path: root/core/api-bank.rst
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authorFlorian Dold <>2019-08-29 13:02:55 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-08-29 13:02:55 +0200
commitba9335ec4c3578fdebfbec3072396bcda29d3425 (patch)
tree6d44f540797cba9ed77f28548714ff874141da66 /core/api-bank.rst
parentc3a6698c48f315e124bfd89bbb98564966f89434 (diff)
initial rough import of other docs
Diffstat (limited to 'core/api-bank.rst')
1 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/api-bank.rst b/core/api-bank.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3c8953e
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+++ b/core/api-bank.rst
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+ This file is part of GNU TALER.
+ Copyright (C) 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Taler Systems SA
+ TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+ terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
+ TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+ A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see <>
+ @author Marcello Stanisci
+ @author Christian Grothoff
+Bank API
+This API provides programmatic user registration at the bank.
+.. _bank-register:
+.. http:post:: /register
+**Request** The body of this request must have the format of a `BankRegistrationRequest`_.
+:status 200 OK: The new user has been correctly registered.
+:status 409 Conflict: the username requested by the client is not available anymore
+:status 406 Not Acceptable: unacceptable characters were given for the username. See for the accepted character set.
+.. _BankRegistrationRequest:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankRegistrationRequest {
+ // Username to use for registration; max length is 150 chars.
+ username: string;
+ // Password to associate with the username. Any characters and
+ // any length are valid; next releases will enforce a minimum length
+ // and a safer characters choice.
+ password: string;
+ }
+This API provides programmatic withdrawal of cash via Taler to all the
+users registered at the bank. It triggers a wire transfer from the client
+bank account to the exchange's.
+.. _bank-withdraw:
+.. http:post:: /taler/withdraw
+**Request** The body of this request must have the format of a `BankTalerWithdrawRequest`_.
+:status 200 OK: The withdrawal was correctly initiated, therefore the exchange received the payment. A `BankTalerWithdrawResponse`_ object is returned.
+:status 406 Not Acceptable: the user does not have sufficient credit to fulfill their request.
+:status 404 Not Found: The exchange wire details did not point to any valid bank account.
+.. _BankTalerWithdrawRequest:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankTalerWithdrawRequest {
+ // Authentication method used
+ auth: BankAuth;
+ // Amount to withdraw.
+ amount: Amount;
+ // Reserve public key.
+ reserve_pub: string;
+ // Exchange bank details specified in the 'payto'
+ // format. NOTE: this field is optional, therefore
+ // the bank will initiate the withdrawal with the
+ // default exchange, if not given.
+ exchange_wire_details: string;
+ }
+.. _BankTalerWithdrawResponse:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankTalerWithdrawResponse {
+ // Sender account details in 'payto' format.
+ sender_wire_details: string;
+ // Exchange base URL. Optional: only returned
+ // if the user used the default exchange.
+ exchange_url: string;
+ }
+This API allows one user to send money to another user, within the same "test"
+bank. The user calling it has to authenticate by including his credentials in the
+.. _bank-deposit:
+.. http:post:: /admin/add/incoming
+**Request:** The body of this request must have the format of a `BankDepositRequest`_.
+:status 200 OK: The request has been correctly handled, so the funds have been transferred to the recipient's account. The body is a `BankDepositDetails`_.
+:status 400 Bad Request: The bank replies a `BankError`_ object.
+:status 406 Not Acceptable: The request had wrong currency; the bank replies a `BankError`_ object.
+.. _BankDepositDetails:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankDepositDetails {
+ // Timestamp related to the transaction being made.
+ timestamp: Timestamp;
+ // Row id number identifying the transaction in the bank's
+ // database.
+ row_id: number;
+ }
+.. _BankDepositRequest:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankDepositRequest {
+ // Authentication method used
+ auth: BankAuth;
+ // JSON 'amount' object. The amount the caller wants to transfer
+ // to the recipient's count
+ amount: Amount;
+ // Exchange base URL, used to perform tracking requests against the
+ // wire transfer ID. Note that in the actual bank wire transfer,
+ // the schema may have to be encoded differently, i.e.
+ // "" may become "https" due to
+ // character set restrictions. It is the responsibility of the
+ // wire transfer adapter to properly encode/decode the URL.
+ // Payment service providers must ensure that their URL is short
+ // enough to fit together with the wire transfer identifier into
+ // the wire transfer subject of their respective banking system.
