# This file is in the public domain. # Example Oauth2.0 provider configuration. [kyc-provider-example-oauth2] COST = 42 LOGIC = oauth2 USER_TYPE = INDIVIDUAL PROVIDED_CHECKS = EXAMPLE_DO_NOT_USE # How long is the KYC check valid? KYC_OAUTH2_VALIDITY = forever # URL where we initiate the user's login process KYC_OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URL = https://kyc.example.com/authorize # URL where we send the user's authentication information KYC_OAUTH2_TOKEN_URL = https://kyc.example.com/token # URL of the user info access point. KYC_OAUTH2_INFO_URL = https://kyc.example.com/info # Where does the client get redirected upon completion? KYC_OAUTH2_POST_URL = http://example.com/thank-you # For authentication to the OAuth2.0 service KYC_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = testcase KYC_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = password # Mustach template that converts OAuth2.0 data about the user # into GNU Taler standardized attribute data. # # This is just an example, you need to pick the right converter # for the provider! # KYC_OAUTH2_CONVERTER_HELPER = taler-exchange-kyc-oauth2-converter.sh