From 0387814723b3c3d055153892e98b9ed6db7a1450 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 18:42:18 +0100 Subject: Still on splitting --- docs/ | 285 +++++++++++++ docs/configuration-basics.rst | 79 ++++ docs/deployment.rst | 231 +++++++++++ docs/dev-exchange.rst | 144 +++++++ docs/dev-merchant.rst | 38 ++ docs/dev-wallet-wx.rst | 212 ++++++++++ docs/example-essay-store.rst | 616 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/exts/__pycache__/tsref.cpython-35.pyc | Bin 0 -> 7448 bytes docs/exts/ | 233 +++++++++++ docs/global_licensing.rst | 215 ++++++++++ docs/glossary.rst | 106 +++++ docs/index.rst | 103 +++++ docs/operate-exchange.rst | 246 ++++++++++++ docs/operate-merchant.rst | 212 ++++++++++ 14 files changed, 2720 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/configuration-basics.rst create mode 100644 docs/deployment.rst create mode 100644 docs/dev-exchange.rst create mode 100644 docs/dev-merchant.rst create mode 100644 docs/dev-wallet-wx.rst create mode 100644 docs/example-essay-store.rst create mode 100644 docs/exts/__pycache__/tsref.cpython-35.pyc create mode 100644 docs/exts/ create mode 100644 docs/global_licensing.rst create mode 100644 docs/glossary.rst create mode 100644 docs/index.rst create mode 100644 docs/operate-exchange.rst create mode 100644 docs/operate-merchant.rst (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8db3f93b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +""" + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 GNUnet e.V. and INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold + @author Benedikt Muller + @author Sree Harsha Totakura + @author Marcello Stanisci +""" +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- +# +# neuro documentation build configuration file, created by +# sphinx-quickstart on Sat May 31 13:11:06 2014. +# +# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its +# containing dir. +# +# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this +# autogenerated file. +# +# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out +# serve to show the default. + +import sys +import os + +# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, +# add these directories to sys.path here. 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List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, +# author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]). +latex_documents = [ + ('index', 'taler.tex', u'Taler Documentation', + u'F. Dold, B. Muller, S. H. Totakura, C. Grothoff', + 'manual'), +] + +# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of +# the title page. +#latex_logo = None + +# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, +# not chapters. +#latex_use_parts = False + +# If true, show page references after internal links. +#latex_show_pagerefs = False + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +#latex_show_urls = False + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +#latex_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +#latex_domain_indices = True + + +# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------- + +# One entry per manual page. List of tuples +# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). +man_pages = [ + ('index', 'neuro', u'neuro Documentation', + [u'F. Dold, B. Muller, S. H. Totakura, C. Grothoff'], + 1) +] + +# If true, show URL addresses after external links. +#man_show_urls = False + + +# -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------- + +# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples +# (source start file, target name, title, author, +# dir menu entry, description, category) +texinfo_documents = [ + ('index', 'neuro', u'neuro Documentation', + u'F. Dold, B. Muller, S. H. Totakura, C. Grothoff', + 'neuro', 'One line description of project.', + 'Miscellaneous'), +] + +# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. +#texinfo_appendices = [] + +# If false, no module index is generated. +#texinfo_domain_indices = True + +# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'. +#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote' + +# If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu. +#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False diff --git a/docs/configuration-basics.rst b/docs/configuration-basics.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..50c3d532 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/configuration-basics.rst @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Marcello Stanisci + +====================== +Configuration in Taler +====================== + +In Taler realm, any component obeys to the same pattern to get configuration +values. According to this pattern, once the component has been installed, the +installation deploys default values in `${prefix}/share/taler/config.d/`, in +`.conf` files. In order to override these defaults, the user can write a custom +`.conf` file and either pass it to the component at execution time, or name it +`taler.conf` and place it under `$HOME/.config/`. + + +-------------------- +Configuration format +-------------------- + +A config file is a text file containing `sections`, and each section contains +its `values`. The right format follows:: + + [section1] + value1 = string + value2 = 23 + + [section2] + value21 = string + value22 = /path22 + +Throughout any configuration file, it is possible to use ``$``-prefixed variables, +like ``$VAR``, especially when they represent filesystem paths. +It is also possible to provide defaults values for those variables that are unset, +by using the following syntax: ``${VAR:-default}``. +However, there are two ways a user can set ``$``-prefixable variables: + +by defining them under a ``[paths]`` section, see example below, :: + + [paths] + TALER_DEPLOYMENT_SHARED = ${HOME}/shared-data + .. + [section-x] + path-x = ${TALER_DEPLOYMENT_SHARED}/x + +or by setting them in the environment:: + + $ export VAR=/x + +The configuration loader will give precedence to variables set under ``[path]``, +though. + +The utility ``taler-config``, which gets installed along with the exchange, serves +to get and set configuration values without directly editing the `.conf`. +The option ``-f`` is particularly useful to resolve pathnames, when they use +several levels of ``$``-expanded variables. See ``taler-config --help``. + +Note that, in this stage of development, the file ``$HOME/.config/taler.conf`` +can contain sections for *all* the component. For example, both an exchange and +a bank can read values from it. + +The repository ``git://`` contains examples of configuration +file used in our demos. See under ``deployment/config``. + +.. note:: + + Expectably, some components will not work just by using default values, as their + work is often interdependent. For example, a merchant needs to know an exchange + URL, or a database name. diff --git a/docs/deployment.rst b/docs/deployment.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c0b07e43 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/deployment.rst @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +=================== +Deployment Protocol +=================== + +------ +Wallet +------ + +.. code-block:: none + + $ cd wallet-webex + + # check dependencies + $ ./configure + + # edit version and version_name + $ $EDITOR manifest.json + + $ make package-stable + +The built wallet is now ready in `taler-wallet-stable-${version_name}${version}.zip`. + +FIXME: here, we should do some semi-automated testing with selenium, to see +that everything works against ``. + +The package can now be uploaded to + +FIXME: include asset links and descriptions we use in the webstore in this document + +FIXME: include instructions for other app stores + + +-------------------- +Deploying to stable +-------------------- + +First, make sure that the deployment *AND* the deployment scripts work on the `` deployment. + +For all repositories that have a separate stable branch (currently exchange.git, +merchant.git, merchant-frontends.git, bank.git, landing.git) do: + +.. code-block:: none + + $ cd $REPO + $ git pull origin master stable + $ git checkout stable + + # option a: resolve conflicts resulting from hotfixes + $ git merge master + $ ... + + # option b: force stable to master + $ git update-ref refs/heads/stable master + + $ git push # possibly with --force + + # continue development + $ git checkout master + + +Log into with the account that is *not* active by looking +at the `sockets` symlink of the `demo` account. + +The following instructions wipe out the old deployment completely. + +.. code-block:: none + + $ ls -l ~demo/sockets + + [...] sockets -> /home/demo-green/sockets/ + +In this case, `demo-green` is the active deployment, and `demo-blue` should be updated. +After the update is over, the `/home/demo/sockets` symlink will be pointed to `demo-blue`. + +.. code-block:: none + + # Remove all existing files + $ find $HOME -exec rm -fr {} \; + + $ git clone /var/git/deployment.git + $ ./deployment/bootstrap-bluegreen demo + + # set environment appropriately + $ . activate + $ taler-deployment-build + + # upgrade the database! this + # process depends on the specific version + + $ taler-deployment-start + + # look at the logs, verify that everything is okay + +Now the symlink can be updated. + + + +------------------ +Database upgrades +------------------ + +The exchange db can be re-initialized with + +.. code-block:: none + + $ taler-exchange-dbinit -r + +CAUTION: YOU WILL LOSE ALL DATA WITH THIS! + + +--------------------- +Standalone deployment +--------------------- + +This tecnique aims to set a thorough Taler installation up on a +machine whose nginx configuration is configured by config files +from + +This installation assumes that all the steps are run with ``$HOME`` +as ``$CWD``. + +The first step is to fetch the `deployment` repository, which hosts all +the needed scripts. + +.. code-block:: none + + # Adapt the repository's URI to your needs. + $ git clone /var/git/deployment.git/ + +The next step is to fetch all the codebases from all the components. + +.. code-block:: none + + $ ./deployment/bootstrap-standalone + +If the previous step succeeded, a file named ``activate`` should be now +in the ``$CWD``. It contains environmental definitions for ``$PATH`` and +database names. + +.. note:: + + Please *ignore* the output from the previous script when it succeeds, + which is + + .. code-block:: none + + WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections + You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or + --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb. + + Success. You can now start the database server using: + + /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/pg_ctl -D talerdb -l logfile start + + The reason is that this message is generated by Postgresql's utilities and + you never need to start your database manually; it will be started by the + init script that launches all the Taler processes. + +Now we need to compile and install all the downloaded codebases. + +.. code-block:: none + + # We first update ``$PATH``, in order to make all the compilation + and configuration utilities available. + $ source activate + + # Double check if the previous step worked: $PATH should + # contain $HOME/local/bin. + $ echo $PATH + + # The actual compilation: + $ taler-deployment-build + +The following step will generate config files for all the components. +Please **note** that although a default currency will be picked up by the +script, it is possible to have a custom currency by setting the environment +variable ``TALER_CONFIG_CURRENCY`` to the wanted currency, and then runing +the config generator. + +.. code-block:: none + + $ taler-deployment-config-generate + +whereas the following one will place signatures inside wireformat JSON +files. + +.. code-block:: none + + $ taler-deployment-config-sign + +The next step is to generate `signkeys` and `denomkeys`. + +.. code-block:: none + + $ taler-deployment-keyup + +.. + An error of "invalid currency name" might be related to the current + policy of 12-chars limit for currency names; which is likely going to + be changed. + +It may be necessary to define database tables for the exchange. The +following command does that. + +.. code-block:: none + + # Erase all the data! + $ taler-exchange-dbinit -r + +As of the merchant backend, it creates tables at launch time, so it is +not required to define tables before launching it. `However`, if some +table's definition changed over the time, and there is a need to force +a redefinition of tables, then the following command accomplishes that +for the merchant: + +.. code-block:: none + + # Erase all the data! + $ taler-merchant-dbinit -r + +If all previous steps succeeded, it is now possible to launch all the +processes. That is accomplished by the following command: + +.. code-block:: none + + $ taler-deployment-start + +.. note:: + + Please make sure your nginx works correctly with its configuration + at ``/etc/nginx``. diff --git a/docs/dev-exchange.rst b/docs/dev-exchange.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91278ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dev-exchange.rst @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Christian Grothoff + @author Marcello Stanisci + +======== +Exchange +======== + +.. _keys-duration: + +------------- +Keys duration +------------- + +`signkeys`. The option `lookahead_sign` is such that, being `t` the time when `taler-exchange-keyup` +is run, `taler-exchange-keyup` will generate `n` `signkeys`, where `t + (n * signkey_duration) = t + +lookahead_sign`. In other words, we generate a number of keys which is sufficient to cover a period of +`lookahead_sign`. As for the starting date, the first generated key will get a starting time of `t`, +and the `j`-th key will get a starting time of `x + signkey_duration`, where `x` is the starting time +of the `(j-1)`-th key. + +`denom keys`. The option `lookahead_sign` is such that, being `t` the time when `taler-exchange-keyup` +is run, `taler-exchange-keyup` will generate `n` `denom keys` for each denomination, where +`t + (n * duration_withdraw) = t + lookahead_sign`. In other words, for each denomination, we generate a +number of keys which is sufficient to cover a period of `lookahead_sign`. As for the starting date, the +first generated key will get a starting time of `t`, and the `j`-th key will get a starting time of +`x + duration_withdraw`, where `x` is the starting time of the `(j-1)`-th key. + + + +--------------- +Database Scheme +--------------- + +The exchange database must be initialized using `taler-exchange-dbinit`. This +tool creates the tables required by the Taler exchange to operate. The +tool also allows you to reset the Taler exchange database, which is useful +for test cases but should never be used in production. Finally, +`taler-exchange-dbinit` has a function to garbage collect a database, +allowing administrators to purge records that are no longer required. + +The database scheme used by the exchange look as follows: + +.. image:: exchange-db.png + + +------------------- +Signing key storage +------------------- + +The private online signing keys of the exchange are stored in a +subdirectory "signkeys/" of the "KEYDIR" which is an option in the +"[exchange]" section of the configuration file. The filename is the +starting time at which the signing key can be used in microseconds +since the Epoch. The file format is defined by the `struct +TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PrivateSigningKeyInformationP`: + +.. sourcecode:: c + + struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_PrivateSigningKeyInformationP { + struct TALER_ExchangePrivateKeyP signkey_priv; + struct TALER_ExchangeSigningKeyValidityPS issue; + }; + +------------------------ +Denomination key storage +------------------------ + +The private denomination keys of the exchange are store in a +subdirectory "denomkeys/" of the "KEYDIR" which is an option in the +"[exchange]" section of the configuration file. "denomkeys/" contains +further subdirectories, one per denomination. The specific name of +the subdirectory under "denomkeys/" is ignored by the exchange. +However, the name is important for the "taler-exchange-keyup" tool +that generates the keys. The tool combines a human-readable encoding +of the denomination (i.e. for EUR:1.50 the prefix would be +"EUR_1_5-", or for EUR:0.01 the name would be "EUR_0_01-") with a +postfix that is a truncated Crockford32 encoded hash of the various +attributes of the denomination key (relative validity periods, fee +structure and key size). Thus, if any attributes of a coin change, +the name of the subdirectory will also change, even if the +denomination remains the same. + +Within this subdirectory, each file represents a particular +denomination key. The filename is the starting time at which the +signing key can be used in microseconds since the Epoch. The +format on disk begins with a +`struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformationP` giving +the attributes of the denomination key and the associated +signature with the exchange's long-term offline key: + +.. sourcecode:: c + + struct TALER_EXCHANGEDB_DenominationKeyInformationP { + struct TALER_MasterSignatureP signature; + struct TALER_DenominationKeyValidityPS properties; + }; + +This is then followed by the variable-size RSA private key in +libgcrypt's S-expression format, which can be decoded using +`GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_private_key_decode()`. + +------------------------- +Auditor signature storage +------------------------- + +Signatures from auditors are stored in the directory specified +in the exchange configuration section "exchangedb" under the +option "AUDITOR_BASE_DIR". The exchange does not care about +the specific names of the files in this directory. + +Each file must contain a header with the public key information +of the auditor, the master public key of the exchange, and +the number of signed denomination keys: + +.. sourcecode:: c + + struct AuditorFileHeaderP { + struct TALER_AuditorPublicKeyP apub; + struct TALER_MasterPublicKeyP mpub; + uint32_t dki_len; + }; + +This is then followed by `dki_len` signatures of the auditor of type +`struct TALER_AuditorSignatureP`, which are then followed by another +`dki_len` blocks of type `struct TALER_DenominationKeyValidityPS`. +The auditor's signatures must be signatures over the information of +the corresponding denomination key validity structures embedded in a +`struct TALER_ExchangeKeyValidityPS` structure using the +`TALER_SIGNATURE_AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_KEYS` purpose. diff --git a/docs/dev-merchant.rst b/docs/dev-merchant.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e4cd4cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dev-merchant.rst @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Marcello Stanisci + +======== +Merchant +======== + +.. _merchant-arch: + +------ +Design +------ + +In order for a merchant to be Taler-compatible, they need to run two distinct Web +services: a *frontend* and a *backend*. The former is typically the Web site where +the merchant exposes their goods, whereas the latter is a C program in charge of +making all the Taler-related cryptography. + +In details, the frontend gathers all the information from customers about sales, +and forwards it to the backend via its RESTful API. Typically, the backend will either +cryptographically process this data or just forward it to the exchange. + +That saves the frontend developers from dealing with cryptography in scripting +languages and from commmunicating at all with any exchange. + +Additionally, the backend RESTful API is such that a frontend might be run completely +database-less. diff --git a/docs/dev-wallet-wx.rst b/docs/dev-wallet-wx.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ba29975 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/dev-wallet-wx.rst @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold + +===================== +WebExtensions Wallet +===================== + +------------ +Introduction +------------ + +The WebExtensions Wallet (*wxwallet*) can be used to pay with GNU Taler on web +sites from within modern web browsers. The `WebExtensions +`_ API enables the development of +cross-browser extensions. Google Chrome / Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and +Microsoft Edge will all offer support for WebExtensions and thus be able to support Taler. + +Currently Chrome hast the best support for WebExtensions (since the API is a +superset of Chrome's extension API). + +----------------------- +Development Environment +----------------------- + +The *wxwallet* mainly written in the `TypeScript +`_ language, which is a statically typed +superset of JavaScript. + +While the *wxwallet* is mainly intended to be run from inside a browser, the +logic is implemented in browser-independent modules that can also be called +from other environments such as `nodejs `_. This is +especially useful for automatically running unit tests. + + +----------------- +Project Structure +----------------- + +.. parsed-literal:: + + **manifest.json** extension configuration + **package.json** node.js package configuration + **tsconfig.json** TypeScript compiler configuration + **gulpfile.js** Build tasks script + **lib/** + **vendor/** 3rd party libraries + **wallet/** actual application logic + **emscripten/** emscripten object file and glue + **test/** + **run_tests.js** nodejs entry point for tests + **tests/** test cases + **content_scripts/notify.ts** wallet<->website signaling + **backgrond/main.ts** backend entry point + **img/** static image resources + **style/** CSS stylesheets + **pages/** pages shown in browser tabs + **popup/** pages shown the extension popup + + +------------------- +Building the Wallet +------------------- + +To build the extension for use during development, simply run the TypeScript compiler +from the extension directory: + +.. code-block:: sh + + $ cd wallet.git/wallet_webextension/extension/ + $ tsc + +This will use the ``tsconfig.json`` with development options such as `source map`_ support. + +.. _`source map`: + +When TypeScript source files are added or deleted to the project, make sure that the +globs in ``gulpfile.js`` match them so that they will be compiled. The ``tsconfig.json`` +is generated by running: + + +.. code-block:: sh + + $ gulp tsconfig + +.. caution:: + + Do not edit the ``tsconfig.json`` manually. The source files should be defined in + one place, and that is ``gulpfile.js``. + +To pack the extension in a format that can be uploaded to the Google Webstore, run: + +.. code-block:: sh + + $ gulp package + +This will build the wallet without source maps, copy resource files (which also need to be +specified in ``gulpfile.js``) and create an archive. + + +---------- +Emscripten +---------- + +`Emscripten `_ is C/C++ +to JavaScript compiler. Emscripten is used in the *wxwallet* to access +low-level cryptography from *libgcrypt*, and miscellaneous functionality from +*libgnunetutil* and *libtalerwallet*. + +TODO: say things about wrappers + + +-------------------------------------- +Target Environments and Modularization +-------------------------------------- + +Modules in the wallet are declared in TypeScript with +the ES6 module syntax. These modules are then compiled +to `SystemJS `_ `register` modules. + +SystemJS modules can be loaded from the browser as well as from nodejs. +However they require special entry points that configure the module system, +load modules and execute code. Examples are `backgrond/main.ts` for the +browser and `test/run_tests.js` for nodejs. + +Note that special care has to be taken when loading the Emscript code, +as it is not compatible with the SystemJS module, even in the `globals` +compatibility mode. + +The TypeScript sources in the *wxwallet* are compiled down to ES5, both to +enable running in node.js without transpilers and to avoid a `bug +`_ in the TypeScript +compiler. + +---------------------------- +IndexedDB Query Abstractions +---------------------------- + +The *wxwallet* uses a fluent-style API for queries on IndexedDB. + +TODO: say more about this + + +------- +Testing +------- + +Test cases for the wallet are written in TypeScript and +run with `mochajs `_ and the `better-assert `_ assertion +library. + +Run the default test suite with ``npm run test``, which will +call `mocha` with the right parameters. + + +-------------------- +Internationalisation +-------------------- + +Strings in the JavaScript code are internationalised using the following functions: + +- *i18n*: translate string with arbitrary arguments, the result is returned as string. + +.. code-block:: js + + i18n`You have ${n} coins.` + +- **: Interpolate i18nized values with arbitrary objects. + Useful for example to include HTML elements. + +.. code-block:: js + +`Visit ${link} to get more coins.` + +- *i18n.pluralize*: translate with plural form. + The i18n.number() function returns a ``PluralNumber`` object + that specifies the argument that determines the plural form, + if not present the first numeric argument is used. + +.. code-block:: js + + i18n.pluralize( + i18n`${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coin.`, + `${i}: you have ${i18n.number(n)} coins.`); + +These functions are defined in ``lib/i18n.ts``. +Include ``lib/vendor/jed.js``, ``lib/i18n.js``, ``lib/i18n-strings.js`` to use them. + +To extract strings from sources and update the .po files, run: + +.. code-block:: sh + + $ make i18n + +In static HTML files the ``lang`` attribute is used for language-specific strings: + +.. code-block:: html + +