+ exchange_url: string;
+ // The subject of this wire transfer.
+ subject: string;
+ // The sender's account identificator. NOTE, in the current stage
+ // of development this field is _ignored_, as it's always the bank account
+ // of the logged user that plays as the "debit account".
+ // In future releases, a logged user may specify multiple bank accounts
+ // of her/his as the debit account.
+ debit_account: number;
+ // The recipient's account identificator
+ credit_account: number;
+ }
+.. _BankAuth:
+.. _tsref-type-BankAuth:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankAuth {
+ // authentication type. At this stage of development,
+ // only value "basic" is accepted in this field.
+ // The credentials must be indicated in the following HTTP
+ // headers: "X-Taler-Bank-Username" and "X-Taler-Bank-Password".
+ type: string;
+ }
+.. _BankError:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankError {
+ // Human readable explanation of the failure.
+ error: string;
+ // Numeric Taler error code (`enum TALER_ErrorCode`)
+ ec: number;
+ }
+.. http:put:: /reject
+ Rejects an inbound transaction. This can be used by the receiver of a wire transfer to
+ cancel that transaction, nullifying its effect. This basically creates a correcting
+ entry that voids the original transaction. Henceforth, the /history must show
+ the original transaction as "cancelled+" or "cancelled-" for creditor and debitor respectively.
+ This API is used when the exchange receives a wire transfer with an invalid wire
+ transfer subject that fails to decode to a public key.
+ **Request** The body of this request must have the format of a `BankCancelRequest`_.
+ :query auth: authentication method used. At this stage of development, only value `basic` is accepted. Note that username and password need to be given as request's headers. The dedicated headers are: `X-Taler-Bank-Username` and `X-Taler-Bank-Password`.
+ :query row_id: row identifier of the transaction that should be cancelled.
+ :query account_number: bank account for which the incoming transfer was made and for which `auth` provides the authentication data. *Currently ignored*, as multiple bank accounts per user are not implemented yet.
+ .. _BankCancelRequest:
+ .. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankCancelRequest {
+ // Authentication method used
+ auth: BankAuth;
+ // The row id of the wire transfer to cancel
+ row_id: number;
+ // The recipient's account identificator
+ credit_account: number;
+ }
+ **Response** In case of an error, the body is a `BankError`_ object.
+ :status 204 No Content: The request has been correctly handled, so the original transaction was voided. The body is empty.
+ :status 400 Bad Request: The bank replies a `BankError`_ object.
+ :status 404 Not Found: The bank does not know this rowid for this account.
+.. http:get:: /history-range
+ Filters and returns the list of transactions in the time range specified by `start` and `end`
+ **Request**
+ :query auth: authentication method used. At this stage of development, only value `basic` is accepted. Note that username and password need to be given as request's headers. The dedicated headers are: `X-Taler-Bank-Username` and `X-Taler-Bank-Password`.
+ :query start: unix timestamp indicating the oldest transaction accepted in the result.
+ :query end: unix timestamp indicating the youngest transaction accepted in the result.
+ :query direction: argument taking values `debit` or `credit`, according to the caller willing to receive both incoming and outgoing, only outgoing, or only incoming records. Use `both` to return both directions.
+ :query cancelled: argument taking values `omit` or `show` to filter out rejected transactions
+ :query account_number: bank account whose history is to be returned. *Currently ignored*, as multiple bank accounts per user are not implemented yet.
+ :query ordering: can be `descending` or `ascending` and regulates whether the row are returned youger-to-older or vice versa. Defaults to `descending`.
+ **Response**
+ :status 200 OK: JSON object whose field `data` is an array of type `BankTransaction`_.
+ :status 204 No content: in case no records exist for the targeted user.
+.. http:get:: /history
+ Filters and returns the list of transactions of the customer specified in the request.
+ **Request**
+ :query auth: authentication method used. At this stage of development, only value `basic` is accepted. Note that username and password need to be given as request's headers. The dedicated headers are: `X-Taler-Bank-Username` and `X-Taler-Bank-Password`.
+ :query delta: returns the first `N` records younger (older) than `start` if `+N` (`-N`) is specified.
+ :query start: according to `delta`, only those records with row id strictly greater (lesser) than `start` will be returned. This argument is optional; if not given, it defaults to "MAX_UINT64".
+ :query direction: argument taking values `debit` or `credit`, according to the caller willing to receive both incoming and outgoing, only outgoing, or only incoming records. Use `both` to return both directions.
