BEGIN; SET search_path TO libeufin_bank; -- Remove all existing functions DO $do$ DECLARE _sql text; BEGIN SELECT INTO _sql string_agg(format('DROP %s %s CASCADE;' , CASE prokind WHEN 'f' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PROCEDURE' END , oid::regprocedure) , E'\n') FROM pg_proc WHERE pronamespace = 'libeufin_bank'::regnamespace; IF _sql IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE _sql; END IF; END $do$; CREATE FUNCTION amount_normalize( IN amount taler_amount ,OUT normalized taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN normalized.val = amount.val + amount.frac / 100000000; IF (normalized.val > 1::INT8<<52) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'amount value overflowed'; END IF; normalized.frac = amount.frac % 100000000; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION amount_normalize IS 'Returns the normalized amount by adding to the .val the value of (.frac / 100000000) and removing the modulus 100000000 from .frac.' 'It raises an exception when the resulting .val is larger than 2^52'; CREATE FUNCTION amount_add( IN a taler_amount ,IN b taler_amount ,OUT sum taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN sum = (a.val + b.val, a.frac + b.frac); SELECT normalized.val, normalized.frac INTO sum.val, sum.frac FROM amount_normalize(sum) as normalized; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION amount_add IS 'Returns the normalized sum of two amounts. It raises an exception when the resulting .val is larger than 2^52'; CREATE FUNCTION amount_left_minus_right( IN l taler_amount ,IN r taler_amount ,OUT diff taler_amount ,OUT ok BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF l.val > r.val THEN ok = TRUE; IF l.frac >= r.frac THEN diff.val = l.val - r.val; diff.frac = l.frac - r.frac; ELSE diff.val = l.val - r.val - 1; diff.frac = l.frac + 100000000 - r.frac; END IF; ELSE IF l.val = r.val AND l.frac >= r.frac THEN diff.val = 0; diff.frac = l.frac - r.frac; ok = TRUE; ELSE diff = (-1, -1); ok = FALSE; END IF; END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION amount_left_minus_right IS 'Subtracts the right amount from the left and returns the difference and TRUE, if the left amount is larger than the right, or an invalid amount and FALSE otherwise.'; CREATE FUNCTION account_balance_is_sufficient( IN in_account_id INT8, IN in_amount taler_amount, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE account_has_debt BOOLEAN; account_balance taler_amount; account_max_debt taler_amount; BEGIN -- get account info, we expect the account to exist SELECT has_debt, (balance).val, (balance).frac, (max_debt).val, (max_debt).frac INTO account_has_debt, account_balance.val, account_balance.frac, account_max_debt.val, account_max_debt.frac FROM bank_accounts WHERE bank_account_id=in_account_id; -- check enough funds IF account_has_debt THEN -- debt case: simply checking against the max debt allowed. SELECT sum.val, sum.frac INTO account_balance.val, account_balance.frac FROM amount_add(account_balance, in_amount) as sum; SELECT NOT ok INTO out_balance_insufficient FROM amount_left_minus_right(account_max_debt, account_balance); IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; ELSE -- not a debt account SELECT NOT ok INTO out_balance_insufficient FROM amount_left_minus_right(account_balance, in_amount); IF out_balance_insufficient THEN -- debtor will switch to debt: determine their new negative balance. SELECT (diff).val, (diff).frac INTO account_balance.val, account_balance.frac FROM amount_left_minus_right(in_amount, account_balance); SELECT NOT ok INTO out_balance_insufficient FROM amount_left_minus_right(account_max_debt, account_balance); IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; END IF; END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION account_balance_is_sufficient IS 'Check if an account have enough fund to transfer an amount.'; CREATE FUNCTION account_delete( IN in_login TEXT, IN in_is_tan BOOLEAN, OUT out_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_not_zero BOOLEAN, OUT out_tan_required BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE my_customer_id INT8; my_balance_val INT8; my_balance_frac INT4; BEGIN -- check if login exists and if 2FA is required SELECT customer_id, (NOT in_is_tan AND tan_channel IS NOT NULL) INTO my_customer_id, out_tan_required FROM customers WHERE login = in_login; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; END IF; -- get the balance SELECT (balance).val as balance_val, (balance).frac as balance_frac INTO my_balance_val, my_balance_frac FROM bank_accounts WHERE owning_customer_id = my_customer_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invariant failed: customer lacks bank account'; END IF; -- check that balance is zero. IF my_balance_val != 0 OR my_balance_frac != 0 THEN out_balance_not_zero=TRUE; RETURN; END IF; -- check tan required IF out_tan_required THEN RETURN; END IF; -- actual deletion DELETE FROM customers WHERE login = in_login; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION account_delete IS 'Deletes an account if the balance is zero'; CREATE PROCEDURE register_outgoing( IN in_request_uid BYTEA, IN in_wtid BYTEA, IN in_exchange_base_url TEXT, IN in_debtor_account_id INT8, IN in_creditor_account_id INT8, IN in_debit_row_id INT8, IN in_credit_row_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE local_amount taler_amount; local_bank_account_id INT8; BEGIN -- register outgoing transaction INSERT INTO taler_exchange_outgoing ( request_uid, wtid, exchange_base_url, bank_transaction, creditor_account_id ) VALUES ( in_request_uid, in_wtid, in_exchange_base_url, in_debit_row_id, in_creditor_account_id ); -- TODO check if not drain -- update stats SELECT (amount).val, (amount).frac, bank_account_id INTO local_amount.val, local_amount.frac, local_bank_account_id