Sandbox API ########### HTTP API ======== .. Payments. .. http:post:: /admin/payments Adds a new payment to the book. Mainly used for testing purposes. **Request:** .. ts:def:: PaymentRequest interface PaymentRequest { // IBAN that will receive the payment. creditorIban: string; // IBAN that will send the payment. debitorIban: string; // amount in the CURRENCY:X.Y form. amount: string; // subject of the payment. subject: string; } .. Host management. .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/hosts Creates a new Ebics host. **Request:** .. ts:def:: EbicsHostRequest interface EbicsHostRequest { // Ebics version. hostID: string; // Name of the host. ebicsVersion: string; } .. http:get:: /admin/ebics/hosts Shows the list of all the hosts existing in the system. **Response:** .. ts:def:: EbicsHostResponse interface EbicsHostResponse { // shows the host IDs that are active in the system. // The Ebics version *is* missing, but it's still available // via the HEV message. ebicsHosts: string[]; } .. Subscriber management. .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/subscribers Creates a new Ebics subscriber. **Request:** .. ts:def:: SubscriberRequest interface SubscriberRequest { // hostID hostID: string; // userID userID: string; // partnerID partnerID: string; // systemID systemID: string; } .. http:get:: /admin/ebics/subscribers Shows the list of all the subscribers existing in the system. **Response:** .. ts:def:: SubscribersResponse interface SubscribersResponse { subscribers: Subscriber[] } .. ts:def:: Subscriber interface Subscriber { // userID userID: string; // partnerID partnerID: string; // hostID hostID: string; } .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/bank-accounts Associates a new bank account to an existing subscriber. **Request:** .. ts:def:: BankAccountRequest interface BankAccountRequest { // Ebics subscriber subscriber: string; // IBAN iban: string; // BIC bic: string; // human name name: string; // bank account label label: string; } .. Main EBICS service. .. http:post:: /ebicsweb Serves all the Ebics requests.