================================ Taler Wallet Website Integration ================================ Websites (such as banks and online shops) can communicate with the Taler wallet by a standardized protocol. From a technical perspective, the Taller wallet communicates with the website by sending and receiving `DOM events `_ on the bank website's ``HTMLDocument``. DOM events used by Taler have the prefix ``taler-``. ------------------------- Wallet Presence Awareness ------------------------- The bank website queries the wallet's presence by sending a ``taler-probe`` event. The event data should be `null`. If the wallet is present and active, it will respond with a ``taler-wallet-present`` event. While the user agent is displaying a website, the user might deactivate or re-activate the wallet. A Taler-aware *should* react to those events, and indicate to the user that they should (re-)enable the wallet if necessary. When the wallet is activated, the ``taler-wallet-load`` event is sent by the wallet. When the wallet is deactivated, the ``taler-wallet-unload`` event is sent by the wallet. .. _communication: ---------------------- Communication Example ---------------------- The bank website can send the event ``taler-XYZ`` with the event data ``eventData``. to the wallet with the following JavaScript code: .. sourcecode:: javascript const myEvent = new CustomEvent("taler-XYZ", eventData); document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); Events can be received by installing a listener: .. sourcecode:: javascript function myListener(talerEvent) { // handle event here! } document.addEventListener("taler-XYZ", myListener); -------------------- Normalized Base URLs -------------------- Mints and merchants have a base URL for their service. This URL *must* be in a canonical form when it is stored (e.g. in the wallet's database) or transmitted (e.g. to a bank page). 1. The URL must be absolute. This implies that the URL has a schema. 2. The path component of the URL must end with a slash. 3. The URL must not contain a fragment or query. When a user enters a URL that is, technically, relative (such as "alice.example.com/mint"), wallets *may* transform it into a canonical base URL ("http://alice.example.com/mint/"). Other components *should not* accept URLs that are not canonical. Rationale: Joining non-canonical URLs with relative URLs (e.g. "mint.example.com" with "reserve/status") results in different and slightly unexpected behavior in some URL handling libraries. Canonical URLs give more predictable results with standard URL joining.