FROM bank_account_transactions WHERE bank_transaction_id=in_debit_row_id; CALL stats_register_payment('taler_out', NULL, local_amount, null); -- notify new transaction PERFORM pg_notify('outgoing_tx', in_debtor_account_id || ' ' || in_creditor_account_id || ' ' || in_debit_row_id || ' ' || in_credit_row_id); END $$; COMMENT ON PROCEDURE register_outgoing IS 'Register a bank transaction as a taler outgoing transaction and announce it'; CREATE PROCEDURE register_incoming( IN in_reserve_pub BYTEA, IN in_tx_row_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE local_amount taler_amount; local_bank_account_id INT8; BEGIN -- Register incoming transaction INSERT INTO taler_exchange_incoming ( reserve_pub, bank_transaction ) VALUES ( in_reserve_pub, in_tx_row_id ); -- update stats SELECT (amount).val, (amount).frac, bank_account_id INTO local_amount.val, local_amount.frac, local_bank_account_id FROM bank_account_transactions WHERE bank_transaction_id=in_tx_row_id; CALL stats_register_payment('taler_in', NULL, local_amount, null); -- notify new transaction PERFORM pg_notify('incoming_tx', local_bank_account_id || ' ' || in_tx_row_id); END $$; COMMENT ON PROCEDURE register_incoming IS 'Register a bank transaction as a taler incoming transaction and announce it'; CREATE FUNCTION taler_transfer( IN in_request_uid BYTEA, IN in_wtid BYTEA, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_exchange_base_url TEXT, IN in_credit_account_payto TEXT, IN in_username TEXT, IN in_timestamp INT8, -- Error status OUT out_debtor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_debtor_not_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_creditor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_both_exchanges BOOLEAN, OUT out_request_uid_reuse BOOLEAN, OUT out_exchange_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_tx_row_id INT8, OUT out_timestamp INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE exchange_bank_account_id INT8; receiver_bank_account_id INT8; credit_row_id INT8; BEGIN -- Check for idempotence and conflict SELECT (amount != in_amount OR creditor_payto_uri != in_credit_account_payto OR exchange_base_url != in_exchange_base_url OR wtid != in_wtid) ,bank_transaction_id, transaction_date INTO out_request_uid_reuse, out_tx_row_id, out_timestamp FROM taler_exchange_outgoing JOIN bank_account_transactions AS txs ON bank_transaction=txs.bank_transaction_id WHERE request_uid = in_request_uid; IF found THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Find exchange bank account id SELECT bank_account_id, NOT is_taler_exchange INTO exchange_bank_account_id, out_debtor_not_exchange FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_debtor_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_debtor_not_exchange THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Find receiver bank account id SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange INTO receiver_bank_account_id, out_both_exchanges FROM bank_accounts WHERE internal_payto_uri = in_credit_account_payto; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_creditor_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_both_exchanges THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Perform bank transfer SELECT out_balance_insufficient, out_debit_row_id, out_credit_row_id INTO out_exchange_balance_insufficient, out_tx_row_id, credit_row_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( receiver_bank_account_id, exchange_bank_account_id, in_subject, in_amount, in_timestamp, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; IF out_exchange_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; out_timestamp=in_timestamp; -- Register outgoing transaction CALL register_outgoing(in_request_uid, in_wtid, in_exchange_base_url, exchange_bank_account_id, receiver_bank_account_id, out_tx_row_id, credit_row_id); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION taler_transfer IS 'Create an outgoing taler transaction and register it'; CREATE FUNCTION taler_add_incoming( IN in_reserve_pub BYTEA, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_debit_account_payto TEXT, IN in_username TEXT, IN in_timestamp INT8, -- Error status OUT out_creditor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_creditor_not_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_debtor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_both_exchanges BOOLEAN, OUT out_reserve_pub_reuse BOOLEAN, OUT out_debitor_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_tx_row_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE exchange_bank_account_id INT8; sender_bank_account_id INT8; BEGIN -- Check conflict SELECT true FROM taler_exchange_incoming WHERE reserve_pub = in_reserve_pub UNION ALL SELECT true FROM taler_withdrawal_operations WHERE reserve_pub = in_reserve_pub INTO out_reserve_pub_reuse; IF out_reserve_pub_reuse THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Find exchange bank account id SELECT bank_account_id, NOT is_taler_exchange INTO exchange_bank_account_id, out_creditor_not_exchange FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = in_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_creditor_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_creditor_not_exchange THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Find sender bank account id SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange INTO sender_bank_account_id, out_both_exchanges FROM bank_accounts WHERE internal_payto_uri = in_debit_account_payto; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_debtor_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_both_exchanges THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Perform bank transfer SELECT out_balance_insufficient, out_credit_row_id INTO