.. _wireformats: Wire Transfer Methods ===================== A wire transfer is essential for the exchange to transfer funds into a merchant's account upon a successful deposit (see :ref:`deposit request `). The merchant has to include the necessary information for the exchange to initiate the wire transfer. The information required for a wire transfer depends on the method of wire transfer used. Since the wire transfers differ for each region, we document here the ones currently supported by the exchange. X-TALER-BANK ------------ The ``x-taler-bank`` wire format is used for testing and for integration with Taler's simple "bank" system which in the future might be useful to set up a bank for a local / regional currency or accounting system. Using the ``x-taler-bank`` wire method in combination with the Taler's bank, it is thus possible to fully test the Taler system without using "real" currencies. The URL format for ``x-taler-bank`` is simple, in that it only specifies an account number and the origin (domain and optionally a port) of the bank: .. code-block:: none payto://x-taler-bank/BANK_URI/ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER The account identifier given must be a non-empty alphanumeric ASCII string. As with any ``payto://`` URI, additional fields may be present (after a ``?``), but are not required. The ``BANK_URI`` may include a port number. If none is given, ``https`` over port 443 is assumed. If a port number is given, ``http`` over the given port is to be used. Note that this means that you cannot run an ``x-taler-bank`` over ``https`` on a non-canonical port. Note that a particular exchange is usually only supporting one particular bank with the ``x-taler-bank`` wire format, so it is not possible for a merchant with an account at a different bank to use ``x-taler-bank`` to transfer funds across banks. After all, this is for testing and not for real banking. SEPA ---- The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) [#sepa]_ is a regulation for electronic payments. Since its adoption in 2012, all of the banks in the Eurozone and some banks in other countries adhere to this standard for sending and receiving payments. Note that the currency of the transfer will (currently) always be ``EUR``. In case the receiving account is in a currency other than ``EUR``, the receiving bank may covert the amount into that currency; currency exchange charges may be levied by the receiving bank. For the merchant to receive deposits through SEPA, the deposit request must follow the payto:// specification for SEPA: .. code-block:: none payto://sepa/IBAN .. [#sepa] SEPA - Single Euro Payments Area: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/sepa/html/index.en.html