Hello World!


Hallo Welt!

+ +``lib/i18n.js`` and ``style/lang.css`` needs to be included for this to work. diff --git a/docs/example-essay-store.rst b/docs/example-essay-store.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ba28df6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/example-essay-store.rst @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Marcello Stanisci + +==================== +Example: Essay Store +==================== + +This section shows how to set up a merchant :ref:`frontend `, and is +inspired by our demonstration shop running at ``. +It is recommended that the reader is already familiar with the +:ref:`payment protocol and terminology `. + +The code we are going to describe is available at + +and is implemented in Python+Flask. + +The desired effect is the homepage showing a list of buyable articles, and once the +user clicks one of them, they will either get the Taler :ref:`contract ` +or a credit card paywall if they have no Taler wallet installed. + +Each article links thus to a `offer URL`, having the following +layout: + + `` + +Once the server side logic receives a request for a offer URL, it needs to +instruct the wallet to retrieve a Taler contract. This action can be taken +either with or **without** the use of JavaScript, see the next section. + +----------------------- +Triggering the contract +----------------------- + +It is important to note that the contract is not returned simply +as the offer URL's response, but rather the frontend `instructs` +the browser on how to retrieve the contract. That is needed for +the right handling of the cases where the wallet is not installed. + +.. note:: + + The code samples shown below are intentionally "incomplete", as often + one function contains logic for multiple actions. Thus in order to not + mix concepts form different actions under one section, parts of code not + related to the section being documented have been left out. + +**With JavaScript** + +In this case, the objective is to call the function ``taler.offerContractFrom()`` into the user browser, which will then retrieve the +contract. In order to do that, we return a HTML page, whose +template is in ``talerfrontends/blog/templates/purchase.html``, +that imports ``taler-wallet-lib.js``, so that the function +``taler.offerContractFrom()`` can be invoked into the user's +browser. + +The server side handler for a offer URL needs to render ``purchase.html`` by passing +the right parameters to ``taler.offerContractFrom()``. + +The rendering is done by the ``article`` function at ``talerfrontends/blog/``, +and is done by Flask's ``render_template()``, see below. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + ... + ... + + return render_template('templates/purchase.html', + article_name=name, + no_contract=1, + contract_url=quote(contract_url), + data_attribute="data-taler-contractoffer=%s" % contract_url) + +After the rendering, (part of) ``purchase.html`` will look like shown below. + +.. sourcecode:: html + + ... + + + ... + + + ... + ... + +

+ Oops, it looks like you don't have a Taler wallet installed. Why don't you enter + all your credit card details before reading the article? You can also + use GNU Taler to complete the purchase at any time. +

+ +
+ First name

+ Family name

+ Age

+ Nationality

+ Gender
Male + CC number

+ Female
+ +
+ +
+ Processing payment with GNU Taler, please wait +
+ ... + +The script ``purchase.js`` is now in charge of implementing the behaviour we seek. +It needs to register two handlers: one called whenever the wallet is detected in the +browser, the other if the user has no wallet installed. + +That is done with: + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + taler.onPresent(handleWalletPresent); + taler.onAbsent(handleWalletAbsent); + +Note that the ``taler`` object is exported by ``taler-wallet-lib.js``, and contains all +is needed to communicate with the wallet. + + +``handleWalletAbsent`` doesn't need to do much: it has to only hide the "please wait" +message and uncover the credit card pay form. See below. + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + function handleWalletAbsent() { + // Hide "please wait" message + document.getElementById("talerwait").style.display = "none"; + // Uncover credit card pay form + = ""; + } + +On the other hand, ``handleWalletPresent`` needs to firstly hide the credit card +pay form and show the "please wait" message. After that, it needs to fetch the +contract URL from the responsible ``meta`` tag, and finally invoke ``taler.offerContractFrom()`` using it. See below both parts. + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + function handleWalletPresent() { + // Hide credit card paywall + document.getElementById("ccfakeform").style.display = "none"; + // Show "please wait" message + document.getElementById("talerwait").style.display = ""; + ... + ... + // Fetch contract URL from 'meta' tag. + let contract_url = document.querySelectorAll("[name=contract_url]")[0]; + // If this call is successful, it will obtain the contract, + // hand it to the wallet, so the wallet can eventually + // show it to the user. + taler.offerContractFrom(decodeURIComponent(contract_url.getAttribute("value"))); + ... + } + +.. note:: + + In order to get our code validated by W3C validators, we can't have inline + JavaScript in our pages, we are forced to import any used script instead. + +**Without JavaScript** + +This case is handled by the function ``article`` defined in +``talerfrontends/blog/``. Its objective is to set the "402 Payment +Required" HTTP status code, and the HTTP header ``X-Taler-Contract-Url`` +to the actual contract's URL for this purchase. + +Upon returning such a response, the wallet will automatically fetch the +contract from the URL indicated by ``X-Taler-Contract-Url``, and show it +to the user. + +Below is shown how the function ``article`` prepares and returns such a +response. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + ... + ... + + # Create response. + response = make_response(render_template('templates/fallback.html'), 402) + # Set "X-Taler-Contract-Url" header to the contract's URL. + response.headers["X-Taler-Contract-Url"] = contract_url + return response + +The ``make_response`` function is exported by Flask, so it's beyond the scope +of this document to explain it; however, it returns a "response object" having +the "402 Payment Required" as HTTP status code, and the +HTML file ``talerfrontends/blog/templates/fallback.html`` as the body. +``fallback.html`` contains the credit card pay form, so that if the wallet is +not installed, the browser would keep that page shown. + +``contract_url`` is defined in the earlier steps of the same function; however, +in this example it looks like: + + ``. + +The frontend will also have to provide the contract. That is done +by the handler ``generate_contract``, defined in +``talerfrontends/blog/``. See below. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + def generate_contract(): + now = int(time.time()) + tid = random.randint(1, 2**50) + article_name = expect_parameter("article_name") + contract = make_contract(article_name=article_name, tid=tid, timestamp=now) + contract_resp = sign_contract(contract) +"generated contract: %s" % str(contract_resp)) + return jsonify(**contract_resp) + + +Its task is to feed the ``make_contract`` subroutine with all the +values it needs to generate a contract. Those values are: the timestamp +for the contract, the transaction ID, and the article name; respectively, +``now``, ``tid``, and ``article_name``. + +After ``make_contract`` returns, the variable ``contract`` will hold a +`dict` type that complies with a contract :ref:`proposition `. +We then call ``sign_contract`` feeding it with the proposition, so that +it can forward it to the backend and return it signed. Finally we return +the signed proposition, complying with the :ref:`Offer ` object. + +For simplicity, any article costs the same price, so the frontend +doesn't need to map articles to prices. + +Both ``make_contract`` and ``sign_contract`` are defined in +``talerfrontends/blog/``. + +At this point, the user can accept the contract, which triggers the wallet +to visit the fulfillment page. The main logic for a fulfillment page handler +is to (1) return the claimed product, if it has been paid, or (2) instruct the +wallet to send the payment. + +----------------- +Fulfillment logic +----------------- + +The state accounts for a product being paid or not, so the fulfillment handler +will firstly check that: + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + # Get list of payed articles from the state + payed_articles = session.get("payed_articles", []) + + if name in payed_articles: + ... + # The articles has been paid, so return it to the + # customer. + return send_file(get_article_file(article)) + ... + +In case the article has not been paid yet, the fulfillment handler needs +to `reconstruct` the contract, in order to get a precise reference about the +purchase in being served. + +All the information needed to reconstruct the contract is contained in the +fulfillment URL parameters. See below the URL layout: + + `×tamp=tid=` + +The way the contract is reconstructed is exactly the same as it was generated +in the previous steps: we need to call ``make_contract`` to get the original +:ref:`proposition ` and then ``sign_contract``. Recall that aside +from allowing the backend to add missing fields to the proposition, ``sign_contract`` +returns the contract hashcode also, that we should compare with the ``uuid`` +parameter provided by the wallet. + +In our blog, all the fulfillment logic is implemented in the function ``article``, +defined in ``talerfrontends/blog/``. It is important to note that this +function is `the same` function that runs the offer URL; in fact, as long as your +URL design allows it, it is not mandatory to split up things. In our example, the +offer URL differs from the fulfillment URL respect to the number (and type) of +parameters, so the ``article`` function can easily decide whether it has to handle +a "offer" or a "fulfillment" case. See below how the function detects the right +case and reconstructs the contract. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + + ... + hc = request.args.get("uuid") + tid_str = request.args.get("tid") + timestamp_str = request.args.get("timestamp") + if hc is None or tid_str is None or timestamp_str is None: + # Offer URL case. + contract_url = make_url("/generate-contract", ("article_name",name)) + ... # Go on operating the offer URL and return + + # Fulfillment URL case from here on. + try: + tid = int(tid_str) + except ValueError: + raise MalformedParameterError("tid") + try: + timestamp = int(timestamp_str) + except ValueError: + raise MalformedParameterError("timestamp") + + restored_contract = make_contract(article_name=name, tid=tid, timestamp=timestamp) + contract_resp = sign_contract(restored_contract) + + # Return error if uuid mismatch with the hashcode coming from the backend + if contract_resp["H_contract"] != hc: + e = jsonify(error="contract mismatch", was=hc, expected=contract_resp["H_contract"]) + return e, 400 + + # We save the article's name in the state since after + # receiving the payment this value will point to the + # article to be delivered to the customer. Note how the + # contract's hashcode is used to index the state. + session[hc] = si = session.get(hc, {}) + si['article_name'] = name + + +After a successful contract reconstruction, the handler needs to instruct +the wallet to actually send the payment. There are as usual two ways this +can be accomplished: with and without JavaScript. + +**With JavaScript** + +.. + Mention that the template is the same we used for a offer URL! + +We return a HTML page, whose template is in +``talerfrontends/blog/templates/purchase.html``, that imports ``taler-wallet-lib.js``, +so that the function ``taler.executePayment()`` can be invoked into the user's +browser. + +The fulfillment handler needs to render ``purchase.html`` so that the right +parameters get passed to ``taler.executePayment()``. + +See below how the function ``article`` does the rendering. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + + ... + ... + + return render_template('templates/purchase.html', + hc=hc, + pay_url=quote(pay_url), + offering_url=quote(offering_url), + article_name=name, + no_contract=0, + data_attribute="data-taler-executecontract=%s,%s,%s" % (hc, pay_url, offering_url)) + +After the rendering, (part of) ``purchase.html`` will look like shown below. + +.. sourcecode:: html + + ... + + + ... + + + + + + ... + ... + +

+ Oops, it looks like you don't have a Taler wallet installed. Why don't you enter + all your credit card details before reading the article? You can also + use GNU Taler to complete the purchase at any time. +

