'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const vm = require('vm'); const spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync; function getSource(tag) { return `(function ${tag}() { return '${tag}'; })`; } function produce(source, count) { if (!count) count = 1; const out = spawnSync(process.execPath, [ '-e', ` 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const vm = require('vm'); var data; for (var i = 0; i < ${count}; i++) { var script = new vm.Script(process.argv[1], { produceCachedData: true }); assert(!script.cachedDataProduced || script.cachedData instanceof Buffer); if (script.cachedDataProduced) data = script.cachedData.toString('base64'); } console.log(data); `, source]); assert.strictEqual(out.status, 0, String(out.stderr)); return Buffer.from(out.stdout.toString(), 'base64'); } function testProduceConsume() { const source = getSource('original'); const data = produce(source); for (const cachedData of common.getArrayBufferViews(data)) { // It should consume code cache const script = new vm.Script(source, { cachedData }); assert(!script.cachedDataRejected); assert.strictEqual(script.runInThisContext()(), 'original'); } } testProduceConsume(); function testProduceMultiple() { const source = getSource('original'); produce(source, 3); } testProduceMultiple(); function testRejectInvalid() { const source = getSource('invalid'); const data = produce(source); // It should reject invalid code cache const script = new vm.Script(getSource('invalid_1'), { cachedData: data }); assert(script.cachedDataRejected); assert.strictEqual(script.runInThisContext()(), 'invalid_1'); } testRejectInvalid(); function testRejectSlice() { const source = getSource('slice'); const data = produce(source).slice(4); const script = new vm.Script(source, { cachedData: data }); assert(script.cachedDataRejected); } testRejectSlice(); // It should throw on non-Buffer cachedData assert.throws(() => { new vm.Script('function abc() {}', { cachedData: 'ohai' }); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: /must be an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView/ });