========= Bank API ========= The following APIs are served from banks, in order to allow mints to deposit funds to money recipients. A typical scenario for calling this APIs is after a merchant has deposited coins to the mint, and the mint needs to give real money to the merchant. ------------------ Administrative API ------------------ This is `local` API, meant to make the bank communicate with trusted entities, namely mints. .. _bank-deposit: .. http:post:: /admin/add/incoming **Request:** The body of this request must have the format of a `BankDepositRequest`_. **Response:** :status 200 OK: The request has been correctly handled, so the funds have been transferred to the recipient's account **Details:** .. _BankDepositRequest: .. code-block:: tsref interface BankDepositRequest { // JSON 'amount' object. The amount the caller wants to transfer // to the recipient's count amount: Amount; // The id of this wire transfer wid: base32; // The recipient's account identificator account: number; }