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ Processing payment with GNU Taler, please wait +
+ ... + +The script ``purchase.js`` is now in charge of calling ``taler.executePayment()``. +It will try to register two handlers: one called whenever the wallet is detected in the +browser, the other if the user has no wallet installed. + +That is done with: + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + taler.onPresent(handleWalletPresent); + taler.onAbsent(handleWalletAbsent); + +.. note:: + + So far, the template and the imported script (``purchase.js``) + are exactly the same as the offer URL case, since we use them + for both cases. See below how the script distinguishes "offer" + from "fulfillment" case. + +Note that the ``taler`` object is exported by ``taler-wallet-lib.js``, and contains all +is needed to communicate with the wallet. + + +``handleWalletAbsent`` doesn't need to do much: it has to only hide the "please wait" +message and uncover the credit card pay form. See below. + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + function handleWalletAbsent() { + // Hide "please wait" message + document.getElementById("talerwait").style.display = "none"; + // Uncover credit card pay form + = ""; + } + +On the other hand, ``handleWalletPresent`` needs to firstly hide the credit card +pay form and show the "please wait" message. After that, it needs to fetch the +needed parameters from the responsible ``meta`` tags, and finally invoke +``taler.offerContractFrom()`` using those parameters. See below its whole definition. +Note, that since we are in the fulfillment case, the credit card pay form is `almost` +useless, as it is highly unlikely that the wallet is not installed. + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + function handleWalletPresent() { + // Hide the credit card pay form + document.getElementById("ccfakeform").style.display = "none"; + // Show "please wait" message + document.getElementById("talerwait").style.display = ""; + + // The `no_contract` value is provided by the function `article` via a + // 'meta' tag in the template. When this value equals 1, then we are in the + // "offer" URL case, otherwise we are in the "fulfillment" URL case. + let no_contract = document.querySelectorAll("[name=no_contract]")[0]; + if (Number(no_contract.getAttribute("value"))) { + // "Offer" case + let contract_url = document.querySelectorAll("[name=contract_url]")[0]; + taler.offerContractFrom(decodeURIComponent(contract_url.getAttribute("value"))); + } + else { + // "Fulfillment" case. + let hc = document.querySelectorAll("[name=hc]")[0]; + let pay_url = document.querySelectorAll("[name=pay_url]")[0]; + let offering_url = document.querySelectorAll("[name=offering_url]")[0]; + taler.executePayment(hc.getAttribute("value"), + decodeURIComponent(pay_url.getAttribute("value")), + decodeURIComponent(offering_url.getAttribute("value"))); + } + } + +Once the browser executes ``taler.executePayment(...)``, the wallet will send the coins +to ``pay_url``. Once the payment succeeds, the wallet will again visit the +fulfillment URL, this time getting the article thanks to the "payed" status set by +the ``pay_url`` handler. + +**Without JavaScript** + +This case is handled by the function ``article`` defined in +``talerfrontends/blog/``. Its objective is to set the "402 Payment +Required" HTTP status code, along with the HTTP headers ``X-Taler-Contract-Hash``, +``X-Taler-Pay-Url``, and ``X-Taler-Offer-Url``. + +.. + FIXME: + Are those three parameters anywhere, at least 'kindof' introduced? + +Upon returning such a response, the wallet will automatically send the +payment to the URL indicated in ``X-Taler-Pay-Url``. + +The excerpt below shows how the function ``article`` prepares and returns such a +response. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + # 'name' is the article name, and is set to the right value + # by Flask + # The 'data' parameter is used to send images along + # the articles, however its use is beyond the scope of + # this survey. + def article(name, data=None): + ... + + # 'make_response' is exported by Flask. It returns a + # "response object" with customizable status code, HTTP + # headers and body + response = make_response(render_template('templates/fallback.html'), 402) + response.headers["X-Taler-Contract-Hash"] = hc + response.headers["X-Taler-Pay-Url"] = pay_url + response.headers["X-Taler-Offer-Url"] = offering_url + return response + +The template ``fallback.html`` contains the credit card pay form, which will be +used in the rare case where the wallet would not be detected in a fulfillment +session. Once the payment succeeds, the wallet will again visits the +fulfillment URL, this time getting the article thanks to the "payed" status set by +the ``pay_url`` handler. + +--------- +Pay logic +--------- + +The pay handler for the blog is implemented by the function +``pay`` at ``talerfrontends/blog/``. Its main duty is +to receive the :ref:`deposit permission ` +from the wallet, forward it to the backend, and return the outcome +to the wallet. See below the main steps of its implementation. + +.. sourcecode:: python + + def pay(): + # Get the uploaded deposit permission + deposit_permission = request.get_json() + + if deposit_permission is None: + e = jsonify(error="no json in body") + return e, 400 + + # Pick the contract's hashcode from deposit permission + hc = deposit_permission.get("H_contract") + + # Return error if no hashcode was found + if hc is None: + e = jsonify(error="malformed deposit permission", hint="H_contract missing") + return e, 400 + + # Get a handle to the state for this contract, using the + # hashcode from deposit permission as the index + si = session.get(hc) + + # If no session was found for this contract, then either it + # expired or one of the hashcodes (the one we got from + # reconstructing the contract in the fulfillment handler, + # and the one we just picked from the deposit permission) + # is bogus. Note how using the contract's hashcode as index + # makes harder for the wallet to use different hashcodes + # in different steps of the protocol. + if si is None: + e = jsonify(error="no session for contract") + return e, 400 + + # Forward the deposit permission to the backend + r =, 'pay'), json=deposit_permission) + + # Return error if the backend returned a HTTP status code + # other than 200 OK + if 200 != r.status_code: + raise BackendError(r.status_code, r.text) + + # The payment went through.. + ... + + # Resume the article name + article = si["article_name"] + + # Set the article's state as "payed". This is realized by + # appending it to a *list* of articles the customer is currently + # allowed to read. + payed_articles = session["payed_articles"] = session.get("payed_articles", []) + if article not in payed_articles: + payed_articles.append(article) + + ... + + # Return success + return r.text, 200 diff --git a/docs/exts/__pycache__/tsref.cpython-35.pyc b/docs/exts/__pycache__/tsref.cpython-35.pyc new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abc92f00 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/exts/__pycache__/tsref.cpython-35.pyc differ diff --git a/docs/exts/ b/docs/exts/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8187f67f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/exts/ @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +""" + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015 GNUnet e.V. and INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold +""" + +""" +This extension adds a new lexer "tsref" for TypeScript, which +allows reST-style links inside comments (`LinkName`_), +and semi-automatically adds links to the definition of types. + +For type TYPE, a reference to tsref-type-TYPE is added. + +Known bugs and limitations: + - The way the extension works right now interferes wiht + Sphinx's caching, the build directory should be cleared + before every build. +""" + + +from pygments.util import get_bool_opt +from pygments.token import Name, Comment, Token, _TokenType +from pygments.filter import Filter +from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge +from import StandaloneHTMLBuilder +from sphinx.pygments_styles import SphinxStyle +from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter +from docutils import nodes +from docutils.nodes import make_id +import re + + +_escape_html_table = { + ord('&'): u'&', + ord('<'): u'<', + ord('>'): u'>', + ord('"'): u'"', + ord("'"): u''', +} + + +class LinkingHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + super(LinkingHtmlFormatter, self).__init__(**kwargs) + self._builder = kwargs['_builder'] + + def _fmt(self, value, tok): + cls = self._get_css_class(tok) + href = tok_getprop(tok, "href") + caption = tok_getprop(tok, "caption") + content = caption if caption is not None else value + if href: + value = '%s' % (href, content) + if cls is None or cls == "": + return value + return '%s' % (cls, value) + + def _format_lines(self, tokensource): + """ + Just format the tokens, without any wrapping tags. + Yield individual lines. + """ + lsep = self.lineseparator + escape_table = _escape_html_table + + line = '' + for ttype, value in tokensource: + link = get_annotation(ttype, "link") + + parts = value.translate(escape_table).split('\n') + + if len(parts) == 0: + # empty token, usually should not happen + pass + elif len(parts) == 1: + # no newline before or after token + line += self._fmt(parts[0], ttype) + else: + line += self._fmt(parts[0], ttype) + yield 1, line + lsep + for part in parts[1:-1]: + yield 1, self._fmt(part, ttype) + lsep + line = self._fmt(parts[-1], ttype) + + if line: + yield 1, line + lsep + + +class MyPygmentsBridge(PygmentsBridge): + def __init__(self, builder, trim_doctest_flags): + self.dest = "html" + self.trim_doctest_flags = trim_doctest_flags + self.formatter_args = {'style': SphinxStyle, '_builder': builder} + self.formatter = LinkingHtmlFormatter + + +class MyHtmlBuilder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder): + name = "html-linked" + def init_highlighter(self): + if self.config.pygments_style is not None: + style = self.config.pygments_style + elif self.theme: + style = self.theme.get_confstr('theme', 'pygments_style', 'none') + else: + style = 'sphinx' + self.highlighter = MyPygmentsBridge(self, self.config.trim_doctest_flags) + + def write_doc(self, docname, doctree): + self._current_docname = docname + super(MyHtmlBuilder, self).write_doc(docname, doctree) + + +def get_annotation(tok, key): + if not hasattr(tok, "kv"): + return None + return tok.kv.get(key) + + +def copy_token(tok): + new_tok = _TokenType(tok) + # This part is very fragile against API changes ... + new_tok.subtypes = set(tok.subtypes) + new_tok.parent = tok.parent + return new_tok + + +def tok_setprop(tok, key, value): + tokid = id(tok) + e = token_props.get(tokid) + if e is None: + e = token_props[tokid] = (tok, {}) + _, kv = e + kv[key] = value + + +def tok_getprop(tok, key): + tokid = id(tok) + e = token_props.get(tokid) + if e is None: + return None + _, kv = e + return kv.get(key) + + +link_reg = re.compile(r"`([^`<]+)\s*(?:<([^>]+)>)?\s*`_") + +# Map from token id to props. +# Properties can't be added to tokens +# since they derive from Python's tuple. +token_props = {} + + +class LinkFilter(Filter): + def __init__(self, app, **options): + = app + Filter.__init__(self, **options) + + def filter(self, lexer, stream): + id_to_doc ="_tsref", {}) + for ttype, value in stream: + if ttype in Token.Keyword.Type: + defname = make_id('tsref-type-' + value); + t = copy_token(ttype) + if defname in id_to_doc: + docname = id_to_doc[defname] + href = + "#" + defname + tok_setprop(t, "href", href) + + yield t, value + elif ttype in Token.Comment: + last = 0 + for m in re.finditer(link_reg, value): + pre = value[last:m.start()] + if pre: + yield ttype, pre + t = copy_token(ttype) + x1, x2 = m.groups() + if x2 is None: + caption = x1.strip() + id = make_id(x1) + else: + caption = x1.strip() + id = make_id(x2) + if id in id_to_doc: + docname = id_to_doc[id] + href = + "#" + id + tok_setprop(t, "href", href) + tok_setprop(t, "caption", caption) + else: +"unresolved link target in comment: " + id) + yield t, + last = m.end() + post = value[last:] + if post: + yield ttype, post + else: + yield ttype, value + + + +def remember_targets(app, doctree): + docname = app.env.docname + id_to_doc = app.env.domaindata.get("_tsref", None) + if id_to_doc is None: + id_to_doc = app.env.domaindata["_tsref"] = {} + for node in doctree.traverse(): + if not isinstance(node, nodes.Element): + continue + ids = node.get("ids") + if ids: + for id in ids: + id_to_doc[id] = docname + + +def setup(app): + from sphinx.highlighting import lexers + from pygments.lexers import TypeScriptLexer + from pygments.token import Name + from pygments.filters import NameHighlightFilter + lexer = TypeScriptLexer() + lexer.add_filter(LinkFilter(app)) + app.add_lexer('tsref', lexer) + app.add_builder(MyHtmlBuilder) + app.connect("doctree-read", remember_targets) diff --git a/docs/global_licensing.rst b/docs/global_licensing.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a5e8226 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/global_licensing.rst @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +=========================== +Taler licensing information +=========================== + +This file gives an overview of all Taler component's licensing and of +runtime dependencies thereof. For "component" here is meant a set of +source files which can be retrieved from a single repository. If +components consist of sources under different licensing regimes, i.e. +because we want to enable third party developments to easily integrate +with Taler, those are described as well. + +All components are generally released under Lesser GPL, GPL or Affero +GPL. The main strategy is for libraries that third parties may need +to integrate with Taler to be under LGPL, standalone binaries and +testcases to be under GPL, and Web servers implementing Web services +to be under AGPL. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +API (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +The specification has been jointly developed by INRIA and by individuals +being under the juridical subject called 'GNUnet e.V.'. For each source +file, the header indicated whose is holding the copyright, since some +parts have been taken "verbatim" from the GNUnet e.V. foundation, and +some other have been developed at INRIA "ex novo". + +Generally, GNU GPLv3 license is used for them; see COPYING.GPL. + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- +This component has no runtime dependencies as it is supposed to generate +HTML. + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Firefox/Android/Python Wallet (git:// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This project includes contributions from INRIA and GNUnet +e.V. developers. Please refer to each source file to obtain +information about the copyright holder. The GNU GPLv3 is used as the +license for Wallets. Some components may be under the LGPL. + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* Python: Python Software Foundation License, LGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation +* Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Public License, LGPL-Compatible, Mozilla Foundation + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +WebExtensions Wallet (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +The TypeScript code was developed 100% at INRIA, but the project +involves compiling libgnunetutil and libtalerutil to JavaScript, and +thus depends on software from GNUnet e.V. + +Each source carries its own copyright holder(s), but it is generally +licensed under GPLv3+. + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation + +Note that these dependencies are compiled into the extension and do +not appear as separate binary files. + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Merchant (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This project contains code under two different licenses, and whose +copyright is held by INRIA and/or GNUnet e.V.. Please refer to each +source file to know which party holds the copyright. + +Source files are located in the following directories: + +* src/lib/ +* src/backend/ +* src/backenddb/ +* src/include/ +* src/tests/ +* examples/blog/ +* examples/shop/ +* copylib/ + +In examples/blog/articles/ we included a book by Richard Stallman. +It comes with its own permissive license (see COPYING in the +directory). + + +The merchant's backend (i.e. all the code in src/backend/) is under +the GNU Affero GPL as it depends on libgnunetutil. Note that the use +of the Affero GPL has little impact as the backend is not supposed to +be directly accessible to the Internet). The license for this code is +in COPYING.GPL and COPYING.AGPL. + +The merchant's frontend logic (i.e. JavaScript interacting with +the wallet, sample code for a shop) is under the GNU LGPL (but +we may choose to change this to be in the public domain or +BSD-licensed if necessary; the code is so short that there is +anyway the question whether it is copyrightable). Under this same +license, it comes the merchant library (src/lib/) as it can be linked +with more diverse licensed software. The license text for this code +is in COPYING.LGPL. + + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals +* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation +* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group +* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. +* PHP: PHP License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Bank (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +--------- +Licensing +--------- + +This project has been developed by INRIA. For each source file, the +header indicated whose is holding the copyright. The licensing plan +for the bank is to use the Affero GPLv3+. + +Source files of interest are located in the following directories: +(The repository holds also scaffolded files autogenerated by Django, +which do not have legal significance in this context.) + +* TalerBank/Bank/ +* TalerBank/Bank/templates/ +* TalerBank/my-static/ +* website/ + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* Django: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Django Software Foundation +* validictory: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by James Turk +* django-simple-math-captcha: Apache Software License, LGPL-Compatible (FIXME), Brandon Taylor +* requests: Apache2 License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Kenneth Reitz +* Python: Python Software Foundation License, AGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation +* PHP: PHP License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group + + +.. _exchange-repo: + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Exchange (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This component is based on code initially developed in Munich for +GNUnet e.V. Most recent improvements and maintenance has been done at +Inria. The copyright is thus shared between both institutions. + +The licensing for exported libraries to access the exchange is LGPL, +the exchange itself is under AGPL, and testcases and standalone +binaries are under GPL. + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals +* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation +* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group +* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Web includes (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +All copyright owned by INRIA (but questionable whether creativity +threshold for copyright is even met). + +Sources are licensed under the GNU LGPL. diff --git a/docs/glossary.rst b/docs/glossary.