use core::panic; use std::{collections::HashSet, iter::repeat_with, panic::AssertUnwindSafe}; use bitcoincore_rpc::{ bitcoin::{Address, Amount, Txid}, json::GetTransactionResultDetailCategory as Category, jsonrpc::{ error::RpcError, serde_json::{json, Value}, }, Client, RpcApi, }; use btc_wire::{ rpc_patch::RpcErrorCode, rpc_utils::{ common_rpc, default_data_dir, dirty_guess_network, wallet_rpc, Network, CLIENT, WIRE, }, test::rand_key, BounceErr, ClientExtended, }; use owo_colors::OwoColorize; const RESERVE: &str = "reserve"; /// Instrumentation test pub fn main() { let test_amount = Amount::from_sat(1500); let data_dir = default_data_dir(); // Network check let network = dirty_guess_network(&data_dir); match network { Network::MainNet => { panic!("Do not run tests on the mainnet, you are going to loose money") } Network::TestNet => println!("{}", "Running on testnet, slow network mining".yellow()), Network::RegTest => println!("Running on regtest, fast manual mining"), } // Wallet check { let existing_wallets: HashSet = std::fs::read_dir(data_dir.join(network.dir()).join("wallets")) .unwrap() .filter_map(|it| it.ok()) .map(|it| it.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string()) .collect(); let rpc = common_rpc(&data_dir, network).expect("Failed to open common client"); if !existing_wallets.contains(CLIENT) || !existing_wallets.contains(WIRE) || !existing_wallets.contains(RESERVE) { println!("Generate tests wallets"); // Create wallets rpc.create_wallet(WIRE, None, None, None, None).ok(); rpc.create_wallet(CLIENT, None, None, None, None).ok(); rpc.create_wallet(RESERVE, None, None, None, None).ok(); } // Load wallets rpc.load_wallet(WIRE).ok(); rpc.load_wallet(CLIENT).ok(); rpc.load_wallet(RESERVE).ok(); } // Client initialization let client_rpc = wallet_rpc(&data_dir, network, CLIENT); let wire_rpc = wallet_rpc(&data_dir, network, WIRE); let reserve_rpc = wallet_rpc(&data_dir, network, RESERVE); let client_addr = client_rpc.get_new_address(None, None).unwrap(); let wire_addr = wire_rpc.get_new_address(None, None).unwrap(); let reserve_addr = reserve_rpc.get_new_address(None, None).unwrap(); let next_block = || { match network { Network::RegTest => { // Manually mine a block reserve_rpc.generate_to_address(1, &reserve_addr).unwrap(); } _ => { // Wait for next network block reserve_rpc.wait_for_new_block(0).ok(); } } }; let wait_for_tx = |rpc: &Client, txs: &[Txid]| { let mut count = 0; while txs .iter() .any(|id| rpc.get_transaction(id, None).unwrap().info.confirmations <= 0) { next_block(); if count > 3 { panic!("Transaction no sended after 4 blocks"); } count += 1; } }; // Balance check { // Transfer all wire money to client let wire_balance = wire_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); wire_rpc .send_to_address( &client_addr, wire_balance, None, None, Some(true), None, None, None, ) .ok(); // Transfer all wire money to client let reserve_balance = reserve_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); reserve_rpc .send_to_address( &client_addr, reserve_balance, None, None, Some(true), None, None, None, ) .ok(); next_block(); let balance = client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); let min_balance = test_amount * 3; if balance < min_balance { println!( "{}", format_args!( "Client wallet have only {}, {} are required to perform the test", balance, min_balance ) .yellow() ); match network { Network::MainNet | Network::TestNet => { if network == Network::MainNet { println!("Send coins to this address: {}", client_addr); } else { println!("Request coins from a faucet such as to this address: {}", client_addr); } println!("Waiting for the transaction..."); while client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap() < min_balance { client_rpc.wait_for_new_block(0).ok(); } } Network::RegTest => { println!("Add 50B to client wallet"); client_rpc .generate_to_address( 101, /* Need 100 blocks to validate */ &client_addr, ) .unwrap(); } } } println!( "Initial state:\n{} {}\n{} {}", WIRE, wire_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(), CLIENT, client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap() ); } let mut runner = TestRunner::new(); runner.test("OpReturn metadata", || { // Send metadata let msg = "J'aime le chocolat".as_bytes(); let id = client_rpc .send_op_return(&wire_addr, test_amount, msg) .unwrap(); // Check in mempool assert!( tx_exist(&client_rpc, &id, 0, Category::Send).unwrap(), "Not in mempool" ); // Check mined wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[id]); assert!( tx_exist(&wire_rpc, &id, 1, Category::Receive).unwrap(), "Not mined" ); // Check extract let (_, extracted) = wire_rpc.get_tx_op_return(&id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(msg, extracted, "Corrupted metadata"); }); runner.test("SegWit metadata", || { // Send metadata let key = rand_key(); let id = client_rpc .send_segwit_key(&wire_addr, test_amount, &key) .unwrap(); // Check in mempool assert!( tx_exist(&client_rpc, &id, 0, Category::Send).unwrap(), "Not in mempool" ); // Check mined wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[id]); assert!