Configuration format -------------------- All GNU Taler components are designed to possibly share the same configuration files. When installing a GNU Taler component, the installation deploys default values in configuration files located at ${prefix}/share/taler/config.d/ where ${prefix} is the installation prefix. Different components must be installed to the same prefix. In order to override these defaults, the user can write a custom configuration file and either pass it to the component at execution time using the *-c* option, or name it taler.conf and place it under $HOME/.config/ which is where components will look by default. Note that the systemd service files pass ``-c /etc/taler.conf``, thus making ``/etc/taler.conf`` the primary location for the configuration. A config file is a text file containing sections, and each section contains maps options to their values. Configuration files follow basically the INI syntax: .. code-block:: ini [section1] value1 = string value2 = 23 [section2] value21 = string value22 = /path22 Comments start with a hash (``#``). Throughout the configuration, it is possible to use ``$``-substitution for options relating to names of files or directories. It is also possible to provide defaults values for those variables that are unset, by using the following syntax: ``${VAR:-default}``. There are two ways a user can set the value of ``$``-prefixable variables: (1) by defining them under a ``[paths]`` section: .. code-block:: ini [paths] TALER_DEPLOYMENT_SHARED = ${HOME}/shared-data .. [section-x] path-x = ${TALER_DEPLOYMENT_SHARED}/x (2) or by setting them in the environment: .. code-block:: console $ export VAR=/x The configuration loader will give precedence to variables set under ``[path]`` over environment variables. The utility ``taler-config``, which gets installed along with the exchange, can be used get and set configuration values without directly editing the configuration file. The option ``-f`` is particularly useful to resolve pathnames, when they use several levels of ``$``-expanded variables. See ``taler-config --help``. The repository ``git://`` contains example code for generating configuration files under ``deployment/netzbon/``.