+ :query cancelled: argument taking values `omit` or `show` to filter out rejected transactions
+ :query account_number: bank account whose history is to be returned. *Currently ignored*, as multiple bank accounts per user are not implemented yet.
+ :query ordering: can be `descending` or `ascending` and regulates whether the row are returned youger-to-older or vice versa. Defaults to `descending`.
+ **Response**
+ :status 200 OK: JSON object whose field `data` is an array of type `BankTransaction`_.
+ :status 204 No content: in case no records exist for the targeted user.
+.. _BankTransaction:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface BankTransaction {
+ // identification number of the record
+ row_id: number;
+ // Date of the transaction
+ date: Timestamp;
+ // Amount transferred
+ amount: Amount;
+ // "-" if the transfer was outgoing, "+" if it was
+ // incoming; "cancel+" or "cancel-" if the transfer
+ // was /reject-ed by the receiver.
+ sign: string;
+ // Bank account number of the other party involved in the
+ // transaction.
+ counterpart: number;
+ // Wire transfer subject line.
+ wt_subject: string;
+ }
+ The counterpart currently only points to the same bank as
+ the client using the bank. A reasonable improvement is to
+ specify a bank URL too, so that Taler can run across multiple
+ banks.
+Interactions with wallet
+A bank and a wallet need to communicate for (1) make some elements visible
+only if the wallet is installed, (2) exchange information when the user withdraws
+Make elements visible.
+This feature works via CSS injection from the wallet. To enable it, the
+page must contain the ``<html data-taler-nojs="true">`` element, so that
+the wallet will do the injection.
+Whenever a element ``<x>`` needs to be visualized (hidden) if the wallet is
+installed, the special class ``taler-installed-show`` (``taler-installed-hide``)
+must be added to ``x``, as follows:
+* ``<x class="taler-installed-show">y</x>`` will make ``y`` visible.
+* ``<x class="taler-installed-hide">y</x>`` will make ``y`` visible.
+Clearly, a fallback page must be provided, which will be useful if the
+wallet is *not* installed. This special page will hide any element of
+the class ``taler-install-show``; it can be downloaded at the following
+URL: ``git://``.
+Withdrawing coins.
+After the user confirms the withdrawal, the bank must return a `202 Accepted` response,
+along with the following HTTP headers:
+* ``X-Taler-Operation: create-reserve``
+* ``X-Taler-Callback-Url: <callback_url>``; this URL will be automatically visited by the wallet after the user confirms the exchange.
+* ``X-Taler-Wt-Types: '["test"]'``; stringified JSON list of supported wire transfer types (only 'test' supported so far).
+* ``X-Taler-Amount: <amount_string>``; stringified Taler-style JSON :ref:`amount <amount>`.
+* ``X-Taler-Sender-Wire: <wire_details>``; stringified WireDetails_.
+* ``X-Taler-Suggested-Exchange: <URL>``; this header is optional, and ``<URL>`` is the suggested exchange URL as given in the `SUGGESTED_EXCHANGE` configuration option.
+.. _WireDetails:
+.. code-block:: tsref
+ interface WireDetails {
+ type: string; // Only 'test' value admitted so far.
+ bank_uri: URL of the bank.
+ account_number: bank account number of the user attempting to withdraw.
+ }
+After the user confirms the exchange to withdraw coins from, the wallet will
+visit the callback URL, in order to let the user answer some security questions
+and provide all relevant data to create a reserve.
+.. note::
+ Currently, the bank is in charge of creating the reserve at the chosen
+ exchange. In future, the exchange will "poll" its bank account and automatically
+ creating a reserve whenever it receives any funds, without any bank's
+ intervention.
+The callback URL implements the following API.
+.. http:get:: <callback_url>
+ **Request**
+ :query amount_value: integer part of the amount to be withdrawn.
+ :query amount_fraction: fractional part of the amount to be withdrawn.
+ :query amount_currency: currency of the amount to be withdrawn.
+ :query exchange: base URL of the exchange where the reserve is to be created.
+ :query reserve_pub: public key of the reserve to create.
+ :query exchange_wire_details: stringification of the chosen exchange's WireDetails_.
+ **Response**
+ Because the wallet is not supposed to take action according to this response,
+ the bank implementers are not required to return any particular status code here.
+ For example, our demonstrator bank always redirects the browser to the user's
+ profile page and let them know the outcome via a informational bar.