#!/bin/bash # This file is in the public domain. # # This code converts (some of) the JSON output from KYCAID into the GNU Taler # specific KYC attribute data (again in JSON format). We may need to download # and inline file data in the process, for authorization pass "-a" with the # respective bearer token. # # Die if anything goes wrong. set -eu # Parse command-line options while getopts ':a:' OPTION; do case "$OPTION" in a) TOKEN="$OPTARG" ;; ?) echo "Unrecognized command line option" exit 1 ;; esac done # First, extract everything from stdin. J=$(jq '{"type":.type,"email":.email,"phone":.phone,"first_name":.first_name,"name-middle":.middle_name,"last_name":.last_name,"dob":.dob,"residence_country":.residence_country,"gender":.gender,"pep":.pep,"addresses":.addresses,"documents":.documents,"company_name":.company_name,"business_activity_id":.business_activity_id,"registration_country":.registration_country,"documents":.documents,"decline_reasons":.decline_reasons}') # TODO: # log_failure (json_object_get (j, "decline_reasons")); TYPE=$(echo "$J" | jq -r '.type') N=0 DOCS_RAW="" DOCS_JSON="" for ID in $(jq -r '.documents[]|select(.status=="valid")|.id') do TYPE=$(jq -r ".documents[]|select(.id==\"$ID\")|.type") EXPIRY=$(jq -r ".documents[]|select(.id==\"$ID\")|.expiry_date") DOCUMENT_FILE=$(mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) # Authorization: Token $TOKEN DOCUMENT_URL="https://api.kycaid.com/documents/$ID" if [ -z "${TOKEN:-}" ] then wget -q --output-document=- "$DOCUMENT_URL" \ | gnunet-base32 > ${DOCUMENT_FILE} else wget -q --output-document=- "$DOCUMENT_URL" \ --header "Authorization: Token $TOKEN" \ | gnunet-base32 > ${DOCUMENT_FILE} fi DOCS_RAW="$DOCS_RAW --rawfile photo$N \"${DOCUMENT_FILE}\"" if [ "$N" = 0 ] then DOCS_JSON="{\"type\":\"$TYPE\",\"image\":\$photo$N}" else DOCS_JSON="{\"type\":\"$TYPE\",\"image\":\$photo$N},$DOCS_JSON" fi N=$(expr $N + 1) done if [ "PERSON" = "${TYPE}" ] then # Next, combine some fields into larger values. FULLNAME=$(echo "$J" | jq -r '[.first_name,.middle_name,.last_name]|join(" ")') # STREET=$(echo $J | jq -r '[."street-1",."street-2"]|join(" ")') # CITY=$(echo $J | jq -r '[.postcode,.city,."address-subdivision,.cc"]|join(" ")') # Combine into final result for individual. echo "$J" \ | jq \ --arg full_name "${FULLNAME}" \ '{$full_name,"birthdate":.dob,"pep":.pep,"phone":.phone,"email":.email,"residences":.residence_country}' \ | jq \ 'del(..|select(.==null))' else # Combine into final result for business. echo "$J" \ | jq \ $DOCS_RAW \ "{\"company_name\":.company_name,\"phone\":.phone,\"email\":.email,\"registration_country\":.registration_country,\"documents\":[${DOCS_JSON}]}" \ | jq \ 'del(..|select(.==null))' fi exit 0