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authorMarcello Stanisci <>2018-01-17 10:57:05 +0100
committerMarcello Stanisci <>2018-01-17 10:57:05 +0100
commit2668b078f865abc1e4cac33fe28faa2c73879864 (patch)
parent6e85f45c95a277545fb2b1b49a0eabaa0071134d (diff)
remove unused code.
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 1803 deletions
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-<svg xmlns="" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 100 100" x="0px" y="0px"><title>Artboard 16</title><path d="M37.67,44.76a11.6,11.6,0,0,1-10.5-6.68,11.6,11.6,0,0,1-10.5,6.68l-.8,0c-7.56-.51-12.12-8.69-9-15.6L17.8,4.83a6,6,0,0,1,5.47-3.54H72.91a6,6,0,0,1,5.47,3.54L89.3,29.13c3.11,6.91-1.45,15.09-9,15.6l-.8,0A11.6,11.6,0,0,1,69,38.09a11.59,11.59,0,0,1-20.91.17A11.6,11.6,0,0,1,37.67,44.76ZM16.68,50q-.58,0-1.16,0a16,16,0,0,1-2.42-.36V77.41H9.22a4.82,4.82,0,0,0,0,9.63H42a8.75,8.75,0,0,1-.21-6.92,8.74,8.74,0,0,1-2-2.72H22.73V48.88A16.71,16.71,0,0,1,16.68,50ZM93.27,77.2A3.32,3.32,0,0,0,92.4,81l.5,1.2a3.31,3.31,0,0,1-2.17,4.47L89.48,87a3.31,3.31,0,0,0-2.42,3L87,91.32a3.32,3.32,0,0,1-3.3,3.14,3.35,3.35,0,0,1-.59-.05l-1.28-.23a3.31,3.31,0,0,0-3.49,1.67L77.7,97a3.31,3.31,0,0,1-4.85,1.09l-1.06-.76a3.32,3.32,0,0,0-3.87,0l-1.06.76A3.31,3.31,0,0,1,62,96.94L61.4,95.8a3.31,3.31,0,0,0-3.48-1.69l-1.28.22a3.36,3.36,0,0,1-.57,0,3.32,3.32,0,0,1-3.31-3.16l-.06-1.3a3.31,3.31,0,0,0-2.4-3L49,86.53a3.31,3.31,0,0,1-2.14-4.48l.51-1.2a3.31,3.31,0,0,0-.85-3.77l-1-.87a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,0-5l1-.86a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,.87-3.77l-.5-1.2a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,2.17-4.47l1.26-.35a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,2.42-3l.07-1.3a3.32,3.32,0,0,1,3.3-3.14,3.35,3.35,0,0,1,.59.05l1.28.23a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,3.49-1.67l.63-1.14A3.31,3.31,0,0,1,67,49.51l1.06.76a3.32,3.32,0,0,0,3.87,0L73,49.52a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,4.84,1.12l.62,1.15a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,3.48,1.69l1.28-.22a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,3.88,3.11l.06,1.3a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,2.4,3l1.25.36a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,2.14,4.48l-.51,1.2a3.31,3.31,0,0,0,.85,3.77l1,.87a3.31,3.31,0,0,1,0,5Zm-12.77-8-4-4-9.24,9.19-3.87-3.89-4,4,3.87,3.89,4,4,4-4Z"/></svg>
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-<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 18 27.5" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px"><title>share_10</title><desc>Created with Sketch.</desc><g stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><g transform="translate(-5.000000, -1.000000)" fill-rule="nonzero" fill="#000000"><path d="M8,14 C9.1045695,14 10,13.1045695 10,12 C10,10.8954305 9.1045695,10 8,10 C6.8954305,10 6,10.8954305 6,12 C6,13.1045695 6.8954305,14 8,14 Z M10.8301397,11.0023952 C10.9401524,11.314497 11,11.6502594 11,12 C11,12.3497406 10.9401524,12.685503 10.8301397,12.9976048 L17.6612489,18.1209367 C18.2111208,17.4374191 19.0544781,17 20,17 C21.6568542,17 23,18.3431458 23,20 C23,21.6568542 21.6568542,23 20,23 C18.3431458,23 17,21.6568542 17,20 C17,19.6502594 17.0598476,19.314497 17.1698603,19.0023952 L10.3387511,13.8790633 C9.78887917,14.5625809 8.94552194,15 8,15 C6.34314575,15 5,13.6568542 5,12 C5,10.3431458 6.34314575,9 8,9 C8.94552194,9 9.78887917,9.43741911 10.3387511,10.1209367 L17.1698603,4.99760479 C17.0598476,4.68550298 17,4.34974056 17,4 C17,2.34314575 18.3431458,1 20,1 C21.6568542,1 23,2.34314575 23,4 C23,5.65685425 21.6568542,7 20,7 C19.0544781,7 18.2111208,6.56258089 17.6612489,5.8790633 L10.8301397,11.0023952 Z M20,6 C21.1045695,6 22,5.1045695 22,4 C22,2.8954305 21.1045695,2 20,2 C18.8954305,2 18,2.8954305 18,4 C18,5.1045695 18.8954305,6 20,6 Z M20,22 C21.1045695,22 22,21.1045695 22,20 C22,18.8954305 21.1045695,18 20,18 C18.8954305,18 18,18.8954305 18,20 C18,21.1045695 18.8954305,22 20,22 Z"/></g></g><text x="0" y="37" fill="#000000" font-size="5px" font-weight="bold" font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial-Unicode, Arial, Sans-serif">Created by Pilif Nox </text><text x="0" y="42" fill="#000000" font-size="5px" font-weight="bold" font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial-Unicode, Arial, Sans-serif">from the Noun Project</text></svg> \ No newline at end of file
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-<!doctype html>
- <head>
- <title>Icon Credits</title>
- <style>
- img {
- height: 60px;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <h1>Website Icons</h1>
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-api.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">API Interface</a>
- by
