'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); if (!common.hasCrypto) common.skip('missing crypto'); const https = require('https'); const fixtures = require('../common/fixtures'); const options = { key: fixtures.readKey('agent1-key.pem'), // NOTE: Certificate Common Name is 'agent1' cert: fixtures.readKey('agent1-cert.pem'), // NOTE: TLS 1.3 creates new session ticket **after** handshake so // `getSession()` output will be different even if the session was reused // during the handshake. secureProtocol: 'TLSv1_2_method' }; const ca = [ fixtures.readKey('ca1-cert.pem') ]; const server = https.createServer(options, function(req, res) { res.end('ok'); }).listen(0, common.mustCall(function() { const port = this.address().port; const req = https.get({ port, path: '/', ca, servername: 'nodejs.org', }, common.mustNotCall(() => {})); req.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => { assert.strictEqual( err.message, 'Hostname/IP does not match certificate\'s altnames: ' + 'Host: nodejs.org. is not cert\'s CN: agent1'); const second = https.get({ port, path: '/', ca, servername: 'nodejs.org', }, common.mustNotCall(() => {})); second.on('error', common.mustCall((err) => { server.close(); assert.strictEqual( err.message, 'Hostname/IP does not match certificate\'s altnames: ' + 'Host: nodejs.org. is not cert\'s CN: agent1'); })); })); }));