out_debitor_balance_insufficient, out_tx_row_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( exchange_bank_account_id, sender_bank_account_id, in_subject, in_amount, in_timestamp, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; IF out_debitor_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Register incoming transaction CALL register_incoming(in_reserve_pub, out_tx_row_id); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION taler_add_incoming IS 'Create an incoming taler transaction and register it'; CREATE FUNCTION bank_transaction( IN in_credit_account_payto TEXT, IN in_debit_account_username TEXT, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_timestamp INT8, IN in_is_tan BOOLEAN, IN in_request_uid BYTEA, -- Error status OUT out_creditor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_debtor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_same_account BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, OUT out_creditor_admin BOOLEAN, OUT out_tan_required BOOLEAN, OUT out_request_uid_reuse BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_credit_bank_account_id INT8, OUT out_debit_bank_account_id INT8, OUT out_credit_row_id INT8, OUT out_debit_row_id INT8, OUT out_creditor_is_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_debtor_is_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_idempotent BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN -- Find credit bank account id and check it's not admin SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange, login='admin' INTO out_credit_bank_account_id, out_creditor_is_exchange, out_creditor_admin FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE internal_payto_uri = in_credit_account_payto; IF NOT FOUND OR out_creditor_admin THEN out_creditor_not_found=NOT FOUND; RETURN; END IF; -- Find debit bank account ID and check it's a different account and if 2FA is required SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange, out_credit_bank_account_id=bank_account_id, NOT in_is_tan AND tan_channel IS NOT NULL INTO out_debit_bank_account_id, out_debtor_is_exchange, out_same_account, out_tan_required FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = in_debit_account_username; IF NOT FOUND OR out_same_account THEN out_debtor_not_found=NOT FOUND; RETURN; END IF; -- Check for idempotence and conflict IF in_request_uid IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT (amount != in_amount OR subject != in_subject OR bank_account_id != out_debit_bank_account_id), bank_transaction INTO out_request_uid_reuse, out_debit_row_id FROM bank_transaction_operations JOIN bank_account_transactions ON bank_transaction = bank_transaction_id WHERE request_uid = in_request_uid; IF found OR out_tan_required THEN out_idempotent = found AND NOT out_request_uid_reuse; RETURN; END IF; ELSIF out_tan_required THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Perform bank transfer SELECT transfer.out_balance_insufficient, transfer.out_credit_row_id, transfer.out_debit_row_id INTO out_balance_insufficient, out_credit_row_id, out_debit_row_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( out_credit_bank_account_id, out_debit_bank_account_id, in_subject, in_amount, in_timestamp, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; -- Store operation IF in_request_uid IS NOT NULL THEN INSERT INTO bank_transaction_operations (request_uid, bank_transaction) VALUES (in_request_uid, out_debit_row_id); END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION bank_transaction IS 'Create a bank transaction'; CREATE FUNCTION create_taler_withdrawal( IN in_account_username TEXT, IN in_withdrawal_uuid UUID, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_now_date INT8, -- Error status OUT out_account_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_account_is_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE account_id INT8; BEGIN -- Check account exists SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange INTO account_id, out_account_is_exchange FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON bank_accounts.owning_customer_id = customers.customer_id WHERE login=in_account_username; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_account_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_account_is_exchange THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Check enough funds SELECT account_balance_is_sufficient(account_id, in_amount) INTO out_balance_insufficient; IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Create withdrawal operation INSERT INTO taler_withdrawal_operations (withdrawal_uuid, wallet_bank_account, amount, creation_date) VALUES (in_withdrawal_uuid, account_id, in_amount, in_now_date); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION create_taler_withdrawal IS 'Create a new withdrawal operation'; CREATE FUNCTION select_taler_withdrawal( IN in_withdrawal_uuid uuid, IN in_reserve_pub BYTEA, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_selected_exchange_payto TEXT, -- Error status OUT out_no_op BOOLEAN, OUT out_already_selected BOOLEAN, OUT out_reserve_pub_reuse BOOLEAN, OUT out_account_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_account_is_not_exchange BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_status TEXT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE not_selected BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Check for conflict and idempotence SELECT NOT selection_done, CASE WHEN confirmation_done THEN 'confirmed' WHEN aborted THEN 'aborted' ELSE 'selected' END, selection_done AND (selected_exchange_payto != in_selected_exchange_payto OR reserve_pub != in_reserve_pub) INTO not_selected, out_status, out_already_selected FROM taler_withdrawal_operations WHERE withdrawal_uuid=in_withdrawal_uuid; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_op=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_already_selected