- <a href="">Creative Stall</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-developers.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Developers</a>
- by
- <a href="">Aneeque Ahmed</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-market.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Marketplace</a>
- by
- <a href="">Gregor Cresnar</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-backend.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Server</a>
- by
- <a href=""></a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-exchange.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Exchange</a>
- by
- <a href="">Mohamed Mbarki</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-code.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Notebook</a>
- by
- <a href="">IconfactoryTeam</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-share.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Share</a>
- by
- <a href="">Pilif Nox</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-bank.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Bank To Bank</a>
- by
- <a href="">Delwar Hossain</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
- <img src="icon-backoffice.svg">
- <br />
- <a href="">Back-office</a>
- by
- <a href="">Faisalovers</a>
- licensed under CC BY 3.0.
- <hr />
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
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-<!doctype html>
- <head>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <title>GNU Taler documentation</title>
- <link rel=stylesheet href="pure.css">
- <link rel=stylesheet href="docstyle.css">
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>GNU Taler documentation</h1>
- This page is an overview of all documentation resources for <a href="">GNU Taler</a>.
- <h2>Components</h2>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-backend.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Merchant backend</h3>
- </a>
- Tutorial and manual for operating a merchant.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-market.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Merchant frontend (Python)</h3>
- </a>
- Tutorial for building a merchant frontend in Python.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-market.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Merchant frontend (PHP)</h3>
- </a>
- Tutorial for building a merchant frontend in PHP.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-exchange.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Exchange</h3>
- </a>
- Operator's manual for the GNU Taler exchange.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-bank.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Bank Integration</h3>
- </a>
- Manual for tightly integrating Taler with banking applications.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-backoffice.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Back office</h3>
- </a>
- Manual to run the back-office Web application.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- </div>
- <h2>Internals</h2>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-2">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-api.svg" height=60>
- <h3>HTTP API</h3>
- </a>
- Reference for the HTTP-based API for Taler components.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-2">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-developers.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Onboarding</h3>
- </a>
- Description of our setup and how to contribute.
- Also available as <a href="">PDF</a>.
- </div>
- </div>
- <h2>Community</h2>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-share.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Mailing List</h3>
- </a>
- The official GNU Taler mailing list.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-share.svg" height=60>
- <h3>IRC</h3>
- </a>
- Our IRC channel is #taler on freenode.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-share.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Bug Tracker</h3>
- </a>
- Our bug tracker for bugs and feature request.
- </div>
- </div>
- <h2>Code</h2>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-code.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Code (Exchange)</h3>
- </a>
- Documented source code (with Doxygen) for the exchange.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-code.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Code (Merchant backend)</h3>
- </a>
- Documented source code (with Doxygen) for the merchant.
- </div>
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a>
- <img src="icon-code.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Code (Wallet)</h3>
- </a>
- TBD: Documented source code (with TypeDoc) for the wallet.
