#!/bin/bash # args: $1 base Dockerfile, $2 optional tags file set -e usage () { echo Usage: ./build_base.sh [-h, --help] echo echo Builds the taler_local/taler_base base image, echo using the buildconfig/tags.sh, a bash file containing environment echo variables definitions to specify to which Git tag each Taler echo component should be pulled. } for helpOpt in "-h" "--help"; do if test "$helpOpt" = "${1:-}"; then usage exit 0 fi done if ! which realpath > /dev/null; then echo "Please install 'realpath' (coreutils)" fi DOCKER_FILE="images/base/Dockerfile" if [[ ! -e $DOCKER_FILE ]]; then echo Base Dockerfile: $DOCKER_FILE not found. exit 1 fi # Allows extra features to conditionally copy files # from the host during the build. That solves the # case where the tag file is not given. export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 exec docker build --no-cache \ -t taler_local/taler_base \ -f $DOCKER_FILE .