THEN RETURN; END IF; IF not_selected THEN -- Check reserve_pub reuse SELECT true FROM taler_exchange_incoming WHERE reserve_pub = in_reserve_pub UNION ALL SELECT true FROM taler_withdrawal_operations WHERE reserve_pub = in_reserve_pub INTO out_reserve_pub_reuse; IF out_reserve_pub_reuse THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Check exchange account SELECT NOT is_taler_exchange INTO out_account_is_not_exchange FROM bank_accounts WHERE internal_payto_uri=in_selected_exchange_payto; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_account_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_account_is_not_exchange THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Update withdrawal operation UPDATE taler_withdrawal_operations SET selected_exchange_payto=in_selected_exchange_payto, reserve_pub=in_reserve_pub, subject=in_subject, selection_done=true WHERE withdrawal_uuid=in_withdrawal_uuid; -- Notify status change PERFORM pg_notify('withdrawal_status', in_withdrawal_uuid::text || ' selected'); END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION select_taler_withdrawal IS 'Set details of a withdrawal operation'; CREATE FUNCTION abort_taler_withdrawal( IN in_withdrawal_uuid uuid, OUT out_no_op BOOLEAN, OUT out_already_confirmed BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE taler_withdrawal_operations SET aborted = NOT confirmation_done WHERE withdrawal_uuid=in_withdrawal_uuid RETURNING confirmation_done INTO out_already_confirmed; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_op=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_already_confirmed THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Notify status change PERFORM pg_notify('withdrawal_status', in_withdrawal_uuid::text || ' aborted'); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION abort_taler_withdrawal IS 'Abort a withdrawal operation.'; CREATE FUNCTION confirm_taler_withdrawal( IN in_login TEXT, IN in_withdrawal_uuid uuid, IN in_confirmation_date INT8, IN in_is_tan BOOLEAN, OUT out_no_op BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, OUT out_creditor_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_exchange_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_not_selected BOOLEAN, OUT out_aborted BOOLEAN, OUT out_tan_required BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE already_confirmed BOOLEAN; subject_local TEXT; reserve_pub_local BYTEA; selected_exchange_payto_local TEXT; wallet_bank_account_local INT8; amount_local taler_amount; exchange_bank_account_id INT8; tx_row_id INT8; BEGIN -- Check op exists SELECT confirmation_done, aborted, NOT selection_done, reserve_pub, subject, selected_exchange_payto, wallet_bank_account, (amount).val, (amount).frac, (NOT in_is_tan AND tan_channel IS NOT NULL) INTO already_confirmed, out_aborted, out_not_selected, reserve_pub_local, subject_local, selected_exchange_payto_local, wallet_bank_account_local, amount_local.val, amount_local.frac, out_tan_required FROM taler_withdrawal_operations JOIN bank_accounts ON wallet_bank_account=bank_account_id JOIN customers ON owning_customer_id=customer_id WHERE withdrawal_uuid=in_withdrawal_uuid AND login=in_login; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_op=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF already_confirmed OR out_aborted OR out_not_selected THEN RETURN; END IF; -- sending the funds to the exchange, but needs first its bank account row ID SELECT bank_account_id INTO exchange_bank_account_id FROM bank_accounts WHERE internal_payto_uri = selected_exchange_payto_local; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_exchange_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; END IF; -- Check 2FA IF out_tan_required THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT -- not checking for accounts existence, as it was done above. transfer.out_balance_insufficient, out_credit_row_id INTO out_balance_insufficient, tx_row_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( exchange_bank_account_id, wallet_bank_account_local, subject_local, amount_local, in_confirmation_date, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Confirm operation UPDATE taler_withdrawal_operations SET confirmation_done = true WHERE withdrawal_uuid=in_withdrawal_uuid; -- Register incoming transaction CALL register_incoming(reserve_pub_local, tx_row_id); -- Notify status change PERFORM pg_notify('withdrawal_status', in_withdrawal_uuid::text || ' confirmed'); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION confirm_taler_withdrawal IS 'Set a withdrawal operation as confirmed and wire the funds to the exchange.'; CREATE FUNCTION bank_wire_transfer( IN in_creditor_account_id INT8, IN in_debtor_account_id INT8, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_transaction_date INT8, IN in_account_servicer_reference TEXT, IN in_payment_information_id TEXT, IN in_end_to_end_id TEXT, -- Error status OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_credit_row_id INT8, OUT out_debit_row_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE debtor_has_debt BOOLEAN; debtor_balance taler_amount; debtor_max_debt taler_amount; debtor_payto_uri TEXT; debtor_name TEXT; creditor_has_debt BOOLEAN; creditor_balance taler_amount; creditor_payto_uri TEXT; creditor_name TEXT; potential_balance taler_amount; new_debtor_balance taler_amount; new_debtor_balance_ok BOOLEAN; new_creditor_balance taler_amount; will_debtor_have_debt BOOLEAN; will_creditor_have_debt BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Retrieve debtor info SELECT has_debt, (balance).val, (balance).frac, (max_debt).val, (max_debt).frac, internal_payto_uri, INTO debtor_has_debt, debtor_balance.val, debtor_balance.frac, debtor_max_debt.val, debtor_max_debt.frac, debtor_payto_uri, debtor_name FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE bank_account_id=in_debtor_account_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'fuck debtor'; END IF; -- Retrieve creditor info SELECT has_debt, (balance).val, (balance).frac, internal_payto_uri, INTO creditor_has_debt, creditor_balance.val, creditor_balance.frac, creditor_payto_uri, creditor_name FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE bank_account_id=in_creditor_account_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'fuck creditor %', in_creditor_account_id; END IF; -- DEBTOR SIDE -- check debtor has enough funds. IF debtor_has_debt THEN -- debt case: simply checking against the max debt allowed. SELECT sum.val, sum.frac INTO potential_balance.val, potential_balance.frac FROM amount_add(debtor_balance, in_amount) as sum; SELECT NOT ok INTO out_balance_insufficient FROM amount_left_minus_right(debtor_max_debt, potential_balance); IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; new_debtor_balance=potential_balance; will_debtor_have_debt=TRUE; ELSE -- not a debt account SELECT NOT ok, (diff).val, (diff).frac INTO out_balance_insufficient, potential_balance.val, potential_balance.frac FROM amount_left_minus_right(debtor_balance, in_amount); IF NOT out_balance_insufficient THEN -- debtor has enough funds in the (positive) balance. new_debtor_balance=potential_balance; will_debtor_have_debt=FALSE; ELSE -- debtor will switch to debt: determine their new negative balance. SELECT (diff).val, (diff).frac INTO new_debtor_balance.val, new_debtor_balance.frac FROM amount_left_minus_right(in_amount, debtor_balance); will_debtor_have_debt=TRUE; SELECT NOT ok INTO out_balance_insufficient FROM amount_left_minus_right(debtor_max_debt, new_debtor_balance); IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; END IF; END IF; out_balance_insufficient=FALSE; -- CREDITOR SIDE. -- Here we figure out whether the creditor would switch -- from debit to a credit situation, and adjust the balance -- accordingly. IF NOT creditor_has_debt THEN -- easy case. SELECT sum.val, sum.frac INTO new_creditor_balance.val, new_creditor_balance.frac FROM amount_add(creditor_balance, in_amount) as sum; will_creditor_have_debt=FALSE; ELSE -- creditor had debit but MIGHT switch to credit. SELECT (diff).val, (diff).frac, NOT ok INTO new_creditor_balance.val, new_creditor_balance.frac, will_creditor_have_debt FROM amount_left_minus_right(in_amount, creditor_balance); IF will_creditor_have_debt THEN -- the amount is not enough to bring the receiver -- to a credit state, switch operators to calculate the new balance. SELECT (diff).val, (diff).frac INTO new_creditor_balance.val, new_creditor_balance.frac FROM amount_left_minus_right(creditor_balance, in_amount); END IF; END IF; -- now actually create the bank transaction. -- debtor side: INSERT INTO bank_account_transactions ( creditor_payto_uri ,creditor_name ,debtor_payto_uri ,debtor_name ,subject ,amount ,transaction_date ,account_servicer_reference ,payment_information_id ,end_to_end_id ,direction ,bank_account_id ) VALUES ( creditor_payto_uri, creditor_name, debtor_payto_uri, debtor_name, in_subject, in_amount, in_transaction_date, in_account_servicer_reference, in_payment_information_id, in_end_to_end_id, 'debit', in_debtor_account_id ) RETURNING bank_transaction_id INTO out_debit_row_id; -- debtor side: INSERT INTO bank_account_transactions ( creditor_payto_uri ,creditor_name ,debtor_payto_uri ,debtor_name ,subject ,amount ,transaction_date ,account_servicer_reference ,payment_information_id ,end_to_end_id ,direction ,bank_account_id ) VALUES ( creditor_payto_uri, creditor_name, debtor_payto_uri, debtor_name, in_subject, in_amount, in_transaction_date, in_account_servicer_reference, in_payment_information_id, in_end_to_end_id, -- does this interest the receiving party? 'credit', in_creditor_account_id ) RETURNING bank_transaction_id INTO out_credit_row_id; -- checks and balances set up, now update bank accounts. UPDATE bank_accounts SET balance=new_debtor_balance, has_debt=will_debtor_have_debt WHERE bank_account_id=in_debtor_account_id; UPDATE bank_accounts SET balance=new_creditor_balance, has_debt=will_creditor_have_debt WHERE bank_account_id=in_creditor_account_id; -- notify new transaction PERFORM pg_notify('bank_tx', in_debtor_account_id || ' ' || in_creditor_account_id || ' ' || out_debit_row_id || ' ' || out_credit_row_id); END $$; CREATE FUNCTION cashin( IN in_now_date INT8, IN in_reserve_pub BYTEA, IN in_amount taler_amount, IN in_subject TEXT, -- Error status OUT out_no_account BOOLEAN, OUT out_too_small BOOLEAN, OUT out_no_config BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE converted_amount taler_amount; admin_account_id INT8; exchange_account_id INT8; tx_row_id INT8; BEGIN -- TODO check reserve_pub reuse ? -- Recover exchange account info SELECT bank_account_id INTO exchange_account_id FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = 'exchange'; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_account = true; RETURN; END IF; -- Retrieve admin account id SELECT bank_account_id INTO admin_account_id FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = 'admin'; -- Perform conversion SELECT (converted).val, (converted).frac, too_small, no_config INTO converted_amount.val, converted_amount.frac, out_too_small, out_no_config FROM conversion_to(in_amount, 'cashin'::text); IF out_too_small OR out_no_config THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Perform bank wire transfer SELECT transfer.out_balance_insufficient, transfer.out_credit_row_id INTO out_balance_insufficient, tx_row_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( exchange_account_id, admin_account_id, in_subject, converted_amount, in_now_date, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Register incoming transaction CALL