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="pure-g linkrow">
- <div class="pure-u-1-3">
- <a href="">
- <img src="icon-code.svg" height=60>
- <h3>Git repositories</h3>
- </a>
- Git repositories for all of GNU Taler.
- </div>
- </div>
- <hr />
- <a href="icons-credit.html">Icons by The Noun Project.</a>
- </body>
diff --git a/docs/pure.css b/docs/pure.css
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-Pure v1.0.0
-Copyright 2013 Yahoo!
-Licensed under the BSD License.
-normalize.css v^3.0 | MIT License |
-Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal
-/*! normalize.css v3.0.3 | MIT License | */
- * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
- * 2. Prevent iOS and IE text size adjust after device orientation change,
- * without disabling user zoom.
- */
-html {
- font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
- -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
- -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
- * Remove default margin.
- */
-body {
- margin: 0;
-/* HTML5 display definitions
- ========================================================================== */
- * Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
- * Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11
- * and Firefox.
- * Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
- */
-summary {
- display: block;
- * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
- * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
- */
-video {
- display: inline-block; /* 1 */
- vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
- * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
- * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
- */
-audio:not([controls]) {
- display: none;
- height: 0;
- * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
- * Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
- */
-template {
- display: none;
-/* Links
- ========================================================================== */
- * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
- */
-a {
- background-color: transparent;
- * Improve readability of focused elements when they are also in an
- * active/hover state.
- */
-a:hover {
- outline: 0;
-/* Text-level semantics
- ========================================================================== */
- * Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
- */
-abbr[title] {
- border-bottom: 1px dotted;
- * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
- */
-strong {
- font-weight: bold;
- * Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
- */
-dfn {
- font-style: italic;
- * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
- * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
- */
-h1 {
- font-size: 2em;
- margin: 0.67em 0;
- * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
- */
-mark {
- background: #ff0;
- color: #000;
- * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
- */
-small {
- font-size: 80%;
- * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
- */
-sup {
- font-size: 75%;
- line-height: 0;
- position: relative;
- vertical-align: baseline;
-sup {
- top: -0.5em;
-sub {
- bottom: -0.25em;
-/* Embedded content
- ========================================================================== */
- * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
- */
-img {
- border: 0;
- * Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
- */
-svg:not(:root) {
- overflow: hidden;
-/* Grouping content
- ========================================================================== */
- * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
- */
-figure {
- margin: 1em 40px;
- * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
- */
-hr {
- box-sizing: content-box;
- height: 0;
- * Contain overflow in all browsers.
- */
-pre {
- overflow: auto;
- * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
- */
-samp {
- font-family: monospace, monospace;
- font-size: 1em;
-/* Forms
- ========================================================================== */
- * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
- * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
- */
- * 1. Correct color not being inherited.
- * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
- * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
- * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
- */
-textarea {
- color: inherit; /* 1 */
- font: inherit; /* 2 */
- margin: 0; /* 3 */
- * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
- */
-button {
- overflow: visible;
- * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
- * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
- * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
- * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
- */
-select {
- text-transform: none;
- * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
- * and `video` controls.
- * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
- * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
- * `input` and others.
- */
-html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
-input[type="submit"] {
- -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
- cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
- * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
- */
-html input[disabled] {
- cursor: default;
- * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
- */
-input::-moz-focus-inner {
- border: 0;
- padding: 0;
- * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
- * the UA stylesheet.
- */
-input {
- line-height: normal;
- * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
- * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
- *
- * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
- * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
- */
-input[type="radio"] {
- box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
- padding: 0; /* 2 */
- * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
- * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
- * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
- */
-input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
- height: auto;
- * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
- * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome.
- */
-input[type="search"] {
- -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
- box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
- * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
- * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
- * padding (and `textfield` appearance).
- */
-input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
- -webkit-appearance: none;
- * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
- */
-fieldset {
- border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
- margin: 0 2px;
- padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
- * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
- * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
- */
-legend {
- border: 0; /* 1 */
- padding: 0; /* 2 */
- * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
- */
-textarea {
- overflow: auto;
- * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
- * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
- */
-optgroup {
- font-weight: bold;
-/* Tables
- ========================================================================== */
- * Remove most spacing between table cells.
- */
-table {
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0;
-th {
- padding: 0;
-/*csslint important:false*/
-/* ==========================================================================
- Pure Base Extras
- ========================================================================== */
- * Extra rules that Pure adds on top of Normalize.css
- */
- * Always hide an element when it has the `hidden` HTML attribute.
