// Flags: --no-warnings 'use strict'; // Tests that stream data is successfully transmitted under // packet loss conditions on the receiving end. const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasQuic) common.skip('missing quic'); common.skip('temporarily skip packetloss tests for refactoring'); const Countdown = require('../common/countdown'); const assert = require('assert'); const { key, cert, ca, debug } = require('../common/quic'); const { once } = require('events'); const { pipeline } = require('stream'); const { createQuicSocket } = require('net'); const kData = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; const options = { key, cert, ca, alpn: 'echo' }; const client = createQuicSocket({ client: options }); const server = createQuicSocket({ server: options }); // Both client and server will drop received packets about 20% of the time // It is important to keep in mind that this will make the runtime of the // test non-deterministic. If we encounter flaky timeouts with this test, // the randomized packet loss will be the reason, but random packet loss // is exactly what is being tested. So if flaky timeouts do occur, it will // be best to extend the failure timeout for this test. server.setDiagnosticPacketLoss({ rx: 0.2 }); client.setDiagnosticPacketLoss({ rx: 0.2 }); const countdown = new Countdown(1, () => { debug('Countdown expired. Destroying sockets'); server.close(); client.close(); }); (async function() { server.on('session', common.mustCall((session) => { debug('QuicServerSession Created'); session.on('stream', common.mustCall((stream) => { debug('Bidirectional, Client-initiated stream %d received', stream.id); pipeline(stream, stream, common.mustSucceed()); })); })); await server.listen(); debug('Server is listening on port %d', server.endpoints[0].address.port); const req = await client.connect({ address: common.localhostIPv4, port: server.endpoints[0].address.port, }); const stream = await req.openStream(); let n = 0; // This forces multiple stream packets to be sent out // rather than all the data being written in a single // packet. function sendChunk() { if (n < kData.length) { stream.write(kData[n++], common.mustCall()); setImmediate(sendChunk); } else { stream.end(); } } sendChunk(); let data = ''; stream.resume(); stream.setEncoding('utf8'); stream.on('data', (chunk) => data += chunk); stream.on('end', common.mustCall(() => { debug('Received data: %s', kData); assert.strictEqual(data, kData); })); stream.on('close', common.mustCall(() => { countdown.dec(); })); await Promise.all([ once(server, 'close'), once(client, 'close') ]); })().then(common.mustCall());