register_incoming(in_reserve_pub, tx_row_id); -- update stats CALL stats_register_payment('cashin', NULL, converted_amount, in_amount); END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION cashin IS 'Perform a cashin operation'; CREATE FUNCTION cashout_create( IN in_login TEXT, IN in_request_uid BYTEA, IN in_amount_debit taler_amount, IN in_amount_credit taler_amount, IN in_subject TEXT, IN in_now_date INT8, IN in_is_tan BOOLEAN, -- Error status OUT out_bad_conversion BOOLEAN, OUT out_account_not_found BOOLEAN, OUT out_account_is_exchange BOOLEAN, OUT out_balance_insufficient BOOLEAN, OUT out_request_uid_reuse BOOLEAN, OUT out_no_cashout_payto BOOLEAN, OUT out_tan_required BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_cashout_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE account_id INT8; admin_account_id INT8; tx_id INT8; BEGIN -- check conversion SELECT too_small OR no_config OR in_amount_credit!=converted INTO out_bad_conversion FROM conversion_to(in_amount_debit, 'cashout'::text); IF out_bad_conversion THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Check account exists, has all info and if 2FA is required SELECT bank_account_id, is_taler_exchange, cashout_payto IS NULL, (NOT in_is_tan AND tan_channel IS NOT NULL) INTO account_id, out_account_is_exchange, out_no_cashout_payto, out_tan_required FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON bank_accounts.owning_customer_id = customers.customer_id WHERE login=in_login; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_account_not_found=TRUE; RETURN; ELSIF out_account_is_exchange OR out_no_cashout_payto THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Retrieve admin account id SELECT bank_account_id INTO admin_account_id FROM bank_accounts JOIN customers ON customer_id=owning_customer_id WHERE login = 'admin'; -- Check for idempotence and conflict SELECT (amount_debit != in_amount_debit OR subject != in_subject OR bank_account != account_id) , cashout_id INTO out_request_uid_reuse, out_cashout_id FROM cashout_operations WHERE request_uid = in_request_uid; IF found OR out_request_uid_reuse OR out_tan_required THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Perform bank wire transfer SELECT transfer.out_balance_insufficient, out_debit_row_id INTO out_balance_insufficient, tx_id FROM bank_wire_transfer( admin_account_id, account_id, in_subject, in_amount_debit, in_now_date, NULL, NULL, NULL ) as transfer; IF out_balance_insufficient THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Create cashout operation INSERT INTO cashout_operations ( request_uid ,amount_debit ,amount_credit ,creation_time ,bank_account ,subject ,local_transaction ) VALUES ( in_request_uid ,in_amount_debit ,in_amount_credit ,in_now_date ,account_id ,in_subject ,tx_id ) RETURNING cashout_id INTO out_cashout_id; -- update stats CALL stats_register_payment('cashout', NULL, in_amount_debit, in_amount_credit); END $$; CREATE FUNCTION tan_challenge_create ( IN in_body TEXT, IN in_op op_enum, IN in_code TEXT, IN in_now_date INT8, IN in_validity_period INT8, IN in_retry_counter INT4, IN in_login TEXT, IN in_tan_channel tan_enum, IN in_tan_info TEXT, OUT out_challenge_id INT8 ) LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$ DECLARE account_id INT8; BEGIN -- Retrieve account id SELECT customer_id INTO account_id FROM customers WHERE login = in_login; -- Create challenge INSERT INTO tan_challenges ( body, op, code, creation_date, expiration_date, retry_counter, customer, tan_channel, tan_info ) VALUES ( in_body, in_op, in_code, in_now_date, in_now_date + in_validity_period, in_retry_counter, account_id, in_tan_channel, in_tan_info ) RETURNING challenge_id INTO out_challenge_id; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION tan_challenge_create IS 'Create a new challenge, return the generated id'; CREATE FUNCTION tan_challenge_send ( IN in_challenge_id INT8, IN in_login TEXT, IN in_code TEXT, -- New code to use if the old code expired IN in_now_date INT8, IN in_validity_period INT8, IN in_retry_counter INT4, -- Error status OUT out_no_op BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_tan_code TEXT, -- TAN code to send, NULL if nothing should be sent OUT out_tan_channel tan_enum, -- TAN channel to use, NULL if nothing should be sent OUT out_tan_info TEXT -- TAN info to use, NULL if nothing should be sent ) LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$ DECLARE account_id INT8; expired BOOLEAN; retransmit BOOLEAN; BEGIN -- Retrieve account id SELECT customer_id, tan_channel, CASE tan_channel WHEN 'sms' THEN phone WHEN 'email' THEN email END INTO account_id, out_tan_channel, out_tan_info FROM customers WHERE login = in_login; -- Recover expiration date SELECT (in_now_date >= expiration_date OR retry_counter <= 0) AND confirmation_date IS NULL ,in_now_date >= retransmission_date AND confirmation_date IS NULL ,code, COALESCE(tan_channel, out_tan_channel), COALESCE(tan_info, out_tan_info) INTO expired, retransmit, out_tan_code, out_tan_channel, out_tan_info FROM tan_challenges WHERE challenge_id = in_challenge_id AND customer = account_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_op = true; RETURN; END IF; IF expired THEN UPDATE tan_challenges SET code = in_code ,expiration_date = in_now_date + in_validity_period ,retry_counter = in_retry_counter WHERE challenge_id = in_challenge_id; out_tan_code = in_code; ELSIF NOT retransmit THEN out_tan_code = NULL; END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION tan_challenge_send IS 'Get the challenge to send, return NULL if nothing should be sent'; CREATE FUNCTION tan_challenge_mark_sent ( IN in_challenge_id INT8, IN in_now_date INT8, IN in_retransmission_period INT8 ) RETURNS void LANGUAGE sql AS $$ UPDATE tan_challenges SET retransmission_date = in_now_date + in_retransmission_period WHERE challenge_id = in_challenge_id; $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION tan_challenge_mark_sent IS 'Register a challenge as successfully sent'; CREATE FUNCTION tan_challenge_try ( IN in_challenge_id INT8, IN in_login TEXT, IN in_code TEXT, IN in_now_date INT8, -- Error status OUT out_ok BOOLEAN, OUT out_no_op BOOLEAN, OUT out_no_retry BOOLEAN, OUT out_expired BOOLEAN, -- Success return OUT out_op op_enum, OUT out_body TEXT, OUT out_channel tan_enum, OUT out_info TEXT ) LANGUAGE plpgsql as $$ DECLARE account_id INT8; BEGIN -- Retrieve account id SELECT customer_id INTO account_id FROM customers WHERE login = in_login; -- Check challenge UPDATE tan_challenges SET confirmation_date = CASE WHEN (retry_counter > 0 AND in_now_date < expiration_date AND code = in_code) THEN in_now_date ELSE confirmation_date END, retry_counter = retry_counter - 1 WHERE challenge_id = in_challenge_id AND customer = account_id RETURNING confirmation_date IS NOT NULL, retry_counter <= 0 AND confirmation_date IS NULL, in_now_date >= expiration_date AND confirmation_date IS NULL INTO out_ok, out_no_retry, out_expired; IF NOT FOUND THEN out_no_op = true; RETURN; ELSIF NOT out_ok OR out_no_retry OR out_expired THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Recover body and op from challenge SELECT body, op, tan_channel, tan_info INTO out_body, out_op, out_channel, out_info FROM tan_challenges WHERE challenge_id = in_challenge_id; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION tan_challenge_try IS 'Try to confirm a challenge, return true if the challenge have been confirmed'; CREATE FUNCTION stats_get_frame( IN now TIMESTAMP, IN in_timeframe stat_timeframe_enum, IN which INTEGER, OUT cashin_count INT8, OUT cashin_regional_volume taler_amount, OUT cashin_fiat_volume taler_amount, OUT cashout_count INT8, OUT cashout_regional_volume taler_amount, OUT cashout_fiat_volume taler_amount, OUT taler_in_count INT8, OUT taler_in_volume taler_amount, OUT taler_out_count INT8, OUT taler_out_volume taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE local_start_time TIMESTAMP; BEGIN IF now IS NULL THEN now = timezone('utc', now())::TIMESTAMP; END IF; local_start_time = CASE WHEN which IS NULL THEN date_trunc(in_timeframe::text, now) WHEN in_timeframe = 'hour' THEN date_trunc('day' , now) + make_interval(hours => which) WHEN in_timeframe = 'day' THEN date_trunc('month', now) + make_interval(days => which-1) WHEN in_timeframe = 'month' THEN date_trunc('year' , now) + make_interval(months => which-1) WHEN in_timeframe = 'year' THEN make_date(which, 1, 1)::TIMESTAMP END; SELECT s.cashin_count ,(s.cashin_regional_volume).val ,(s.cashin_regional_volume).frac ,(s.cashin_fiat_volume).val ,(s.cashin_fiat_volume).frac ,s.cashout_count ,(s.cashout_regional_volume).val ,(s.cashout_regional_volume).frac ,(s.cashout_fiat_volume).val ,(s.cashout_fiat_volume).frac ,s.taler_in_count ,(s.taler_in_volume).val ,(s.taler_in_volume).frac ,s.taler_out_count ,(s.taler_out_volume).val ,(s.taler_out_volume).frac INTO cashin_count ,cashin_regional_volume.val ,cashin_regional_volume.frac ,cashin_fiat_volume.val ,cashin_fiat_volume.frac ,cashout_count ,cashout_regional_volume.val ,cashout_regional_volume.frac ,cashout_fiat_volume.val ,cashout_fiat_volume.frac ,taler_in_count ,taler_in_volume.val ,taler_in_volume.frac ,taler_out_count ,taler_out_volume.val ,taler_out_volume.frac FROM bank_stats AS s WHERE s.timeframe = in_timeframe AND s.start_time = local_start_time; END $$; CREATE PROCEDURE stats_register_payment( IN name TEXT, IN now TIMESTAMP, IN regional_amount taler_amount, IN fiat_amount taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE frame stat_timeframe_enum; query TEXT; BEGIN IF now IS NULL THEN now = timezone('utc', now())::TIMESTAMP; END IF; IF fiat_amount IS NULL THEN query = format('INSERT INTO bank_stats AS s ' '(timeframe, start_time, %1$I_count, %1$I_volume) ' 'VALUES ($1, $2, 1, $3) ' 'ON CONFLICT (timeframe, start_time) DO UPDATE ' 'SET %1$I_count=s.%1$I_count+1 ' ', %1$I_volume=(SELECT amount_add(s.%1$I_volume, $3))', name); FOREACH frame IN ARRAY enum_range(null::stat_timeframe_enum) LOOP EXECUTE query USING frame, date_trunc(frame::text, now), regional_amount; END LOOP; ELSE query = format('INSERT INTO bank_stats AS s ' '(timeframe, start_time, %1$I_count, %1$I_regional_volume, %1$I_fiat_volume) ' 'VALUES ($1, $2, 1, $3, $4)' 'ON CONFLICT (timeframe, start_time) DO UPDATE ' 'SET %1$I_count=s.%1$I_count+1 ' ', %1$I_regional_volume=(SELECT amount_add(s.%1$I_regional_volume, $3))' ', %1$I_fiat_volume=(SELECT amount_add(s.%1$I_fiat_volume, $4))', name); FOREACH frame IN ARRAY enum_range(null::stat_timeframe_enum) LOOP EXECUTE query USING frame, date_trunc(frame::text, now), regional_amount, fiat_amount; END LOOP; END IF; END $$; CREATE PROCEDURE config_set_amount( IN name TEXT, IN amount taler_amount ) LANGUAGE sql AS $$ INSERT INTO config (key, value) VALUES (name, jsonb_build_object('val', amount.val, 'frac', amount.frac)) ON CONFLICT (key) DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value $$; CREATE PROCEDURE config_set_rounding_mode( IN name TEXT, IN mode rounding_mode ) LANGUAGE sql AS $$ INSERT INTO config (key, value) VALUES (name, jsonb_build_object('mode', mode::text)) ON CONFLICT (key) DO UPDATE SET value = excluded.value $$; CREATE FUNCTION config_get_amount( IN name TEXT, OUT amount taler_amount ) LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT (value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4)::taler_amount FROM config WHERE key=name $$; CREATE FUNCTION config_get_rounding_mode( IN name TEXT, OUT mode rounding_mode ) LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT (value->>'mode')::rounding_mode FROM config WHERE key=name $$; CREATE FUNCTION conversion_apply_ratio( IN amount taler_amount ,IN ratio taler_amount ,IN