#!/usr/bin/env bash # This scripts provisions all configuration and # services for the Taler sandcastle container. # # Important: This script needs to be completely # idempotent, nothing must break if it is executed # multiple times. set -eu set -x if [[ ! -z "${SANDCASTLE_SKIP_SETUP:-}" ]]; then echo "skipping sandcastle setup, requested by environment var SANDCASTLE_SKIP_SETUP" exit 1 fi echo "Provisioning sandcastle" # General configuration. # Might eventually be moved to an external file. CURRENCY=KUDOS EXCHANGE_IBAN=DE159593 EXCHANGE_PLAIN_PAYTO=payto://iban/$EXCHANGE_IBAN EXCHANGE_FULL_PAYTO="payto://iban/$EXCHANGE_IBAN?receiver-name=Sandcastle+Echange+Inc" EXCHANGE_BANK_PASSWORD=sandbox # Randomly generated IBANs for the merchants MERCHANT_IBAN_DEFAULT=DE5135717 MERCHANT_IBAN_POS=DE4218710 MERCHANT_IBAN_BLOG=DE8292195 MERCHANT_IBAN_GNUNET=DE9709960 MERCHANT_IBAN_TALER=DE1740597 MERCHANT_IBAN_TOR=DE2648777 MERCHANT_IBAN_SURVEY=DE0793060 MYDOMAIN=demo.taler.net LANDING_DOMAIN=$MYDOMAIN BANK_DOMAIN=bank.$MYDOMAIN EXCHANGE_DOMAIN=exchange.$MYDOMAIN MERCHANT_DOMAIN=backend.$MYDOMAIN BLOG_DOMAIN=shop.$MYDOMAIN DONATIONS_DOMAIN=donations.$MYDOMAIN SURVEY_DOMAIN=survey.$MYDOMAIN # Ports of the services running inside the container. # Should be synchronized with the sandcastle-run script. PORT_INTERNAL_EXCHANGE=8201 PORT_INTERNAL_MERCHANT=8301 PORT_INTERNAL_LIBEUFIN_BANK=8080 PORT_INTERNAL_LANDING=8501 PORT_INTERNAL_BLOG=8502 PORT_INTERNAL_DONATIONS=8503 PORT_INTERNAL_SURVEY=8504 PORT_INTERNAL_BANK_SPA=8505 # Just make sure the services are stopped systemctl stop taler-exchange.target systemctl stop taler-merchant-httpd.service systemctl stop postgresql.service systemctl stop taler-demo-landing.service systemctl stop taler-demo-blog.service systemctl stop taler-demo-donations.service systemctl stop taler-demo-survey.service systemctl stop libeufin-bank.service # We now make sure that some important locations are symlinked to # the persistent storage volume. # Files that already exist in this location are moved to the storage volume # and then symlinked. # These locations are: # /etc/taler # /etc/libeufin-bank # /var/lib/taler # postgres DB directory function lift_dir() { src=$1 target=$2 if [[ -L "$src" ]]; then # be idempotent echo "$src is already a symlink" elif [[ -d /talerdata/$target ]]; then echo "symlinking existing /talerdata/$target" rm -rf "$src" ln -s "/talerdata/$target" "$src" else echo "symlinking new /talerdata/$target" mv "$src" "/talerdata/$target" ln -s "/talerdata/$target" "$src" fi } lift_dir /var/lib/taler var-lib-taler lift_dir /etc/taler etc-taler lift_dir /etc/libeufin-bank etc-libeufin-bank lift_dir /var/lib/postgresql var-lib-postgresql lift_dir /usr/share/taler/terms usr-share-taler-terms # Caddy configuration. # We use the caddy reverse proxy with automatic # internal TLS setup to ensure that the services are # reachable inside the container without any external # DNS setup under the same domain name and with TLS # from inside the container. systemctl stop caddy.service cat < /etc/caddy/Caddyfile https://$BANK_DOMAIN { tls internal reverse_proxy :8080 { # libeufin-bank should eventually not require this anymore, # but currently doesn't work without this header. header_up X-Forwarded-Prefix "" } } https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN { tls internal reverse_proxy unix//run/taler/exchange-httpd/exchange-http.sock } https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN { tls internal reverse_proxy unix//run/taler/merchant-httpd/merchant-http.sock } # Services that only listen on unix domain sockets # are reverse-proxied to serve on a TCP port. :$PORT_INTERNAL_EXCHANGE { reverse_proxy unix//run/taler/exchange-httpd/exchange-http.sock } :$PORT_INTERNAL_MERCHANT { reverse_proxy