'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); // This test checks that the semantics of `util.callbackify` are as described in // the API docs const assert = require('assert'); const { callbackify } = require('util'); const { execFile } = require('child_process'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const values = [ 'hello world', null, undefined, false, 0, {}, { key: 'value' }, Symbol('I am a symbol'), function ok() {}, ['array', 'with', 4, 'values'], new Error('boo') ]; { // Test that the resolution value is passed as second argument to callback for (const value of values) { // Test and `async function` async function asyncFn() { return value; } const cbAsyncFn = callbackify(asyncFn); cbAsyncFn(common.mustSucceed((ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); })); // Test Promise factory function promiseFn() { return Promise.resolve(value); } const cbPromiseFn = callbackify(promiseFn); cbPromiseFn(common.mustSucceed((ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); })); // Test Thenable function thenableFn() { return { then(onRes, onRej) { onRes(value); } }; } const cbThenableFn = callbackify(thenableFn); cbThenableFn(common.mustSucceed((ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); })); } } { // Test that rejection reason is passed as first argument to callback for (const value of values) { // Test an `async function` async function asyncFn() { return Promise.reject(value); } const cbAsyncFn = callbackify(asyncFn); assert.strictEqual(cbAsyncFn.length, 1); assert.strictEqual(cbAsyncFn.name, 'asyncFnCallbackified'); cbAsyncFn(common.mustCall((err, ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, undefined); if (err instanceof Error) { if ('reason' in err) { assert(!value); assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION'); assert.strictEqual(err.reason, value); } else { assert.strictEqual(String(value).endsWith(err.message), true); } } else { assert.strictEqual(err, value); } })); // Test a Promise factory function promiseFn() { return Promise.reject(value); } const obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(promiseFn, 'name', { value: obj, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); const cbPromiseFn = callbackify(promiseFn); assert.strictEqual(promiseFn.name, obj); cbPromiseFn(common.mustCall((err, ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, undefined); if (err instanceof Error) { if ('reason' in err) { assert(!value); assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION'); assert.strictEqual(err.reason, value); } else { assert.strictEqual(String(value).endsWith(err.message), true); } } else { assert.strictEqual(err, value); } })); // Test Thenable function thenableFn() { return { then(onRes, onRej) { onRej(value); } }; } const cbThenableFn = callbackify(thenableFn); cbThenableFn(common.mustCall((err, ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, undefined); if (err instanceof Error) { if ('reason' in err) { assert(!value); assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_FALSY_VALUE_REJECTION'); assert.strictEqual(err.reason, value); } else { assert.strictEqual(String(value).endsWith(err.message), true); } } else { assert.strictEqual(err, value); } })); } } { // Test that arguments passed to callbackified function are passed to original for (const value of values) { async function asyncFn(arg) { assert.strictEqual(arg, value); return arg; } const cbAsyncFn = callbackify(asyncFn); assert.strictEqual(cbAsyncFn.length, 2); assert.notStrictEqual( Object.getPrototypeOf(cbAsyncFn), Object.getPrototypeOf(asyncFn) ); assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(cbAsyncFn), Function.prototype); cbAsyncFn(value, common.mustSucceed((ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); })); function promiseFn(arg) { assert.strictEqual(arg, value); return Promise.resolve(arg); } const obj = {}; Object.defineProperty(promiseFn, 'length', { value: obj, writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); const cbPromiseFn = callbackify(promiseFn); assert.strictEqual(promiseFn.length, obj); cbPromiseFn(value, common.mustSucceed((ret) => { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); })); } } { // Test that `this` binding is the same for callbackified and original for (const value of values) { const iAmThis = { fn(arg) { assert.strictEqual(this, iAmThis); return Promise.resolve(arg); }, }; iAmThis.cbFn = callbackify(iAmThis.fn); iAmThis.cbFn(value, common.mustSucceed(function(ret) { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); assert.strictEqual(this, iAmThis); })); const iAmThat = { async fn(arg) { assert.strictEqual(this, iAmThat); return arg; }, }; iAmThat.cbFn = callbackify(iAmThat.fn); iAmThat.cbFn(value, common.mustSucceed(function(ret) { assert.strictEqual(ret, value); assert.strictEqual(this, iAmThat); })); } } { // Test that callback that throws emits an `uncaughtException` event const fixture = fixtures.path('uncaught-exceptions', 'callbackify1.js'); execFile( process.execPath, [fixture], common.mustCall((err, stdout, stderr) => { assert.strictEqual(err.code, 1); assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(err).name, 'Error'); assert.strictEqual(stdout, ''); const errLines = stderr.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/); const errLine = errLines.find((l) => /^Error/.exec(l)); assert.strictEqual(errLine, `Error: ${fixture}`); }) ); } { // Test that handled `uncaughtException` works and passes rejection reason const fixture = fixtures.path('uncaught-exceptions', 'callbackify2.js'); execFile( process.execPath, [fixture], common.mustSucceed((stdout, stderr) => { assert.strictEqual( stdout.trim(), `ifError got unwanted exception: ${fixture}`); assert.strictEqual(stderr, ''); }) ); } { // Verify that non-function inputs throw. ['foo', null, undefined, false, 0, {}, Symbol(), []].forEach((value) => { assert.throws(() => { callbackify(value); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The "original" argument must be of type function.' + common.invalidArgTypeHelper(value) }); }); } { async function asyncFn() { return 42; } const cb = callbackify(asyncFn); const args = []; // Verify that the last argument to the callbackified function is a function. ['foo', null, undefined, false, 0, {}, Symbol(), []].forEach((value) => { args.push(value); assert.throws(() => { cb(...args); }, { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError', message: 'The last argument must be of type function.' + common.invalidArgTypeHelper(value) }); }); }