tiny taler_amount -- Result is rounded to this amount ,IN rounding rounding_mode -- With this rounding mode ,OUT result taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE product_numeric NUMERIC(33, 8); -- 16 digit for val, 8 for frac and 1 for rounding error tiny_numeric NUMERIC(24); rounding_error real; BEGIN -- Perform multiplication using big numbers product_numeric = (amount.val::numeric(24) * 100000000 + amount.frac::numeric(24)) * (ratio.val::numeric(24, 8) + ratio.frac::numeric(24, 8) / 100000000); -- Round to tiny amounts tiny_numeric = (tiny.val::numeric(24) * 100000000 + tiny.frac::numeric(24)); product_numeric = product_numeric / tiny_numeric; rounding_error = (product_numeric % 1)::real; product_numeric = trunc(product_numeric) * tiny_numeric; -- Apply rounding mode IF (rounding = 'nearest'::rounding_mode AND rounding_error >= 0.5) OR (rounding = 'up'::rounding_mode AND rounding_error > 0.0) THEN product_numeric = product_numeric + tiny_numeric; END IF; -- Extract product parts result = (trunc(product_numeric / 100000000)::int8, (product_numeric % 100000000)::int4); IF (result.val > 1::INT8<<52) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'amount value overflowed'; END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION conversion_apply_ratio IS 'Apply a ratio to an amount rounding the result to a tiny amount following a rounding mode. It raises an exception when the resulting .val is larger than 2^52'; CREATE FUNCTION conversion_revert_ratio( IN amount taler_amount ,IN ratio taler_amount ,IN tiny taler_amount -- Result is rounded to this amount ,IN rounding rounding_mode -- With this rounding mode ,OUT result taler_amount ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE fraction_numeric NUMERIC(33, 8); -- 16 digit for val, 8 for frac and 1 for rounding error tiny_numeric NUMERIC(24); rounding_error real; BEGIN -- Perform division using big numbers fraction_numeric = (amount.val::numeric(24) * 100000000 + amount.frac::numeric(24)) / (ratio.val::numeric(24, 8) + ratio.frac::numeric(24, 8) / 100000000); -- Round to tiny amounts tiny_numeric = (tiny.val::numeric(24) * 100000000 + tiny.frac::numeric(24)); fraction_numeric = fraction_numeric / tiny_numeric; rounding_error = (fraction_numeric % 1)::real; fraction_numeric = trunc(fraction_numeric) * tiny_numeric; -- Recover potentially lost tiny amount IF (rounding = 'zero'::rounding_mode AND rounding_error > 0) THEN fraction_numeric = fraction_numeric + tiny_numeric; END IF; -- Extract division parts result = (trunc(fraction_numeric / 100000000)::int8, (fraction_numeric % 100000000)::int4); IF (result.val > 1::INT8<<52) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'amount value overflowed'; END IF; END $$; COMMENT ON FUNCTION conversion_revert_ratio IS 'Revert the application of a ratio. This function does not always return the smallest possible amount. It raises an exception when the resulting .val is larger than 2^52'; CREATE FUNCTION conversion_to( IN amount taler_amount, IN direction TEXT, OUT converted taler_amount, OUT too_small BOOLEAN, OUT no_config BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE at_ratio taler_amount; out_fee taler_amount; tiny_amount taler_amount; min_amount taler_amount; mode rounding_mode; BEGIN -- Check min amount SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO min_amount.val, min_amount.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_min_amount'; IF NOT FOUND THEN no_config = true; RETURN; END IF; SELECT NOT ok INTO too_small FROM amount_left_minus_right(amount, min_amount); IF too_small THEN converted = (0, 0); RETURN; END IF; -- Perform conversion SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO at_ratio.val, at_ratio.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_ratio'; SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO out_fee.val, out_fee.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_fee'; SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO tiny_amount.val, tiny_amount.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_tiny_amount'; SELECT (value->>'mode')::rounding_mode INTO mode FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_rounding_mode'; SELECT (diff).val, (diff).frac, NOT ok INTO converted.val, converted.frac, too_small FROM amount_left_minus_right(conversion_apply_ratio(amount, at_ratio, tiny_amount, mode), out_fee); IF too_small THEN converted = (0, 0); END IF; END $$; CREATE FUNCTION conversion_from( IN amount taler_amount, IN direction TEXT, OUT converted taler_amount, OUT too_small BOOLEAN, OUT no_config BOOLEAN ) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE at_ratio taler_amount; out_fee taler_amount; tiny_amount taler_amount; min_amount taler_amount; mode rounding_mode; BEGIN -- Perform conversion SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO at_ratio.val, at_ratio.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_ratio'; SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO out_fee.val, out_fee.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_fee'; SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO tiny_amount.val, tiny_amount.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_tiny_amount'; SELECT (value->>'mode')::rounding_mode INTO mode FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_rounding_mode'; IF NOT FOUND THEN no_config = true; RETURN; END IF; SELECT result.val, result.frac INTO converted.val, converted.frac FROM conversion_revert_ratio(amount_add(amount, out_fee), at_ratio, tiny_amount, mode) as result; -- Check min amount SELECT value['val']::int8, value['frac']::int4 INTO min_amount.val, min_amount.frac FROM config WHERE key=direction||'_min_amount'; SELECT NOT ok INTO too_small FROM amount_left_minus_right(converted, min_amount); IF too_small THEN converted = (0, 0); END IF; END $$; COMMIT;