This repository contains the documentation for all main GNU Taler components. To build things on a Debian (-based) system, install these packages: - make - python3-sphinx - python3-recommonmark - python3-sphinx-book-theme - graphviz - texlive-latex-extra - dvipng Then, do "make html" for HTML, "make texinfo" for Texinfo, etc. (Do "make" w/o a target to see a list of possible targets.) The output is in subdir ‘_build’. Branch ‘prebuilt’ is special. Its contents (or a subset) are used as submodules in other Git repos (e.g., Exchange, Merchant, Sync). One approach that works well (so far) for ttn is to do (presuming that the current directory is named ‘docs’): $ cd .. $ git clone -b prebuilt --reference docs \ git+ssh:// \ docs-prebuilt This creates Git repo docs-prebuilt as a peer to the current repo. This way, you can build in this directory (i.e., "make man" or whatever) and then copy to ../docs-prebuilt/man/* what files need to be updated. In that repo, you can commit changes and push to as normal, all without having to do "git checkout" in either repo.