.. _wireformats: Wire Transfer Formats ===================== A wire transfer is essential for the mint to transfer funds into a merchant's account upon a successful deposit (see :ref:`deposit request `). The merchant has to include the necessary information for the mint to initiate the wire transfer. The information required for wire transfer depends on the type of wire transfer used. Since the wire transfers differ for each region, we document here the ones currently supported by the mint. SEPA ---- The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) [#sepa]_ is a regulation for electronic payments. Since its adoption in 2012, all of the banks in the Eurozone and some banks in other countries adhere to this standard for sending and receiving payments. Note that the currency of the transfer will (currently) always be *EURO*. In case the receiving account is in a currency other than EURO, the receiving bank may covert the amount into that currency; currency exchange charges may be levied by the receiving bank. For the merchant to receive deposits through SEPA, the deposit request must contain a JSON object with the following fields: .. The following are taken from Page 33, SEPA_SCT.pdf . * `type`: the string constant `"SEPA"` * `IBAN`: the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) of the account of the beneficiary * `name`: the name of the beneficiary * `bic`: the Bank Identification Code (BIC) code of the beneficiary's bank * `edate`: the date given as a timestamp indicating when the transfer should be executed * `r`: random salt (used to make brute-forcing the hash harder) The JSON object may optionally contain: * `address`: the address of the Beneficiary .. [#sepa] SEPA - Single Euro Payments Area: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/sepa/html/index.en.html