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d9a6cfa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/glossary.rst @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold + @author Christian Grothoff + +.. _glossary: + +============== +Taler Glossary +============== + +.. glossary:: + + auditor + trusted third party that verifies that the exchange is operating correctly + + bank + traditional financial service provider who offers wire :term:`transfers ` between accounts + + coin + coins are individual token representing a certain amount of value, also known as the :term:`denomination` of the coin + + contract + specification of the details of a transaction, specifies the payment obligations for the customer (i.e. the amount), the deliverables of the merchant and other related information, such as deadlines or locations + + denomination + unit of currency, specifies both the currency and the face value of a :term:`coin` + + denomination key + RSA key used by the exchange to certify that a given :term:`coin` is valid and of a particular :term:`denomination` + + deposit + operation by which a merchant passes coins to an exchange, expecting the exchange to credit his :term:`bank` account in the future using a wire :term:`transfer` + + dirty + a :term:`coin` is dirty if its public key may be known to an entity other than the customer, thereby creating the danger of some entity being able to link multiple transactions of coin's owner if the coin is not refreshed first + + extension + implementation of a :term:`wallet` for browsers + + fresh coin + a :term:`coin` is fresh if its public key is only known to the customer + + master key + offline key used by the exchange to certify denomination keys and message signing keys + + message signing key + key used by the exchange to sign online messages, other than coins + + owner + a :term:`coin` is owned by the entity that knows the private key of the coin + + proof + message that cryptographically demonstrates that a particular claim is correct + + reserve + funds set aside for future use; either the balance of a customer at the exchange ready for :term:`withdrawal`, or the funds kept in the exchange's bank account to cover obligations from coins in circulation + + refreshing + operation by which a :term:`dirty` :term:`coin` is converted into one or more :fresh: coins + + refund + operation by which a merchant steps back from the right to funds that he obtained from a :term:`deposit` operation, giving the right to the funds back to the customer + + sharing + users can share ownership of a :term:`coin` by sharing access to the coin's private key, thereby allowing all co-owners to spend the coin at any time. + + signing key + see message signing key. + + spending + operation by which a customer gives a merchant the right to :term:`deposit` coins in return for merchandise + + transfer + method of sending funds between :term:`bank` accounts + + transaction + method by which ownership is exclusively transferred from one entity to another + + transaction id + unique number by which a merchant identifies a :term:`transaction` + + wallet + software running on a customer's computer; withdraws, stores and spends coins + + wire transfer + see :term:`transfer` + + wire transfer identifier + subject of a wire :term:`transfer`; usually a random string to uniquely identify the :term:`transfer` + + withdrawal + operation by which a :term:`wallet` can convert funds from a reserve to fresh coins diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..356811d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 GNUnet e.V. + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold + @author Benedikt Muller + @author Sree Harsha Totakura + +GNU Taler Documentation +======================= + +We are building an anonymous, taxable payment system using modern +cryptography. Customers will use traditional money transfers to send +money to a digital Exchange and in return receive (anonymized) digital +cash. Customers can use this digital cash to anonymously pay +Merchants. Merchants can redeem the digital cash for traditional +money at the digital Exchange. As Merchants are not anonymous, they can +be taxed, enabling income or sales taxes to be withheld by the state +while providing anonymity for Customers. + +Cryptography is used to ensure that none of the participants can +defraud the others without being detected immediately; however, in +practice a fradulent Exchange might go bankrupt instead of paying the +Merchants and thus the Exchange will need to be audited regularly like +any other banking institution. + +The system will be based on free software and open protocols. + +In this document, we describe the REST-based APIs between the various +components, internal architecture of key components, and how to get them +installed. + +----------------- +Operator Handbook +----------------- + +The *Operator Handbook* is for people who want to run a exchange or a merchant. +It focuses on how to install, configure and run the required software. + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + global_licensing + configuration-basics + operate-exchange + operate-merchant + versioning + +------------------------ +Web Integration Handbook +------------------------ + +The *Web Integration Handbook* is for those who want to interact with Taler +wallets on their own website. Integrators will also have to be familiar with +the material covered in the *Operator Handbook*. + + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + integration-general + integration-bank + integration-merchant + example-essay-store + +------------------ +Developer Handbook +------------------ + +The *Developer Handbook* brings developers up to speed who want to hack on the +core components of the Taler reference implementation. + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 2 + + dev-wallet-wx + dev-exchange + dev-merchant + deployment.rst + releases.rst + +------------------ +Indices and tables +------------------ + +.. toctree:: + :hidden: + + glossary + +* :doc:`glossary` +* :ref:`search` diff --git a/docs/operate-exchange.rst b/docs/operate-exchange.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..874b837c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/operate-exchange.rst @@ -0,0 +1,246 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 GNUnet e.V. and INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Christian Grothoff + +====================== +Operating the Exchange +====================== + ++++++++++++++ +Configuration ++++++++++++++ + +The following data and facilities have to be set up, in order to run an exchange: + +* Keying +* Serving +* Currency +* Bank account +* Coins +* Database + +In this document, we assume that ``$HOME/.config/taler.conf`` is being customized. + +------ +Keying +------ + +The exchange works with three types of keys: + +* `master key` +* `sign keys` +* `denomination keys` (see section `Coins`) + +`master key`: in section `[exchange]`, edit the two following values: + +* `master_priv_file`: Path to the exchange's master private file. +* `master_public_key`: Must specify the exchange's master public key. + +`sign keys`: the following two options under `[exchange_keys]` section control `sign keys`: + +* `signkey_duration`: How long should one signing key be used? +* `lookahead_sign`: How much time we want to cover with our `signkeys`? Note that if `signkey_duration` is bigger than `lookahead_sign`, `taler-exchange-keyup` will generate a quantity of `signkeys` which is sufficient to cover all the gap. See :ref:`keys-duration`. + +------- +Serving +------- + +The exchange can serve HTTP over both TCP and UNIX domain socket. It needs this +configuration *twice*, because it opens one connection for ordinary REST calls, and one +for "/admin" and "/test" REST calls, because the operator may want to restrict the access to "/admin". + +The following values are to be configured under the section `[exchange]` and `[exchange-admin]`: + +* `serve`: must be set to `tcp` to serve HTTP over TCP, or `unix` to serve HTTP over a UNIX domain socket +* `port`: Set to the TCP port to listen on if `serve` Is `tcp`. +* `unixpath`: set to the UNIX domain socket path to listen on if `serve` Is `unix` +* `unixpath_mode`: number giving the mode with the access permissiON MASK for the `unixpath` (i.e. 660 = rw-rw----). + +The exchange can be started with the `-D` option to disable the administrative +functions entirely. It is recommended that the administrative API is only +accessible via a properly protected UNIX domain socket. + +-------- +Currency +-------- + +The exchange supports only one currency. This data is set under the respective +option `currency` in section `[taler]`. + +------------ +Bank account +------------ + +Wireformat +^^^^^^^^^^ + +The wireformat is the protocol to be used between the exchange and the banks. +The option is `wireformat`, under section `[exchange]`. The exchange currently supports +the `test` wireformat. This wireformat is used for testing the system against a fictional bank. + +.. note:: + The SEPA wireformat is work in progress. + +Incoming +^^^^^^^^ +The bank account where the exchange gets money from customers is configured under +the section `[exchange-wire-incoming-X]`, where `X` matches the value given to the +option `wireformat`. This section contains only one option: `X_response_file`, which +takes the path to a text file containing the exchange's bank account details in JSON +format. + +The command line tool `taler-exchange-wire` is used to create such a file. +For example, the utility may be invoked as follows:: + + $ taler-exchange-wire -j '{"name": "The Exchange", "account_number": 10, "bank_uri": "", "type": "test"}' -t test -o exchange.json + +Note that the value given to option `-t` must match the value in the JSON's field ``"type"``. + +The generated file will be echoed by the exchange when serving :ref:`/wire ` requests. + +Outgoing +^^^^^^^^ + +This exchange's bank account is used to give money to merchants, after successful :ref:`deposits ` +operations. If `test` is the chosen wireformat, the outcoming bank account is configured by the following +options under `[exchange-wire-outcoming-test]`: + + * `exchange_account_numer`: which bank account number has the exchange + * `bank_uri`: base URL of the bank hosting the exchange bank account + +.. note:: + The rationale behind having two bank accounts is that the exchange operator, as a security + measure, may want to instruct the bank that the incoming bank account is only supposed to + *receive* money. + +-------- +Database +-------- + +The option `db` under section `[exchange]` gets the DB backend's name the exchange +is going to use. So far, only `db = postgres` is supported. After choosing the backend, +it is mandatory to supply the connection string (namely, the database name). This is +possible in two ways: + +* via an environment variable: `TALER_EXCHANGEDB_POSTGRES_CONFIG`. +* via configuration option `db_conn_str`, under section `[exchangedb-BACKEND]`. For example, the demo exchange is configured as follows: + +.. code-block:: text + + [exchange] + ... + db = postgres + ... + + [exchangedb-postgres] + db_conn_str = postgres:///talerdemo + +------------------------- +Coins (denomination keys) +------------------------- + +Sections specifying denomination (coin) information start with "coin\_". By convention, the name continues with "$CURRENCY_[$SUBUNIT]_$VALUE", i.e. `[coin_eur_ct_10]` for a 10 cent piece. However, only the "coin\_" prefix is mandatory. Each "coin\_"-section must then have the following options: + +* `value`: How much is the coin worth, the format is CURRENCY:VALUE.FRACTION. For example, a 10 cent piece is "EUR:0.10". +* `duration_withdraw`: How long can a coin of this type be withdrawn? This limits the losses incurred by the exchange when a denomination key is compromised. +* `duration_overlap`: What is the overlap of the withdrawal timespan for this coin type? +* `duration_spend`: How long is a coin of the given type valid? Smaller values result in lower storage costs for the exchange. +* `fee_withdraw`: What does it cost to withdraw this coin? Specified using the same format as `value`. +* `fee_deposit`: What does it cost to deposit this coin? Specified using the same format as `value`. +* `fee_refresh`: What does it cost to refresh this coin? Specified using the same format as `value`. +* `rsa_keysize`: How many bits should the RSA modulus (product of the two primes) have for this type of coin. + +------------- +Keys duration +------------- + +Both `signkeys` and `denom keys` have a :ref:`starting date `. The option `lookahead_provide`, under section `[exchange_keys]`, is such that only keys +whose starting date is younger than `lookahead_provide` will be issued by the exchange. + +.. _exchange-install: + +++++++++++++ +Installation +++++++++++++ + +Please install the following packages before proceeding with the exchange compilation. + +* autoconf >= 2.69 +* automake >= 1.14 +* libtool >= 2.4 +* autopoint >= 0.19 +* libltdl >= 2.4 +* libunistring >= 0.9.3 +* libcurl >= 7.26 (or libgnurl >= 7.26) +* GNU libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.39 +* GNU libgcrypt >= 1.6 +* libjansson >= 2.7 +* Postgres >= 9.4, including libpq +* libgnunetutil (from Git) +* GNU Taler exchange (from Git) + +Except for the last two, these are available in most GNU/Linux +distributions and should just be installed using the respective +package manager. + +The following instructions will show how to install libgnunetutil and +the GNU Taler exchange. + + +Before you install libgnunetutil, you must download and install the +dependencies mentioned above, otherwise the build may succeed but fail +to export some of the tooling required by Taler. + +To download and install libgnunetutil, proceed as follows:: + + $ git clone + $ cd gnunet/ + $ ./bootstrap + $ ./configure [--prefix=GNUNETPFX] + $ # Each dependency can be fetched from non standard locations via + $ # the '--with-' option. See './configure --help'. + $ make + # make install + + +If you did not specify a prefix, GNUnet will install to +``/usr/local``, which requires you to run the last step as +``root``. + +To download and install the GNU Taler exchange, proceeds as follows:: + + $ git clone git:// + $ cd exchange + $ ./bootstrap + $ ./configure [--prefix=EXCHANGEPFX] \ + [--with-gnunet=GNUNETPFX] + $ # Each dependency can be fetched from non standard locations via + $ # the '--with-' option. See './configure --help'. + $ make + # make install + +If you did not specify a prefix, the exchange will install to +``/usr/local``, which requires you to run the last step as +``root``. Note that you have to specify ``--with-gnunet=/usr/local`` +if you installed GNUnet to ``/usr/local`` in the previous step. + ++++++ +Other ++++++ + +------------------ +Reserve management +------------------ + +Incoming transactions to the exchange's provider result in the creation or update of reserves, identified by their reserve key. +The command line tool `taler-exchange-reservemod` allows create and add money to reserves in the exchange's database. diff --git a/docs/operate-merchant.rst b/docs/operate-merchant.