# splitops Splitops is a script to allow execution of commands only after the approval of multiple users. It is intended to be used with OpenSSH by specifiying it as the "command" option for authorized users in `~/.ssh/authorized_keys`. For example, consider following `authorized_keys` file for the user `root`: ``` command="/bin/splitops --user=alice" [... key of alice ...] command="/bin/splitops --user=bob" [... key of bob ...] ``` This allows Alice and Bob to jointly run commands: ``` bob$ ssh root@server propose rm -rf /opt/something authenticated as: bob requested command: ['rm', '-rf', '/opt/something'] assigned id: ccafbd bob$ ssh root@server approve ccafbd alice$ ssh root@server get {'cmd': ['rm', '-rf', '/opt/something'], 'request_id': 'ccafbd'} alice$ ssh root@server approve ccafbd bob$ ssh root@server run ccafbd ==stdout== ... ==== ==stderr== ... ==== exit status: 0 ```