.. This file is part of GNU Taler. Copyright (C) 2021 Taler Systems SA GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see @author Florian Dold GNU Taler Exchange Setup Guide ############################## This setup guide walks a system administrator through all steps required to install an exchange and check that it is functional. For more background, please read the :doc:`Operator Manual `. System Requirements =================== This guide assumes that you are running Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa). We recommend the setup of offline signing keys to be done on a second machine that does not have Internet access. In this guide's shell-session fragments, the command prompt shows two pieces of information: * Who is performing the command (``$user`` vs ``root``, and ending char ``$`` vs ``#``). * Host where the command is supposed to be executed (``exchange-offline`` vs ``exchange-online``). It is possible to do the entire setup on one machine, but we do not recommend this for security reasons. Before you start ================ To deploy this with a real bank, you need: * IBAN of the bank account to use * BIC of the bank * EBICS host, user and partner IDs Information to write down during the installation: * LibEuFin Nexus superuser password * Taler facade base URL * exchange Nexus username and password Installation ============ We assume that the system is a minimal installation of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Ideally, you should have two hosts, ``exchange-online`` and ``exchange-offline``. It is also possible to run the HTTPS nginx server or the PostgreSQL database on yet another host, but in these instructions we will assume that only two hosts are used. Alas, the instructions will also work if you run everything on one system, but then you have the security drawback of not keeping the high-security private keys disconnected from the Internet. To install the exchange, first make sure that your system is up-to-date and that the ``gnupg`` package has been installed. .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# apt-get update [root@exchange-online]# apt-get upgrade Next, add the ``focal-fossa`` apt repository provided by Taler Systems S.A. to your package sources: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/taler.list < .. warning:: While ``taler-config`` also supports rewriting configuration files, we strongly recommend to edit configuration files manually, as ``taler-config`` does not preserve comments and, by default, rewrites ``/etc/taler/taler.conf``. Services, users, groups and file system hierarchy ================================================= The *taler-exchange-httpd* package will create several system users to compartmentalize different parts of the system: * ``taler-exchange-httpd``: runs the HTTP daemon with the core business logic. * ``taler-exchange-secmod-rsa``: manages the RSA private online signing keys. * ``taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa``: manages the EdDSA private online signing keys. * ``taler-exchange-closer``: closes idle reserves by triggering wire transfers that refund the originator. * ``taler-exchange-aggregator``: aggregates deposits into larger wire transfer requests. * ``taler-exchange-wire``: performs wire transfers with the bank (via LibEuFin/Nexus). * ``postgres``: runs the Postgres database (from *postgres* package). * ``www-data``: runs the frontend HTTPS service with the TLS keys (from *nginx* package). .. note:: The *taler-merchant-httpd* package additionally creates a taler-merchant-httpd user to runs the HTTP daemon with the merchant business logic. The exchange setup uses the following system groups: * ``taler-exchange-db``: group for all Taler users with direct database access, specifically taler-exchange-httpd, taler-exchange-wire, taler-exchange-closer and taler-exchange-aggregator. * ``taler-exchange-secmod``: group for processes with access to online signing keys; this group must have three users: taler-exchange-secmod-rsa, taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa and taler-exchange-httpd. * ``taler-exchange-offline``: group for the access to the offline private key (only used on the offline host and not used on the online system). The package will deploy systemd service files in ``/usr/lib/systemd/system/`` for the various components: * ``taler-exchange-aggregator.service``: service that schedules wire transfers which combine multiple deposits to the same merchant. * ``taler-exchange-closer.service``: service that watches for reserves that have been abandoned and schedules wire transfers to send the money back to the originator. * ``taler-exchange-httpd.service``: main Taler exchange logic with the public REST API. * ``taler-exchange-httpd.socket``: systemd socket activation for the Taler exchange HTTP daemon. * ``taler-exchange-secmod-eddsa.service``: software security module for making EdDSA signatures. * ``taler-exchange-secmod-rsa.service``: software security module for making RSA signatures. * ``taler-exchange-transfer.service``: service that triggers outgoing wire transfers (pays merchants). * ``taler-exchange-wirewatch.service``: service that watches for incoming wire transfers (first step of withdraw). * ``taler-exchange.target``: Main target for the Taler exchange to be operational. The deployment creates the following key locations in the system: * ``/etc/taler/``: configuration files. * ``/run/taler/``: contains the UNIX domain sockets for inter-process communication (IPC). * ``/var/lib/taler/``: serves as the $HOME for all Taler users and contains sub-directories with the private keys; which keys are stored here depends on the host: * online system: exchange-secmod-eddsa and exchange-secmod-rsa keys. * offline system: exchange-offline keys. Setup Linting ============= The ``taler-wallet-cli`` package comes with a experimental tool that runs various checks on the current GNU Taler exchange deployment: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# taler-wallet-cli deployment lint-exchange You can optionally pass the ``--debug`` option to get more verbose output, and ``--continue`` to continue with further checks even though a previous one has failed. Basic Setup: Currency and Denominations ======================================= A Taler exchange only supports a single currency. The currency and the smallest currency unit supported by the bank system must be specified in ``/etc/taler/taler.conf``. .