GNU Taler Auditor Operator Manual ################################# Introduction ============ This manual is an early draft that still needs significant editing work to become readable. About GNU Taler --------------- GNU Taler is an open protocol for an electronic payment system with a free software reference implementation. GNU Taler offers secure, fast and easy payment processing using well understood cryptographic techniques. GNU Taler allows customers to remain anonymous, while ensuring that merchants can be held accountable by governments. Hence, GNU Taler is compatible with anti-money-laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulation, as well as data protection regulation (such as GDPR). About this manual ----------------- This tutorial targets exchange operators, auditors and governments who want to run the auditor to verify that a GNU Taler exchange is operating correctly. Organizational prerequisites ---------------------------- Operating a GNU Taler auditor means that you (henceforth: auditor) have a business relationship with (or regulatory authority over) a GNU Taler exchange operator (henceforth: exchange). Your objective is to verify that the exchange is operating correctly, and if not to alert the exchange, the state or even the public about any missbehavior to limit financial losses to other parties. To perform this duty, you will need at least (read-only) access to the bank transactions of the exchange, as well as a continuously synchronized replica of the exchange's database. Then, with the software provided, you can verify the cryptographic proofs collected by the exchange and detect if any improper bank transactions are made. Naturally, as an auditor you do not have to limit yourself to this activity: auditing the source code, operational procedures, physical security and even checking the background of the individuals operating the exchange can be in-scope. However, as those additional checks are not easily standardized, this manual only focuses on the audit of the exchange's database and wire transfers. Every auditor also needs to operate a Postgres database. The data collected will include sensitive information about Taler users, including withdrawals made by consumers and income received by merchants. As a result, the auditor is expected to provide high confidentiality for the database. In general, the auditor does not have to offer high-availability: the exchange operator can continue operations without the auditor, and the auditor can catch up with it later when the auditor's systems are restored. However, of course any downtime would provide a window of opportunity for fraud and should thus be minimized. Finally, the auditor's copy of the exchange's database can be useful as a backup to the exchange in case the exchange experiences a loss of its own copies. Thus, business agreements between auditor and exchanges may include availability requirements as well. Architecture overview --------------------- Taler is a pure payment system, not a new crypto-currency. As such, it operates in a traditional banking context. In particular, this means that in order to receive funds via Taler, the merchant must have a regular bank account, and payments can be executed in ordinary currencies such as USD or EUR. Similarly, the exchange must interact with a bank. The bank of the exchange holds the exchange’s funds in an escrow account. As a result, exchanges operate in a regulated environment, and auditors provide a crucial oversight function. Auditors should generally be independent third parties that verify that the exchange operates correctly. However, an exchange is likely to also run the auditing logic, as it is also used to calculate the exchange’s profits, risk and liabilities. Furthermore, it's usually a good idea to not only rely on third parties to verify one's own work. The Taler software stack for an auditor consists of the following components: - Wire plugin A wire plugin enables the auditor to talk to the bank. Its role is to allow the auditor to retrieve incoming and outgoing wire transfers made by the exchange. Wire plugins are *plugins* as there can be many different implementations to deal with different banking standards. Wire plugins are automatically located and used by the auditor, but must be configured with the appropriate credentials. - DBMS Postgres The auditor requires a DBMS to stores a local copy of the transaction history for the Taler exchange, as well as for its own internal bookkeeping and checkpointing. The DBMS is assumed to be assure the auditor of the database invariants (foreign key, uniqueness, length restrictions). Should the exported data from the exchange fail to be imported due to constraint violations, this is an immediate serious concern that must be addressed manually. The software only verifies the content of a well-formed exchange database (well-formed with respect to SQL). For now, the GNU Taler reference implemenation only supports Postgres, but the code could be easily extended to support another DBMS. - The auditor Web service The auditor is expected to provide a public Web service. At this REST API, merchants can (probabilistically) provide deposit confirmations, allowing the auditor to detect if an exchange is underreporting deposits. In the future, the Web service should be extended to allow customers and merchants to automatically upload cryptographic proof of other violations of the specification by the exchange. However, for now it is assumed that the respective cryptographic proofs are reported and verified manually --- as with a well-behaved exchange this should obviously be a rare event. The main binary of this component is the ``taler-auditor-httpd``. - The wire-auditor The