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..484d6eba --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/operate-merchant.rst @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Marcello Stanisci + @author Florian Dold + +============================== +Operating the Merchant Backend +============================== + ++++++++++++++ +Configuration ++++++++++++++ + +The following data and facilities have to be set up, in order to run a merchant backend: + +* Serving +* Currency +* Database +* Exchanges +* Keying +* Bank account +* Instances + +In this document, we assume that ``$HOME/.config/taler.conf`` is being customized. + +------- +Serving +------- + +The merchant backend can serve HTTP over both TCP and UNIX domain socket. + +The following values are to be configured under the section `[merchant]`: + +* `SERVE`: must be set to `tcp` to serve HTTP over TCP, or `unix` to serve HTTP over a UNIX domain socket +* `PORT`: set to the TCP port to listen on if `SERVE` is `tcp`. +* `UNIXPATH`: set to the UNIX domain socket path to listen on if `SERVE` is `unix` +* `UNIXPATH_MODE`: number giving the mode with the access permission mask for the `UNIXPATH` (i.e. 660 = rw-rw----). + +-------- +Currency +-------- + +The merchant backend supports only one currency. This data is set under the respective +option `currency` in section `[taler]`. + +-------- +Database +-------- + +The option `db` under section `[merchant]` gets the DB backend's name the merchant +is going to use. So far, only `db = postgres` is supported. After choosing the backend, +it is mandatory to supply the connection string (namely, the database name). This is +possible in two ways: + +* via an environment variable: `TALER_MERCHANTDB_POSTGRES_CONFIG`. +* via configuration option `config`, under section `[merchantdb-BACKEND]`. For example, the demo merchant is configured as follows: + +.. code-block:: text + + [merchant] + ... + db = postgres + ... + + [merchantdb-postgres] + config = postgres:///talerdemo + +--------- +Exchanges +--------- + +The options `uri` and `master_key`, under section `[merchant-exchange-MYEXCHANGE]`, let +the merchant add the exchange `MYEXCHANGE` among the exchanges the merchant wants to work +with. `MYEXCHAGE` is just a mnemonic name chosen by the merchant (which is not currently used +in any computation), and the merchant can add as many exchanges as it is needed. +`uri` is the exchange's base URL. Please note that a valid `uri` complies with the following +pattern:: + + schema://hostname/ + +`master_key` is the base32 encoding of the exchange's master key (see :ref:`/keys `). +In our demo, we use the following configuration:: + + [merchant-exchange-test] + URI = + MASTER_KEY = CQQZ9DY3MZ1ARMN5K1VKDETS04Y2QCKMMCFHZSWJWWVN82BTTH00 + +------ +Keying +------ + +The option `keyfile` under section `[merchant-instance-default]` is the path to the +merchant's :ref:`default instance ` private key. This key is needed to +sign certificates and other messages sent to wallets and exchanges. +To generate a 100% compatible key, it is recommended to use the ``gnunet-ecc`` tool. + +------------ +Bank account +------------ + +This piece of information is used when the merchant redeems coins to the exchange. +That way, the exchange will know to which bank account it has to transfer real money. +The merchant must specify which system it wants receive wire transfers with. We support +a `test` wire format so far, and supporting `SEPA` is among our priorities. + +The wire format is specified in the option `wireformat` under section `[merchant]`, +and the wire details are given via a JSON file, whose path must be indicated in the +option `X_response_file` under section `[default-wireformat]`, where `X` matches +the chosen wireformat. In our demo, we have:: + + [merchant] + .. + wireformat = test + .. + + [merchant-instance-wireformat-default] + test_response_file = ${TALER_CONFIG_HOME}/merchant/wire/test.json + +The file `test.json` obeys to the following specification + +.. code-block:: tsref + + interface WireDetails { + // matches wireformat + type: string; + + // base URL of the merchant's bank + bank_uri: string; + + // merchant's signature (unused, can be any value) + signature: string; + + // merchant's account number at the bank + account_number: Integer; + + // the salt (unused, can be any value) + salt: any; + } + +As an example, `test.json` used in our demo is shown below:: + + { + "type": "test", + "bank_uri": "", + "sig": "MERCHANTSIGNATURE", + "account_number": 6, + "salt": "SALT" + } + + + +.. _instances-lab: + +--------- +Instances +--------- + +In Taler, multiple shops can rely on the same :ref:`merchant backend `. +In Taler terminology, each of those shops is called `(merchant) instance`. Any instance +is defined by its private key and its wire details. In order to add the instance `X` to +the merchant backend, we have to add the sections `[merchant-instance-X]` and `[X-wireformat]`, +and edit them as we did for the `default` instance. For example, in our demo we add the +instance `Tor` as follows:: + + [merchant-instance-Tor] + KEYFILE = ${TALER_DATA_HOME}/merchant/tor.priv + + .. + + [merchant-instance-wireformat-Tor] + TEST_RESPONSE_FILE = ${TALER_CONFIG_HOME}/merchant/wire/tor.json + +Please note that :ref:`Taler messagging` is designed so that the merchant +frontend can instruct the backend on which instance has to be used in the various operations. +This information is optional, and if not given, the backend will act as the `default` instance. + +++++++++++++ +Installation +++++++++++++ + + + + + +In order to compile your merchant backend, you firstly need to install the GNU Taler +exchange. As of other dependencies, the merchant backend needs exactly the same ones +as the exchange does. Follow :ref:`those instructions ` to build +everything needed. + +Assuming all the dependencies have been correctly installed, we can now build the +merchant backend using the following commands:: + + $ git clone git:// + $ cd merchant + $ ./bootstrap + $ ./configure [--prefix=PFX] \ + [--with-gnunet=GNUNETPFX] \ + [--with-exchange=EXCHANGEPFX] + $ # Each dependency can be fetched from non standard locations via + $ # the '--with-' option. See './configure --help'. + $ make + $ make install -- cgit v1.2.3 From 26589150d9e5788f99ba31f710616e7aca2b1ee7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 23:27:28 +0100 Subject: Moving payment protocol on 'docs' --- api/api-merchant.rst | 6 +- api/integration-bank.rst | 81 ------------- api/integration-general.rst | 82 -------------- api/integration-merchant.rst | 256 ------------------------------------------ docs/integration-bank.rst | 81 +++++++++++++ docs/integration-general.rst | 82 ++++++++++++++ docs/integration-merchant.rst | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7 files changed, 422 insertions(+), 422 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 api/integration-bank.rst delete mode 100644 api/integration-general.rst delete mode 100644 api/integration-merchant.rst create mode 100644 docs/integration-bank.rst create mode 100644 docs/integration-general.rst create mode 100644 docs/integration-merchant.rst (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/api/api-merchant.rst b/api/api-merchant.rst index f6597411..03644aad 100644 --- a/api/api-merchant.rst +++ b/api/api-merchant.rst @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Merchant API Before reading the API reference documentation, see the `merchant architecture `_ -and :ref:`payprot` +and the `payment protocol `_ --------------------- The Frontent HTTP API @@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ The Frontent HTTP API Returns a cooperative merchant page (called the execution page) that will send the ``taler-execute-payment`` to the wallet and react to failure or success of the actual payment. ``fulfillment_url`` is included in the `contract`_. - Furthermore, :ref:`payprot` documents the payment protocol between wallets and - merchants. + Furthermore, ``_ + documents the payment protocol between wallets and merchants. The wallet will inject an ``XMLHttpRequest`` request to the merchant's ``$pay_url`` in the context of the execution page. This mechanism is diff --git a/api/integration-bank.rst b/api/integration-bank.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 1dc2ec8d..00000000 --- a/api/integration-bank.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -============================== -Interaction with bank websites -============================== - -This section describes how bank websites can interact with the -Taler wallet. - -Currently the following functionality is supported: - * Querying for the presence of a Taler wallet. - * Receiving change notifications from the Taler wallet. - * Creating a reserve. - - -For JavaScript code examples, see :ref:`communication`. - -------------------------- -Reserve Creation Request -------------------------- - -The bank website can request the creation of a :term:`reserve`. This operation -will require the user to specify the exchange where he wants to create the reserve -and the resolution of a CAPTCHA, before any action will be taken. - -As a result of the reserve creation request, the following steps will happen in sequence: - 1. The user chooses the desired amount from the bank's form - 2. Upon confirmation, the wallet fetches the desired amount from the user-filled form and - prompts the user for the *exchange base URL*. Then ask the user to confirm creating the - reserve. - 3. The wallet will create a key pair for the reserve. - 4. The wallet will request the CAPTCHA page to the bank. In that request's parameters it - communicates the desired amount, the reserve's public key and the exchange base URL to the - bank - 5. Upon successful resolution of the CAPTCHA by the user, the bank initiates the reserve - creation according to the gotten parameters. Together with `200 OK` status code sent back - to the wallet, it gets also a `ReserveCreated`_ object. - -Note that the reserve creation can be done by a SEPA wire transfer or some other means, -depending on the user's bank and chosen exchange. - -In response to the reserve creation request, the Taler wallet MAY cause the -current document location to be changed, in order to navigate to a -wallet-internal confirmation page. - -The bank requests reserve creation with the ``taler-create-reserve`` event. -The event data must be a `CreateReserveDetail`_: - - -.. _CreateReserveDetail: -.. code-block:: tsref - - interface CreateReserveDetail { - - // JSON 'amount' object. The amount the caller wants to transfer - // to the recipient's count - amount: Amount; - - // CAPTCHA's page URL which needs the following parameters - // query parameters: - // amount_value - // amount_fraction - // amount_currency - // reserve_pub - // exchange - // wire_details (URL encoding of /wire output from the exchange) - callback_url: string; - - // list of wire transfer types supported by the bank - // e.g. "SEPA", "TEST" - wt_types: Array - } - -.. _ReserveCreated: -.. code-block:: tsref - - interface ReserveCreated { - - // A URL informing the user about the succesfull outcome - // of his operation - redirect_url: string; - - } diff --git a/api/integration-general.rst b/api/integration-general.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 308ecf5a..00000000 --- a/api/integration-general.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -.. _integration-general: - -================================ -Taler Wallet Website Integration -================================ - -.. note:: - The wallet-Websites communication is switching to a new policy which - is NOT based on DOM events, therefore obsoleting this page. To be soon - documented. - - -Websites (such as banks and online shops) can communicate with -the Taler wallet by a standardized protocol. - -From a technical perspective, the Taller wallet communicates with -the website by sending and receiving `DOM events `_ -on the bank website's ``HTMLDocument``. - -DOM events used by Taler have the prefix ``taler-``. - -------------------------- -Wallet Presence Awareness -------------------------- - -The bank website queries the wallet's presence by sending a ``taler-probe`` event. The -event data should be `null`. - -If the wallet is present and active, it will respond with a ``taler-wallet-present`` event. - -While the user agent is displaying a website, the user might deactivate or -re-activate the wallet. A Taler-aware *should* react to those events, and -indicate to the user that they should (re-)enable the wallet if necessary. - -When the wallet is activated, the ``taler-wallet-load`` event is sent -by the wallet. When the wallet is deactivated, the ``taler-wallet-unload`` event -is sent by the wallet. - -.. _communication: - ----------------------- -Communication Example ----------------------- - -The bank website can send the event ``taler-XYZ`` with the event data ``eventData`` -to the wallet with the following JavaScript code: - -.. sourcecode:: javascript - - const myEvent = new CustomEvent("taler-XYZ", eventData); - document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); - -Events can be received by installing a listener: - - -.. sourcecode:: javascript - - function myListener(talerEvent) { - // handle event here! - } - document.addEventListener("taler-XYZ", myListener); - - --------------------- -Normalized Base URLs --------------------- - -Exchanges and merchants have a base URL for their service. This URL *must* be in a -canonical form when it is stored (e.g. in the wallet's database) or transmitted -(e.g. to a bank page). - -1. The URL must be absolute. This implies that the URL has a schema. -2. The path component of the URL must end with a slash. -3. The URL must not contain a fragment or query. - -When a user enters a URL that is, technically, relative (such as ""), wallets -*may* transform it into a canonical base URL (""). Other components *should not* accept -URLs that are not canonical. - -Rationale: Joining non-canonical URLs with relative URLs (e.g. "" with "reserve/status") -results in different and slightly unexpected behavior in some URL handling libraries. -Canonical URLs give more predictable results with standard URL joining. diff --git a/api/integration-merchant.rst b/api/integration-merchant.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7cf93044..00000000 --- a/api/integration-merchant.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,256 +0,0 @@ -.. - This file is part of GNU TALER. - -.. - Note that this page is more a protocol-explaination than a guide that teaches - merchants how to work with Taler wallets - - Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA - - TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the - terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software - Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. - - TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY - WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with - TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see - - @author Marcello Stanisci - @author Christian Grothoff - -================================== -Interaction with merchant websites -================================== - -.. _payprot: - -+++++++++++++++++++ -The payment process -+++++++++++++++++++ - -By design, the Taler payment process ensures the following properties: - -1. The user must see and accept a contract in a secure context before the payment happens. - That contract accounts for all the items which are supposed to be bought. - -2. The payment process must be idempotent, that is at any later time the customer must - be able to replay the payment and retrieve the resource he paid for. - In case where a physical item was bought, this online resource is the merchant's - order status page, which may contain tracking information for the customer. - Note that by `replaying the payment` we mean reusing the `same coins` used to pay for - the product the first time to get the `same product` the user got the first time. - So the replay does NOT subtract further credit from the user's total budget. - -3. Purchases are shareable: any purchase is given a URL that allows other users to - buy the same item(s). - -We call an *offer URL* any URL at the merchant's Web site that notifies the -wallet that the user needs to pay for something. The offer URL must take into -account that the user has no wallet installed, and manage the situation accordingly -(for example, by showing a credit card paywall). The notification can happen either -via JavaScript or via HTTP headers. - -The merchant needs to have a *contract URL* which generates the JSON -contract for Taler. Alternatively, the contract may be embedded -within the page returned by the offer URL and given to the wallet -via JavaScript or via an HTTP header. - -The merchant must also provide a *pay URL* to which the wallet can -transmit the payment. Again, how this URL is made known from the merchant -to the wallet, it is managed by the HTTP headers- or JavaScript-based protocol. - -The merchant must also have a *fulfillment URL*, that addresses points 2 and 3 above. -In particular, fulfillment URL is responsible for: - -* Deliver the final product to the user after the payment -* Instruct the wallet to send the payment to the pay URL -* Redirect the user to the offer URL in case they hit a shared fulfillment URL. - -Again, Taler provides two ways of doing that: JavaScript- and HTTP headers-based. - -Taler helps merchants on the JavaScript-based interaction by providing the -``taler-wallet-lib``. See - -------- -Example -------- - -For example, suppose Alice wants to pay for a movie. She will first -select the movie from the catalog, which directs her to the offer URL -*https://merchant/offer?x=8ru42*. This URL generates a "402 Payment -Required" response, and will instruct the wallet about the contract's -URL. Then the wallet downloads the contract that states that Alice is -about to buy a movie. The contract includes a fresh transaction ID, say 62. -Alice's browser detects the response code and displays the contract -for Alice. - -Alice then confirms that she wants to buy the movie. Her wallet -associates her confirmation with the details and a hash of the contract. -After Alice confirms, the wallet redirects her to the fulfillment URL, say -*https://merchant/fulfillment?x=8ru42&tid=62* that is specified in the -contract. - -The first time Alice visits this URL, the merchant will again -generate a "402 Payment Required" response, this time not including -the full contract but merely the hash of the contract (which includes -Alice's transaction ID 62), as well as the offer URL (which Alice -will ignore) and the pay URL. Alice's wallet will detect that -Alice already confirmed that she wants to execute this particular -contract. The wallet will then transmit the payment to the pay URL, -obtain a response from the merchant confirming that the payment was -successful, and then reload the fulfillment URL. - -This time (and every time in the future where Alice visits the -fulfillment URL), she receives the movie. If the browser has lost the -session state, the merchant will again ask her to pay (as it happened the -very first time she visited the fulfillment URL), and she will authenticate -by replaying the payment. - -If Alice decides to share the fulfillment URL with Bob and he visits -it, his browser will not have the right session state and furthermore -his wallet will not be able to replay the payment. Instead, his wallet -will automatically redirect Bob to the offer URL and allow him to -purchase the movie himself. - -.. _offer: - ---------------- -Making an offer ---------------- - -When a user visits a offer URL, the merchant returns a page that can interact -with the wallet either via JavaScript or by returning a "402 Payment Required". -This page's main objective is to inform the wallet on where it should get the -contract. In case of JavaScript interaction, the merchant should just return -a page whose javascript contains an invocation to ``offerContractFrom()`` -from ``taler-wallet-lib``. This function will download the contract from -`` and hand it to the wallet. - -In case of HTTP headers-based protocol, the merchant needs to set the header -`X-Taler-contract-url` to the contract URL. Once this information reaches the -browser, the wallet will takes action by reading that header and downloading -the contract. - -Either way, the contract gets to the wallet which then renders it to the user. - -.. _fulfillment: - -------------------------------- -Fulfillment interaction details -------------------------------- - -A payment process is triggered whenever the user visits a fulfillment -URL and he has no rights in the session state to get the items -accounted in the fulfillment URL. Note that after the user accepts a -contract, the wallet will automatically point the browser to the -fulfillment URL. - -Becasue fulfillment URLs implements replayable and shareable payments -(see points 2,3 above), fulfillment URL parameter must encompass all the -details necessary to reconstruct a contract. - -That saves the merchant from writing contracts to disk upon every contract -generation, and defer this operation until customers actually pay. - -.................. -HTTP headers based -.................. - -Once the fulfillment URL gets visited, deliver the final product if the user has -paid, otherwise: the merchant will reconstruct the contract and re-hash it, sending -back to the client a "402 Payment required" status code and some HTTP headers which -will help the wallet to manage the payment. Namely: - -* `X-taler-contract-hash` -* `X-taler-pay-URL` -* `X-taler-offer-URL` - -The wallet then looks at `X-taler-contract-hash`, and can face two situations: - -1. This hashcode is already present in the wallet's database (meaning that the user did accept the related contract), so the wallet can send the payment to `X-taler-pay-URL`. During this operation, the wallet associates the coins it sent to `X-taler-pay-URL` with this hashcode, so that it can replay payments whenever it gets this hashcode again. - -2. This hashcode is unknown to the wallet (meaning that the user visited a shared fulfillment URL). The wallet then points the browser to `X-taler-offer-URL`, which is in charge of generating a contract referring to the same items accounted in the fulfillment URL. Of course, the user is then able to accept or not the contract. - -................ -JavaScript based -................ - -Once the fulfillment URL gets visited, deliver the final product if the user has paid, otherwise: -the merchant will reconstruct the contract and re-hash it. Then it will return a page whose JavaScript -needs to include a call to ``taler.executeContract(..)``. See the following example: - -.. sourcecode:: html - - - - - - - .. - - - -The logic which will take place is the same as in the HTTP header based protocol. -Once ``executePayment(..)`` gets executed in the browser, it will hand its three -parameters to the wallet, which will: - -1. Send the payment to `` if `` is found in its database (meaning that the user accepted it). -2. Redirect the browser to ``, if `` is NOT found in its database, meaning that the user visited a shared fulfillment URL. - -.. - .................. - State and security - .................. - - The server-side state gets updated in two situations, (1) when an article is - "about" to be bought, which means when the user visits the fulfillment URL, - and (2) when the user actually pays. For (1), we use the contract hascode to - access the state, whereas in (2) we just define a list of payed articles. - For example: - - .. sourcecode:: python - - session[] = {'article_name': 'How_to_write_a_frontend'} # (1) - session['payed_articles'] = ['How_to_write_a_frontend', 'How_to_install_a_backend'] # (2) - - The list of payed articles is used by the frontend to deliver the article to the user: - if the article name is among ``session['payed_articles']``, then the user gets what they - paid for. - - The reason for using `` as the key is to prevent the wallet to send bogus - parameters along the fulfillment URL. `` is the contract hashcode that - the fulfillment handler gets from the backend using the fulfillment URL parameters. - - In fact, when the wallet sends the payment to the frontend pay handler, it has to provide - both coins and contract hashcode. That hascode is (1) verified by the backend when it - receives the coins, (2) used by the frontend to update the list of payed articles. - - See below an example of pay handler: - - .. sourcecode:: python - - ... - - # 'deposit_permission' is the JSON object sent by the wallet - # which contains coins and the contract hashcode. - response = send_payment_to_backend(deposit_permission) - - # The backend accepted the payment - if 200 == response.status_code: - # Here we pick the article name from the state defined at - # fulfillment time. - # deposit_permission['H_contract'] is the contract hashcode - payed_article = session[deposit_permission['H_contract']]['article_name'] - session['payed_articles'].append(payed_article) - - - So the wallet is forced to send a valid contract hashcode along the payment, - and since that hashcode is then used to update the list of payed articles, - the wallet is forced to send fulfillment URL parameters that match that hashcode, - therefore being valid parameters. diff --git a/docs/integration-bank.rst b/docs/integration-bank.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1dc2ec8d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/integration-bank.rst @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +============================== +Interaction with bank websites +============================== + +This section describes how bank websites can interact with the +Taler wallet. + +Currently the following functionality is supported: + * Querying for the presence of a Taler wallet. + * Receiving change notifications from the Taler wallet. + * Creating a reserve. + + +For JavaScript code examples, see :ref:`communication`. + +------------------------- +Reserve Creation Request +------------------------- + +The bank website can request the creation of a :term:`reserve`. This operation +will require the user to specify the exchange where he wants to create the reserve +and the resolution of a CAPTCHA, before any action will be taken. + +As a result of the reserve creation request, the following steps will happen in sequence: + 1. The user chooses the desired amount from the bank's form + 2. Upon confirmation, the wallet fetches the desired amount from the user-filled form and + prompts the user for the *exchange base URL*. Then ask the user to confirm creating the + reserve. + 3. The wallet will create a key pair for the reserve. + 4. The wallet will request the CAPTCHA page to the bank. In that request's parameters it + communicates the desired amount, the reserve's public key and the exchange base URL to the + bank + 5. Upon successful resolution of the CAPTCHA by the user, the bank initiates the reserve + creation according to the gotten parameters. Together with `200 OK` status code sent back + to the wallet, it gets also a `ReserveCreated`_ object. + +Note that the reserve creation can be done by a SEPA wire transfer or some other means, +depending on the user's bank and chosen exchange. + +In response to the reserve creation request, the Taler wallet MAY cause the +current document location to be changed, in order to navigate to a +wallet-internal confirmation page. + +The bank requests reserve creation with the ``taler-create-reserve`` event. +The event data must be a `CreateReserveDetail`_: + + +.. _CreateReserveDetail: +.. code-block:: tsref + + interface CreateReserveDetail { + + // JSON 'amount' object. The amount the caller wants to transfer + // to the recipient's count + amount: Amount; + + // CAPTCHA's page URL which needs the following parameters + // query parameters: + // amount_value + // amount_fraction + // amount_currency + // reserve_pub + // exchange + // wire_details (URL encoding of /wire output from the exchange) + callback_url: string; + + // list of wire transfer types supported by the bank + // e.g. "SEPA", "TEST" + wt_types: Array + } + +.. _ReserveCreated: +.. code-block:: tsref + + interface ReserveCreated { + + // A URL informing the user about the succesfull outcome + // of his operation + redirect_url: string; + + } diff --git a/docs/integration-general.rst b/docs/integration-general.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..308ecf5a --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/integration-general.rst @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +.. _integration-general: + +================================ +Taler Wallet Website Integration +================================ + +.. note:: + The wallet-Websites communication is switching to a new policy which + is NOT based on DOM events, therefore obsoleting this page. To be soon + documented. + + +Websites (such as banks and online shops) can communicate with +the Taler wallet by a standardized protocol. + +From a technical perspective, the Taller wallet communicates with +the website by sending and receiving `DOM events `_ +on the bank website's ``HTMLDocument``. + +DOM events used by Taler have the prefix ``taler-``. + +------------------------- +Wallet Presence Awareness +------------------------- + +The bank website queries the wallet's presence by sending a ``taler-probe`` event. The +event data should be `null`. + +If the wallet is present and active, it will respond with a ``taler-wallet-present`` event. + +While the user agent is displaying a website, the user might deactivate or +re-activate the wallet. A Taler-aware *should* react to those events, and +indicate to the user that they should (re-)enable the wallet if necessary. + +When the wallet is activated, the ``taler-wallet-load`` event is sent +by the wallet. When the wallet is deactivated, the ``taler-wallet-unload`` event +is sent by the wallet. + +.. _communication: + +---------------------- +Communication Example +---------------------- + +The bank website can send the event ``taler-XYZ`` with the event data ``eventData`` +to the wallet with the following JavaScript code: + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + const myEvent = new CustomEvent("taler-XYZ", eventData); + document.dispatchEvent(myEvent); + +Events can be received by installing a listener: + + +.. sourcecode:: javascript + + function myListener(talerEvent) { + // handle event here! + } + document.addEventListener("taler-XYZ", myListener); + + +-------------------- +Normalized Base URLs +-------------------- + +Exchanges and merchants have a base URL for their service. This URL *must* be in a +canonical form when it is stored (e.g. in the wallet's database) or transmitted +(e.g. to a bank page). + +1. The URL must be absolute. This implies that the URL has a schema. +2. The path component of the URL must end with a slash. +3. The URL must not contain a fragment or query. + +When a user enters a URL that is, technically, relative (such as ""), wallets +*may* transform it into a canonical base URL (""). Other components *should not* accept +URLs that are not canonical. + +Rationale: Joining non-canonical URLs with relative URLs (e.g. "" with "reserve/status") +results in different and slightly unexpected behavior in some URL handling libraries. +Canonical URLs give more predictable results with standard URL joining. diff --git a/docs/integration-merchant.rst b/docs/integration-merchant.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7cf93044 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/integration-merchant.rst @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + +.. + Note that this page is more a protocol-explaination than a guide that teaches + merchants how to work with Taler wallets + + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Marcello Stanisci + @author Christian Grothoff + +================================== +Interaction with merchant websites +================================== + +.. _payprot: + ++++++++++++++++++++ +The payment process ++++++++++++++++++++ + +By design, the Taler payment process ensures the following properties: + +1. The user must see and accept a contract in a secure context before the payment happens. + That contract accounts for all the items which are supposed to be bought. + +2. The payment process must be idempotent, that is at any later time the customer must + be able to replay the payment and retrieve the resource he paid for. + In case where a physical item was bought, this online resource is the merchant's + order status page, which may contain tracking information for the customer. + Note that by `replaying the payment` we mean reusing the `same coins` used to pay for + the product the first time to get the `same product` the user got the first time. + So the replay does NOT subtract further credit from the user's total budget. + +3. Purchases are shareable: any purchase is given a URL that allows other users to + buy the same item(s). + +We call an *offer URL* any URL at the merchant's Web site that notifies the +wallet that the user needs to pay for something. The offer URL must take into +account that the user has no wallet installed, and manage the situation accordingly +(for example, by showing a credit card paywall). The notification can happen either +via JavaScript or via HTTP headers. + +The merchant needs to have a *contract URL* which generates the JSON +contract for Taler. Alternatively, the contract may be embedded +within the page returned by the offer URL and given to the wallet +via JavaScript or via an HTTP header. + +The merchant must also provide a *pay URL* to which the wallet can +transmit the payment. Again, how this URL is made known from the merchant +to the wallet, it is managed by the HTTP headers- or JavaScript-based protocol. + +The merchant must also have a *fulfillment URL*, that addresses points 2 and 3 above. +In particular, fulfillment URL is responsible for: + +* Deliver the final product to the user after the payment +* Instruct the wallet to send the payment to the pay URL +* Redirect the user to the offer URL in case they hit a shared fulfillment URL. + +Again, Taler provides two ways of doing that: JavaScript- and HTTP headers-based. + +Taler helps merchants on the JavaScript-based interaction by providing the +``taler-wallet-lib``. See + +------- +Example +------- + +For example, suppose Alice wants to pay for a movie. She will first +select the movie from the catalog, which directs her to the offer URL +*https://merchant/offer?x=8ru42*. This URL generates a "402 Payment +Required" response, and will instruct the wallet about the contract's +URL. Then the wallet downloads the contract that states that Alice is +about to buy a movie. The contract includes a fresh transaction ID, say 62. +Alice's browser detects the response code and displays the contract +for Alice. + +Alice then confirms that she wants to buy the movie. Her wallet +associates her confirmation with the details and a hash of the contract. +After Alice confirms, the wallet redirects her to the fulfillment URL, say +*https://merchant/fulfillment?x=8ru42&tid=62* that is specified in the +contract. + +The first time Alice visits this URL, the merchant will again +generate a "402 Payment Required" response, this time not including +the full contract but merely the hash of the contract (which includes +Alice's transaction ID 62), as well as the offer URL (which Alice +will ignore) and the pay URL. Alice's wallet will detect that +Alice already confirmed that she wants to execute this particular +contract. The wallet will then transmit the payment to the pay URL, +obtain a response from the merchant confirming that the payment was +successful, and then reload the fulfillment URL. + +This time (and every time in the future where Alice visits the +fulfillment URL), she receives the movie. If the browser has lost the +session state, the merchant will again ask her to pay (as it happened the +very first time she visited the fulfillment URL), and she will authenticate +by replaying the payment. + +If Alice decides to share the fulfillment URL with Bob and he visits +it, his browser will not have the right session state and furthermore +his wallet will not be able to replay the payment. Instead, his wallet +will automatically redirect Bob to the offer URL and allow him to +purchase the movie himself. + +.. _offer: + +--------------- +Making an offer +--------------- + +When a user visits a offer URL, the merchant returns a page that can interact +with the wallet either via JavaScript or by returning a "402 Payment Required". +This page's main objective is to inform the wallet on where it should get the +contract. In case of JavaScript interaction, the merchant should just return +a page whose javascript contains an invocation to ``offerContractFrom()`` +from ``taler-wallet-lib``. This function will download the contract from +`` and hand it to the wallet. + +In case of HTTP headers-based protocol, the merchant needs to set the header +`X-Taler-contract-url` to the contract URL. Once this information reaches the +browser, the wallet will takes action by reading that header and downloading +the contract. + +Either way, the contract gets to the wallet which then renders it to the user. + +.. _fulfillment: + +------------------------------- +Fulfillment interaction details +------------------------------- + +A payment process is triggered whenever the user visits a fulfillment +URL and he has no rights in the session state to get the items +accounted in the fulfillment URL. Note that after the user accepts a +contract, the wallet will automatically point the browser to the +fulfillment URL. + +Becasue fulfillment URLs implements replayable and shareable payments +(see points 2,3 above), fulfillment URL parameter must encompass all the +details necessary to reconstruct a contract. + +That saves the merchant from writing contracts to disk upon every contract +generation, and defer this operation until customers actually pay. + +.................. +HTTP headers based +.................. + +Once the fulfillment URL gets visited, deliver the final product if the user has +paid, otherwise: the merchant will reconstruct the contract and re-hash it, sending +back to the client a "402 Payment required" status code and some HTTP headers which +will help the wallet to manage the payment. Namely: + +* `X-taler-contract-hash` +* `X-taler-pay-URL` +* `X-taler-offer-URL` + +The wallet then looks at `X-taler-contract-hash`, and can face two situations: + +1. This hashcode is already present in the wallet's database (meaning that the user did accept the related contract), so the wallet can send the payment to `X-taler-pay-URL`. During this operation, the wallet associates the coins it sent to `X-taler-pay-URL` with this hashcode, so that it can replay payments whenever it gets this hashcode again. + +2. This hashcode is unknown to the wallet (meaning that the user visited a shared fulfillment URL). The wallet then points the browser to `X-taler-offer-URL`, which is in charge of generating a contract referring to the same items accounted in the fulfillment URL. Of course, the user is then able to accept or not the contract. + +................ +JavaScript based +................ + +Once the fulfillment URL gets visited, deliver the final product if the user has paid, otherwise: +the merchant will reconstruct the contract and re-hash it. Then it will return a page whose JavaScript +needs to include a call to ``taler.executeContract(..)``. See the following example: + +.. sourcecode:: html + + + + + + + .. + + + +The logic which will take place is the same as in the HTTP header based protocol. +Once ``executePayment(..)