.. target audience: developer, core developer .. _sandbox-api: Resources. ########## Sandbox serves the following resources: - Demobanks. - Bank accounts. - Subscribers. - Transactions. - Customers. - Reports. Such resources are subject to all CRUD operations through two main trunks: ``/admin`` and ``/demobanks``. the admin trunk has total rights on all of them, whereas the ``/demobank`` can only reach as far as a bank customer is allowed to. For example, under the admin trunk will be possible to create and/or delete a new demobank (with its own configuration values), but that'll be forbidden under the demobank trunk. Hence typically, the admin trunk has all the accesses protected by a access token. Current Sandbox API ################### .. Current Sandbox endpoints. GET / Welcome message. POST /admin/payments/camt give last statement of requesting account ** Bank accounting ** POST /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel create bank account (no EBICS involved) GET /admin/bank-accounts Give summary of all the bank accounts. GET /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel give general information about a bank account POST /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/simulate-incoming-transaction Book one incoming transaction for $accountLabel. The debtor (not required to be in the same bank) information is taken from the request. GET /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/transactions Inform about all the transactions of one bank account. POST /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/generate-transactions Generate one incoming and one outgoing transaction for one bank account. ** EBICS subscribers management ** POST /admin/ebics/subscribers Create a new EBICS subscriber. GET /admin/ebics/subscribers Give details of all the EBICS subscribers in the bank. POST /admin/ebics/bank-accounts Create a *new* bank account and link it with a existing EBICS subscriber. ** EBICS host management ** POST /admin/ebics/hosts/$hostID/rotate-keys Change the bank's keys used in EBICS communication. POST /admin/ebics/hosts Create a new EBICS host. GET /admin/ebics/hosts Show details of all the EBICS hosts in the bank. ** EBICS serving ** POST /ebicsweb Processes a EBICS request. ** Taler .. ** GET /taler Show one taler://-URI to initiate a withdrawal. - Taler integration API. 80% done. - Demobank configuration API. ToDo. - Taler access API. ToDo. EBICS. ^^^^^^ Hosts. ++++++ .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/hosts Creates a new Ebics host. **Request:** .. ts:def:: EbicsHostRequest interface EbicsHostRequest { // Ebics version. hostID: string; // Name of the host. ebicsVersion: string; } .. http:get:: /admin/ebics/hosts Shows the list of all the hosts in the system. **Response:** .. ts:def:: EbicsHostResponse interface EbicsHostResponse { // shows the host IDs that are active in the system. // The Ebics version *is* missing, but it's still available // via the HEV message. ebicsHosts: string[]; } .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/hosts/$hostID/rotate-keys Overwrite the bank's Ebics keys with random ones. This is entirely meant for tests (as the Sandbox itself is) and no backup will be produced along this operation. Subscribers. ++++++++++++ .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/bank-accounts Associates a new bank account to an existing subscriber. **Request:** .. ts:def:: BankAccountRequest interface BankAccountRequest { // Ebics subscriber subscriber: string; // IBAN iban: string; // BIC bic: string; // human name name: string; // bank account label label: string; } .. http:post:: /admin/ebics/subscribers Creates a new Ebics subscriber. **Request:** .. ts:def:: SubscriberRequest interface SubscriberRequest { // hostID hostID: string; // userID userID: string; // partnerID partnerID: string; // systemID systemID: string; } .. http:get:: /admin/ebics/subscribers Shows the list of all the subscribers in the system. **Response:** .. ts:def:: SubscribersResponse interface SubscribersResponse { subscribers: Subscriber[] } .. ts:def:: Subscriber interface Subscriber { // userID userID: string; // partnerID partnerID: string; // hostID hostID: string; } Bank accounts. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. http:get:: /admin/bank-accounts Give summary of all the bank accounts. .. http:get:: /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel Give information about a bank account. Main EBICS service. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. http:post:: /ebicsweb Serves all the Ebics requests. Transactions. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JSON. +++++ .. http:get:: /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/transactions Inform about all the transactions of one bank account. .. http:post:: /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/generate-transactions Generate one incoming and one outgoing transaction for one bank account. .. http:post:: /admin/bank-accounts/$accountLabel/simulate-incoming-transaction Book one incoming transaction for $accountLabel. The debtor (not required to be in the same bank) information is taken from the request. Camt. +++++ .. http:post:: /admin/payments/camt Return the last statement of the requesting account. **Request** .. code-block:: tsref interface CamtParams { // label of the bank account being queried. bankaccount: string; // The Camt type to return. Only '53' is allowed // at this moment. type: number; } **Response** The expected Camt.053 document. Future Sandbox API ################## .. note:: ``POST``-ing to a endpoint with a trailing ``$id`` means modification of a existing resource. Demobanks ^^^^^^^^^ Demobanks contain bank accounts, and are configurable. .. http:get:: /admin/demobanks .. http:get:: /admin/demobanks/$id .. http:post:: /admin/demobanks .. http:post:: /admin/demobanks/$id .. http:delete:: /admin/demobanks/$id Bank accounts. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bank accounts collect money of users and participate in transactions. .. http:get:: $base/bankaccounts .. http:get:: $base/bankaccounts/$id .. http:post:: $base/bankaccounts .. http:post:: $base/bankaccounts/$id .. http:delete:: $base/bankaccounts/$id Subscribers. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Subscribers are (optional) customers identities for protocols other than the native one. .. http:get:: $base/subscribers .. http:get:: $base/subscribers/$id .. http:post:: $base/subscribers .. http:post:: $base/subscribers/$id .. http:delete:: $base/subscribers/$id Transactions. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Transactions are money movements between bank accounts. .. http:get:: $base/transactions .. http:get:: $base/transactions/$id .. http:post:: $base/transactions .. http:post:: $base/transactions/$id .. http:delete:: $base/transactions/$id .. note:: A "history" endpoint can be implemented by providing some filtering parameters to the first GET call. Customers. ^^^^^^^^^^ Customers are persons with at least one bank account. .. http:get:: $base/customers .. http:get:: $base/customers/$id .. http:post:: $base/customers .. http:post:: $base/customers/$id .. http:delete:: $base/customers/$id Reports. ^^^^^^^^ Reports are persistent documents witnessing transactions. A typical example is a Camt.053 report. .. http:get:: $base/reports .. http:get:: $base/reports/$id .. http:post:: $base/reports .. http:post:: $base/reports/$id .. http:delete:: $base/reports/$id