- */
-[hidden] {
- display: none !important;
- * Add this class to an image to make it fit within it's fluid parent wrapper while maintaining
- * aspect ratio.
- */
-.pure-img {
- max-width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- display: block;
-/*csslint regex-selectors:false, known-properties:false, duplicate-properties:false*/
-.pure-g {
- letter-spacing: -0.31em; /* Webkit: collapse white-space between units */
- *letter-spacing: normal; /* reset IE < 8 */
- *word-spacing: -0.43em; /* IE < 8: collapse white-space between units */
- text-rendering: optimizespeed; /* Webkit: fixes text-rendering: optimizeLegibility */
- /*
- Sets the font stack to fonts known to work properly with the above letter
- and word spacings. See:
- The following font stack makes Pure Grids work on all known environments.
- * FreeSans: Ships with many Linux distros, including Ubuntu
- * Arimo: Ships with Chrome OS. Arimo has to be defined before Helvetica and
- Arial to get picked up by the browser, even though neither is available
- in Chrome OS.
- * Droid Sans: Ships with all versions of Android.
- * Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif: Common font stack on OS X and Windows.
- */
- font-family: FreeSans, Arimo, "Droid Sans", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
- /* Use flexbox when possible to avoid `letter-spacing` side-effects. */
- display: -webkit-box;
- display: -webkit-flex;
- display: -ms-flexbox;
- display: flex;
- -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;
- -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
- flex-flow: row wrap;
- /* Prevents distributing space between rows */
- -webkit-align-content: flex-start;
- -ms-flex-line-pack: start;
- align-content: flex-start;
-/* IE10 display: -ms-flexbox (and display: flex in IE 11) does not work inside a table; fall back to block and rely on font hack */
-@media all and (-ms-high-contrast: none), (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
- table .pure-g {
- display: block;
- }
-/* Opera as of 12 on Windows needs word-spacing.
- The ".opera-only" selector is used to prevent actual prefocus styling
- and is not required in markup.
-.opera-only :-o-prefocus,
-.pure-g {
- word-spacing: -0.43em;
-.pure-u {
- display: inline-block;
- *display: inline; /* IE < 8: fake inline-block */
- zoom: 1;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- word-spacing: normal;
- vertical-align: top;
- text-rendering: auto;
-Resets the font family back to the OS/browser's default sans-serif font,
-this the same font stack that Normalize.css sets for the `body`.
-.pure-g [class *= "pure-u"] {
- font-family: sans-serif;
-.pure-u-24-24 {
- display: inline-block;
- *display: inline;
- zoom: 1;
- letter-spacing: normal;
- word-spacing: normal;
- vertical-align: top;
- text-rendering: auto;
-.pure-u-1-24 {
- width: 4.1667%;
- *width: 4.1357%;
-.pure-u-2-24 {
- width: 8.3333%;
- *width: 8.3023%;
-.pure-u-3-24 {
- width: 12.5000%;
- *width: 12.4690%;
-.pure-u-4-24 {
- width: 16.6667%;
- *width: 16.6357%;
-.pure-u-1-5 {
- width: 20%;
- *width: 19.9690%;
-.pure-u-5-24 {
- width: 20.8333%;
- *width: 20.8023%;
-.pure-u-6-24 {
- width: 25%;
- *width: 24.9690%;
-.pure-u-7-24 {
- width: 29.1667%;
- *width: 29.1357%;
-.pure-u-8-24 {
- width: 33.3333%;
- *width: 33.3023%;
-.pure-u-9-24 {
- width: 37.5000%;
- *width: 37.4690%;
-.pure-u-2-5 {
- width: 40%;
- *width: 39.9690%;
-.pure-u-10-24 {
- width: 41.6667%;
- *width: 41.6357%;
-.pure-u-11-24 {
- width: 45.8333%;
- *width: 45.8023%;
-.pure-u-12-24 {
- width: 50%;
- *width: 49.9690%;
-.pure-u-13-24 {
- width: 54.1667%;
- *width: 54.1357%;
-.pure-u-14-24 {
- width: 58.3333%;
- *width: 58.3023%;
-.pure-u-3-5 {
- width: 60%;
- *width: 59.9690%;
-.pure-u-15-24 {
- width: 62.5000%;
- *width: 62.4690%;
-.pure-u-16-24 {
- width: 66.6667%;
- *width: 66.6357%;
-.pure-u-17-24 {
- width: 70.8333%;
- *width: 70.8023%;
-.pure-u-18-24 {
- width: 75%;
- *width: 74.9690%;
-.pure-u-19-24 {
- width: 79.1667%;
- *width: 79.1357%;
-.pure-u-4-5 {
- width: 80%;
- *width: 79.9690%;
-.pure-u-20-24 {
- width: 83.3333%;
- *width: 83.3023%;
-.pure-u-21-24 {
- width: 87.5000%;
- *width: 87.4690%;