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/taler.conf [taler] CURRENCY = EUR CURRENCY_ROUND_UNIT = EUR:0.01 # ... rest of file ... .. warning:: When editing ``/etc/taler/taler.conf``, take care to not accidentally remove the @inline-matching@ directive to include the configuration files in ``conf.d``. Next, the electronic cash denominations that the exchange offers must be specified. The ``taler-wallet-cli`` has a helper command that generates a reasonable denomination structure. .. code-block:: shell-session taler-wallet-cli deployment gen-coin-config --min-amount EUR:0.01 --max-amount EUR:100 > /etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-coins.conf You can manually review and edit the generated configuration file. The main change that is possibly required is updating the various fees. Wire Gateway Setup ================== The Taler Wire Gateway is an API that connects the Taler exchange to the underlying core banking system. LibEuFin is an implementation of the Wire Gateway API for the EBICS protocol. This section will walk through (1) installing and configuring LibEuFin and (2) connecting the Taler Exchange to LibEuFin. .. note:: If you do not have a bank account with EBICS but want to test these instructions, you can use the EBICS sandbox as described in the :doc:`LibEuFin Tutorial `. Installation and Basic Configuration ------------------------------------ First, install the ``libeufin`` package. This can be done on the ``exchange-online`` machine or a different one. .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# apt-get install -y libeufin The main component of LibEuFin is called the Nexus. It implements a Web service that provides a JSON abstraction layer to access bank accounts. The Nexus currently uses an sqlite3 database as storage by default. We currently recommend to stick with this default. In future versions, there will be a migration path to a PostgreSQL database. The HTTP port and database connection string can be edited in the configuration: .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/libeufin/nexus.env LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_PORT=5017 LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_DB_CONNECTION=jdbc:sqlite:/var/lib/libeufin/nexus/nexus-db.sqlite3 After configuring the database, you can start the service. The database is initialized automatically. .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# systemctl enable libeufin-nexus [root@exchange-online]# systemctl start libeufin-nexus You can now create a superuser account. The command to create the superuser needs direct database access, thus the configuration file is sourced first, and the relevant environment variable is exported. .. code-block:: console [root@exchange-online]# source /etc/libeufin/nexus.env [root@exchange-online]# export LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_DB_CONNECTION [root@exchange-online]# NEXUS_ADMIN_PW=$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 ` becomes offered by the Nexus. The purpose is to let a Taler exchange rely on Nexus to manage its bank account. The base URL of the facade that can be used by the Taler exchange as the Taler Wire Gateway base URL can be seen by listing the facades: .. code-block:: console [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli facades list Managing Permissions and Users ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This guide has so far assumed that a superuser is accessing the LibEuFin Nexus. However, it is advisable that the Nexus is accessed with users that only have a minimal set of permissions. The Nexus currently only has support for giving non-superusers access to Taler wire gateway facades. To create a new user, use the ``users`` subcommand of the CLI: .. code-block:: console [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli users list # [ ... shows available users ... ] [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli users create $USERNAME # [ ... will prompt for password ... ] Permissions are managed with the ``permissions`` subcommand. The following commands grant permissions to view the transaction history and create payment initiations with a Taler wire gateway facade: .. code-block:: console [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli permissions grant \ user $USERNAME \ facade $FACADENAME \ facade.talerwiregateway.history [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli permissions grant \ user $USERNAME \ facade $FACADENAME \ facade.talerwiregateway.transfer .. FIXME: The two commands above output a empty JSON object when successful. Possibly, we should suppress that (just like the other commands do). The list of all granted permissions can be reviewed: .. code-block:: console [root@exchange-online]# libeufin-cli permissions list Exchange Wire Configuration --------------------------- The exchange must be configured with the right settings to access the Taler Wire Gateway. An exchange can be configured to use multiple bank accounts by using multiple Wire Gateways. Typically only one Wire Gateway is used. A Taler Wire Gateway is configured in a configuration section that follows the pattern ``exchange-account-$id``, where ``$id`` is an internal identifier for the bank account accessed by the exchange. The basic information for an account should be put in ``/etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-business.conf``. The secret credentials to access the Taler Wire Gateway API should be put into a corresponding ``exchange-accountcredentials-$id`` section in ``/etc/taler/secrets/exchange-accountcredentials.conf``. The latter file should already be only readable for the ``taler-exchange-wire`` user. Other exchange processes should not have access to this information. .