wire auditor verifies that the bank transactions performed by the exchange were done properly. This component must have access to the bank account of the exchange, as well as to a copy of the exchange's database. The main binary of this component is the ``taler-wire-auditor``. - The (main) auditor The main auditor logic checks the various signatures, totals up the amounts and checks for arithmetic inconsistencies. It also computes the expected bank balance, revenue and risk exposure of the exchange operator. The main binary of this component is the ``taler-auditor``. - The renderer A rendering script uses the JSON output of ``taler-wire-auditor`` and ``taler-auditor`` and combines it with a LaTeX template into a human-readable audit report. The resulting report includes performance data, reports on hard violations (resulting in financial losses) and reports on soft violations (such as the exchange not performing certain operations in a timely fashion). The report also includes figures on the losses of violations. Careful reading of the report is required, as not every detail in the report is necessarily indicative of a problem. Installation ============ Please install the following packages before proceeding with the exchange compilation. - GNU autoconf >= 2.69 - GNU automake >= 1.14 - GNU libtool >= 2.4 - GNU autopoint >= 0.19 - GNU libltdl >= 2.4 - GNU libunistring >= 0.9.3 - libcurl >= 7.26 (or libgnurl >= 7.26) - GNU libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.59 - GNU libgcrypt >= 1.6 - libjansson >= 2.7 - Postgres >= 9.6, including libpq - texlive-latex-extra - python3-jinja2 - libgnunetutil (from Git) - GNU Taler exchange (from Git) Except for the last two, these are available in most GNU/Linux distributions and should just be installed using the respective package manager. The following instructions will show how to install libgnunetutil and the exchange (which includes the code for the auditor). Before you install libgnunetutil, you must download and install the dependencies mentioned above, otherwise the build may succeed but fail to export some of the tooling required by Taler. To download and install libgnunetutil, proceed as follows: :: $ git clone $ cd gnunet/ $ ./bootstrap $ ./configure [--prefix=GNUNETPFX] $ # Each dependency can be fetched from non standard locations via $ # the '--with-' option. See './configure --help'. $ make # make install If you did not specify a prefix, GNUnet will install to ``/usr/local``, which requires you to run the last step as ``root``. To download and install the GNU Taler exchange, proceeds as follows: :: $ git clone git:// $ cd exchange $ ./bootstrap $ ./configure [--prefix=EXCHANGEPFX] \ [--with-gnunet=GNUNETPFX] $ # Each dependency can be fetched from non standard locations via $ # the '--with-' option. See './configure --help'. $ make # make install If you did not specify a prefix, the exchange will install to ``/usr/local``, which requires you to run the last step as ``root``. Note that you have to specify ``--with-gnunet=/usr/local`` if you installed GNUnet to ``/usr/local`` in the previous step. Configuration ============= The auditor's configuration works the same way as the configuration of other Taler components. See for example the exchange manual for details on the configuration and the ``taler-config`` configuration tool. This section discusses configuration options related to the auditor. .. _Keys: Keys ---- The auditor works with one signing key to certify that it is auditing a particular exchange's denomination keys. The following values are to be configured in the section [auditor]: - AUDITOR_PRIV_FILE: Path to the auditor’s private key file. .. _Serving: Serving ------- The auditor can serve HTTP over both TCP and UNIX domain socket. The following values are to be configured in the section [auditor]: - serve: must be set to tcp to serve HTTP over TCP, or unix to serve HTTP over a UNIX domain socket - port: Set to the TCP port to listen on if ``serve`` is ``tcp``. - unixpath: set to the UNIX domain socket path to listen on if ``serve`` is ``unix`` - unixpath_mode: number giving the mode with the access permission MASK for the unixpath (i.e. 660 = rw-rw—-). .. _Bank-account: Bank account ------------ Bank accounts for the auditor are configured in exactly the same way as bank accounts for the exchange. See the exchange documentation for details. .. _Database: Database -------- The option db under section [auditor] gets the DB backend’s name the exchange is going to use. So far, only ``db = postgres`` is supported. After choosing the backend, it is mandatory to supply the connection string (namely, the database name). This is possible in two ways: - via an environment variable: TALER_AUDITORDB_POSTGRES_CONFIG. - via configuration option CONFIG, under section [auditordb-BACKEND]. For example, the demo exchange is configured as follows: :: [auditor] ... DB = postgres ... [auditordb-postgres] CONFIG = postgres:///auditordemo If an exchange runs its own auditor, it may use the same database for the auditor and the exchange itself. The ``taler-auditor-dbinit`` tool is used to initialize the auditor's tables. After running this tool, the rights to CREATE or DROP tables are no longer required and should be removed. .. _Deployment: Deployment ========== .. _Wallets: Before GNU Taler wallets will happily interact with an exchange, the respective auditor's public key (to be obtained via ``gnunet-ecc``) must be added under the respectivy currency to the wallet. This is usually expected to be hard-coded into the Taler wallet. Users can also manually add auditors for a particular currency via a Web page offering the respective pairing. FIXME: explain how that Web page works! .. _Exchange: Exchange -------- The next step is to add the exchange's master public key and the base URL of the exchange to the list of exchange's audited by the auditor. This is done using the ``taler-auditor-exchange`` tool. The tool basically creates the respective record in the auditor's database. If this step is skipped, the auditor will malfunction at all future stages with a foreign key violation, as it doesn't know the exchange's master public key. :: taler-auditor-exchange -m $MASTER_PUB -u $EXCHANGE_BASE_URL .. _Denominations: Denominations ------------- This step must be performed for each denomination (key) offered by the exchange. As denomination keys expire, this step has to be repeated periodically whenever new keys are created. During denomination key setup, the exchange operator obtains a *blob* with the data about denomination keys that the exchange operator needs to get signed by every auditor the exchange wishes (or is forced to) work with. In a normal scenario, an auditor must have some secure business proces to receive the blob to sign (Website, manual delivery, ...). Note that the blob does not contain confidential data, but signing the wrong keys would be fatal. Given the blob, the auditor would sign it using: :: taler-auditor-sign -m EXCHANGE_MASTER_PUB -r BLOB -u AUDITOR_URL -o OUTPUT_FILE Those arguments are all mandatory. - ``EXCHANGE_MASTER_PUB`` the base32 Crockford-encoded exchange’s master public key. - ``BLOB`` the blob generated by the ``taler-exchange-keyup`` tool. - ``AUDITOR_URL`` the URL that identifies the auditor. - ``OUTPUT_FILE`` where on the disk the signed blob is to be saved. ``OUTPUT_FILE`` must then be provided to the exchange and there copied into the directory specified by the option ``AUDITOR_BASE_DIR`` under the section ``[exchangedb]``. The contents of ``OUTPUT_FILE`` can be public and require no special handling. If the auditor has been correctly added, the exchange’s ``/keys`` response will contain an entry in the ``auditors`` array mentioning the auditor’s URL. .. _Database: Database -------- The next key step for the auditor is to configure replication of the exchange's database in-house. The ``taler-exchange-dbinit`` tool should be used to setup the schema. For replication of the actual SQL data, we refer to the Postgres manual. We note that asynchronous replication should suffice. Note that during replication, the only statements that may be performed are INSERTS. CREATE/DELETE/DROP/UPDATE are generally not allowed. A special exception applies when an exchange runs garbage collection on old data that is no longer relevant from a regulatory point of view. While the auditor could just run the garbage collection logic locally as well, this may interact badly with the standard Postgres synchronization mechanisms. A good solution for secure (against exchanges deleting arbitrary data) and convenient (with respect to automatic and timely synchronization) garbage collection still needs to be developed. .. _Operation: Operation ========= .. _Web service: Web service ----------- The ``taler-auditor-httpd`` runs the required REST API for the auditor. The service must have INSERT rights against the auditor's database. FIXME: note which table? As the ``taler-auditor-httpd`` does not include HTTPS-support, it is advisable to run it behind a reverse proxy that offers TLS termination. .. _Audit: Audit ----- Performing an audit is done by invoking the ``taler-auditor`` and ``taler-wire-auditor`` tools respectively. Both tools generate JSON files, which can then be combined using the ``contrib/'' script into the TeX report. :: $ taler-audit > audit.json $ taler-wire-audit > wire.json $ contrib/ audit.json wire.json \ < contrib/auditor-report.tex.j2 \ > auditor-report.tex $ pdflatex auditor-report.tex $ pdflatex auditor-report.tex # run twice to resolve references This generates a file ``auditor-report.pdf`` with all of the issues found and the financial assessment of the exchange. We note that ``taler-audit`` and ``taler-wire-audit`` by default run in incremental mode. As a result, running the commands again will only check the database entries that have been added since the last run. The ``-r`` option can be used to force a full check since the beginning of time. However, as this may require excessive time and interactions with the bank (which may not even have the wire transfer records anymore), this is not recommended in a production setup. .. _Database-upgrades: Database upgrades ----------------- Currently, there is no way to upgrade the database between Taler versions. The auditor database can be re-initialized using: :: $ taler-auditor-dbinit -r However, running this command will result in all data in the database being lost, which may result in significant commputation (and bandwidth consumption with the bank) when the auditor is next launched, as it will re-verify all historic transactions. Hence this should not be done in a production system. .. _Revocations: Revocations ~~~~~~~~~~~ When an auditor detects that the private key of a denomination key pair has been compromised, one important step is to revoke the denomination key. The exchange operator includes the details on how to revoke a denomination key, so the auditor should only have to report (and possibly enforce) this step. If all denominations of an exchange are revoked, the exchange includes logic to wire back all returned funds to the bank accounts from which they originate. If some denominations remain operational, wallets will generally exchange old coins of revoked denominations for new coins -- while providing additional information to demonstrate that these coins were not forged from the compromised private key but obtained via a legitimate withdraw operation.