`` gets executed in the browser, it will hand its three +parameters to the wallet, which will: + +1. Send the payment to `` if `` is found in its database (meaning that the user accepted it). +2. Redirect the browser to ``, if `` is NOT found in its database, meaning that the user visited a shared fulfillment URL. + +.. + .................. + State and security + .................. + + The server-side state gets updated in two situations, (1) when an article is + "about" to be bought, which means when the user visits the fulfillment URL, + and (2) when the user actually pays. For (1), we use the contract hascode to + access the state, whereas in (2) we just define a list of payed articles. + For example: + + .. sourcecode:: python + + session[] = {'article_name': 'How_to_write_a_frontend'} # (1) + session['payed_articles'] = ['How_to_write_a_frontend', 'How_to_install_a_backend'] # (2) + + The list of payed articles is used by the frontend to deliver the article to the user: + if the article name is among ``session['payed_articles']``, then the user gets what they + paid for. + + The reason for using `` as the key is to prevent the wallet to send bogus + parameters along the fulfillment URL. `` is the contract hashcode that + the fulfillment handler gets from the backend using the fulfillment URL parameters. + + In fact, when the wallet sends the payment to the frontend pay handler, it has to provide + both coins and contract hashcode. That hascode is (1) verified by the backend when it + receives the coins, (2) used by the frontend to update the list of payed articles. + + See below an example of pay handler: + + .. sourcecode:: python + + ... + + # 'deposit_permission' is the JSON object sent by the wallet + # which contains coins and the contract hashcode. + response = send_payment_to_backend(deposit_permission) + + # The backend accepted the payment + if 200 == response.status_code: + # Here we pick the article name from the state defined at + # fulfillment time. + # deposit_permission['H_contract'] is the contract hashcode + payed_article = session[deposit_permission['H_contract']]['article_name'] + session['payed_articles'].append(payed_article) + + + So the wallet is forced to send a valid contract hashcode along the payment, + and since that hashcode is then used to update the list of payed articles, + the wallet is forced to send fulfillment URL parameters that match that hashcode, + therefore being valid parameters. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 3569ab1443bba65702d70d83b3c5f3a7fd27ebc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 23:44:22 +0100 Subject: Nothing but APIs under --- api/index.rst | 29 ----------------------------- docs/example-essay-store.rst | 21 ++++++++++++--------- docs/operate-exchange.rst | 7 +++++-- docs/operate-merchant.rst | 14 ++++++-------- 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/api/index.rst b/api/index.rst index 01724fdf..9e49818b 100644 --- a/api/index.rst +++ b/api/index.rst @@ -41,35 +41,6 @@ In this document, we describe the REST-based APIs between the various components, internal architecture of key components, and how to get them installed. -------- -Preface -------- - -The *Operator Handbook* is for people who want to run a exchange or a merchant. -It focuses on how to install, configure and run the required software. - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - global_licensing - versioning - ------------------------- -Web Integration Handbook ------------------------- - -The *Web Integration Handbook* is for those who want to interact with Taler -wallets on their own website. Integrators will also have to be familiar with -the material covered in the *Operator Handbook*. - - -.. toctree:: - :maxdepth: 2 - - integration-general - integration-bank - integration-merchant - -------------------------------------- Taler HTTP Core Protocol Specification -------------------------------------- diff --git a/docs/example-essay-store.rst b/docs/example-essay-store.rst index 8ba28df6..1d533d98 100644 --- a/docs/example-essay-store.rst +++ b/docs/example-essay-store.rst @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ and is implemented in Python+Flask. The desired effect is the homepage showing a list of buyable articles, and once the -user clicks one of them, they will either get the Taler :ref:`contract ` +user clicks one of them, they will either get the Taler +`contract `_ or a credit card paywall if they have no Taler wallet installed. Each article links thus to a `offer URL`, having the following @@ -248,10 +249,12 @@ for the contract, the transaction ID, and the article name; respectively, ``now``, ``tid``, and ``article_name``. After ``make_contract`` returns, the variable ``contract`` will hold a -`dict` type that complies with a contract :ref:`proposition `. +`dict` type that complies with a contract +`proposition `_ We then call ``sign_contract`` feeding it with the proposition, so that it can forward it to the backend and return it signed. Finally we return -the signed proposition, complying with the :ref:`Offer ` object. +the signed proposition, complying with the +`Offer `_ object. For simplicity, any article costs the same price, so the frontend doesn't need to map articles to prices. @@ -300,10 +303,10 @@ fulfillment URL parameters. See below the URL layout: The way the contract is reconstructed is exactly the same as it was generated in the previous steps: we need to call ``make_contract`` to get the original -:ref:`proposition ` and then ``sign_contract``. Recall that aside -from allowing the backend to add missing fields to the proposition, ``sign_contract`` -returns the contract hashcode also, that we should compare with the ``uuid`` -parameter provided by the wallet. +`proposition `_ and then +``sign_contract``. Recall that aside from allowing the backend to add missing +fields to the proposition, ``sign_contract`` returns the contract hashcode also, +that we should compare with the ``uuid`` parameter provided by the wallet. In our blog, all the fulfillment logic is implemented in the function ``article``, defined in ``talerfrontends/blog/``. It is important to note that this @@ -551,8 +554,8 @@ Pay logic --------- The pay handler for the blog is implemented by the function -``pay`` at ``talerfrontends/blog/``. Its main duty is -to receive the :ref:`deposit permission ` +``pay`` at ``talerfrontends/blog/``. Its main duty is to receive the +`deposit permission `_ from the wallet, forward it to the backend, and return the outcome to the wallet. See below the main steps of its implementation. diff --git a/docs/operate-exchange.rst b/docs/operate-exchange.rst index 874b837c..38293bbc 100644 --- a/docs/operate-exchange.rst +++ b/docs/operate-exchange.rst @@ -106,12 +106,15 @@ For example, the utility may be invoked as follows:: Note that the value given to option `-t` must match the value in the JSON's field ``"type"``. -The generated file will be echoed by the exchange when serving :ref:`/wire ` requests. +The generated file will be echoed by the exchange when serving +`/wire `_ +requests. Outgoing ^^^^^^^^ -This exchange's bank account is used to give money to merchants, after successful :ref:`deposits ` +This exchange's bank account is used to give money to merchants, after successful +`deposits `_ operations. If `test` is the chosen wireformat, the outcoming bank account is configured by the following options under `[exchange-wire-outcoming-test]`: diff --git a/docs/operate-merchant.rst b/docs/operate-merchant.rst index 484d6eba..7f88a00b 100644 --- a/docs/operate-merchant.rst +++ b/docs/operate-merchant.rst @@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ pattern:: schema://hostname/ -`master_key` is the base32 encoding of the exchange's master key (see :ref:`/keys `). +`master_key` is the base32 encoding of the exchange's master key +(see `/keys `_). In our demo, we use the following configuration:: [merchant-exchange-test] @@ -180,18 +181,15 @@ instance `Tor` as follows:: [merchant-instance-wireformat-Tor] TEST_RESPONSE_FILE = ${TALER_CONFIG_HOME}/merchant/wire/tor.json -Please note that :ref:`Taler messagging` is designed so that the merchant -frontend can instruct the backend on which instance has to be used in the various operations. -This information is optional, and if not given, the backend will act as the `default` instance. +Please note that `Taler messagging `_ +is designed so that the merchant frontend can instruct the backend on which instance has to +be used in the various operations. This information is optional, and if not given, +the backend will act as the `default` instance. ++++++++++++ Installation ++++++++++++ - - - - In order to compile your merchant backend, you firstly need to install the GNU Taler exchange. As of other dependencies, the merchant backend needs exactly the same ones as the exchange does. Follow :ref:`those instructions ` to build -- cgit v1.2.3 From d13179b9f775e7467132e3cd1a5fef369cc7b37a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 00:15:05 +0100 Subject: Minor fixes on rendering --- api/api-common.rst | 3 +- api/api-merchant.rst | 7 +- api/global_licensing.rst | 215 ------------------------------------------- docs/example-essay-store.rst | 73 ++++++++------- docs/ | 3 + docs/exchange-db.png | Bin 0 -> 198095 bytes docs/global-licensing.rst | 215 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/global_licensing.rst | 215 ------------------------------------------- docs/index.rst | 2 +- docs/releases.rst | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++ docs/versioning.rst | 60 ++++++++++++ | 3 - exchange-db.png | Bin 198095 -> 0 bytes releases.rst | 103 --------------------- versioning.rst | 60 ------------ 15 files changed, 428 insertions(+), 634 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 api/global_licensing.rst create mode 100755 docs/ create mode 100644 docs/exchange-db.png create mode 100644 docs/global-licensing.rst delete mode 100644 docs/global_licensing.rst create mode 100644 docs/releases.rst create mode 100644 docs/versioning.rst delete mode 100755 delete mode 100644 exchange-db.png delete mode 100644 releases.rst delete mode 100644 versioning.rst (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/api/api-common.rst b/api/api-common.rst index 411f7df5..defabe69 100644 --- a/api/api-common.rst +++ b/api/api-common.rst @@ -455,7 +455,8 @@ Any piece of signed data, complies to the abstract data structure given below. The following list contains all the data structure that can be signed in Taler. Their definition is typically found in `src/include/taler_signatures.h`, -within the :ref:`exchange's codebase `. +within the +`exchange's codebase `_. .. _TALER_WithdrawRequestPS: .. sourcecode:: c diff --git a/api/api-merchant.rst b/api/api-merchant.rst index 03644aad..4e70ccd3 100644 --- a/api/api-merchant.rst +++ b/api/api-merchant.rst @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ The Frontent HTTP API // maximum fees merchant agreed to cover as per the contract max_fee: Amount; - // The `merchant instance `_ which is going to receive the final wire transfer. + // The `merchant instance `_ + // which is going to receive the final wire transfer. instance: string; // Signature of `TALER_ContractPS`_ @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ The Frontent HTTP API Returns a cooperative merchant page (called the execution page) that will send the ``taler-execute-payment`` to the wallet and react to failure or success of the actual payment. ``fulfillment_url`` is included in the `contract`_. - Furthermore, ``_ + Furthermore, ``_ documents the payment protocol between wallets and merchants. The wallet will inject an ``XMLHttpRequest`` request to the merchant's @@ -330,7 +331,7 @@ The following API are made available by the merchant's `backend` to the merchant **Request:** :query id: ID of the transaction we want to trace (an integer) - :query instance: identificative token for the merchant instance which is to be tracked (optional). See ``_. This information is needed because the request has to be signed by the merchant, thus we need to pick the instance's private key. + :query instance: identificative token for the merchant instance which is to be tracked (optional). See ``_. This information is needed because the request has to be signed by the merchant, thus we need to pick the instance's private key. **Response:** diff --git a/api/global_licensing.rst b/api/global_licensing.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7a5e8226..00000000 --- a/api/global_licensing.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -=========================== -Taler licensing information -=========================== - -This file gives an overview of all Taler component's licensing and of -runtime dependencies thereof. For "component" here is meant a set of -source files which can be retrieved from a single repository. If -components consist of sources under different licensing regimes, i.e. -because we want to enable third party developments to easily integrate -with Taler, those are described as well. - -All components are generally released under Lesser GPL, GPL or Affero -GPL. The main strategy is for libraries that third parties may need -to integrate with Taler to be under LGPL, standalone binaries and -testcases to be under GPL, and Web servers implementing Web services -to be under AGPL. - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++ -API (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -The specification has been jointly developed by INRIA and by individuals -being under the juridical subject called 'GNUnet e.V.'. For each source -file, the header indicated whose is holding the copyright, since some -parts have been taken "verbatim" from the GNUnet e.V. foundation, and -some other have been developed at INRIA "ex novo". - -Generally, GNU GPLv3 license is used for them; see COPYING.GPL. - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- -This component has no runtime dependencies as it is supposed to generate -HTML. - - -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Firefox/Android/Python Wallet (git:// -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This project includes contributions from INRIA and GNUnet -e.V. developers. Please refer to each source file to obtain -information about the copyright holder. The GNU GPLv3 is used as the -license for Wallets. Some components may be under the LGPL. - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* Python: Python Software Foundation License, LGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation -* Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Public License, LGPL-Compatible, Mozilla Foundation - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -WebExtensions Wallet (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -The TypeScript code was developed 100% at INRIA, but the project -involves compiling libgnunetutil and libtalerutil to JavaScript, and -thus depends on software from GNUnet e.V. - -Each source carries its own copyright holder(s), but it is generally -licensed under GPLv3+. - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation - -Note that these dependencies are compiled into the extension and do -not appear as separate binary files. - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Merchant (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This project contains code under two different licenses, and whose -copyright is held by INRIA and/or GNUnet e.V.. Please refer to each -source file to know which party holds the copyright. - -Source files are located in the following directories: - -* src/lib/ -* src/backend/ -* src/backenddb/ -* src/include/ -* src/tests/ -* examples/blog/ -* examples/shop/ -* copylib/ - -In examples/blog/articles/ we included a book by Richard Stallman. -It comes with its own permissive license (see COPYING in the -directory). - - -The merchant's backend (i.e. all the code in src/backend/) is under -the GNU Affero GPL as it depends on libgnunetutil. Note that the use -of the Affero GPL has little impact as the backend is not supposed to -be directly accessible to the Internet). The license for this code is -in COPYING.GPL and COPYING.AGPL. - -The merchant's frontend logic (i.e. JavaScript interacting with -the wallet, sample code for a shop) is under the GNU LGPL (but -we may choose to change this to be in the public domain or -BSD-licensed if necessary; the code is so short that there is -anyway the question whether it is copyrightable). Under this same -license, it comes the merchant library (src/lib/) as it can be linked -with more diverse licensed software. The license text for this code -is in COPYING.LGPL. - - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals -* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation -* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group -* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. -* PHP: PHP License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Bank (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - ---------- -Licensing ---------- - -This project has been developed by INRIA. For each source file, the -header indicated whose is holding the copyright. The licensing plan -for the bank is to use the Affero GPLv3+. - -Source files of interest are located in the following directories: -(The repository holds also scaffolded files autogenerated by Django, -which do not have legal significance in this context.) - -* TalerBank/Bank/ -* TalerBank/Bank/templates/ -* TalerBank/my-static/ -* website/ - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* Django: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Django Software Foundation -* validictory: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by James Turk -* django-simple-math-captcha: Apache Software License, LGPL-Compatible (FIXME), Brandon Taylor -* requests: Apache2 License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Kenneth Reitz -* Python: Python Software Foundation License, AGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation -* PHP: PHP License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group - - -.. _exchange-repo: - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Exchange (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This component is based on code initially developed in Munich for -GNUnet e.V. Most recent improvements and maintenance has been done at -Inria. The copyright is thus shared between both institutions. - -The licensing for exported libraries to access the exchange is LGPL, -the exchange itself is under AGPL, and testcases and standalone -binaries are under GPL. - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals -* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation -* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group -* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Web includes (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -All copyright owned by INRIA (but questionable whether creativity -threshold for copyright is even met). - -Sources are licensed under the GNU LGPL. diff --git a/docs/example-essay-store.rst b/docs/example-essay-store.rst index 1d533d98..6cd86000 100644 --- a/docs/example-essay-store.rst +++ b/docs/example-essay-store.rst @@ -95,40 +95,47 @@ After the rendering, (part of) ``purchase.html`` will look like shown below. .. sourcecode:: html - ... - - - ... - - - ... - ... - -

