\begin{figure}[th] \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4, transform shape, msglabel/.style = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped, midway }, okmsg/.style = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth }, rstmsg/.style = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick, >=stealth } ] \node[draw = MidnightBlue, fill = CornflowerBlue, minimum width = .3cm, minimum height = 10cm ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {}; \node[draw = MidnightBlue, fill = CornflowerBlue, minimum width = .3cm, minimum height = 10cm ] (h2) at (4, 0) {}; \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Merchant}; \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchange}; \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth] (-5, 4.5) edge node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time} (-5, -4.5); \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth] ($(h1.east)+(0,3)$) edge node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {$S_{DK}(C), S_{c}(D)$} ($(h2.west)+(0,2)$); \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth] ($(h2.west)+(0,0.5)$) edge node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {200 OK: $S_{SK}(S_{c}(D))$} ($(h1.east)+(0,-0.5)$); \path[rstmsg] ($(h2.west)+(0, -2.5)$) edge node[msglabel] {409 CONFLICT: $S_{c}(D')$} ($(h1.east)+(0, -3.5)$); \node at (5.3, 0) {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{minipage} \hspace{0.5cm} \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth} \tiny \begin{description} \item[$DK$] Denomination key \item[$S_{DK}()$] RSA-FDH signature using $DK$ \item[$c$] Private coin key, $C := cG$. \item[$S_{C}()$] EdDSA signature using $c$ \item[$D$] Deposit details \item[$SK$] Exchange's signing key \item[$S_{SK}()$] EdDSA signature using $SK$ \item[$D'$] Conficting deposit details $D' \not= D$ \end{description} \end{minipage} \end{figure}