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-business.conf [exchange-account-1] enable_credit = yes enable_debit = yes # Account identifier in the form of an RFC-8905 payto:// URI. # For SEPA, looks like payto://sepa/$IBAN payto_uri = @inline-secret@ exchange-accountcredentials-1 ../secrets/exchange-accountcredentials.secret.conf .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-accountcredentials.secret.conf [exchange-accountcredentials-1] # LibEuFin expects basic auth. wire_gateway_auth_method = basic # Username and password set in LibEuFin. username = ... password = ... # Base URL of the wire gateway set up with LibEuFin. wire_gateway_url = ... The Wire Gateway configuration can be tested with the following command: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client \ --section exchange-accountcredentials-1 --debit-history [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client \ --section exchange-accountcredentials-1 --credit-history Exchange Database Setup ======================= The access credentials for the exchange's database are configured in ``/etc/taler/secrets/exchange-db.secret.conf``. Currently, only PostgreSQL is supported as a database backend. The following users must have access to the exchange database: * taler-exchange-httpd * taler-exchange-wire * taler-exchange-aggregator * taler-exchange-closer These users are all in the taler-exchange-db group, and the ``exchange-db.secret.conf`` should already be only readable by users in this group. To create a database for the Taler exchange on the local system, run: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# su - postgres [postgres@exchange-online]# createuser taler-exchange-httpd [postgres@exchange-online]# createuser taler-exchange-wire [postgres@exchange-online]# createuser taler-exchange-aggregator [postgres@exchange-online]# createuser taler-exchange-closer [postgres@exchange-online]# createdb -O taler-exchange-httpd taler-exchange [postgres@exchange-online]# exit This will create a ``taler-exchange`` database owned by the ``taler-exchange-httpd`` user. We will use that user later to perform database maintenance operations. Assuming the above database setup, the database credentials to configure in the configuration file would simply be: .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-db.secret.conf [exchangedb-postgres] CONFIG=postgres:///taler-exchange If the database is run on a different host, please follow the instructions from the PostgreSQL manual for configuring remote access. After configuring the database credentials, the exchange database needs to be initialized with the following command: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# sudo -u taler-exchange-httpd taler-exchange-dbinit Finally we need to grant the other accounts limited access: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# sudo -u taler-exchange-httpd bash [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-closer";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-wire";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-closer";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# echo 'GRANT USAGE ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA public TO "taler-exchange-wire";' \ | psql taler-exchange [taler-exchange-httpd@exchange-online]# exit .. note:: The above instructions for changing database permissions only work *after* having initialized the database with ``taler-exchange-dbinit``, as the tables to exist before permissions can be granted on them. The ``taler-exchange-dbinit`` tool cannot setup these permissions, as it does not know which users will be used for which processes. Offline Signing Setup ===================== The offline signing keys of the exchange should be stored on a different machine. The responsibilities of this offline signing machine are: * Generation of the exchange's offline master signing key. * Secure storage of the exchange's offline master signing key. * Generation of certificates (signed with the offline master signing key) that will be imported by the exchange. .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-offline]# sudo -u taler-exchange-offline taler-exchange-offline setup < ... prints the exchange master public key > The public key printed as the output of this command must be put into the configuration of the online machine: .