#!/bin/bash # This file is in the public domain. set -eu source functions.sh source config/user.conf source config/internal.conf detect_distro # Program versions PG_VERSION=15 ## Update apt update ## General requirements apt install uuid-runtime \ curl \ jq \ wget \ nginx \ postgresql-${PG_VERSION} \ postgresql-client-${PG_VERSION} \ dbconfig-pgsql \ certbot \ python3-certbot-nginx -y ## Add GNU Taler deb.taler.net to /etc/apt/sources.list say "Adding GNU Taler apt repository" say "Detected distro $DISTRO" case $DISTRO in debian) # TODO stable again when it is back ? echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/taler-systems.gpg] https://deb.taler.net/apt/debian bookworm main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/taler.list ;; ubuntu) echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/taler-systems.gpg] https://deb.taler.net/apt/ubuntu lunar main" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/taler.list ;; *) say "Unsupported distro: $DISTRO" exit 1 ;; esac wget -P /etc/apt/keyrings https://taler.net/taler-systems.gpg ## Specific GNU Taler packages apt update apt install taler-exchange \ taler-merchant \ taler-harness \ taler-wallet-cli \ libeufin-bank \ libeufin-nexus -y