-.pure-u-22-24 {
- width: 91.6667%;
- *width: 91.6357%;
-.pure-u-23-24 {
- width: 95.8333%;
- *width: 95.8023%;
-.pure-u-24-24 {
- width: 100%;
-.pure-button {
- /* Structure */
- display: inline-block;
- zoom: 1;
- line-height: normal;
- white-space: nowrap;
- vertical-align: middle;
- text-align: center;
- cursor: pointer;
- -webkit-user-drag: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
- user-select: none;
- box-sizing: border-box;
-/* Firefox: Get rid of the inner focus border */
-.pure-button::-moz-focus-inner {
- padding: 0;
- border: 0;
-/* Inherit .pure-g styles */
-.pure-button-group {
- letter-spacing: -0.31em; /* Webkit: collapse white-space between units */
- *letter-spacing: normal; /* reset IE < 8 */
- *word-spacing: -0.43em; /* IE < 8: collapse white-space between units */
- text-rendering: optimizespeed; /* Webkit: fixes text-rendering: optimizeLegibility */
-.opera-only :-o-prefocus,
-.pure-button-group {
- word-spacing: -0.43em;
-.pure-button-group .pure-button {
- letter-spacing: normal;
- word-spacing: normal;
- vertical-align: top;
- text-rendering: auto;
-/*csslint outline-none:false*/
-.pure-button {
- font-family: inherit;
- font-size: 100%;
- padding: 0.5em 1em;
- color: #444; /* rgba not supported (IE 8) */
- color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.80); /* rgba supported */
- border: 1px solid #999; /*IE 6/7/8*/
- border: none rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); /*IE9 + everything else*/
- background-color: #E6E6E6;
- text-decoration: none;
- border-radius: 2px;
-.pure-button:focus {
- /* csslint ignore:start */
- filter: alpha(opacity=90);
- /* csslint ignore:end */
- background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0,0,0, 0.05) 40%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.10));
- background-image: linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0,0,0, 0.05) 40%, rgba(0,0,0, 0.10));
-.pure-button:focus {
- outline: 0;
-.pure-button:active {
- box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0, 0.15) inset, 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0, 0.20) inset;
- border-color: #000\9;
-.pure-button-disabled:active {
- border: none;
- background-image: none;
- /* csslint ignore:start */
- filter: alpha(opacity=40);
- /* csslint ignore:end */
- opacity: 0.40;
- cursor: not-allowed;
- box-shadow: none;
- pointer-events: none;
-.pure-button-hidden {
- display: none;
-a.pure-button-selected {
- background-color: rgb(0, 120, 231);
- color: #fff;
-/* Button Groups */
-.pure-button-group .pure-button {
- margin: 0;
- border-radius: 0;
- border-right: 1px solid #111; /* fallback color for rgba() for IE7/8 */
- border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
-.pure-button-group .pure-button:first-child {
- border-top-left-radius: 2px;
- border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-.pure-button-group .pure-button:last-child {
- border-top-right-radius: 2px;
- border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
- border-right: none;
-/*csslint box-model:false*/
-Box-model set to false because we're setting a height on select elements, which
-also have border and padding. This is done because some browsers don't render
-the padding. We explicitly set the box-model for select elements to border-box,
-so we can ignore the csslint warning.
-.pure-form input[type="text"],
-.pure-form input[type="password"],
-.pure-form input[type="email"],
-.pure-form input[type="url"],
-.pure-form input[type="date"],
-.pure-form input[type="month"],
-.pure-form input[type="time"],
-.pure-form input[type="datetime"],
-.pure-form input[type="datetime-local"],
-.pure-form input[type="week"],
-.pure-form input[type="number"],
-.pure-form input[type="search"],
-.pure-form input[type="tel"],
-.pure-form input[type="color"],
-.pure-form select,
-.pure-form textarea {
- padding: 0.5em 0.6em;
- display: inline-block;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px #ddd;
- border-radius: 4px;
- vertical-align: middle;
- box-sizing: border-box;
-Need to separate out the :not() selector from the rest of the CSS 2.1 selectors
-since IE8 won't execute CSS that contains a CSS3 selector.
