""" EBICS documentation domain. :copyright: Copyright 2019 by Taler Systems SA :license: LGPLv3+ :author: Florian Dold """ import re import unicodedata from docutils import nodes from typing import List, Optional, Iterable, Dict, Tuple from typing import cast from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Element, Node from docutils.statemachine import StringList from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.domains import Domain, ObjType, Index from sphinx.directives import directives from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode from sphinx.util import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_glossary_term(env: "BuildEnvironment", textnodes: Iterable[Node], index_key: str, source: str, lineno: int, new_id: str = None) -> nodes.term: # get a text-only representation of the term and register it # as a cross-reference target term = nodes.term('', '', *textnodes) term.source = source term.line = lineno gloss_entries = env.temp_data.setdefault('gloss_entries', set()) termtext = term.astext() if new_id is None: new_id = nodes.make_id('ebics-order-' + termtext.lower()) if new_id == 'ebics-order': # the term is not good for node_id. Generate it by sequence number instead. new_id = 'ebics-order-%d' % env.new_serialno('ebics') while new_id in gloss_entries: new_id = 'ebics-order-%d' % env.new_serialno('ebics') gloss_entries.add(new_id) ebics = env.get_domain('ebics') ebics.add_object('order', termtext.lower(), env.docname, new_id) term['ids'].append(new_id) term['names'].append(new_id) return term def split_term_classifiers(line: str) -> List[Optional[str]]: # split line into a term and classifiers. if no classifier, None is used.. parts = re.split(' +: +', line) + [None] return parts class EbicsOrders(SphinxDirective): has_content = True required_arguments = 0 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = False option_spec = { 'sorted': directives.flag, } def run(self): node = addnodes.glossary() node.document = self.state.document # This directive implements a custom format of the reST definition list # that allows multiple lines of terms before the definition. This is # easy to parse since we know that the contents of the glossary *must # be* a definition list. # first, collect single entries entries = [] # type: List[Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str, int]], StringList]] in_definition = True in_comment = False was_empty = True messages = [] # type: List[nodes.Node] for line, (source, lineno) in zip(self.content, self.content.items): # empty line -> add to last definition if not line: if in_definition and entries: entries[-1][1].append('', source, lineno) was_empty = True continue # unindented line -> a term if line and not line[0].isspace(): # enable comments if line.startswith('.. '): in_comment = True continue else: in_comment = False # first term of definition if in_definition: if not was_empty: messages.append(self.state.reporter.warning( _('glossary term must be preceded by empty line'), source=source, line=lineno)) entries.append(([(line, source, lineno)], StringList())) in_definition = False # second term and following else: if was_empty: messages.append(self.state.reporter.warning( _('glossary terms must not be separated by empty lines'), source=source, line=lineno)) if entries: entries[-1][0].append((line, source, lineno)) else: messages.append(self.state.reporter.warning( _('glossary seems to be misformatted, check indentation'), source=source, line=lineno)) elif in_comment: pass else: if not in_definition: # first line of definition, determines indentation in_definition = True indent_len = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) if entries: entries[-1][1].append(line[indent_len:], source, lineno) else: messages.append(self.state.reporter.warning( _('glossary seems to be misformatted, check indentation'), source=source, line=lineno)) was_empty = False # now, parse all the entries into a big definition list items = [] for terms, definition in entries: termtexts = [] # type: List[str] termnodes = [] # type: List[nodes.Node] system_messages = [] # type: List[nodes.Node] for line, source, lineno in terms: parts = split_term_classifiers(line) # parse the term with inline markup # classifiers (parts[1:]) will not be shown on doctree textnodes, sysmsg = self.state.inline_text(parts[0], lineno) # use first classifier as a index key term = make_glossary_term(self.env, textnodes, parts[1], source, lineno) term.rawsource = line system_messages.extend(sysmsg) termtexts.append(term.astext()) termnodes.append(term) termnodes.extend(system_messages) defnode = nodes.definition() if definition: self.state.nested_parse(definition, definition.items[0][1], defnode) termnodes.append(defnode) items.append((termtexts, nodes.definition_list_item('', *termnodes))) if 'sorted' in self.options: items.sort(key=lambda x: unicodedata.normalize('NFD', x[0][0].lower())) node["sorted"] = 'sorted' in self.options dlist = nodes.definition_list() dlist['classes'].append('glossary') dlist.extend(item[1] for item in items) node += dlist return messages + [node] class EbicsDomain(Domain): """Ebics domain.""" name = 'ebics' label = 'EBICS' object_types = { 'order': ObjType('order', 'ebics'), } directives = { 'orders': EbicsOrders, } roles = { 'order': XRefRole(lowercase=True, warn_dangling=True, innernodeclass=nodes.inline), } dangling_warnings = { 'order': 'undefined EBICS order type: %(target)s', } @property def objects(self) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]: return self.data.setdefault('objects', {}) # (objtype, name) -> docname, labelid def clear_doc(self, docname): for key, (fn, _l) in list(self.objects.items()): if fn == docname: del self.objects[key] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): try: info = self.objects[(str(typ), str(target))] except KeyError: return None else: anchor = "ebics-order-{}".format(str(target)) title = typ.upper() + ' ' + target return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, info[0], anchor, contnode, title) def add_object(self, objtype: str, name: str, docname: str, labelid: str) -> None: self.objects[objtype, name] = (docname, labelid) def setup(app): app.add_domain(EbicsDomain)