#!/bin/sh # Shell script to lint the message of the first commit in a pull request. # # Depends on curl, git, node, npm and npx being in $PATH. # # The pull request is either: # 1) supplied as an argument to this shell script # 2) derived from the HEAD commit via the GitHub API GH_API_URL="https://api.github.com" PR_ID=$1; if [ -z "${PR_ID}" ]; then # Attempt to work out the PR number based on current HEAD if HEAD_COMMIT="$( git rev-parse HEAD )"; then if SEARCH_RESULTS="$( curl -s "${GH_API_URL}/search/issues?q=sha:${HEAD_COMMIT}+type:pr+repo:nodejs/node" )"; then if FOUND_PR="$( node -p 'JSON.parse(process.argv[1]).items[0].number' "${SEARCH_RESULTS}" 2> /dev/null )"; then PR_ID=${FOUND_PR} fi fi fi fi if [ -z "${PR_ID}" ]; then echo "Unable to determine the pull request number to check. Please specify, " echo " e.g. $0 " exit 1 fi PATCH=$( curl -sL "https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/${PR_ID}.patch" | grep '^From ' ) if FIRST_COMMIT="$( echo "$PATCH" | awk '/^From [0-9a-f]{40} / { if (count++ == 0) print $2 }' )"; then MESSAGE=$( git show --quiet --format='format:%B' "$FIRST_COMMIT" ) echo " *** Linting the first commit message for pull request ${PR_ID} *** according to the guidelines at https://goo.gl/p2fr5Q. *** Commit message for $(echo "$FIRST_COMMIT" | cut -c 1-10) is: ${MESSAGE} " npx -q core-validate-commit --no-validate-metadata "${FIRST_COMMIT}" fi