path: root/anastasis.rst
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1 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/anastasis.rst b/anastasis.rst
index 1e59a6b1..24010008 100644
--- a/anastasis.rst
+++ b/anastasis.rst
@@ -481,18 +481,18 @@ In the following, UUID is always defined and used according to `RFC 4122`_.
- :status 200 OK:
+ :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
The escrow provider responds with an EncryptedRecoveryDocument_ object.
- :status 304 Not modified:
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
The client requested the same resource it already knows.
- :status 400 Bad request:
+ :http:statuscode:`400 Bad request`:
The $ACCOUNT_PUB is not an EdDSA public key.
- :status 402 Payment Required:
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment Required`:
The account's balance is too low for the specified operation.
See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
- :status 403 Forbidden:
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
The required account signature was invalid.
- :status 404 Not Found:
+ :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`:
The requested resource was not found.
*Anastasis-Version*: $NUMBER --- The server must return actual version of the encrypted recovery document via this header.
@@ -551,24 +551,24 @@ In the following, UUID is always defined and used according to `RFC 4122`_.
- :status 204 No Content:
+ :http:statuscode:`204 No content`:
The encrypted recovery document was accepted and stored. "Anastasis-Version" and "Anastasis-UUID" headers
incidate what version and UUID was assigned to this encrypted recovery document upload by the server.
- :status 304 Not modified:
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
The same encrypted recovery document was previously accepted and stored. "Anastasis-Version" header
incidates what version was previously assigned to this encrypted recovery document.
- :status 400 Bad request:
+ :http:statuscode:`400 Bad request`:
The $ACCOUNT_PUB is not an EdDSA public key or mandatory headers are missing.
The response body MUST elaborate on the error using a Taler error code in the typical JSON encoding.
- :status 402 Payment Required:
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
The account's balance is too low for the specified operation.
See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
- :status 403 Forbidden:
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
The required account signature was invalid. The response body may elaborate on the error.
- :status 409 Conflict:
+ :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`:
The *If-Match* Etag does not match the latest prior version known to the server.
- :status 413 Request Entity Too Large:
+ :http:statuscode:`413 Request entity too large`:
The upload is too large *or* too small. The response body may elaborate on the error.
@@ -683,20 +683,20 @@ charge per truth operation using GNU Taler.
Upload a TruthUploadRequest_-Object according to the policy the client created before (see RecoveryDocument_).
If request has been seen before, the server should do nothing, and otherwise store the new object.
- :status 204 No content:
+ :http:statuscode:`204 No content`:
Truth stored successfully.
- :status 304 Not modified:
+ :http:statuscode:`304 Not modified`:
The same truth was previously accepted and stored under this UUID. The
Anastasis server must still update the expiration time for the truth when returning
this response code.
- :status 402 Payment Required:
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
This server requires payment to store truth per item.
See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
- :status 409 Conflict:
+ :http:statuscode:`409 Conflict`:
The server already has some truth stored under this UUID. The client should check that it
is generating UUIDs with enough entropy.
- :status 412 Precondition Failed:
+ :http:statuscode:`412 Precondition failed`:
The selected authentication method is not supported on this provider.
@@ -744,25 +744,25 @@ charge per truth operation using GNU Taler.
- :status 200 OK:
+ :http:statuscode:`200 OK`:
EncryptedKeyShare_ is returned in body (in binary).
- :status 202 Accepted:
+ :http:statuscode:`202 Accepted`:
The escrow provider will respond out-of-band (i.e. SMS).
The body may contain human-readable instructions on next steps.
- :status 303 See Other:
+ :http:statuscode:`303 See other`:
The provider redirects for authentication (i.e. video identification/WebRTC).
If the client is not a browser, it should launch a browser at the URL
given in the "Location" header and allow the user to re-try the operation
after successful authorization.
- :status 402 Payment Required:
+ :http:statuscode:`402 Payment required`:
The service requires payment for access to truth.
See the Taler payment protocol specification for how to pay.
The response body MAY provide alternative means for payment.
- :status 403 Forbidden:
+ :http:statuscode:`403 Forbidden`:
The server requires a valid "response" to the challenge associated with the UUID.
- :status 404 Not Found:
+ :http:statuscode:`404 Not found`:
The server does not know any truth under the given UUID.
- :status 503 Service Unavailable:
+ :http:statuscode:`503 Service Unavailable`:
Server is out of Service.
*Truth-Decryption-Key*: Key used to encrypt the **truth** (see encrypted_truth within TruthUploadRequest_) and which has to provided by the user. The key is stored with