popen([ "../gradlew", "-q", "-p", "..", "sandbox:run", "--console=plain", "--args=serve"], stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=open("sandbox-stdout.log", "w"), stderr=open("sandbox-stderr.log", "w") ) atexit.register(lambda: kill("sandbox", sandbox)) for i in range(10): try: get("http://localhost:5000/") except: if i == 9: stdout, stderr = sandbox.communicate() print("Sandbox timed out") print("{}\n{}".format(stdout.decode(), stderr.decode())) exit(77) sleep(2) continue break def startNexus(): check_call( ["../gradlew", "-q", "--console=plain", "-p", "..", "nexus:assemble",] ) checkPort(5001) nexus = Popen([ "../gradlew", "-q", "-p", "..", "nexus:run", "--console=plain", "--args=serve")], stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=open("nexus-stdout.log", "w"), stderr=open("nexus-stderr.log", "w") ) atexit.register(lambda: kill("nexus", nexus)) for i in range(80): try: get("http://localhost:5001/") except: if i == 79: nexus.terminate() print("Nexus timed out") exit(77) sleep(1) continue break return nexus def assertResponse(r, acceptedResponses=[200]): def http_trace(r): request = f"{r.request.method} {r.request.url}\n{r.request.body.decode('utf-8')}" response = f"{r.status_code} {r.reason}\n{r.text}" return f"(the following communication failed)\n\n{request}\n\n{response}" assert r.status_code in acceptedResponses, http_trace(r) return r