Installation ============ #. Install django-payments .. code-block:: bash $ pip install django-payments #. Add the callback processor to your URL router:: # from django.conf.urls import include, url urlpatterns = [ url('^payments/', include('payments.urls'))] #. Define a :class:`Payment` model by subclassing :class:`payments.models.BasePayment`:: # mypaymentapp/ from decimal import Decimal from payments import PurchasedItem from payments.models import BasePayment class Payment(BasePayment): def get_failure_url(self): return '' def get_success_url(self): return '' def get_purchased_items(self): # you'll probably want to retrieve these from an associated order yield PurchasedItem(name='The Hound of the Baskervilles', sku='BSKV', quantity=9, price=Decimal(10), currency='USD') The :meth:`get_purchased_items` method should return an iterable yielding instances of :class:`payments.PurchasedItem`. #. Write a view that will handle the payment. You can obtain a form instance by passing POST data to ``payment.get_form()``:: # mypaymentapp/ from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect from django.template.response import TemplateResponse from payments import get_payment_model, RedirectNeeded def payment_details(request, payment_id): payment = get_object_or_404(get_payment_model(), id=payment_id) try: form = payment.get_form(data=request.POST or None) except RedirectNeeded as redirect_to: return redirect(str(redirect_to)) return TemplateResponse(request, 'payment.html', {'form': form, 'payment': payment}) .. note:: Please note that :meth:`Payment.get_form` may raise a :exc:`RedirectNeeded` exception. #. Prepare a template that displays the form using its *action* and *method*: .. code-block:: html
{{ form.as_p }}

#. Configure your ````:: # INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ... 'payments'] PAYMENT_HOST = 'localhost:8000' PAYMENT_USES_SSL = False PAYMENT_MODEL = 'mypaymentapp.Payment' PAYMENT_VARIANTS = { 'default': ('payments.dummy.DummyProvider', {})} Variants are named pairs of payment providers and their configuration. .. note:: Variant names are used in URLs so it's best to stick to ASCII. .. note:: PAYMENT_HOST can also be a callable object.