'use strict'; // This test ensures that the Http2SecureServer and Http2Server // settings are updated when the setting object is valid. // When the setting object is invalid, this test ensures that // updateSettings throws an exception. const common = require('../common'); if (!common.hasCrypto) { common.skip('missing crypto'); } const assert = require('assert'); const http2 = require('http2'); testUpdateSettingsWith({ server: http2.createSecureServer(), newServerSettings: { 'headerTableSize': 1, 'initialWindowSize': 1, 'maxConcurrentStreams': 1, 'maxHeaderListSize': 1, 'maxFrameSize': 16385, 'enablePush': false, 'enableConnectProtocol': true } }); testUpdateSettingsWith({ server: http2.createServer(), newServerSettings: { 'enablePush': false } }); function testUpdateSettingsWith({ server, newServerSettings }) { const oldServerSettings = getServerSettings(server); assert.notDeepStrictEqual(oldServerSettings, newServerSettings); server.updateSettings(newServerSettings); const updatedServerSettings = getServerSettings(server); assert.deepStrictEqual(updatedServerSettings, { ...oldServerSettings, ...newServerSettings }); assert.throws(() => server.updateSettings(''), { message: 'The "settings" argument must be of type object. ' + 'Received type string (\'\')', code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError' }); assert.throws(() => server.updateSettings({ 'maxHeaderListSize': 'foo' }), { message: 'Invalid value for setting "maxHeaderListSize": foo', code: 'ERR_HTTP2_INVALID_SETTING_VALUE', name: 'RangeError' }); } function getServerSettings(server) { const options = Object .getOwnPropertySymbols(server) .find((s) => s.toString() === 'Symbol(options)'); return server[options].settings; }