- Oops, it looks like you don't have a Taler wallet installed. Why don't you enter - all your credit card details before reading the article? You can also - use GNU Taler to complete the purchase at any time. -

- -
- First name

- Family name

- Age

- Nationality

- Gender
Male - CC number

- Female
- -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + -
- Processing payment with GNU Taler, please wait -
- ... +

+ Oops, it looks like you don't have a Taler wallet installed. Why don't you enter + all your credit card details before reading the article? You can also + use GNU Taler to complete the purchase at any time. +

+ First name

+ Family name

+ Age

+ Nationality

+ Gender
Male + CC number

+ Female
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ Processing payment with GNU Taler, please wait +
+ + + + The script ``purchase.js`` is now in charge of implementing the behaviour we seek. It needs to register two handlers: one called whenever the wallet is detected in the diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ new file mode 100755 index 00000000..b296e0c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#!/bin/sh +taler-exchange-dbinit -r +java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t pgsql -db taler -o taler -host localhost -dp /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc3-9.2.jar -u grothoff -p test -s public -hq diff --git a/docs/exchange-db.png b/docs/exchange-db.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ddc25591 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/exchange-db.png differ diff --git a/docs/global-licensing.rst b/docs/global-licensing.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7a5e8226 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/global-licensing.rst @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +=========================== +Taler licensing information +=========================== + +This file gives an overview of all Taler component's licensing and of +runtime dependencies thereof. For "component" here is meant a set of +source files which can be retrieved from a single repository. If +components consist of sources under different licensing regimes, i.e. +because we want to enable third party developments to easily integrate +with Taler, those are described as well. + +All components are generally released under Lesser GPL, GPL or Affero +GPL. The main strategy is for libraries that third parties may need +to integrate with Taler to be under LGPL, standalone binaries and +testcases to be under GPL, and Web servers implementing Web services +to be under AGPL. + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +API (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +The specification has been jointly developed by INRIA and by individuals +being under the juridical subject called 'GNUnet e.V.'. For each source +file, the header indicated whose is holding the copyright, since some +parts have been taken "verbatim" from the GNUnet e.V. foundation, and +some other have been developed at INRIA "ex novo". + +Generally, GNU GPLv3 license is used for them; see COPYING.GPL. + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- +This component has no runtime dependencies as it is supposed to generate +HTML. + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Firefox/Android/Python Wallet (git:// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This project includes contributions from INRIA and GNUnet +e.V. developers. Please refer to each source file to obtain +information about the copyright holder. The GNU GPLv3 is used as the +license for Wallets. Some components may be under the LGPL. + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* Python: Python Software Foundation License, LGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation +* Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Public License, LGPL-Compatible, Mozilla Foundation + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +WebExtensions Wallet (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +The TypeScript code was developed 100% at INRIA, but the project +involves compiling libgnunetutil and libtalerutil to JavaScript, and +thus depends on software from GNUnet e.V. + +Each source carries its own copyright holder(s), but it is generally +licensed under GPLv3+. + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. +* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation +* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation + +Note that these dependencies are compiled into the extension and do +not appear as separate binary files. + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Merchant (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This project contains code under two different licenses, and whose +copyright is held by INRIA and/or GNUnet e.V.. Please refer to each +source file to know which party holds the copyright. + +Source files are located in the following directories: + +* src/lib/ +* src/backend/ +* src/backenddb/ +* src/include/ +* src/tests/ +* examples/blog/ +* examples/shop/ +* copylib/ + +In examples/blog/articles/ we included a book by Richard Stallman. +It comes with its own permissive license (see COPYING in the +directory). + + +The merchant's backend (i.e. all the code in src/backend/) is under +the GNU Affero GPL as it depends on libgnunetutil. Note that the use +of the Affero GPL has little impact as the backend is not supposed to +be directly accessible to the Internet). The license for this code is +in COPYING.GPL and COPYING.AGPL. + +The merchant's frontend logic (i.e. JavaScript interacting with +the wallet, sample code for a shop) is under the GNU LGPL (but +we may choose to change this to be in the public domain or +BSD-licensed if necessary; the code is so short that there is +anyway the question whether it is copyrightable). Under this same +license, it comes the merchant library (src/lib/) as it can be linked +with more diverse licensed software. The license text for this code +is in COPYING.LGPL. + + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals +* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation +* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group +* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. +* PHP: PHP License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Bank (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +--------- +Licensing +--------- + +This project has been developed by INRIA. For each source file, the +header indicated whose is holding the copyright. The licensing plan +for the bank is to use the Affero GPLv3+. + +Source files of interest are located in the following directories: +(The repository holds also scaffolded files autogenerated by Django, +which do not have legal significance in this context.) + +* TalerBank/Bank/ +* TalerBank/Bank/templates/ +* TalerBank/my-static/ +* website/ + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* Django: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Django Software Foundation +* validictory: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by James Turk +* django-simple-math-captcha: Apache Software License, LGPL-Compatible (FIXME), Brandon Taylor +* requests: Apache2 License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Kenneth Reitz +* Python: Python Software Foundation License, AGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation +* PHP: PHP License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group + + +.. _exchange-repo: + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Exchange (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +This component is based on code initially developed in Munich for +GNUnet e.V. Most recent improvements and maintenance has been done at +Inria. The copyright is thus shared between both institutions. + +The licensing for exported libraries to access the exchange is LGPL, +the exchange itself is under AGPL, and testcases and standalone +binaries are under GPL. + + +-------------------- +Runtime dependencies +-------------------- + +The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this +project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: + +* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals +* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation +* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group +* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. +* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. + + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +Web includes (git:// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + +All copyright owned by INRIA (but questionable whether creativity +threshold for copyright is even met). + +Sources are licensed under the GNU LGPL. diff --git a/docs/global_licensing.rst b/docs/global_licensing.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 7a5e8226..00000000 --- a/docs/global_licensing.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ -=========================== -Taler licensing information -=========================== - -This file gives an overview of all Taler component's licensing and of -runtime dependencies thereof. For "component" here is meant a set of -source files which can be retrieved from a single repository. If -components consist of sources under different licensing regimes, i.e. -because we want to enable third party developments to easily integrate -with Taler, those are described as well. - -All components are generally released under Lesser GPL, GPL or Affero -GPL. The main strategy is for libraries that third parties may need -to integrate with Taler to be under LGPL, standalone binaries and -testcases to be under GPL, and Web servers implementing Web services -to be under AGPL. - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++ -API (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -The specification has been jointly developed by INRIA and by individuals -being under the juridical subject called 'GNUnet e.V.'. For each source -file, the header indicated whose is holding the copyright, since some -parts have been taken "verbatim" from the GNUnet e.V. foundation, and -some other have been developed at INRIA "ex novo". - -Generally, GNU GPLv3 license is used for them; see COPYING.GPL. - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- -This component has no runtime dependencies as it is supposed to generate -HTML. - - -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Firefox/Android/Python Wallet (git:// -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This project includes contributions from INRIA and GNUnet -e.V. developers. Please refer to each source file to obtain -information about the copyright holder. The GNU GPLv3 is used as the -license for Wallets. Some components may be under the LGPL. - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* Python: Python Software Foundation License, LGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation -* Mozilla Firefox: Mozilla Public License, LGPL-Compatible, Mozilla Foundation - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -WebExtensions Wallet (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -The TypeScript code was developed 100% at INRIA, but the project -involves compiling libgnunetutil and libtalerutil to JavaScript, and -thus depends on software from GNUnet e.V. - -Each source carries its own copyright holder(s), but it is generally -licensed under GPLv3+. - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libgnunetutil: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. -* libgcrypt: LGPL, Free Software Foundation -* libunistring: LGPL, Free Software Foundation - -Note that these dependencies are compiled into the extension and do -not appear as separate binary files. - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Merchant (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This project contains code under two different licenses, and whose -copyright is held by INRIA and/or GNUnet e.V.. Please refer to each -source file to know which party holds the copyright. - -Source files are located in the following directories: - -* src/lib/ -* src/backend/ -* src/backenddb/ -* src/include/ -* src/tests/ -* examples/blog/ -* examples/shop/ -* copylib/ - -In examples/blog/articles/ we included a book by Richard Stallman. -It comes with its own permissive license (see COPYING in the -directory). - - -The merchant's backend (i.e. all the code in src/backend/) is under -the GNU Affero GPL as it depends on libgnunetutil. Note that the use -of the Affero GPL has little impact as the backend is not supposed to -be directly accessible to the Internet). The license for this code is -in COPYING.GPL and COPYING.AGPL. - -The merchant's frontend logic (i.e. JavaScript interacting with -the wallet, sample code for a shop) is under the GNU LGPL (but -we may choose to change this to be in the public domain or -BSD-licensed if necessary; the code is so short that there is -anyway the question whether it is copyrightable). Under this same -license, it comes the merchant library (src/lib/) as it can be linked -with more diverse licensed software. The license text for this code -is in COPYING.LGPL. - - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals -* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation -* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group -* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. -* PHP: PHP License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Bank (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - ---------- -Licensing ---------- - -This project has been developed by INRIA. For each source file, the -header indicated whose is holding the copyright. The licensing plan -for the bank is to use the Affero GPLv3+. - -Source files of interest are located in the following directories: -(The repository holds also scaffolded files autogenerated by Django, -which do not have legal significance in this context.) - -* TalerBank/Bank/ -* TalerBank/Bank/templates/ -* TalerBank/my-static/ -* website/ - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* Django: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Django Software Foundation -* validictory: BSD License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by James Turk -* django-simple-math-captcha: Apache Software License, LGPL-Compatible (FIXME), Brandon Taylor -* requests: Apache2 License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by Kenneth Reitz -* Python: Python Software Foundation License, AGPL-Compatible, Python Software Foundation -* PHP: PHP License, AGPL-Compatible, owned by The PHP Group - - -.. _exchange-repo: - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Exchange (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -This component is based on code initially developed in Munich for -GNUnet e.V. Most recent improvements and maintenance has been done at -Inria. The copyright is thus shared between both institutions. - -The licensing for exported libraries to access the exchange is LGPL, -the exchange itself is under AGPL, and testcases and standalone -binaries are under GPL. - - --------------------- -Runtime dependencies --------------------- - -The following list encompasses all the runtime dependencies for this -project, and gives the copyright holder for each of them: - -* libjansson: MIT License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by Petri Lehtinen and other individuals -* libgcrypt: LGPL, owned by Free Software Foundation -* postgresql: PostgreSQL License, AGPL- and LGPL-Compatible, owned by The PostgreSQL Global Development Group -* libgnunetutil (in all of its variants): GPLv3+, owned by GNUnet e.V. -* libgnunetjson: GPLv3+, GNUnet e.V. - - -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -Web includes (git:// -+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - -All copyright owned by INRIA (but questionable whether creativity -threshold for copyright is even met). - -Sources are licensed under the GNU LGPL. diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst index 356811d2..6cf25f18 100644 --- a/docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ It focuses on how to install, configure and run the required software. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 - global_licensing + global-licensing configuration-basics operate-exchange operate-merchant diff --git a/docs/releases.rst b/docs/releases.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d0191ba0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/releases.rst @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2016 INRIA + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Florian Dold + + +============================== +Release Process and Checklists +============================== + +This document describes the process for releasing a new version of the various +Taler components to the official GNU mirrors. + +The following components are published on the GNU mirrors + +* taler-exchange (exchange.git) +* taler-merchant (merchant.git) +* talerfrontends (merchant-frontends.git) +* taler-bank (bank.git) +* taler-wallet-webex (wallet-webex.git) + + +------- +Tagging +------- + +Tag releases with an *annotated* commit, like + +:: + + git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Official release v0.1.0" + git push origin v0.1.0 + +------------------ +Database for tests +------------------ + +For tests in the exchange and merchant to run, make sure that +a database `talertest` is accessible by `$USER`. Otherwise tests +involving the database logic are skipped. + +------------------ +Exchange, merchant +------------------ + +Set the version in ``. The commit being tagged +should be the change of the version. + +For the exchange test cases to pass, `make install` must be run first. +Without it, test cases will fail because plugins can't be located. + +:: + + ./bootstrap + ./configure # add required options for your system + make dist + tar -xf taler-$COMPONENT-$VERSION.tar.gz + cd taler-$COMPONENT-$VERSION + make install check + +-------------------- +Wallet WebExtension +-------------------- + +The version of the wallet is in `manifest.json`. The `version_name` should be +adjusted, and `version` should be increased independently on every upload to +the WebStore. + +:: + + ./configure + make dist + + + +FIXME: selenium test cases + + +---------------------- +Upload to GNU mirrors +---------------------- + +See + +Directive file: + +:: + + version: 1.2 + directory: taler + filename: taler-exchange-0.1.0.tar.gz + + +Upload the files in *binary mode* to the ftp servers. diff --git a/docs/versioning.rst b/docs/versioning.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14336da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/versioning.rst @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +.. + This file is part of GNU TALER. + Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA + + TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the + terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software + Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. + + TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY + WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR + A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with + TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see + + @author Christian Grothoff + +================== +GNU Taler Versions +================== + +This text describes how we assign version numbers for Taler software. +This is about the version numbers of package releases, not of the +libraries. For Taler libraries, we use libtool semantic versioning +conventions. + +Taler software release version numbers use the scheme +MAJOR.MINOR-PACKAGE. + +Here, MAJOR is used to indicate the compatibility level and is +increased for all significant releases that are always made across all +Taler components. + +The MINOR numbers is used for small updates that may address minor +issues but do not break compatibility. MINOR release may be made only +for a particular component, leaving other components untouched. Hence +you should expect to see say an exchange version 4.5 and a wallet +version 4.10. As they both start with "4", they are expected to be +protocol-compatible. + +PACKAGE is reserved for distributions, such as Debian. These distributions +may apply their own patch sets or scripting, and they are expected to +increment PACKAGE. The upstream Taler releases will just be of the +format MAJOR.MINOR. + +----------------------- +Alpha and Beta releases +----------------------- + +Before Taler is considered reasonably stable for actual use, we will +prefix the number "0." to the release version. Thus, all alpha and +beta releases will have a three-digit release number of the form +"0.MAJOR.MINOR". + +----------------------- +Roadmap +----------------------- + +A roadmap with the features we plan to have in each release is +in our bugtracker at The roadmap +is subject to change. diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100755 index b296e0c9..00000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/sh -taler-exchange-dbinit -r -java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t pgsql -db taler -o taler -host localhost -dp /usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc3-9.2.jar -u grothoff -p test -s public -hq diff --git a/exchange-db.png b/exchange-db.png deleted file mode 100644 index ddc25591..00000000 Binary files a/exchange-db.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/releases.rst b/releases.rst deleted file mode 100644 index d0191ba0..00000000 --- a/releases.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -.. - This file is part of GNU TALER. - Copyright (C) 2016 INRIA - TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the - terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software - Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. - TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY - WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with - TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see - - @author Florian Dold - - -============================== -Release Process and Checklists -============================== - -This document describes the process for releasing a new version of the various -Taler components to the official GNU mirrors. - -The following components are published on the GNU mirrors - -* taler-exchange (exchange.git) -* taler-merchant (merchant.git) -* talerfrontends (merchant-frontends.git) -* taler-bank (bank.git) -* taler-wallet-webex (wallet-webex.git) - - -------- -Tagging -------- - -Tag releases with an *annotated* commit, like - -:: - - git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Official release v0.1.0" - git push origin v0.1.0 - ------------------- -Database for tests ------------------- - -For tests in the exchange and merchant to run, make sure that -a database `talertest` is accessible by `$USER`. Otherwise tests -involving the database logic are skipped. - ------------------- -Exchange, merchant ------------------- - -Set the version in ``. The commit being tagged -should be the change of the version. - -For the exchange test cases to pass, `make install` must be run first. -Without it, test cases will fail because plugins can't be located. - -:: - - ./bootstrap - ./configure # add required options for your system - make dist - tar -xf taler-$COMPONENT-$VERSION.tar.gz - cd taler-$COMPONENT-$VERSION - make install check - --------------------- -Wallet WebExtension --------------------- - -The version of the wallet is in `manifest.json`. The `version_name` should be -adjusted, and `version` should be increased independently on every upload to -the WebStore. - -:: - - ./configure - make dist - - - -FIXME: selenium test cases - - ----------------------- -Upload to GNU mirrors ----------------------- - -See - -Directive file: - -:: - - version: 1.2 - directory: taler - filename: taler-exchange-0.1.0.tar.gz - - -Upload the files in *binary mode* to the ftp servers. diff --git a/versioning.rst b/versioning.rst deleted file mode 100644 index 14336da0..00000000 --- a/versioning.rst +++ /dev/null @@ -1,60 +0,0 @@ -.. - This file is part of GNU TALER. - Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016 INRIA - - TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the - terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software - Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. - - TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY - WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR - A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with - TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see - - @author Christian Grothoff - -================== -GNU Taler Versions -================== - -This text describes how we assign version numbers for Taler software. -This is about the version numbers of package releases, not of the -libraries. For Taler libraries, we use libtool semantic versioning -conventions. - -Taler software release version numbers use the scheme -MAJOR.MINOR-PACKAGE. - -Here, MAJOR is used to indicate the compatibility level and is -increased for all significant releases that are always made across all -Taler components. - -The MINOR numbers is used for small updates that may address minor -issues but do not break compatibility. MINOR release may be made only -for a particular component, leaving other components untouched. Hence -you should expect to see say an exchange version 4.5 and a wallet -version 4.10. As they both start with "4", they are expected to be -protocol-compatible. - -PACKAGE is reserved for distributions, such as Debian. These distributions -may apply their own patch sets or scripting, and they are expected to -increment PACKAGE. The upstream Taler releases will just be of the -format MAJOR.MINOR. - ------------------------ -Alpha and Beta releases ------------------------ - -Before Taler is considered reasonably stable for actual use, we will -prefix the number "0." to the release version. Thus, all alpha and -beta releases will have a three-digit release number of the form -"0.MAJOR.MINOR". - ------------------------ -Roadmap ------------------------ - -A roadmap with the features we plan to have in each release is -in our bugtracker at The roadmap -is subject to change. -- cgit v1.2.3 From 60dca5e519eb1992a140912156fefc65f3e95763 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 14:18:02 +0100 Subject: Appears? --- docs/index.rst | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst index 6cf25f18..4c68abcf 100644 --- a/docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ GNU Taler Documentation ======================= +Appears? + We are building an anonymous, taxable payment system using modern cryptography. Customers will use traditional money transfers to send money to a digital Exchange and in return receive (anonymized) digital -- cgit v1.2.3 From e117d8a24f4d18c4494cad38211a340277bc9842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Marcello Stanisci Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 14:19:25 +0100 Subject: Reverting previous (test) commit --- docs/index.rst | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) (limited to 'docs') diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst index 4c68abcf..6cf25f18 100644 --- a/docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/index.rst @@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ GNU Taler Documentation ======================= -Appears? - We are building an anonymous, taxable payment system using modern cryptography. Customers will use traditional money transfers to send money to a digital Exchange and in return receive (anonymized) digital -- cgit v1.2.3