-.pure-form input:not([type]) {
- padding: 0.5em 0.6em;
- display: inline-block;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px #ddd;
- border-radius: 4px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
-/* Chrome (as of v.32/34 on OS X) needs additional room for color to display. */
-/* May be able to remove this tweak as color inputs become more standardized across browsers. */
-.pure-form input[type="color"] {
- padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
-.pure-form input[type="text"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="password"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="email"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="url"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="date"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="month"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="time"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="datetime"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="datetime-local"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="week"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="number"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="search"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="tel"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="color"]:focus,
-.pure-form select:focus,
-.pure-form textarea:focus {
- outline: 0;
- border-color: #129FEA;
-Need to separate out the :not() selector from the rest of the CSS 2.1 selectors
-since IE8 won't execute CSS that contains a CSS3 selector.
-.pure-form input:not([type]):focus {
- outline: 0;
- border-color: #129FEA;
-.pure-form input[type="file"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="radio"]:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="checkbox"]:focus {
- outline: thin solid #129FEA;
- outline: 1px auto #129FEA;
-.pure-form .pure-checkbox,
-.pure-form .pure-radio {
- margin: 0.5em 0;
- display: block;
-.pure-form input[type="text"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="password"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="email"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="url"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="date"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="month"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="time"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="datetime"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="datetime-local"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="week"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="number"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="search"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="tel"][disabled],
-.pure-form input[type="color"][disabled],
-.pure-form select[disabled],
-.pure-form textarea[disabled] {
- cursor: not-allowed;
- background-color: #eaeded;
- color: #cad2d3;
-Need to separate out the :not() selector from the rest of the CSS 2.1 selectors
-since IE8 won't execute CSS that contains a CSS3 selector.
-.pure-form input:not([type])[disabled] {
- cursor: not-allowed;
- background-color: #eaeded;
- color: #cad2d3;
-.pure-form input[readonly],
-.pure-form select[readonly],
-.pure-form textarea[readonly] {
- background-color: #eee; /* menu hover bg color */
- color: #777; /* menu text color */
- border-color: #ccc;
-.pure-form input:focus:invalid,
-.pure-form textarea:focus:invalid,
-.pure-form select:focus:invalid {
- color: #b94a48;
- border-color: #e9322d;
-.pure-form input[type="file"]:focus:invalid:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="radio"]:focus:invalid:focus,
-.pure-form input[type="checkbox"]:focus:invalid:focus {
- outline-color: #e9322d;
-.pure-form select {
- /* Normalizes the height; padding is not sufficient. */
- height: 2.25em;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- background-color: white;
-.pure-form select[multiple] {
- height: auto;
-.pure-form label {
- margin: 0.5em 0 0.2em;
-.pure-form fieldset {
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0.35em 0 0.75em;
- border: 0;
-.pure-form legend {
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- padding: 0.3em 0;
- margin-bottom: 0.3em;
- color: #333;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="text"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="password"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="email"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="url"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="date"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="month"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="time"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="datetime"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="datetime-local"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="week"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="number"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="search"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="tel"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="color"],
-.pure-form-stacked input[type="file"],
-.pure-form-stacked select,
-.pure-form-stacked label,
-.pure-form-stacked textarea {
- display: block;
- margin: 0.25em 0;
-Need to separate out the :not() selector from the rest of the CSS 2.1 selectors
-since IE8 won't execute CSS that contains a CSS3 selector.
