# This file is in the public domain. # [PATHS] # Persistent data storage for the testcase TALER_TEST_HOME = test_exchange_api_keys_cherry_picking_home/ TALER_RUNTIME_DIR = ${TMPDIR:-${TMP:-/tmp}}/${USER:-}/taler-system-runtime/ # Persistent data storage TALER_DATA_HOME = $TALER_HOME/.local/share/taler/ # Configuration files TALER_CONFIG_HOME = $TALER_HOME/.config/taler/ # Cached data, no big deal if lost TALER_CACHE_HOME = $TALER_HOME/.cache/taler/ [taler] # Currency supported by the exchange (can only be one) CURRENCY = EUR [taler-exchange-secmod-rsa] # Reduce from 1 year to speed up test LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 24 days [taler-exchange-secmod-cs] # Reduce from 1 year to speed up test LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 24 days [taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa] # Reduce from 1 year to speed up test LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 24 days # Reduce from 12 weeks to ensure we have multiple DURATION = 14 days [auditor] BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8083/" # HTTP port the auditor listens to PORT = 8083 [exchange] # HTTP port the exchange listens to PORT = 8081 # Master public key used to sign the exchange's various keys MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY = 98NJW3CQHZQGQXTY3K85K531XKPAPAVV4Q5V8PYYRR00NJGZWNVG # How to access our database DB = postgres # Base URL of the exchange. Must be set to a URL where the # exchange (or the twister) is actually listening. BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8081/" [exchangedb-postgres] CONFIG = "postgres:///talercheck" [auditordb-postgres] CONFIG = "postgres:///talercheck" [exchange-account-1] PAYTO_URI = payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/42 [exchange-accountcredentials-1] WIRE_GATEWAY_URL = "http://localhost:9082/42/" [exchange-account-2] PAYTO_URI = payto://x-taler-bank/localhost/2 ENABLE_DEBIT = YES ENABLE_CREDIT = YES [exchange-accountcredentials-2] WIRE_GATEWAY_URL = "http://localhost:9082/2/" # Authentication information for basic authentication TALER_BANK_AUTH_METHOD = "basic" USERNAME = user PASSWORD = pass [bank] HTTP_PORT=8082 [taler-exchange-secmod-rsa] OVERLAP_DURATION = 1 s LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 20 s [taler-exchange-secmod-cs] OVERLAP_DURATION = 1 s LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 20 s [taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa] OVERLAP_DURATION = 1 s DURATION = 30 s LOOKAHEAD_SIGN = 20 s [coin_eur_1] value = EUR:1 duration_withdraw = 5 s duration_spend = 6 s duration_legal = 7 s fee_withdraw = EUR:0.01 fee_deposit = EUR:0.01 fee_refresh = EUR:0.03 fee_refund = EUR:0.01 rsa_keysize = 1024