'use strict'; // Flags: --expose-internals const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const net = require('net'); const { normalizedArgsSymbol } = require('internal/net'); function validateNormalizedArgs(input, output) { const args = net._normalizeArgs(input); assert.deepStrictEqual(args, output); assert.strictEqual(args[normalizedArgsSymbol], true); } // Test creation of normalized arguments. const res = [{}, null]; res[normalizedArgsSymbol] = true; validateNormalizedArgs([], res); res[0].port = 1234; validateNormalizedArgs([{ port: 1234 }], res); res[1] = assert.fail; validateNormalizedArgs([{ port: 1234 }, assert.fail], res); // Connecting to the server should fail with a standard array. { const server = net.createServer(common.mustNotCall('should not connect')); server.listen(common.mustCall(() => { const port = server.address().port; const socket = new net.Socket(); assert.throws(() => { socket.connect([{ port }, assert.fail]); }, { code: 'ERR_MISSING_ARGS' }); server.close(); })); } // Connecting to the server should succeed with a normalized array. { const server = net.createServer(common.mustCall((connection) => { connection.end(); server.close(); })); server.listen(common.mustCall(() => { const port = server.address().port; const socket = new net.Socket(); const args = net._normalizeArgs([{ port }, common.mustCall()]); socket.connect(args); })); }