-.pure-form-stacked input:not([type]) {
- display: block;
- margin: 0.25em 0;
-.pure-form-aligned input,
-.pure-form-aligned textarea,
-.pure-form-aligned select,
-/* NOTE: pure-help-inline is deprecated. Use .pure-form-message-inline instead. */
-.pure-form-aligned .pure-help-inline,
-.pure-form-message-inline {
- display: inline-block;
- *display: inline;
- *zoom: 1;
- vertical-align: middle;
-.pure-form-aligned textarea {
- vertical-align: top;
-/* Aligned Forms */
-.pure-form-aligned .pure-control-group {
- margin-bottom: 0.5em;
-.pure-form-aligned .pure-control-group label {
- text-align: right;
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: middle;
- width: 10em;
- margin: 0 1em 0 0;
-.pure-form-aligned .pure-controls {
- margin: 1.5em 0 0 11em;
-/* Rounded Inputs */
-.pure-form input.pure-input-rounded,
-.pure-form .pure-input-rounded {
- border-radius: 2em;
- padding: 0.5em 1em;
-/* Grouped Inputs */
-.pure-form .pure-group fieldset {
- margin-bottom: 10px;
-.pure-form .pure-group input,
-.pure-form .pure-group textarea {
- display: block;
- padding: 10px;
- margin: 0 0 -1px;
- border-radius: 0;
- position: relative;
- top: -1px;
-.pure-form .pure-group input:focus,
-.pure-form .pure-group textarea:focus {
- z-index: 3;
-.pure-form .pure-group input:first-child,
-.pure-form .pure-group textarea:first-child {
- top: 1px;
- border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;
- margin: 0;
-.pure-form .pure-group input:first-child:last-child,
-.pure-form .pure-group textarea:first-child:last-child {
- top: 1px;
- border-radius: 4px;
- margin: 0;
-.pure-form .pure-group input:last-child,
-.pure-form .pure-group textarea:last-child {
- top: -2px;
- border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px;
- margin: 0;
-.pure-form .pure-group button {
- margin: 0.35em 0;
-.pure-form .pure-input-1 {
- width: 100%;
-.pure-form .pure-input-3-4 {
- width: 75%;
-.pure-form .pure-input-2-3 {
- width: 66%;
-.pure-form .pure-input-1-2 {
- width: 50%;
-.pure-form .pure-input-1-3 {
- width: 33%;
-.pure-form .pure-input-1-4 {
- width: 25%;
-/* Inline help for forms */
-/* NOTE: pure-help-inline is deprecated. Use .pure-form-message-inline instead. */
-.pure-form .pure-help-inline,
-.pure-form-message-inline {
- display: inline-block;
- padding-left: 0.3em;
- color: #666;
- vertical-align: middle;
- font-size: 0.875em;
-/* Block help for forms */
-.pure-form-message {
- display: block;
- color: #666;
- font-size: 0.875em;
-@media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {
- .pure-form button[type="submit"] {
- margin: 0.7em 0 0;
- }
- .pure-form input:not([type]),
- .pure-form input[type="text"],
- .pure-form input[type="password"],
- .pure-form input[type="email"],
- .pure-form input[type="url"],
- .pure-form input[type="date"],
- .pure-form input[type="month"],
- .pure-form input[type="time"],
- .pure-form input[type="datetime"],
- .pure-form input[type="datetime-local"],
- .pure-form input[type="week"],
- .pure-form input[type="number"],
- .pure-form input[type="search"],
- .pure-form input[type="tel"],
- .pure-form input[type="color"],
- .pure-form label {
- margin-bottom: 0.3em;
- display: block;
- }
- .pure-group input:not([type]),
- .pure-group input[type="text"],
- .pure-group input[type="password"],
- .pure-group input[type="email"],
- .pure-group input[type="url"],
- .pure-group input[type="date"],
- .pure-group input[type="month"],
- .pure-group input[type="time"],
- .pure-group input[type="datetime"],
- .pure-group input[type="datetime-local"],
- .pure-group input[type="week"],
- .pure-group input[type="number"],
- .pure-group input[type="search"],
- .pure-group input[type="tel"],
- .pure-group input[type="color"] {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- .pure-form-aligned .pure-control-group label {
- margin-bottom: 0.3em;
- text-align: left;
- display: block;
- width: 100%;
- }
- .pure-form-aligned .pure-controls {
- margin: 1.5em 0 0 0;
- }
- /* NOTE: pure-help-inline is deprecated. Use .pure-form-message-inline instead. */
- .pure-form .pure-help-inline,
- .pure-form-message-inline,
- .pure-form-message {
- display: block;
- font-size: 0.75em;
- /* Increased bottom padding to make it group with its related input element. */
- padding: 0.2em 0 0.8em;
- }
-/*csslint adjoining-classes: false, box-model:false*/
-.pure-menu {
- box-sizing: border-box;
-.pure-menu-fixed {
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- top: 0;
- z-index: 3;
-.pure-menu-item {
- position: relative;
-.pure-menu-list {
- list-style: none;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
-.pure-menu-item {