unix//run/taler/merchant-httpd/merchant-http.sock } :$PORT_INTERNAL_BANK_SPA { root * /usr/share/libeufin-bank/spa root /demobank-ui-settings.js /etc/libeufin-bank/ file_server } EOF cat <> /etc/hosts # Start of Taler Sandcastle Domains $LANDING_DOMAIN $BANK_DOMAIN $EXCHANGE_DOMAIN $MERCHANT_DOMAIN $BLOG_DOMAIN $DONATIONS_DOMAIN $SURVEY_DOMAIN # End of Taler Sandcastle Domains EOF systemctl start caddy.service # Install local, internal CA certs for caddy caddy trust systemctl start postgresql.service # Set up bank BANK_DB=libeufinbank # Use "|| true" to continue if these already exist. sudo -i -u postgres createuser -d libeufin-bank || true sudo -i -u postgres createdb -O libeufin-bank $BANK_DB || true sudo -i -u libeufin-bank libeufin-bank dbinit cat </etc/libeufin-bank/libeufin-bank.conf [libeufin-bank] CURRENCY = $CURRENCY DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_LIMIT = $CURRENCY:200 DEFAULT_ADMIN_DEBT_LIMIT = $CURRENCY:2000 REGISTRATION_BONUS = $CURRENCY:100 REGISTRATION_BONUS_ENABLED = yes SPA_CAPTCHA_URL = https://$BANK_DOMAIN/webui/#/operation/{woid} SUGGESTED_WITHDRAWAL_EXCHANGE = https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN/ EOF cat </etc/libeufin-bank/demobank-ui-settings.js globalThis.talerDemobankSettings = { // Only Admin adds users allowRegistrations: false, bankName: "Taler Bank", allowRegistrations: true, simplePasswordForRandomAccounts: true, allowRandomAccountCreation: true, // Show explainer text and navbar to other demo sites showDemoNav: false, demoSites: [ ["Landing", "https://$LANDING_DOMAIN/"], ["Bank", "https://$BANK_DOMAIN/"], ["Essay Shop", "https://$BLOG_DOMAIN/"], ["Donations", "https://$DONATIONS_DOMAIN/"], ["Survey", "https://$SURVEY_DOMAIN/"], ], backendBaseURL: "https://$BANK_DOMAIN/", }; EOF systemctl enable --now libeufin-bank.service # TODO: Create accounts for exchange and merchants taler-harness deployment wait-taler-service libeufin-bank https://$BANK_DOMAIN/config taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login exchange --exchange --public \ --payto $EXCHANGE_PLAIN_PAYTO \ --name Exchange \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-default --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_DEFAULT" \ --name "Default Demo Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-pos --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_POS" \ --name "PoS Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-blog --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_BLOG" \ --name "Blog Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-gnunet --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_GNUNET" \ --name "GNUnet Donations Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-taler --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_TALER" \ --name "Taler Donations Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-tor --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_TOR" \ --name "Tor Donations Merchant" \ --password sandbox taler-harness deployment provision-bank-account https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ \ --login merchant-survey --public \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_SURVEY" \ --name "Tor Survey Merchant" \ --password sandbox # Set up exchange MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY=$(sudo -i -u taler-exchange-offline taler-exchange-offline -LDEBUG setup) EXCHANGE_DB=talerexchange # Use "|| true" to continue if these already exist. sudo -i -u postgres createuser -d taler-exchange-httpd || true sudo -i -u postgres createuser taler-exchange-wire || true sudo -i -u postgres createuser taler-exchange-closer || true sudo -i -u postgres createuser taler-exchange-aggregator || true sudo -i -u postgres createdb -O taler-exchange-httpd $EXCHANGE_DB || true # Generate /etc/taler/conf.d/setup.conf cat < /etc/taler/conf.d/setup.conf [taler] CURRENCY = $CURRENCY CURRENCY_ROUND_UNIT = $CURRENCY:0.01 [currency-$CURRENCY] ENABLED = YES name = "$CURRENCY (Taler Demonstrator)" code = "$CURRENCY" decimal_separator = "." fractional_input_digits = 2 fractional_normal_digits = 2 fractional_trailing_zero_digits = 2 is_currency_name_leading = NO alt_unit_names = {"0":"$CURRENCY"} [exchange] AML_THRESHOLD = $CURRENCY:1000000 MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY = $MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY BASE_URL = https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN/ [exchange-account-default] PAYTO_URI = $EXCHANGE_FULL_PAYTO ENABLE_DEBIT = YES ENABLE_CREDIT = YES @inline-secret@ exchange-accountcredentials-default ../secrets/exchange-accountcredentials-default.secret.conf EOF cat </etc/taler/secrets/exchange-db.secret.conf [exchangedb-postgres] CONFIG=postgres:///${EXCHANGE_DB} EOF chmod 440 /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-db.secret.conf chown root:taler-exchange-db /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-db.secret.conf cat < /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-accountcredentials-default.secret.conf [exchange-accountcredentials-default] WIRE_GATEWAY_URL = https://$BANK_DOMAIN/accounts/exchange/taler-wire-gateway/ WIRE_GATEWAY_AUTH_METHOD = basic USERNAME = exchange PASSWORD = ${EXCHANGE_BANK_PASSWORD} EOF chmod 400 /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-accountcredentials-default.secret.conf chown taler-exchange-wire:taler-exchange-db /etc/taler/secrets/exchange-accountcredentials-default.secret.conf if [[ ! -e /etc/taler/conf.d/$CURRENCY-coins.conf ]]; then # Only create if necessary, as each [COIN-...] section # has a unique name with a timestamp. taler-harness deployment gen-coin-config \ --min-amount "${CURRENCY}:0.01" \ --max-amount "${CURRENCY}:100" \ >"/etc/taler/conf.d/$CURRENCY-coins.conf" fi echo "Initializing exchange database" sudo -u taler-exchange-httpd taler-exchange-dbinit -LDEBUG -c /etc/taler/taler.conf echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-wire";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-wire";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-wire";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-wire";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-closer";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-closer";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-closer";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-closer";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA exchange TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} echo 'GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA _v TO "taler-exchange-aggregator";' | sudo -i -u postgres psql -f - ${EXCHANGE_DB} # # The ToS generator is currently borked, we don't generated ToS until that's fixed. TOS_PATH=/usr/share/taler/terms if [[ ! -e "$TOS_PATH/stamp-generated" ]]; then # ToS generator is picky about the path that it is being run from cd $TOS_PATH taler-terms-generator -i exchange-tos-v0 -a "Taler Systems SA" -C "Taler Systems SA" -p a4 -o $TOS_PATH -l en taler-terms-generator -i exchange-pp-v0 -a "Taler Systems SA" -C "Taler Systems SA" -p a4 -o $TOS_PATH -l en taler-terms-generator -i exchange-tos-v0 -a "Taler Systems SA" -C "Taler Systems SA" -p a4 -o $TOS_PATH taler-terms-generator -i exchange-pp-v0 -a "Taler Systems SA" -C "Taler Systems SA" -p a4 -o $TOS_PATH touch "$TOS_PATH/stamp-generated" cd - fi systemctl enable --now taler-exchange.target taler-harness deployment wait-taler-service taler-exchange https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN/config taler-harness deployment wait-endpoint