#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import json from deepdiff import DeepDiff from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # return dict with parse-result. def call_parser(xml_file): assert os.path.isfile(xml_file) xml_file_abs = os.path.abspath(xml_file) with Popen([ "../gradlew", "--console=plain", "-q", "-p", "..", "nexus:run", f"--args=parse-camt {xml_file_abs}"], stdout=PIPE ) as proc: stdout = proc.communicate()[0] assert proc.returncode == 0 return json.loads(stdout) def get_json_from_disk(json_file): json_file_abs = os.path.abspath(json_file) with open(json_file_abs) as j: return json.load(j) def assert_json_equal(json1, json2): diff = DeepDiff(json1, json2, ignore_order=True, report_repetition=True) assert len(diff.keys()) == 0 def test_camt53_example1(): # This document has the following structure: # # - box #0 # -- batch # --- tx # --- tx # # - box #1 # -- batch # --- tx # parsed = call_parser("./samples/camt53_example1.xml") entries = parsed["reports"][0]["entries"] assert(len(entries) == 2) assert(len(entries[0]["batches"][0]["batchTransactions"]) == 2) assert(len(entries[1]["batches"][0]["batchTransactions"]) == 1) def test_camt53_example2(): # # This document has the following structure: # # - box #0 # -- batch # --- tx parsed = call_parser("./samples/camt53_example2.xml") entries = parsed["reports"][0]["entries"] assert(len(entries) == 1) assert(len(entries[0]["batches"][0]["batchTransactions"]) == 1)