/* * This file is part of LibEuFin. * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Taler Systems S.A. * LibEuFin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or * (at your option) any later version. * LibEuFin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General * Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with LibEuFin; see the file COPYING. If not, see * */ package tech.libeufin.bank import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.subcommands import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.argument import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.convert import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.optional import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.groups.OptionGroup import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.groups.cooccurring import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.groups.provideDelegate import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.* import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.boolean import io.ktor.http.* import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.* import io.ktor.server.application.* import io.ktor.server.engine.* import io.ktor.server.http.content.* import io.ktor.server.netty.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.callloging.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.contentnegotiation.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.cors.routing.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.forwardedheaders.* import io.ktor.server.plugins.statuspages.* import io.ktor.server.request.* import io.ktor.server.response.* import io.ktor.server.routing.* import io.ktor.utils.io.* import kotlinx.serialization.ExperimentalSerializationApi import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json import org.postgresql.util.PSQLState import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.slf4j.event.Level import tech.libeufin.bank.db.AccountDAO.* import tech.libeufin.bank.db.Database import tech.libeufin.common.* import java.net.InetAddress import java.sql.SQLException import java.util.zip.DataFormatException import java.util.zip.Inflater import kotlin.io.path.Path import kotlin.io.path.exists import kotlin.io.path.readText import tech.libeufin.bank.api.* private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("libeufin-bank") // Dirty local variable to stop the server in test TODO remove this ugly hack var engine: ApplicationEngine? = null /** * This plugin checks for body length limit and inflates the requests that have "Content-Encoding: deflate" */ val bodyPlugin = createApplicationPlugin("BodyLimitAndDecompression") { onCallReceive { call -> // TODO check content length as an optimisation transformBody { body -> val bytes = ByteArray(MAX_BODY_LENGTH.toInt() + 1) var read = 0 when (val encoding = call.request.headers[HttpHeaders.ContentEncoding]) { "deflate" -> { // Decompress and check decompressed length val inflater = Inflater() while (!body.isClosedForRead) { body.read { buf -> inflater.setInput(buf) try { read += inflater.inflate(bytes, read, bytes.size - read) } catch (e: DataFormatException) { logger.error("Deflated request failed to inflate: ${e.message}") throw badRequest( "Could not inflate request", TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_COMPRESSION_INVALID ) } } if (read > MAX_BODY_LENGTH) throw badRequest("Decompressed body is suspiciously big > $MAX_BODY_LENGTH B") } } null -> { // Check body length while (true) { val new = body.readAvailable(bytes, read, bytes.size - read) if (new == -1) break // Channel is closed read += new if (read > MAX_BODY_LENGTH) throw badRequest("Body is suspiciously big > $MAX_BODY_LENGTH B") } } else -> throw unsupportedMediaType( "Content encoding '$encoding' not supported, expected plain or deflate", TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_COMPRESSION_INVALID ) } ByteReadChannel(bytes, 0, read) } } } /** * Set up web server handlers for the Taler corebank API. */ fun Application.corebankWebApp(db: Database, ctx: BankConfig) { install(CallLogging) { this.level = Level.INFO this.logger = tech.libeufin.bank.logger this.format { call -> val status = call.response.status() val httpMethod = call.request.httpMethod.value val path = call.request.path() val msg = call.logMsg() if (msg != null) { "$status, $httpMethod $path, $msg" } else { "$status, $httpMethod $path" } } } install(XForwardedHeaders) install(CORS) { anyHost() allowHeader(HttpHeaders.Authorization) allowHeader(HttpHeaders.ContentType) allowMethod(HttpMethod.Options) allowMethod(HttpMethod.Patch) allowMethod(HttpMethod.Delete) allowCredentials = true } install(bodyPlugin) install(IgnoreTrailingSlash) install(ContentNegotiation) { json(Json { @OptIn(ExperimentalSerializationApi::class) explicitNulls = false encodeDefaults = true ignoreUnknownKeys = true }) } install(StatusPages) { status(HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { call, status -> call.err( status, "There is no endpoint defined for the URL provided by the client. Check if you used the correct URL and/or file a report with the developers of the client software.", TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN ) } status(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed) { call, status -> call.err( status, "The HTTP method used is invalid for this endpoint. This is likely a bug in the client implementation. Check if you are using the latest available version and/or file a report with the developers.", TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID ) } exception { call, cause -> logger.debug("request failed", cause) when (cause) { is LibeufinException -> call.err(cause) is SQLException -> { when (cause.sqlState) { PSQLState.SERIALIZATION_FAILURE.state -> call.err( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Transaction serialization failure", TalerErrorCode.BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION ) else -> call.err( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "Unexpected sql error with state ${cause.sqlState}", TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION ) } } is BadRequestException -> { /** * NOTE: extracting the root cause helps with JSON error messages, * because they mention the particular way they are invalid, but OTOH * it loses (by getting null) other error messages, like for example * the one from MissingRequestParameterException. Therefore, in order * to get the most detailed message, we must consider BOTH sides: * the 'cause' AND its root cause! */ var rootCause: Throwable? = cause.cause while (rootCause?.cause != null) rootCause = rootCause.cause // Telling apart invalid JSON vs missing parameter vs invalid parameter. val talerErrorCode = when { cause is MissingRequestParameterException -> TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING cause is ParameterConversionException -> TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED rootCause is CommonError -> when (rootCause) { is CommonError.AmountFormat -> TalerErrorCode.BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT is CommonError.AmountNumberTooBig -> TalerErrorCode.BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG is CommonError.Payto -> TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_JSON_INVALID } else -> TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_JSON_INVALID } call.err( badRequest( cause.message, talerErrorCode, /* Here getting _some_ error message, by giving precedence * to the root cause, as otherwise JSON details would be lost. */ rootCause?.message ) ) } else -> { call.err( HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, cause.message, TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION ) } } } } routing { coreBankApi(db, ctx) conversionApi(db, ctx) bankIntegrationApi(db, ctx) wireGatewayApi(db, ctx) revenueApi(db, ctx) ctx.spaPath?.let { get("/") { call.respondRedirect("/webui/") } staticFiles("/webui/", it.toFile()) } } } class BankDbInit : CliktCommand("Initialize the libeufin-bank database", name = "dbinit") { private val common by CommonOption() private val requestReset by option( "--reset", "-r", help = "Reset database (DANGEROUS: All existing data is lost)" ).flag() override fun run() = cliCmd(logger, common.log) { val config = talerConfig(common.config) val cfg = config.loadDbConfig() val ctx = config.loadBankConfig() Database(cfg.dbConnStr, ctx.regionalCurrency, ctx.fiatCurrency).use { db -> db.conn { conn -> if (requestReset) { resetDatabaseTables(conn, cfg, sqlFilePrefix = "libeufin-bank") } initializeDatabaseTables(conn, cfg, sqlFilePrefix = "libeufin-bank") } // Create admin account if missing val res = createAdminAccount(db, ctx) // logs provided by the helper when (res) { AccountCreationResult.BonusBalanceInsufficient -> {} AccountCreationResult.LoginReuse -> {} AccountCreationResult.PayToReuse -> throw Exception("Failed to create admin's account") is AccountCreationResult.Success -> logger.info("Admin's account created") } } } } class ServeBank : CliktCommand("Run libeufin-bank HTTP server", name = "serve") { private val common by CommonOption() override fun run() = cliCmd(logger, common.log) { val cfg = talerConfig(common.config) val ctx = cfg.loadBankConfig() val dbCfg = cfg.loadDbConfig() val serverCfg = cfg.loadServerConfig() Database(dbCfg.dbConnStr, ctx.regionalCurrency, ctx.fiatCurrency).use { db -> if (ctx.allowConversion) { logger.info("Ensure exchange account exists") val info = db.account.bankInfo("exchange", ctx.payto) if (info == null) { throw Exception("Exchange account missing: an exchange account named 'exchange' is required for conversion to be enabled") } else if (!info.isTalerExchange) { throw Exception("Account is not an exchange: an exchange account named 'exchange' is required for conversion to be enabled") } logger.info("Ensure conversion is enabled") val sqlProcedures = Path("${dbCfg.sqlDir}/libeufin-conversion-setup.sql") if (!sqlProcedures.exists()) { throw Exception("Missing libeufin-conversion-setup.sql file") } db.conn { it.execSQLUpdate(sqlProcedures.readText()) } } else { logger.info("Ensure conversion is disabled") val sqlProcedures = Path("${dbCfg.sqlDir}/libeufin-conversion-drop.sql") if (!sqlProcedures.exists()) { throw Exception("Missing libeufin-conversion-drop.sql file") } db.conn { it.execSQLUpdate(sqlProcedures.readText()) } // Remove conversion info from the database ? } val env = applicationEngineEnvironment { when (serverCfg) { is ServerConfig.Tcp -> { for (addr in InetAddress.getAllByName(serverCfg.addr)) { connector { port = serverCfg.port host = addr.hostAddress } } } is ServerConfig.Unix -> throw Exception("Can only serve libeufin-bank via TCP") } module { corebankWebApp(db, ctx) } } val local = embeddedServer(Netty, env) engine = local local.start(wait = true) } } } class ChangePw : CliktCommand("Change account password", name = "passwd") { private val common by CommonOption() private val username by argument("username", help = "Account username") private val password by argument( "password", help = "Account password used for authentication" ) override fun run() = cliCmd(logger, common.log) { val cfg = talerConfig(common.config) val ctx = cfg.loadBankConfig() val dbCfg = cfg.loadDbConfig() Database(dbCfg.dbConnStr, ctx.regionalCurrency, ctx.fiatCurrency).use { db -> val res = db.account.reconfigPassword(username, password, null, true) when (res) { AccountPatchAuthResult.UnknownAccount -> throw Exception("Password change for '$username' account failed: unknown account") AccountPatchAuthResult.OldPasswordMismatch, AccountPatchAuthResult.TanRequired -> { /* Can never happen */ } AccountPatchAuthResult.Success -> logger.info("Password change for '$username' account succeeded") } } } } class EditAccount : CliktCommand( "Edit an existing account", name = "edit-account" ) { private val common by CommonOption() private val username: String by argument( "username", help = "Account username" ) private val name: String? by option( help = "Legal name of the account owner" ) private val exchange: Boolean? by option( hidden = true ).boolean() private val is_public: Boolean? by option( "--public", help = "Make this account visible to anyone" ).boolean() private val email: String? by option(help = "E-Mail address used for TAN transmission") private val phone: String? by option(help = "Phone number used for TAN transmission") private val tan_channel: String? by option(help = "which channel TAN challenges should be sent to") private val cashout_payto_uri: IbanPayto? by option(help = "Payto URI of a fiant account who receive cashout amount").convert { Payto.parse(it).expectIban() } private val debit_threshold: TalerAmount? by option(help = "Max debit allowed for this account").convert { TalerAmount(it) } override fun run() = cliCmd(logger, common.log) { val cfg = talerConfig(common.config) val ctx = cfg.loadBankConfig() val dbCfg = cfg.loadDbConfig() Database(dbCfg.dbConnStr, ctx.regionalCurrency, ctx.fiatCurrency).use { db -> val req = AccountReconfiguration( name = name, is_taler_exchange = exchange, is_public = is_public, contact_data = ChallengeContactData( // PATCH semantic, if not given do not change, if empty remove email = if (email == null) Option.None else Option.Some(if (email != "") email else null), phone = if (phone == null) Option.None else Option.Some(if (phone != "") phone else null), ), cashout_payto_uri = Option.Some(cashout_payto_uri), debit_threshold = debit_threshold ) when (patchAccount(db, ctx, req, username, true, true)) { AccountPatchResult.Success -> logger.info("Account '$username' edited") AccountPatchResult.UnknownAccount -> throw Exception("Account '$username' not found") AccountPatchResult.MissingTanInfo -> throw Exception("missing info for tan channel ${req.tan_channel.get()}") AccountPatchResult.NonAdminName, AccountPatchResult.NonAdminCashout, AccountPatchResult.NonAdminDebtLimit, is AccountPatchResult.TanRequired -> { // Unreachable as we edit account as admin } } } } } class CreateAccountOption: OptionGroup() { val username: String by option( "--username", "-u", help = "Account unique username" ).required() val password: String by option( "--password", "-p", help = "Account password used for authentication" ).prompt(requireConfirmation = true, hideInput = true) val name: String by option( help = "Legal name of the account owner" ).required() val is_public: Boolean by option( "--public", help = "Make this account visible to anyone" ).flag() val exchange: Boolean by option( help = "Make this account a taler exchange" ).flag() val email: String? by option(help = "E-Mail address used for TAN transmission") val phone: String? by option(help = "Phone number used for TAN transmission") val cashout_payto_uri: IbanPayto? by option( help = "Payto URI of a fiant account who receive cashout amount" ).convert { Payto.parse(it).expectIban() } val payto_uri: Payto? by option( help = "Payto URI of this account" ).convert { Payto.parse(it) } val debit_threshold: TalerAmount? by option( help = "Max debit allowed for this account" ).convert { TalerAmount(it) } } class CreateAccount : CliktCommand( "Create an account, returning the payto://-URI associated with it", name = "create-account" ) { private val common by CommonOption() private val json by argument().convert { Json.decodeFromString(it) }.optional() private val options by CreateAccountOption().cooccurring() override fun run() = cliCmd(logger, common.log) { // TODO support setting tan val cfg = talerConfig(common.config) val ctx = cfg.loadBankConfig() val dbCfg = cfg.loadDbConfig() Database(dbCfg.dbConnStr, ctx.regionalCurrency, ctx.fiatCurrency).use { db -> val req = json ?: options?.run { RegisterAccountRequest( username = username, password = password, name = name, is_public = is_public, is_taler_exchange = exchange, contact_data = ChallengeContactData( email = Option.Some(email), phone = Option.Some(phone), ), cashout_payto_uri = cashout_payto_uri, payto_uri = payto_uri, debit_threshold = debit_threshold ) } req?.let { val result = createAccount(db, ctx, req, true) when (result) { AccountCreationResult.BonusBalanceInsufficient -> throw Exception("Insufficient admin funds to grant bonus") AccountCreationResult.LoginReuse -> throw Exception("Account username reuse '${req.username}'") AccountCreationResult.PayToReuse -> throw Exception("Bank internalPayToUri reuse") is AccountCreationResult.Success -> { logger.info("Account '${req.username}' created") println(result.payto) } } } } } } class LibeufinBankCommand : CliktCommand() { init { versionOption(getVersion()) subcommands(ServeBank(), BankDbInit(), CreateAccount(), EditAccount(), ChangePw(), CliConfigCmd(BANK_CONFIG_SOURCE)) } override fun run() = Unit } fun main(args: Array) { LibeufinBankCommand().main(args) }