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- height: 100%;
-.pure-menu-heading {
- display: block;
- text-decoration: none;
- white-space: nowrap;
-.pure-menu-horizontal {
- width: 100%;
- white-space: nowrap;
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-list {
- display: inline-block;
-/* Initial menus should be inline-block so that they are horizontal */
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-item,
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-heading,
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-separator {
- display: inline-block;
- *display: inline;
- zoom: 1;
- vertical-align: middle;
-/* Submenus should still be display: block; */
-.pure-menu-item .pure-menu-item {
- display: block;
-.pure-menu-children {
- display: none;
- position: absolute;
- left: 100%;
- top: 0;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- z-index: 3;
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-children {
- left: 0;
- top: auto;
- width: inherit;
-.pure-menu-allow-hover:hover > .pure-menu-children,
-.pure-menu-active > .pure-menu-children {
- display: block;
- position: absolute;
-/* Vertical Menus - show the dropdown arrow */
-.pure-menu-has-children > .pure-menu-link:after {
- padding-left: 0.5em;
- content: "\25B8";
- font-size: small;
-/* Horizontal Menus - show the dropdown arrow */
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-has-children > .pure-menu-link:after {
- content: "\25BE";
-/* scrollable menus */
-.pure-menu-scrollable {
- overflow-y: scroll;
- overflow-x: hidden;
-.pure-menu-scrollable .pure-menu-list {
- display: block;
-.pure-menu-horizontal.pure-menu-scrollable .pure-menu-list {
- display: inline-block;
-.pure-menu-horizontal.pure-menu-scrollable {
- white-space: nowrap;
- overflow-y: hidden;
- overflow-x: auto;
- -ms-overflow-style: none;
- -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
- /* a little extra padding for this style to allow for scrollbars */
- padding: .5em 0;
-.pure-menu-horizontal.pure-menu-scrollable::-webkit-scrollbar {
- display: none;
-/* misc default styling */
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-children .pure-menu-separator {
- background-color: #ccc;
- height: 1px;
- margin: .3em 0;
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-separator {
- width: 1px;
- height: 1.3em;
- margin: 0 .3em ;
-/* Need to reset the separator since submenu is vertical */
-.pure-menu-horizontal .pure-menu-children .pure-menu-separator {
- display: block;
- width: auto;
-.pure-menu-heading {
- text-transform: uppercase;
- color: #565d64;
-.pure-menu-link {
- color: #777;
-.pure-menu-children {
- background-color: #fff;
-.pure-menu-heading {
- padding: .5em 1em;
-.pure-menu-disabled {
- opacity: .5;
-.pure-menu-disabled .pure-menu-link:hover {
- background-color: transparent;
-.pure-menu-active > .pure-menu-link,
-.pure-menu-link:focus {
- background-color: #eee;
-.pure-menu-selected .pure-menu-link,
-.pure-menu-selected .pure-menu-link:visited {
- color: #000;
-.pure-table {
- /* Remove spacing between table cells (from Normalize.css) */
- border-collapse: collapse;
- border-spacing: 0;
- empty-cells: show;
- border: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
-.pure-table caption {
- color: #000;
- font: italic 85%/1 arial, sans-serif;
- padding: 1em 0;
- text-align: center;
-.pure-table td,
-.pure-table th {
- border-left: 1px solid #cbcbcb;/* inner column border */
- border-width: 0 0 0 1px;
- font-size: inherit;
- margin: 0;
- overflow: visible; /*to make ths where the title is really long work*/
- padding: 0.5em 1em; /* cell padding */
-/* Consider removing this next declaration block, as it causes problems when
-there's a rowspan on the first cell. Case added to the tests. issue#432 */
-.pure-table td:first-child,
-.pure-table th:first-child {
- border-left-width: 0;
-.pure-table thead {
- background-color: #e0e0e0;
- color: #000;
- text-align: left;
- vertical-align: bottom;
- even - #fff (white)
- odd - #f2f2f2 (light gray)
-.pure-table td {
- background-color: transparent;
-.pure-table-odd td {
- background-color: #f2f2f2;
-/* nth-child selector for modern browsers */
-.pure-table-striped tr:nth-child(2n-1) td {
- background-color: #f2f2f2;
-.pure-table-bordered td {
- border-bottom: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
-.pure-table-bordered tbody > tr:last-child > td {
- border-bottom-width: 0;
-.pure-table-horizontal td,
-.pure-table-horizontal th {
- border-width: 0 0 1px 0;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #cbcbcb;
-.pure-table-horizontal tbody > tr:last-child > td {
- border-bottom-width: 0;