path: root/_exts/
diff options
authorFlorian Dold <>2019-09-27 00:54:16 +0200
committerFlorian Dold <>2019-09-27 00:55:03 +0200
commita1ce922c1efc95e963ce7d2ff694de4e78b4a1c9 (patch)
tree2fde3128eeba8693b9e9c94a6ed75771c7e3c3cc /_exts/
parentc3d555524c2ed5287be3bce75d9e41c4de023956 (diff)
replace old extension with new one
Diffstat (limited to '_exts/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/_exts/ b/_exts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be6f29f..00000000
--- a/_exts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-from pygments.token import *
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, ExtendedRegexLexer, bygroups, using, \
- include, this
-import re
-class BetterTypeScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `TypeScript <>`_ source code.
- """
- name = 'TypeScript'
- aliases = ['ts']
- filenames = ['*.ts']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-typescript']
- flags = re.DOTALL
- tokens = {
- 'commentsandwhitespace': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'<!--', Comment),
- (r'//.*?\n', Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline)
- ],
- 'slashstartsregex': [
- include('commentsandwhitespace'),
- (r'/(\\.|[^[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*])+/'
- r'([gim]+\b|\B)', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- (r'(?=/)', Text, ('#pop', 'badregex')),
- (r'', Text, '#pop')
- ],
- 'badregex': [
- (r'\n', Text, '#pop')
- ],
- 'typeexp': [
- (r'[a-zA-Z]+', Keyword.Type),
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'[|]', Text),
- (r'\n', Text, "#pop"),
- (r';', Text, "#pop"),
- (r'', Text, "#pop"),
- ],
- 'root': [
- (r'^(?=\s|/|<!--)', Text, 'slashstartsregex'),
- include('commentsandwhitespace'),
- (r'\+\+|--|~|&&|\?|:|\|\||\\(?=\n)|'
- r'(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*%&\|\^/])=?', Operator, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'[{(\[;,]', Punctuation, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'[})\].]', Punctuation),
- (r'(for|in|while|do|break|return|continue|switch|case|default|if|else|'
- r'throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void|'
- r'this)\b', Keyword, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'(var|let|const|with|function)\b', Keyword.Declaration, 'slashstartsregex'),
- (r'(abstract|boolean|byte|char|class|const|debugger|double|enum|export|'
- r'extends|final|float|goto|implements|import|int|interface|long|native|'
- r'package|private|protected|public|short|static|super|synchronized|throws|'
- r'transient|volatile)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- (r'(true|false|null|NaN|Infinity|undefined)\b', Keyword.Constant),
- (r'(Array|Boolean|Date|Error|Function|Math|netscape|'
- r'Number|Object|Packages|RegExp|String|sun|decodeURI|'
- r'decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|'
- r'Error|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|document|this|'
- r'window)\b', Name.Builtin),
- # Match stuff like: module name {...}
- (r'\b(module)(\s*)(\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_?.$][\w?.$]*)(\s*)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Other, Text), 'slashstartsregex'),
- # Match variable type keywords
- (r'\b(string|bool|number)\b', Keyword.Type),
- # Match stuff like: constructor
- (r'\b(constructor|declare|interface|as|AS)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
- # Match stuff like: super(argument, list)
- (r'(super)(\s*)\(([a-zA-Z0-9,_?.$\s]+\s*)\)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text), 'slashstartsregex'),
- # Match stuff like: function() {...}
- (r'([a-zA-Z_?.$][\w?.$]*)\(\) \{', Name.Other, 'slashstartsregex'),
- # Match stuff like: (function: return type)
- (r'([a-zA-Z0-9_?.$][\w?.$]*)(\s*:\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9_?.$][\w?.$]*)',
- bygroups(Name.Other, Text, Keyword.Type)),
- # Match stuff like: type Foo = Bar | Baz
- (r'\b(type)(\s*)([a-zA-Z0-9_?.$]+)(\s*)(=)(\s*)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Other, Text, Operator, Text), 'typeexp'),
- (r'[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name.Other),
- (r'[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?[fd]?', Number.Float),
- (r'0x[0-9a-fA-F]+', Number.Hex),
- (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
- (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String.Double),
- (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
- ]
- }