( tx_exist(&wire_rpc, &id, 1, Category::Receive).unwrap(), "Not mined" ); // Check extract let (_, extracted) = wire_rpc.get_tx_segwit_key(&id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(key, extracted, "Corrupted metadata"); }); let bounce_fee = Amount::from_sat(300); runner.test("Bounce simple", || { let before = client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); let send_id = client_rpc .send_to_address(&wire_addr, test_amount, None, None, None, None, None, None) .unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[send_id]); let bounce_id = wire_rpc.bounce(&send_id, bounce_fee).unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&wire_rpc, &[bounce_id]); let bounce_tx_fee = wire_rpc.get_transaction(&bounce_id, None).unwrap().details[0] .fee .unwrap() .abs() .to_unsigned() .unwrap(); let send_tx_fee = client_rpc.get_transaction(&send_id, None).unwrap().details[0] .fee .unwrap() .abs() .to_unsigned() .unwrap(); let after = client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); assert!(before >= after); assert_eq!(before - after, bounce_tx_fee + bounce_fee + send_tx_fee); }); runner.test("Bounce minimal amount", || { let send_id = client_rpc .send_to_address( &wire_addr, Amount::from_sat(294), None, None, None, None, None, None, ) .unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[send_id]); assert!(match wire_rpc.bounce(&send_id, bounce_fee) { Ok(_) => false, Err(err) => match err { BounceErr::AmountLessThanFee => true, _ => false, }, }); }); runner.test("Bounce too small amount", || { let send_id = client_rpc .send_to_address( &wire_addr, Amount::from_sat(294) + bounce_fee, None, None, None, None, None, None, ) .unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[send_id]); assert!(match wire_rpc.bounce(&send_id, bounce_fee) { Ok(_) => false, Err(err) => match err { BounceErr::RPC(bitcoincore_rpc::Error::JsonRpc( bitcoincore_rpc::jsonrpc::Error::Rpc(RpcError { code, .. }), )) => code == RpcErrorCode::RpcWalletInsufficientFunds as i32, _ => false, }, }); }); runner.test("Bounce complex", || { // Generate 6 new addresses let addresses: Vec
= repeat_with(|| client_rpc.get_new_address(None, None).unwrap()) .take(6) .collect(); // Send transaction to self with 1, 2 and 3 outputs let txs: Vec = [&addresses[0..1], &addresses[1..3], &addresses[3..]] .into_iter() .map(|addresses| { let hex: String = client_rpc .call( "createrawtransaction", &[ Value::Array(vec![]), Value::Array( addresses .iter() .map(|addr| json!({&addr.to_string(): test_amount.as_btc()})) .collect(), ), ], ) .unwrap(); let funded = client_rpc.fund_raw_transaction(hex, None, None).unwrap(); let signed = client_rpc .sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet(&funded.hex, None, None) .unwrap(); client_rpc.send_raw_transaction(&signed.hex).unwrap() }) .collect(); wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, txs.as_slice()); let before = client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); // Send a transaction with multiple input from multiple transaction of different outputs len let hex: String = client_rpc .call( "createrawtransaction", &[ Value::Array( txs.into_iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, tx)| { json!({ "txid": tx.to_string(), "vout": i, }) }) .collect(), ), json!([ {&wire_addr.to_string(): (test_amount*3).as_btc()} ]), ], ) .unwrap(); let funded = client_rpc.fund_raw_transaction(hex, None, None).unwrap(); let signed = client_rpc .sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet(&funded.hex, None, None) .unwrap(); let send_id = client_rpc.send_raw_transaction(&signed.hex).unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&client_rpc, &[send_id]); let bounce_id = wire_rpc.bounce(&send_id, bounce_fee).unwrap(); wait_for_tx(&wire_rpc, &[bounce_id]); let after = client_rpc.get_balance(None, None).unwrap(); let bounce_tx_fee = wire_rpc.get_transaction(&bounce_id, None).unwrap().details[0] .fee .unwrap() .abs() .to_unsigned() .unwrap(); let send_tx_fee = client_rpc.get_transaction(&send_id, None).unwrap().details[0] .fee .unwrap() .abs() .to_unsigned() .unwrap(); assert!(before >= after); assert_eq!(before - after, bounce_tx_fee + bounce_fee + send_tx_fee); }); runner.conclude(); } /// Check a specific transaction exist in a wallet historic fn tx_exist( rpc: &Client, id: &Txid, min_confirmation: i32, detail: Category, ) -> bitcoincore_rpc::Result { let txs = rpc.list_transactions(None, None, None, None).unwrap(); let found = txs.into_iter().any(|tx| { tx.detail.category == detail && >= min_confirmation && == *id }); Ok(found) } /// Run test track success and errors struct TestRunner { nb_ok: usize, nb_err: usize, } impl TestRunner { fn new() -> Self { Self { nb_err: 0, nb_ok: 0, } } fn test(&mut self, name: &str, test: impl FnOnce()) { println!("{}", name.cyan()); let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(test)); if result.is_ok() { println!("{}", "OK".green()); self.nb_ok += 1; } else { dbg!(&result); println!("{}", "ERR".red()); self.nb_err += 1; } } /// Wait for tests completion and print results fn conclude(self) { println!( "Result for {} tests: {} ok and {} err", self.nb_ok + self.nb_err, self.nb_ok, self.nb_err ); } }