Design Doc 020: Backoffice Tips Management ########################################## Summary ======= This document describe the complete list features for tips and reserve management and how will be shown. Motivation ========== User will use the backoffice to manage reserve and authorize Requirements ============ User should use the backoffice to: * creating new reserves * listing active reserves * authorize tips for a reserve * list all tips for an active reserve * check tips status Proposed Solution ================= Listing reserves ---------------- .. image:: ../backoffice-reserve-list.svg :width: 400 Can be filtered with optional arguments: * after: if present will brings reserve created after specified date * active: if present will bring reserve active (or inactive), otherwise all * failures: if present will bring all reserves that have different initial balance reported by the exchange (or equal), otherwise all columns: * initial: if the exchange and merchant-backend disagree in the initial balance (failure) the cell will be red and have a tooltip with more information * actions: delete button will be disabled on failure or committed > 0, new_tip button will be disabled on picked_up == initial or failure Create new reserve ------------------ .. image:: ../backoffice-reserve-create.svg :width: 400 fields: * initial balance must be >0 and the current currency * exchange should be a known exchange of the merchant backend * wire method should be one of the current supported of the instance If there is an error in the creation a Notification message will be shown Authorize Tip ------------- The merchant can authorize tips clicking in the plus (+) button that will bring the next popup .. image:: ../backoffice-tip-create.svg :width: 400 after confirm it will continue with a success page: .. image:: ../backoffice-tip-create.confirmation.svg :width: 400 Details of reserve ---------------------------- .. image:: ../backoffice-reserve-details.svg :width: 400 Tips sorted from newer to older.