\section{Motivation} Donations can often be deducted from taxes. To do so, donors must submit donation receipts to the tax authorities. Nowadays, donation receipts can only be checked with disproportionate effort. This is the reason why receipts for small amounts are often not checked at all. Furthermore, donations are sensitive data that should be anonymized as much as possible. Even towards the tax authorities. For example, a donation to an AIDS aid organization can lead to conclusions that could be unpleasant for the donor.\\ \section{Goals} The project description is as follows: The goal of this project is to add anonymous donation receipts to Taler. Someone donating to a charitable organization may wish to do so anonymously, but still want to deduce that amount of their tax. This can be done by reusing cryptography present in Taler. A great part of the project will be specifying the details, as well as implementing the Donau (Donation authority). Furthermore, the Taler merchant part and the wallet will have to be developed/adapted. Optionally, a small Android donation verification app will also be provided.