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-business.conf [exchange] MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY = YE6Q6TR1ED... # ... rest of file ... Exchange Web service / API Setup ================================ By default, the ``taler-exchange-httpd`` service listens for HTTP connections on a UNIX domain socket. To make the service publicly available, a reverse proxy such as nginx should be used. We strongly recommend to configure nginx to use TLS. The public URL that the exchange will be served under should be put in ``/etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-business.conf`` configuration file. .. code-block:: ini :caption: /etc/taler/conf.d/exchange-business.conf [exchange] BASE_URL = https://example.com/ # ... rest of file ... The ``taler-exchange`` package ships with a sample configuration that can be enabled in nginx: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/taler-exchange < ... customize configuration ... > [root@exchange-online]# ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/taler-exchange \ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/taler-exchange [root@exchange-online]# systemctl reload nginx The exchange HTTP service can now be started: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# systemctl start taler-exchange.target .. note:: At this point, the exchange service is not yet fully operational. To check whether the exchange is running correctly under the advertized base URL, run: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# export BASE_URL=$(taler-config -s exchange -o base_url) [root@exchange-online]# wget ${BASE_URL}management/keys The request might take some time to complete on slow machines, because a lot of key material will be generated. Offline Signing Procedure ========================= The exchange HTTP service should be running now, but is not yet completely operational. To make the exchange HTTP service operational, the following steps involving the offline signing machine must be completed: 1. The public keys of various online keys used by the exchange service are exported via a management HTTP API. 2. The offline signing system validates this request and signs it. Additionally, the offline signing system signs policy messages to configure the exchange's bank accounts and associated fees. 3. The messages generated by the offline signing system are uploaded via the management API of the exchange HTTP service. .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-offline \ download > sig-request.json [root@exchange-offline]# taler-exchange-offline \ sign < sig-request.json > sig-response.json [root@exchange-offline]# taler-exchange-offline \ enable-account payto://sepa/$IBAN > acct-response.json [root@exchange-offline]# taler-exchange-offline \ wire-fee 2021 sepa EUR:0 EUR:0 > fee-response.json [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-offline upload < sig-response.json [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-offline upload < acct-response.json [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-offline upload < fee-response.json Testing and Troubleshooting =========================== The following shell session illustrates how the wallet can be used to withdraw electronic cash from the exchange and subsequently spend it. For these steps, a merchant backend is not required, as the wallet acts as a merchant. .. code-block:: shell-session # This will now output a payto URI that money needs to be sent to in order to allow withdrawal # of taler coins. $ taler-wallet-cli advanced withdraw-manually --exchange $EXCHANGE_URL --amount EUR:10.50 Show the status of the manual withdrawal operation. .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli transactions At this point, a bank transfer to the exchange's bank account needs to be made with the correct subject / remittance information as instructed by the wallet after the first step. With the above configuration, it should take about 5 minutes after the wire transfer for the incoming transfer to be observed by the Nexus. Run the following command to check whether the exchange received an incoming bank transfer: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client \ --section exchange-accountcredentials-1 --credit-history Once the transfer has been made, try completing the withdrawal using: .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli run-pending Afterwards, check the status of transactions and show the current wallet balance: .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli transactions $ taler-wallet-cli balance Now, we can directly deposit coins via the exchange into a target account. (Usually, a payment is made via a merchant. The wallet provides this functionality for testing.) .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli deposit create EUR:5 \ payto://sepa/$IBAN?receiver-name=Name $ taler-wallet-cli run-pending Check if this transaction was successful (from the perspective of the wallet): .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli transactions If the transaction failed, fix any open issue(s) with the exchange and run the "run-pending" command. The wallet can also track if the exchange wired the money to the merchant account. The "deposit group id" can be found in the output of the transactions list. .. code-block:: shell-session $ taler-wallet-cli deposit track $DEPOSIT_GROUP_ID You can also check using the exchange-tools whether the exchange sent the an outgoing transfer: .. code-block:: shell-session [root@exchange-online]# taler-exchange-wire-gateway-client \ --section exchange-accountcredentials-1 --debit-history After enough time has passed, the money should arrive at the specified IBAN. FIXMEs ====== * We should have some summary with the inventory of services that should be running. Systemd by default doesn't show this nicely. Maybe suggest running "systemd list-dependencies taler-exchange.target"? * When multiple TWGs are configured, which one will be used by the taler-exchange-transfer? CG: ALL! * FD: Sure, for incoming transactions. But how does taler-exchange-transfer decide which TWG to use for an outgoing transaction? * What happens when the TWG doesn't like one particular outgoing transaction? How to recover from that as a sysadmin when it happens in practice?