https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN/management/keys sudo -i -u taler-exchange-offline \ taler-exchange-offline \ -c /etc/taler/taler.conf \ download \ sign \ upload sudo -i -u taler-exchange-offline \ taler-exchange-offline \ enable-account "${EXCHANGE_FULL_PAYTO}" \ wire-fee now iban "${CURRENCY}":0 "${CURRENCY}":0 \ global-fee now "${CURRENCY}":0 "${CURRENCY}":0 "${CURRENCY}":0 1h 6a 0 \ upload # Set up merchant backend MERCHANT_DB=talermerchant # Use "|| true" to continue if these already exist. sudo -i -u postgres createuser -d taler-merchant-httpd || true sudo -i -u postgres createdb -O taler-merchant-httpd $MERCHANT_DB || true cat </etc/taler/secrets/merchant-db.secret.conf [merchantdb-postgres] CONFIG=postgres:///${MERCHANT_DB} EOF chmod 440 /etc/taler/secrets/merchant-db.secret.conf chown taler-merchant-httpd:root /etc/taler/secrets/merchant-db.secret.conf sudo -u taler-merchant-httpd taler-merchant-dbinit -c /etc/taler/taler.conf cat </etc/taler/conf.d/merchant-exchanges.conf [merchant-exchange-sandcastle] EXCHANGE_BASE_URL = https://$EXCHANGE_DOMAIN/ MASTER_KEY = $MASTER_PUBLIC_KEY CURRENCY = $CURRENCY EOF systemctl enable --now taler-merchant-httpd taler-harness deployment wait-taler-service taler-merchant https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/config taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name Merchant \ --id default \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_DEFAULT?receiver-name=Merchant" taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name "POS Merchant" \ --id pos \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_POS?receiver-name=POS+Merchant" taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name "Blog Merchant" \ --id blog \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_BLOG?receiver-name=Blog+Merchant" taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name "GNUnet Merchant" \ --id gnunet \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_GNUNET?receiver-name=GNUnet+Merchant" taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name "Taler Merchant" \ --id taler \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_TALER?receiver-name=Taler+Merchant" taler-harness deployment provision-merchant-instance \ https://$MERCHANT_DOMAIN/ \ --management-token secret-token:sandbox \ --instance-token secret-token:sandbox \ --name "Tor Merchant" \ --id tor \ --payto "payto://iban/$MERCHANT_IBAN_TOR?receiver-name=Tor+Merchant" # Now we set up the taler-merchant-demos cat </etc/taler/taler-merchant-frontends.conf # Different entry point, we need to repeat some settings. # In the future, taler-merchant-demos should become # robust enough to read from the main config. [taler] CURRENCY = $CURRENCY [frontends] BACKEND = https://backend.demo.taler.net/ BACKEND_APIKEY = secret-token:sandbox [landing] SERVE = http HTTP_PORT = $PORT_INTERNAL_LANDING [blog] SERVE = http HTTP_PORT = $PORT_INTERNAL_BLOG [donations] SERVE = http HTTP_PORT = $PORT_INTERNAL_DONATIONS [survey] SERVE = http HTTP_PORT = $PORT_INTERNAL_SURVEY EOF # This really should not exist, the taler-merchant-frontends # should be easier to configure! cat </etc/taler/taler-merchant-frontends.env TALER_ENV_URL_INTRO=https://$LANDING_DOMAIN/ TALER_ENV_URL_LANDING=https://$LANDING_DOMAIN/ TALER_ENV_URL_BANK=https://$BANK_DOMAIN/ TALER_ENV_URL_MERCHANT_BLOG=https://$BLOG_DOMAIN/ TALER_ENV_URL_MERCHANT_DONATIONS=https://$DONATIONS_DOMAIN/ TALER_ENV_URL_MERCHANT_SURVEY=https://$SURVEY_DOMAIN/ EOF systemctl enable --now taler-demo-landing systemctl enable --now taler-demo-blog systemctl enable --now taler-demo-donations systemctl enable --now taler-demo-survey # FIXME: Maybe do some taler-wallet-cli test? # FIXME: How do we report errors occurring during the setup script?